command line. We find this useful because we frequently deal with
thousands of tables in an environment where neither the databases nor
the tables are updated frequently. This helps allow us to cut down on
the overhead of updating the list for every other primary loop of
I chose -i as the command-line argument and documented it briefly in
The patch was applied to the 7.4.7 version of pg_autovacuum in contrib.
Thomas F.O'Connell
indexes. Replace all heap_openr and index_openr calls by heap_open
and index_open. Remove runtime lookups of catalog OID numbers in
various places. Remove relcache's support for looking up system
catalogs by name. Bulky but mostly very boring patch ...
change saves a great deal of space in pg_proc and its primary index,
and it eliminates the former requirement that INDEX_MAX_KEYS and
FUNC_MAX_ARGS have the same value. INDEX_MAX_KEYS is still embedded
in the on-disk representation (because it affects index tuple header
size), but FUNC_MAX_ARGS is not. I believe it would now be possible
to increase FUNC_MAX_ARGS at little cost, but haven't experimented yet.
There are still a lot of vestigial references to FUNC_MAX_ARGS, which
I will clean up in a separate pass. However, getting rid of it
altogether would require changing the FunctionCallInfoData struct,
and I'm not sure I want to buy into that.
* test error handling
* add tests for des, 3des, cast5
* add some tests to blowfish, rijndael
* Makefile: ability to specify different tests for different crypto
libraries, so we can skip des, 3des and cast5 for builtin.
Marko Kreen
Reserve px_get_random_bytes() for strong randomness,
add new function px_get_pseudo_random_bytes() for
weak randomness and use it in gen_salt().
On openssl case, use RAND_pseudo_bytes() for
Final result is that is user has not configured random
souce but kept the 'silly' one, gen_salt() keeps
working, but pgp_encrypt() will throw error.
Marko Kreen
* openssl.c: Add 3des and AES support
* README.pgcrypto: list only supported ciphers for openssl
OpenSSL has pre-processor symbol OPENSSL_NO_AES, which
isn't that helpful for detecting if it _does_ exist.
Thus the hack with AES_ENCRYPT.
Marko Kreen
* Use error codes instead of -1
* px_strerror for new error codes
* calling convention change for px_gen_salt - return error code
* use px_strerror in pgcrypto.c
Marko Kreen
It was a bad style to begin with, and now several loops can be clearer.
* pgcrypto.c: Fix function comments
* crypt-gensalt.c, crypt-blowfish.c: stop messing with errno
* openssl.c: use px_free instead pfree
* px.h: make redefining px_alloc/px_realloc/px_free easier
Marko Kreen
libmcrypt seems to dead, maintainer address bounces,
and cast-128 fails on 2 of the 3 test vectors from RFC2144.
So I see no reason to keep around stuff I don't trust
Support for several crypto libraries is probably only
confusing to users, although it was good for initial
developing - it helped to find hidden assumptions and
forced me to create regression tests for all functionality.
Marko Kreen
can tell whether it is being used as an aggregate or not. This allows
such a function to avoid re-pallocing a pass-by-reference transition
value; normally it would be unsafe for a function to scribble on an input,
but in the aggregate case it's safe to reuse the old transition value.
Make int8inc() do this. This gets a useful improvement in the speed of
COUNT(*), at least on narrow tables (it seems to be swamped by I/O when
the table rows are wide). Per a discussion in early December with
Neil Conway. I also fixed int_aggregate.c to check this, thereby
turning it into something approaching a supportable technique instead
of being a crude hack.
0.9.7x have EVP_DigestFinal function which which clears all of
EVP_MD_CTX. This makes pgcrypto crash in functions which
re-use one digest context several times: hmac() and crypt()
with md5 algorithm.
Following patch fixes it by carring the digest info around
EVP_DigestFinal and re-initializing cipher.
Marko Kreen.
compares two strings' soundex values for similarity, from Kris Jurka.
