* parse function
* This code is confusing because the database can accept
* relation.column, column.function, or relation.column.function.
* In these cases, funcname is the last parameter, and fargs are
* the rest.
* It can also be called as func(col) or func(col,col).
* In this case, Funcname is the part before parens, and fargs
* are the part in parens.
Node *
ParseFuncOrColumn(ParseState *pstate, char *funcname, List *fargs,
bool agg_star, bool agg_distinct,
int precedence)
(1.22) of interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc2/ResultSet.java. That
change removed a line that set the variable s to the value of the
stringbuffer. This fix changes the following if checks to check the
length of the stringbuffer instead of s, since s no longer contains the
string the if conditions are expecting.
The bug manifests itself in getTimestamp() loosing the timezone
information of timestamps selected from the database, thereby causing
the time to be incorrect.
Barry Lind
Here's what I came up with. The biggest difference api between JDK1.x and
later versions is the support for collections. The problem was with the
Vector class; in jdk1.x there is no method called add, so I changed the
calls to addElement. Also no addAll, so I rewrote the method slightly to not
require addAll. While reviewing this I notices some System.out.println
statements that weren't commented out. So I commented them out in both
The upshot of all of this is that I have clean compile, but no idea if the
code works ;(
Dave Cramer
PageGetFreeSpace() was being called while not holding the buffer lock, which
not only could yield a garbage answer, but even if it's the right answer there
might be less space available after we reacquire the buffer lock.
Also repair potential deadlock introduced by my recent performance improvement
in RelationGetBufferForTuple(): it was possible for two heap_updates to try to
lock two buffers in opposite orders. The fix creates a global rule that
buffers of a single heap relation should be locked in decreasing block number
order. Currently, this only applies to heap_update; VACUUM can get away with
ignoring the rule since it holds exclusive lock on the whole relation anyway.
However, if we try to implement a VACUUM that can run in parallel with other
transactions, VACUUM will also have to obey the lock order rule.
ELF capability.
While this is true to some extent, this assumption makes it impossible
to compile PostgreSQL 7.1 and 7.2devel without the --disable-shared
switch during configuration.
Trond Endrest
(http://www.ideit.com/products/dbvis/) to work with Postgresql and I found
out the following bug: if database has views then getTables() gets the null
pointer exception ('order by relname' makes the listing tree in
DbVisualizer a lot useful !!)
This patch should propably be applied to the the jdbc1's
DatabaseMetaData.java, too.
Panu Outinen