The attached patch allows views to have default values. You can't
specify a default value within a CREATE VIEW statement, it must be
done using ALTER TABLE ... ALTER COLUMN ... SET DEFAULT after the
view has already been created. Most of the hard work was done by
Tom Lane, I just patched pg_dump and updated the documentation.
Neil Conway <>
Major changes:
- removed cursor wrap around input sql to allow for remote
- dblink now returns a resource id instead of a real pointer
- added several utility functions
I'm still hoping to add explicit cursor open/fetch/close support before
7.3 is released, but I need a bit more time on that.
On a somewhat unrelated topic, I never got any feedback on the
unknownin/out patch and the mb_substring patch. Is there anything else I
need to do to get those applied?
Joe Conway
work on all win9x machines, so i made it go thru a l ookup table
instead, using the DLL as last resort. I also moved this out of the
fe-misc.c file because of the size of the lookup ta ble. Who knows, we
might add more other win32 specific code there in the future.
I also fixed a small typo in the pg_config.h.win32 that made the
compiler compla in about the gnu snprintf declaration.
I tried to make this patch with psql coding style. I've successfully
tested this on win2k and win98 and it works fine (i.e. the mes sage
shows on win98 too, it didn't with the old implementation).
Magnus Naeslund
BAD: INSERT INTO tab (col1, col2) VALUES ('val1');
GOOD: INSERT INTO tab (col1, col2) VALUES ('val1', 'val2');
Regress tests against DEFAULT and normal values as they're managed
slightly different.
Rod Taylor
looking for places that assume UNKNOWN == TEXT. One of those was the
"SET" type in pg_type.h, which was using textin/textout. This one I took
care of in this patch. The other suspicious place was in
string_to_dataum (which is defined in both selfuncs.c and indxpath.c). I
wasn't too sure about those, so I left them be.
Joe Conway
Slackware 8), and perhaps on other Pythons, haven't checked. Something in
the _pg.connect() call isn't working. I think the problem stems from the
fact that 'host' is a named parameter of both _pg.connect and pgdb.connect,
and so Python treats it as a variable assignment, not a named parameter.
Uses non-named parameters.
Andrew Johnson
Attached is a pacth against 7.2 which adds locale awareness to the
character classes of the regular expression engine.
> > I still think the xdigit class could be handled the same way the digit
> > class is (by enumeration rather than using the isxdigit function). That
> > saves you a cicle, and I don't think there's any loss.
> In fact, I will email you when I apply the original patch.
I miss that case :-(. Here is the pached patch.
Here is a patch which addresses Tatsuo's concerns (it does return an
static struct instead of constructing it).
These were for cases protected by elog(ERROR) exits, but may as well
keep the compiler happy. Not sure why they don't show up on my gcc-2.96.x
version of the compiler.
Use "--enable-integer-datetimes" in configuration to use this rather
than the original float8 storage. I would recommend the integer-based
storage for any platform on which it is available. We perhaps should
make this the default for the production release.
Change timezone(timestamptz) results to return timestamp rather than
a character string. Formerly, we didn't have a way to represent
timestamps with an explicit time zone other than freezing the info into
a string. Now, we can reasonably omit the explicit time zone from the
result and return a timestamp with values appropriate for the specified
time zone. Much cleaner, and if you need the time zone in the result
you can put it into a character string pretty easily anyway.
Allow fractional seconds in date/time types even for dates prior to 1BC.
Limit timestamp data types to 6 decimal places of precision. Just right
for a micro-second storage of int8 date/time types, and reduces the
number of places ad-hoc rounding was occuring for the float8-based types.
Use lookup tables for precision/rounding calculations for timestamp and
interval types. Formerly used pow() to calculate the desired value but
with a more limited range there is no reason to not type in a lookup
table. Should be *much* better performance, though formerly there were
some optimizations to help minimize the number of times pow() was called.
Define a HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP variable. Based on the configure option
"--enable-integer-datetimes" and the existing internal INT64_IS_BUSTED.
Add explicit date/interval operators and functions for addition and
subtraction. Formerly relied on implicit type promotion from date to
timestamp with time zone.
Change timezone conversion functions for the timetz type from "timetz()"
to "timezone()". This is consistant with other time zone coersion
functions for other types.
Bump the catalog version to 200204201.
Fix up regression tests to reflect changes in fractional seconds
representation for date/times in BC eras.
All regression tests pass on my Linux box.
This is a big change from past behavior, but the last release was
designed to handle this correctly for dump/restore upgrades.
Fix up handling of SET value arguments. Allow lists for most options at
least at the parser level; multiple values may be rejected at the
command processor of course.
Allow more variations on values for SET commands, including integer and
float values where formerly stringy fields were required.
Check precision specification for date/time fields against the true
precision range allowed by the data types. Especially useful with the
new int8-based storage for these types, where precision is fixed and
Stub out a basic CREATE ASSERTION per SQL9x. Does not do anything (yet) but
should be augmented as appropriate.
Minor fixups in braces and tabbing.
most required a stringy syntax in the parser; now integers and floats
can (or should) be handled. There is at least one cheesy error message
mentioning sending mail to me if there are problems; should be changed
prior to release.
Allow lists of values from the parser in more cases. If multiple arguments
were not allowed previously, they probably are not allowed now, but at
least the data structures being passed around are more consistant across
more cases.
compiled for integer date/time storage and to check the length of
storage for the locale fields in the same data structure.
Slightly reword some of the error messages to be more accurate on
possible recovery options (e.g. recompile *or* re-initdb).
Bump version number on this file.
capabilities of specifying time zones as intervals per SQL9x.
Put refentrytitle contents on the same line as the tag.
Otherwise, leading whitespace is propagated into the product, which
(at least) messes up the ToC layout.
Remove (some) docinfo tags containing dates. Best to omit if the dates
are not accurate; maybe use CVS dates instead or leave them out.
different privilege bits (might as well make use of the space we were
wasting on padding). EXECUTE and USAGE bits for procedures, languages
now are separate privileges instead of being overlaid on SELECT. Add
privileges for namespaces and databases. The GRANT and REVOKE commands
work for these object types, but we don't actually enforce the privileges
Use flex flags -CF. Pass the to-be-scanned string around as StringInfo
type, to avoid querying the length repeatedly. Clean up some code and
remove lex-compatibility cruft. Escape backslash sequences inline. Use
flex-provided yy_scan_buffer() function to set up input, rather than using
(tgrelid, tgname). This provides an additional check on trigger name
uniqueness per-table (which was already enforced by the code anyway).
With this change, RelationBuildTriggers will read the triggers in
order by tgname, since it's scanning using this index. Since a
predictable trigger ordering has been requested for some time, document
this behavior as a feature. Also document that rules fire in name
order, since yesterday's changes to pg_rewrite indexing cause that too.