Also mark the text_soundex() function as STRICT, to avoid crashing
on NULL input.
regression=# select to_tsquery( '\'fotballklubber\'');
'fotball' & 'klubb' | 'fot' & 'ball' & 'klubb'
(1 row)
So, changed interface to dictionaries, lexize method of dictionary shoud return
pointer to aray of TSLexeme structs instead of char**. Last element should
have TSLexeme->lexeme == NULL.
typedef struct {
/* number of variant of split word , for example
Word 'fotballklubber' (norwegian) has two varian to split:
( fotball, klubb ) and ( fot, ball, klubb ). So, dictionary
should return:
nvariant lexeme
1 fotball
1 klubb
2 fot
2 ball
2 klubb
uint16 nvariant;
/* currently unused */
uint16 flags;
/* C-string */
char *lexeme;
} TSLexeme;
typedef struct {} WordEntryPos;
typedef uint16 WordEntryPos
according to
Require re-fill all tsvector fields and reindex tsvector indexes.
- Dependency services may not be correctly registered when installing as
a Windows Service.
- The sleep time is changed from milliseconds to seconds as it should
- Error messages during service installation/removal are logged to
1 Report error message instead of do nothing in case of error in regex
2 Malloced storage for mask, find and repl part of Affix. This parts may be
large enough in real life (for example in czech, thanks to moje <>)
Also performed an initial run through of upgrading our Copyright date to
extend to 2005 ... first run here was very simple ... change everything
where: grep 1996-2004 && the word 'Copyright' ... scanned through the
generated list with 'less' first, and after, to make sure that I only
picked up the right entries ...
checks, to ensure the previous test backend has time to quit out of the
regression database. Also, allow all the checks to be run even if one
of them fails. Per suggestions from Andrew Dunstan to improve the
usefulness of buildfarm testing.
> > Windows service, it says you can use the -I and -R options.
> >
> > When I do that and I specify a password with '-P'
> (uppercase) then in
> > the registry it's saved as '-p' (lowercase) in the
> service-commandline
> > (ImagePath).
This was fixed in v1.21 of pg_autovacuum.c, That rev is tagged for
beta3, so you should not be seeing this issue unless you actually have
an older version for some reason.
> > Also it removes the quotes I added and I'm not so sure it
> would work
> > the way it's supposed to, without it.
It's not so much that it strips them (that happens automagically), more
that it doesn't re-add them when it writes the command line in the
registry. The attached patch fixes that by simply quoting all options
that may need it.
> > If you add DependOnService (a REG_MULTI_SZ an
> array-like-thingie) and
> > have the name (in this case: pgsql-8.0-beta2-dev3) of a service it
> > depends on, it will not fail to start (it will not even try, as
> > PostgreSQL is not running), when PostgreSQL already failed.
> >
> > Maybe it's an idea to specify it on the commandline (what
> service to
> > depend on).
A -E <service> option is added in the attached patch.
Dave Page
- remove pointless "extern" keyword from some function definitions in
- use "NULL" not "0" as NULL pointer in contrib/tsearch,
contrib/tsearch2, contrib/pgbench, and contrib/vacuumlo
clause implicitly whenever one is not given explicitly. Remove concept
of a schema having an associated tablespace, and simplify the rules for
selecting a default tablespace for a table or index. It's now just
(a) explicit TABLESPACE clause; (b) default_tablespace if that's not an
empty string; (c) database's default. This will allow pg_dump to use
SET commands instead of tablespace clauses to determine object locations
(but I didn't actually make it do so). All per recent discussions.
- add some additional files to the dbmirror install (approved by
- add a makefile for contrib/mysql, and add mysql to the list of
contribs build by default
- use xml2-config to pickup -I flags for libxml2 in contrib/xml and
Original work from Martin Pitt of Debian, minor cleanups by Neil
snprintf(data, len, %s, NULL) crash.
The code was trying to find a connection by name when it already had an
unnamed connection and did not have a name to search with.
Kris Jurka
returning a NULL pointer (some callers remembered to check the return
value, but some did not -- it is safer to just bail out).
Also, cleanup pgstat.c to use elog(ERROR) rather than elog(LOG) followed
by exit().
