Ok. I have made patches for fixing some of pg_dump problems(see
attached patches). The patches address the problem with user defined
functions, operators and aggregates.
and two 'win32.mak'. Addresses the following:
1) Oops. Spelled fcntl.h wrong in the last one. D'uh.
2) PG_VERSION changed to be defined with " around it. psql/command.c failed
to compile without that.
3) Changed makefiles to use "/MD" and link both psql and libpq.dll against
MSVCRT.DLL instead of a static library. This takes care of the
crash-upon-free in psql.
I *think* this is what is on the "Open 7.1 Items" list as "Magnus Hagander
ODBC Issues?". It has nothing to do with ODBC, but it's the only issue I've
been involved with...
Magnus Hagander
(sql490.htm), there is
"set of all k-tuples v1, v2, ... vk, such that v1 [isin] D1, v1 [isin] D1"
i assume it should be
"set of all k-tuples v1, v2, ... vk, such that v1 [isin] D1, v2 [isin] D2"
Divide by Zero
original table ('OLD' table) in its join tree if OLD is referenced by
either the rule action, the rule qual, or the original query qual that
will be added to the rule action. However, we only want one instance
of the original table to be included; so beware of the possibility that
the rule action already has a jointree entry for OLD.
regression tests for Pgsql 7.1beta3 pass. This is very similr to the one I
submitted back in July for Linux/Alpha. Apparently non-x86 Linux machines
like to compute nth place float point digits like Sun/Solaris does?
Otherwise, 7.1beta3 runs without problems (i.e. all other
regression tests pass) on my Sparc 20 running Debian GNU/Linux 2.2.
Ryan Kirkpatrick
rather than coredumping (as prior 7.1 code did) or silently dropping the
condition (as 7.0 did). This is annoying but there doesn't seem to be
any good way to fix it, short of a major querytree restructuring.
actually) to ensure that its file access time doesn't get old enough to
tempt a /tmp directory cleaner to remove it. Still another reason we
should never have put the sockets in /tmp in the first place ...
truncating to integer. Remove regress test that checks whether
4567890123456789 can be converted to float without loss; since that's
52 bits, it's on the hairy edge of failing with IEEE float8s, and indeed
rint seems to give platform-dependent results for it.
dialogue from '6.4/6.5' to '6.5+' and removes some C++ comments from
resource.h (which VC++ insists on putting there).
odbc2.diff adds code to query the PostgreSQL version upon connection. This
is then used to determine what values to return for from SQLGetInfo for
and SQL_OUTER_JOINS. The version string as returned by SELECT vERSION() (as
a char array) and the major.minor version number (as a flost) have been
added to the ConnectionClass structure.
Dave Page
and new root page if old root one was splitted but new root page
wasn't created.
New code is protected by FixBTree bool flag setted to FALSE, so
nothing should be affected by this untested approach.
some more osteric bugs is easier. If only 1 arg is supplied and it's
of type Exception, then that Exception's stacktrace is now included.
This was done as there's been a report of an unusual bug during connection.
This will make this sort of bug hunting easier from now on.