< o Add long file support for binary pg_dump output
< While Win32 supports 64-bit files, the MinGW API does not,
< meaning we have to build an fseeko replacement on top of the
< Win32 API, and we have to make sure MinGW handles it. Another
< option is to wait for the MinGW project to fix it, or use the
< code from the LibGW32C project as a guide.
< http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-hackers/2006-12/msg00551.php
> o -Add long file support for binary pg_dump output
< Currently, ALTER USER and ALTER DATABASE support per-user and
> Currently ALTER USER and ALTER DATABASE support per-user and
< Currently, subtracting one date from another that crosses a
> Currently subtracting one date from another that crosses a
< Currently, SQL-language functions can only refer to parameters via $1, etc
> Currently SQL-language functions can only refer to dollar parameters,
> e.g. $1
< Currently, queries prepared via the libpq API are planned on first
> Currently queries prepared via the libpq API are planned on first
< Currently, SET <tab> causes a database lookup to check all
> Currently SET <tab> causes a database lookup to check all
< Currently, all statement results are transferred to the libpq
> Currently all statement results are transferred to the libpq
> o Allow row and record variables to be set to NULL constants,
> and allow NULL tests on such variables
> Because a row is not scalar, do not allow assignment
> from NULL-valued scalars.
- ID for day-of-week
- IDDD for day-of-year
This makes it possible to convert ISO week dates to and from text
fully represented in either week ('IYYY-IW-ID') or day-of-year
('IYYY-IDDD') format.
I have also added an 'isoyear' field for use with extract / date_part.
Brendan Jurd
o read global SSL configuration file
o add GUC "ssl_ciphers" to control allowed ciphers
o add libpq environment variable PGSSLKEY to control SSL hardware keys
Victor B. Wagner
equality checks it applies, instead of a random dependence on whatever
operators might be named "=". The equality operators will now be selected
from the opfamily of the unique index that the FK constraint depends on to
enforce uniqueness of the referenced columns; therefore they are certain to be
consistent with that index's notion of equality. Among other things this
should fix the problem noted awhile back that pg_dump may fail for foreign-key
constraints on user-defined types when the required operators aren't in the
search path. This also means that the former warning condition about "foreign
key constraint will require costly sequential scans" is gone: if the
comparison condition isn't indexable then we'll reject the constraint
entirely. All per past discussions.
Along the way, make the RI triggers look into pg_constraint for their
information, instead of using pg_trigger.tgargs; and get rid of the always
error-prone fixed-size string buffers in ri_triggers.c in favor of building up
the RI queries in StringInfo buffers.
initdb forced due to columns added to pg_constraint and pg_trigger.
< * Merge xmin/xmax/cmin/cmax back into three header fields
< Before subtransactions, there used to be only three fields needed to
< store these four values. This was possible because only the current
< transaction looks at the cmin/cmax values. If the current transaction
< created and expired the row the fields stored where xmin (same as
< xmax), cmin, cmax, and if the transaction was expiring a row from a
< another transaction, the fields stored were xmin (cmin was not
< needed), xmax, and cmax. Such a system worked because a transaction
< could only see rows from another completed transaction. However,
< subtransactions can see rows from outer transactions, and once the
< subtransaction completes, the outer transaction continues, requiring
< the storage of all four fields. With subtransactions, an outer
< transaction can create a row, a subtransaction expire it, and when the
< subtransaction completes, the outer transaction still has to have
< proper visibility of the row's cmin, for example, for cursors.
< One possible solution is to create a phantom cid which represents a
< cmin/cmax pair and is stored in local memory. Another idea is to
< store both cmin and cmax only in local memory.
> * -Merge xmin/xmax/cmin/cmax back into three header fields