in pghackers list. Support for oldstyle internal functions is gone
(no longer needed, since conversion is complete) and pg_language entry
'internal' now implies newstyle call convention. pg_language entry
'newC' is gone; both old and newstyle dynamically loaded C functions
are now called language 'C'. A newstyle function must be identified
by an associated info routine. See src/backend/utils/fmgr/README.
offending code
has been removed, the action is now always dependent :-)
I suggest the following patch, to finally make trigger regression happy
After that you can remove the following from TODO:
Remove ERROR: check_primary_key: even number of arguments should be
Trigger regression test fails
works with a new policy in cascade mode .
Please Read README.MAX .
I do not know if you are the author of refint.c ,
but if not please tell me who is .
Thank you ( excuse me for my bad english) .
Massimo Lambertini
I've changed the check_primary_key() function code to allow for either
the "automatic insert key rule" or "dependent insert key rule".
Previously it restricted the addtion of a child entry if the
corresponding parent entry was not there. Now if the option is
"automatic" it will add an entry in the parent too ( it will be
successful if there are no no-null fields in the parent apart from the
primary key).
The way to use it now is:
* check_primary_key () -- check that key in tuple being
* references existing tuple in "primary" table.
* Though it's called without args You have to specify referenced
* table/keys while creating trigger: key field names in triggered
* referenced table name, referenced key field names,type of action
* check_primary_key ('Fkey1', 'Fkey2', 'Ptable', 'Pkey1', 'Pkey2',
I am attaching the new ../contrib/spi/refint.c file which will do this.
I will be glad to help in case of any problems.
- Anand.
> > the standard distribution. It occurs when a trigger calling this
> > function recursively fires another trigger which calls the same
> > function. The calling check_foreign_key loses its plan informantion and
> > when it tries to use it the backend closes its channel. You can check it
> > with the sql script I am attaching below.
> > The solution to this is to do a find_plan again before executing it at
> > line 483 of refint.c.
> > Therefore two more lines should be added before line 483:
Anand Surelia