I haven't mentioned any of
~/.postgresql/{root.crt,postgresql.crt,postresql.key} even though they
are checked for in the code, since they do not appear to be supported. I
base this on discussions in pgsql-hackers.
Dominic Mitchell
Given that PostgreSQL will output a message complaining about it's
absence if you're using SSL mode, I feel it's important that it gets a
mention in the documentation at some point.
Dominic Mitchell
of commands for which a transaction block should not be forced. Recognize
VACUUM and other PreventTransactionChain commands; handle nested /* .. */
comments correctly; handle multibyte encodings correctly.
Michael Paesold with some kibitzing from Tom Lane.
< * Point-in-time data recovery using backup and write-ahead log,
< * Create native Win32 port, http://momjian.postgresql.org/main/writings/pgsql/project/win32.html
> * -Point-in-time data recovery using backup and write-ahead log
> * -Create native Win32 port
< o Fix PL/pgSQL RENAME to work on variables other than OLD/NEW
> o Fix PL/pgSQL RENAME to work on variables other than OLD/NEW
mode see a fresh snapshot for each command in the function, rather than
using the latest interactive command's snapshot. Also, suppress fresh
snapshots as well as CommandCounterIncrement inside STABLE and IMMUTABLE
functions, instead using the snapshot taken for the most closely nested
regular query. (This behavior is only sane for read-only functions, so
the patch also enforces that such functions contain only SELECT commands.)
As per my proposal of 6-Sep-2004; I note that I floated essentially the
same proposal on 19-Jun-2002, but that discussion tailed off without any
action. Since 8.0 seems like the right place to be taking possibly
nontrivial backwards compatibility hits, let's get it done now.
rather than when returning to the idle loop. This makes no particular
difference for interactively-issued queries, but it makes a big difference
for queries issued within functions: trigger execution now occurs before
the calling function is allowed to proceed. This responds to numerous
complaints about nonintuitive behavior of foreign key checking, such as
http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-bugs/2004-09/msg00020.php, and
appears to be required by the SQL99 spec.
Also take the opportunity to simplify the data structures used for the
pending-trigger list, rename them for more clarity, and squeeze out a
bit of space.
<P>In pre-8.0 releases, indexes often can not be used unless the data
types exactly match the index's column types. This is particularly
true of int2, int8, and numeric column indexes.</P>
to allow DBA to choose the form in which log filenames reflect the
current time. Also allow for truncating instead of appending to
pre-existing files --- this is convenient when the log filename pattern
rewrites the same names cyclically. Per Ed L.
Fix TablespaceCreateDbspace() to be able to create a dummy directory
in place of a dropped tablespace's symlink. This eliminates the open
problem of a PANIC during WAL replay when a replayed action attempts
to touch a file in a since-deleted tablespace. It also makes for a
significant improvement in the usability of PITR replay.
< This would require some background daemon to maintain clustering
> This might require some background daemon to maintain clustering
< paritally filled for easier reorganization. It also might require
< creating a merged heap/index data file so an index lookup would
> paritally filled for easier reorganization. Another idea would
> be to create a merged heap/index data file so an index lookup would
< This would require some background daemon to restore clustering
> This would require some background daemon to maintain clustering
< paritally filled for easier reorganization.
> paritally filled for easier reorganization. It also might require
> creating a merged heap/index data file so an index lookup would
> automatically access the heap data too.
> * Merge hardwired timezone names with the TZ database; allow either kind
> everywhere a TZ name is currently taken
> * Allow customization of the known set of TZ names (generalize the
> present australian_timezones hack)
< * Implement dirty reads or shared row locks and use them in RI triggers (?)
> * Implement dirty reads or shared row locks and use them in RI triggers
> Adding shared locks requires recording the table/rows numbers in a
> shared area, and this could potentially be a large amount of data.
> One idea is to store the table/row numbers in a separate table and set
> a bit on the row indicating looking in this new table is required to
> find any shared row locks.
SGML markup, add a "deprecated features" section to the 8.0 release
notes, untabify release.sgml and runtime.sgml, and make some other
minor improvements.
< o Allow databases, schemas, and indexes to be moved to different
< tablespaces
> o Allow databases and schemas to be moved to different tablespaces
> One complexity is whether moving a schema should move all existing
> schema objects or just define the location for future object creation.
