regression=# select to_tsquery( '\'fotballklubber\'');
'fotball' & 'klubb' | 'fot' & 'ball' & 'klubb'
(1 row)
So, changed interface to dictionaries, lexize method of dictionary shoud return
pointer to aray of TSLexeme structs instead of char**. Last element should
have TSLexeme->lexeme == NULL.
typedef struct {
/* number of variant of split word , for example
Word 'fotballklubber' (norwegian) has two varian to split:
( fotball, klubb ) and ( fot, ball, klubb ). So, dictionary
should return:
nvariant lexeme
1 fotball
1 klubb
2 fot
2 ball
2 klubb
uint16 nvariant;
/* currently unused */
uint16 flags;
/* C-string */
char *lexeme;
} TSLexeme;
typedef struct {} WordEntryPos;
typedef uint16 WordEntryPos
according to
Require re-fill all tsvector fields and reindex tsvector indexes.
1 Report error message instead of do nothing in case of error in regex
2 Malloced storage for mask, find and repl part of Affix. This parts may be
large enough in real life (for example in czech, thanks to moje <>)
- remove pointless "extern" keyword from some function definitions in
- use "NULL" not "0" as NULL pointer in contrib/tsearch,
contrib/tsearch2, contrib/pgbench, and contrib/vacuumlo
mode see a fresh snapshot for each command in the function, rather than
using the latest interactive command's snapshot. Also, suppress fresh
snapshots as well as CommandCounterIncrement inside STABLE and IMMUTABLE
functions, instead using the snapshot taken for the most closely nested
regular query. (This behavior is only sane for read-only functions, so
the patch also enforces that such functions contain only SELECT commands.)
As per my proposal of 6-Sep-2004; I note that I floated essentially the
same proposal on 19-Jun-2002, but that discussion tailed off without any
action. Since 8.0 seems like the right place to be taking possibly
nontrivial backwards compatibility hits, let's get it done now.
> The patch adds missing the "libpgport.a" file to the installation under
> "install-all-headers". It is needed by some contribs. I install the
> library in "pkglibdir", but I was wondering whether it should be "libdir"?
> I was wondering also whether it would make sense to have a ""?
> It fixes various macros which are used by contrib makefiles, especially
> libpq_*dir and LDFLAGS when used under PGXS. It seems to me that they are
> needed to
> It adds the ability to test and use PGXS with contribs, with "make
> USE_PGXS=1". Without the macro, this is exactly as before, there should be
> no difference, esp. wrt the vpath feature that seemed broken by previous
> submission. So it should not harm anybody, and it is useful at least to me.
> It fixes some inconsistencies in various contrib makefiles
> (useless override, ":=" instead of "=").
conversion of basic ASCII letters. Remove all uses of strcasecmp and
strncasecmp in favor of new functions pg_strcasecmp and pg_strncasecmp;
remove most but not all direct uses of toupper and tolower in favor of
pg_toupper and pg_tolower. These functions use the same notions of
case folding already developed for identifier case conversion. I left
the straight locale-based folding in place for situations where we are
just manipulating user data and not trying to match it to built-in
strings --- for example, the SQL upper() function is still locale
dependent. Perhaps this will prove not to be what's wanted, but at
the moment we can initdb and pass regression tests in Turkish locale.
results with tuples as ordinary varlena Datums. This commit does not
in itself do much for us, except eliminate the horrid memory leak
associated with evaluation of whole-row variables. However, it lays the
groundwork for allowing composite types as table columns, and perhaps
some other useful features as well. Per my proposal of a few days ago.
boxes. Change interface to user-defined GiST support methods union and
picksplit. Now instead of bytea struct it used special GistEntryVector
exposed thereby. AFAICT these would not lead to any worse problems than
junk emitted on the backend's stdout, but we should have the option to
catch possible worse errors in future.
Bug reference: 1081
Logged by: Aarjav Trivedi
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 7.4
Operating system: Linux
Description: Spelling error in tsearch2.sql leading to problems
On line 620 of tsearch2.sql which is required to install and run
REATE FUNCTION tsstat_in(cstring)
should be
CREATE FUNCTION tsstat_in(cstring)
because of this error, TSEARCH fails to work as specified,