This fix is intended to be permanent: it moves the responsibility for
calling SetBufferCommitInfoNeedsSave() into the tqual.c routines,
eliminating the requirement for callers to test whether t_infomask changed.
Also, tighten validity checking on buffer IDs in bufmgr.c --- several
routines were paranoid about out-of-range shared buffer numbers but not
about out-of-range local ones, which seems a tad pointless.
must be stale. Tweak example startup scripts to not use pg_ctl but launch
the postmaster directly, thereby ensuring that only the postmaster's direct
parent shell will be a postgres-owned process. In combination these should
fix the longstanding problem of the postmaster sometimes refusing to start
during reboot because it thinks the old lockfile is not stale.
subsequent core dump. It looks like at one time DBLINK_RES_ERROR_AS_NOTICE
didn't include a PQclear, but now it does and so these other ones are
mode see a fresh snapshot for each command in the function, rather than
using the latest interactive command's snapshot. Also, suppress fresh
snapshots as well as CommandCounterIncrement inside STABLE and IMMUTABLE
functions, instead using the snapshot taken for the most closely nested
regular query. (This behavior is only sane for read-only functions, so
the patch also enforces that such functions contain only SELECT commands.)
As per my proposal of 6-Sep-2004; I note that I floated essentially the
same proposal on 19-Jun-2002, but that discussion tailed off without any
action. Since 8.0 seems like the right place to be taking possibly
nontrivial backwards compatibility hits, let's get it done now.
-It fixes up some bugs with handling setval calls
-Adds upgrade instructions from prior versions
-Improved the sample config file
-Fixed some things in the clean_pending script
tablespaces correctly, and is quite restricted on objects covered (only
tables and databases, but not tablespaces and indexes).
The attached patch contributes:
- database_size(name)
- relation_size(text)
These are the well-known functions, tablespace-aware.
- pg_tablespace_size(oid)
- pg_database_size(oid)
- pg_relation_size(oid)
Tablespace-aware implementations, used by the upper functions.
pg_relation_size will report sizes of indexes as well.
- pg_size_pretty(bigint)
Formatting of sizes, to display '146MB' instead of '152885668'
Andreas Pflug
PROCLOCK structs in shared memory now have only a bitmask for held
locks, rather than counts (making them 40 bytes smaller, which is a
good thing). Multiple locks within a transaction are counted in the
local hash table instead, and we have provision for tracking which
ResourceOwner each count belongs to. Solves recently reported problem
with memory leakage within long transactions.
> The patch adds missing the "libpgport.a" file to the installation under
> "install-all-headers". It is needed by some contribs. I install the
> library in "pkglibdir", but I was wondering whether it should be "libdir"?
> I was wondering also whether it would make sense to have a ""?
> It fixes various macros which are used by contrib makefiles, especially
> libpq_*dir and LDFLAGS when used under PGXS. It seems to me that they are
> needed to
> It adds the ability to test and use PGXS with contribs, with "make
> USE_PGXS=1". Without the macro, this is exactly as before, there should be
> no difference, esp. wrt the vpath feature that seemed broken by previous
> submission. So it should not harm anybody, and it is useful at least to me.
> It fixes some inconsistencies in various contrib makefiles
> (useless override, ":=" instead of "=").
as it stands - it mixes declarations in code, C++-style. The attached
patch shifts declarations to the tops of functions and enables this file
to compile cleanly as C.
Richard Poole
keep track of portal-related resources separately from transaction-related
resources. This allows cursors to work in a somewhat sane fashion with
nested transactions. For now, cursor behavior is non-subtransactional,
that is a cursor's state does not roll back if you abort a subtransaction
that fetched from the cursor. We might want to change that later.
an empty input string causes an empty output string to be returned, instead of
throwing an ERROR -- per complaint from Aaron Hillegass, and consistent with
double metaphone. Fix examples in README.soundex pointed out by James Robinson.
performance front, but with feature freeze upon us I think it's time to
drive a stake in the ground and say that this will be in 7.5.
Alvaro Herrera, with some help from Tom Lane.
The pg_trgm contrib module provides functions and index classes
for determining the similarity of text based on trigram