< o Add ALTER INDEX that works just like ALTER TABLE already does
> o -Add ALTER INDEX that works just like ALTER TABLE already does
< o Add ALTER INDEX syntax to work like ALTER TABLE indexname
< * -Have psql \dn show only visible temp schemas using current_schemas()
< * -Have psql '\i ~/<tab><tab>' actually load files it displays from home dir
> * -Have psql \dn show only visible temp schemas using current_schemas()
> * -Have psql '\i ~/<tab><tab>' actually load files it displays from home dir
> * psql tab completion
> o Provide a list of conversions after ALTER CONVERSION?
> o Support for ALTER SEQUENCE clauses
> o Support for ALTER USER
> o Fix ALTER (GROUP|DOMAIN|...) <sth> DROP
> o Support for ALTER LANGUAGE <sth> RENAME TO
> o Improve support for COPY
> o Improve support for ALTER TABLE
file variables:
< Another option is to allow commented values to return to their
< default values.
> This has to address environment variables that are then overridden
> by config file values. Another option is to allow commented values
> to return to their default values.
> pg_restore, as it seems that some people have scripts that rely on the
> previous "abort on error" default behavior when restoring data with a
> direct connection.
> Fabien Coelho
< * -Allow pg_dump to dump CREATE CONVERSION (Christopher)
< * -Make pg_restore continue after errors, so it acts more like pg_dump scripts
< * Allow pg_dumpall to use non-text output formats
< * Have pg_dump use multi-statement transactions for INSERT dumps
< * Allow pg_dump to use multiple -t and -n switches
< This should be done by allowing a '-t schema.table' syntax.
> * pg_dump
> o Allow pg_dumpall to use non-text output formats
> o Have pg_dump use multi-statement transactions for INSERT dumps
> o -Allow pg_dump to dump CREATE CONVERSION (Christopher)
> o -Make pg_restore continue after errors, so it acts more like pg_dump
> scripts
> o Allow pg_dump to use multiple -t and -n switches
> This should be done by allowing a '-t schema.table' syntax.
> o Add dumping of comments on composite type columns
> o Add dumping of comments on index columns
> o Replace crude DELETE FROM method of pg_dumpall for cleaning of
> users and groups with separate DROP commands
> o Add dumping and restoring of LOB comments
> o Stop dumping CASCADE on DROP TYPE commands in clean mode
> o Add full object name to the tag field. eg. for operators we need
> '=(integer, integer)', instead of just '='.
> o Add pg_dumpall custom format dumps. This is probably best done by
> combining pg_dump and pg_dumpall into a single binary
> o Add CSV output format
< * -Allow savepoints / nested transactions [transactions] (Alvaro)
> * -Allow savepoints / nested transactions (Alvaro)
> * Add an option to automatically use savepoints for each statement in a
> multi-statement transaction.
> When enabled, this would allow errors in multi-statement transactions
> to be automatically ignored.
> * Set proper permissions on non-system schemas during db creation
> Currently all schemas are owned by the super-user because they are
> copied from the template1 database.
> * Allow buffered WAL writes and fsync
> Instead of guaranteeing recovery of all committed transactions, this
> would provide improved performance by delaying WAL writes and fsync
> so an abrupt operating system restart might lose a few seconds of
> committed transactions but still be consistent. We could perhaps
> remove the 'fsync' parameter (which results in an an inconsistent
> database) in favor of this capability.
by the SQL standard. For backwards compatibility, however, continue to
accept the syntax without. Minor editorialization in the reference pages
for these commands, too.
> * Allow finer control over the caching of prepared query plans
> Currently, queries prepared via the libpq API are planned on first
> execute using the supplied parameters --- allow SQL PREPARE to do the
> same. Also, allow control over replanning prepared queries either
> manually or automatically when statistics for execute parameters
> differ dramatically from those used during planning.
< * Allow DELETE to handle table aliases for self-joins
> * Allow an alias to be provided for the target table in UPDATE/DELETE
< There is no way to create a table alias for the deleted table for use
< in the DELETE WHERE clause. The agreed approach is to allow a USING
< clause to specify additional tables. UPDATE already has an optional
< FROM clause for this purpose.
> This is not SQL-spec but many DBMSs allow it.
> * Allow additional tables to be specified in DELETE for joins
> UPDATE already allows this (UPDATE...FROM) but we need similar
> functionality in DELETE. It's been agreed that the keyword should
> be USING, to avoid anything as confusing as DELETE FROM a FROM b.
was previously allowed in odd places with odd results now causes an ERROR.
Also changed behavior with respect to whitespace -- trailing whitespace is
now ignored as well as leading whitespace (which has always been ignored).
