match the convention that foo's uninstall script is uninstall_foo.sql.
Also, stop installing lo_test.sql, which really ought to be made into
a regression test anyway (though it's unclear how to avoid a dependency
on the current OID counter...)
It required some changes in lexize algorithm, but interface with
dictionaries stays compatible with old dictionaries.
Funded by Georgia Public Library Service and LibLime, Inc.
singlebyte encodings, so we should have snowball for every encodings.
I hope that finalize multibyte support work in tsearch2, but testing is needed...
- supports multibyte encodings
- more strict rules for lexemes
- flex isn't used
- tsquery plainto_tsquery(text)
Function makes tsquery from plain text.
- &&, ||, !! operation for tsquery for combining
tsquery from it's parts: 'foo & bar' || 'asd' => 'foo & bar | asd'
1 Comparison operation for tsquery
2 Btree index on tsquery
3 numnode(tsquery) - returns 'length' of tsquery
4 tsquery @ tsquery, tsquery ~ tsquery - contains, contained for tsquery.
Note: They don't gurantee exact result, only MAY BE, so it
useful only for speed up rewrite functions
5 GiST index support for @,~
6 rewrite():
select rewrite(orig, what, to);
select rewrite(ARRAY[orig, what, to]) from tsquery_table;
select rewrite(orig, 'select what, to from tsquery_table;');
7 significantly improve cover algorithm
> The patch adds missing the "libpgport.a" file to the installation under
> "install-all-headers". It is needed by some contribs. I install the
> library in "pkglibdir", but I was wondering whether it should be "libdir"?
> I was wondering also whether it would make sense to have a ""?
> It fixes various macros which are used by contrib makefiles, especially
> libpq_*dir and LDFLAGS when used under PGXS. It seems to me that they are
> needed to
> It adds the ability to test and use PGXS with contribs, with "make
> USE_PGXS=1". Without the macro, this is exactly as before, there should be
> no difference, esp. wrt the vpath feature that seemed broken by previous
> submission. So it should not harm anybody, and it is useful at least to me.
> It fixes some inconsistencies in various contrib makefiles
> (useless override, ":=" instead of "=").