Initdb help correction
Changed end/abort to commit/rollback and changed related notices
Commented out way old printing functions in libpq
Fixed a typo in alter table / alter column
SELECT DISTINCT ON (expr [, expr ...]) targetlist ...
and there is a check to make sure that the user didn't specify an ORDER BY
that's incompatible with the DISTINCT operation.
Reimplement nodeUnique and nodeGroup to use the proper datatype-specific
equality function for each column being compared --- they used to do
bitwise comparisons or convert the data to text strings and strcmp().
(To add insult to injury, they'd look up the conversion functions once
for each tuple...) Parse/plan representation of DISTINCT is now a list
of SortClause nodes.
initdb forced by querytree change...
family functions. Contain:
conversion from a datetype to formatted text:
to_char( datetime, text)
to_char( timestamp, text)
to_char( int4, text)
to_char( int8, text)
to_char( float4, text)
to_char( float8, text)
to_char( numeric, text)
vice versa:
to_date ( text, text)
to_datetime ( text, text)
to_timestamp ( text, text)
to_number ( text, text) (convert to numeric)
PostgreSQL to_char is very compatible with Oracle's to_char(), but not
total exactly (now). Small differentions are in number formating. It will
fix in next to_char() version.
! If will this patch aplly to the main tree, must be delete the current
to_char version in contrib (directory "dateformat" and note in contrib's
README), this patch not erase it (sorry Bruce).
The patch patching files:
Hmm, I'm not sure if my English... :( Check it anyone (volunteer)?
Thomas, it is right? SGML is not my primary lang and compile
the current PG docs tree is very happy job (hard variables setting in
docs/sgml/Makefile --> HSTYLE= /home/users/t/thomas/.... :-)
What add any definition to global and set Makefiles in docs
tree via ./configure?
Karel Zak <>
(ie, WHERE x > lowbound AND x < highbound). It's not very bright yet
but it does something useful. Also, rename intltsel/intgtsel to
scalarltsel/scalargtsel to reflect usage better. Extend convert_to_scalar
to do something a little bit useful with string data types. Still need
to make it do something with date/time datatypes, but I'll wait for
Thomas's datetime unification dust to settle first. Eventually the
routine ought not have any type-specific knowledge at all; it ought to
be calling a type-dependent routine found via a pg_type column; but
that's a task for another day.
pghackers discussion of 5-Jan-2000. The amopselect and amopnpages
estimators are gone, and in their place is a per-AM amcostestimate
procedure (linked to from pg_am, not pg_amop).
- Prevent permissions on indexes
- Instituted --enable-multibyte option and tweaked the MB build process where necessary
- initdb prompts for superuser password
* Let unprivileged users change their own passwords.
* The password is now an Sconst in the parser, which better reflects its text datatype and also
forces users to quote them.
* If your password is NULL you won't be written to the password file, meaning you can't connect
until you have a password set up (if you use password authentication).
* When you drop a user that owns a database you get an error. The database is not gone.
in libpq --- mostly, poor response to error conditions. You now actually
get to see the postmaster's 'The Data Base System is starting up' message,
which you didn't before. I suspect the SSL code is still broken though.