Documentation updated to reflect change in whitespace handling. Also some
refactoring to what I believe is a more sensible order of several paragraphs.
function parameters and dollar quoting in examples; do some polishing
of the existing dollar-quoting docs). The 'how to port from Oracle'
section is looking pretty respectable these days ...
> * Un-comment all variables in postgresql.conf
< By removing comments we prevent the confusion that commenting a line
< returns a modified value to its default, which it does not.
> By not showing commented-out variables, we discourage people from
> thinking that re-commenting a variable returns it to its default.
recommend that people go get Apache's rotatelogs program. Additional
benefits are that configuration is done through GUC, rather than
externally, and that the postmaster can monitor the log rotator and
restart it after failure (though we certainly hope that won't happen
Andreas Pflug, some rework by Tom Lane.
subarrays of a given dimension have the same number of elements/subarrays.
Also repair a longstanding undocumented (as far as I can see) ability to
explicitly set array bounds in the array literal syntax. It now can
deal properly with negative array indicies. Modify array_out so that
arrays with non-standard lower bounds (i.e. not 1) are output with
the expicit dimension syntax. This fixes a longstanding issue whereby
arrays with non-default lower bounds had them changed to default
after a dump/reload cycle.
Modify regression tests and docs to suit, and add some minimal
documentation regarding the explicit dimension syntax.
and history files as per recent discussion. While at it, remove
pg_terminate_backend, since we have decided we do not have time during
this release cycle to address the reliability concerns it creates.
Split the 'Miscellaneous Functions' documentation section into
'System Information Functions' and 'System Administration Functions',
which hopefully will draw the eyes of those looking for such things.
number of active subtransaction XIDs in each backend's PGPROC entry,
and use this to avoid expensive probes into pg_subtrans during
TransactionIdIsInProgress. Extend EOXactCallback API to allow add-on
modules to get control at subxact start/end. (This is deliberately
not compatible with the former API, since any uses of that API probably
need manual review anyway.) Add basic reference documentation for
SAVEPOINT and related commands. Minor other cleanups to check off some
of the open issues for subtransactions.
Alvaro Herrera and Tom Lane.
more nearly Oracle-equivalent. Allow matching by category as well as
specific error code. Document the set of available condition names
(or more accurately, synchronize it with the existing documentation). In
passing, update errcodes.sgml to include codes added during 7.5 development.
There are still some things that need refinement; in particular I fear
that the recognized set of error condition names probably has little in
common with what Oracle recognizes. But it's a start.
recovery more manageable. Also, undo recent change to add FILE_HEADER
and WASTED_SPACE records to XLOG; instead make the XLOG page header
variable-size with extra fields in the first page of an XLOG file.
This should fix the boundary-case bugs observed by Mark Kirkwood.
initdb forced due to change of XLOG representation.
< o -Allow parameters to be specified by name and type during definition
> o -Allow PL/pgSQL parameters to be specified by name and type during definition
* Fix help text ordering
* Add back --set-session-authorization to pg_dumpall. Updated the docs
for that. Updated help for that.
* Dump ALTER USER commands for the cluster owner ("pgsql"). These are
dumped AFTER the create user and create database commands in case the
permissions to do these have been revoked.
* Dump ALTER OWNER for public schema (because it's possible to change
it). This was done by adding TOC entries for the public schema, and
filtering them out at archiver time. I also save the owner in the TOC
entry just for the public schema.
* Suppress dumping single quotes around schema_path and DateStyle
options when they are set using ALTER USER or ALTER DATABASE. Added a
comment to the steps in guc.c to remind people to update that list.
* Fix dumping in --clean mode against a pre-7.3 server. It just sets
all drop statements to assume the public schema, allowing it to restore
without error.
* Cleaned up text output. eg. Don't output -- Tablespaces comment if
there are none. Same for groups and users.
* Make the commands to DELETE FROM pg_shadow and DELETE FROM pg_group
only be output when -c mode is enabled. I'm not sure why that hasn't
been done before?!?!
This should be good for application asap, after which I will start on
regression dumping 7.0-7.4 databases.
Christopher Kings-Lynne
AUTHORIZATION commands by default. Move all GRANT and REVOKE commands
to the end of the dump to avoid restore failures in several situations.
Bring back --use-set-session-authorization option to get previous SET
Christopher Kings-Lyne
live in database or schema's default tablespace, as per today's discussion.
Also, remove some unused keywords from the grammar (PATH, PENDANT,
VERSION), and fix ALSO, which was added as a keyword but not added
to the keyword classification lists, thus making it worse-than-reserved.