here is an updated version of the bit type with a bugfix and all the necessa
SQL functions defined. This should replace what is currently in contrib. I'd
appreciate any comments on what is there.
Kind regards,
Makefiles now), there's no reason for os2client to maintain its own
copy of c.h just to change #define PORTNAME. Simplify Makefile
accordingly. Get rid of horribly-out-of-date modified copy of c.h,
which should never have been in the distribution to start with,
since it's actually a derived file. Now it's not needed anyway.
this is an old patch which I have already submitted and never seen
in the sources. It corrects the datatype oids used in some iterator
functions. This bug has been reported to me by many other people.
some code contributed by Reiner Dassing <>
fixes all my contrib makefiles which don't work with some compilers,
as reported to me by another user.
an old patch for one of my old contribs.
a small change to the c-like text output functions. Now the '{'
is escaped only at the beginning of the string to distinguish it
from arrays, and the '}' is no more escaped.
adds the current lineno of CopyFrom to elog messages. This is very
useful when you load a 1 million tuples table from an external file
and there is a bad value somehere. Currently you get an error message
but you can't know where is the bad data. The patch uses a variable
which was declared static in copy.c. The variable is now exported
and initialized to 0. It is always cleared at the end of the copy
or at the first elog message or when the copy is canceled.
I know this is very ugly but I can't find any better way of knowing
where the copy fails and I have this problem quite often.
fixes a typo in a makefile, but the error must be elsewhere because
it is a file generated automatically. Please have a look.
restores the original 2-digit year format, assuming that the two
century digits don't carry much information and that '000202' is
easier to read than 20000202. Being only a log file it shouldn't
break anything.
Please apply the patches before the next scheduled code freeze.
I also noticed that some of the contribs don't compile correcly. Should we
ask people to fix their code or rename their makefiles so that they are
ignored by the top makefile?
Massimo Dal Zotto
family functions. Contain:
conversion from a datetype to formatted text:
to_char( datetime, text)
to_char( timestamp, text)
to_char( int4, text)
to_char( int8, text)
to_char( float4, text)
to_char( float8, text)
to_char( numeric, text)
vice versa:
to_date ( text, text)
to_datetime ( text, text)
to_timestamp ( text, text)
to_number ( text, text) (convert to numeric)
PostgreSQL to_char is very compatible with Oracle's to_char(), but not
total exactly (now). Small differentions are in number formating. It will
fix in next to_char() version.
! If will this patch aplly to the main tree, must be delete the current
to_char version in contrib (directory "dateformat" and note in contrib's
README), this patch not erase it (sorry Bruce).
The patch patching files:
Hmm, I'm not sure if my English... :( Check it anyone (volunteer)?
Thomas, it is right? SGML is not my primary lang and compile
the current PG docs tree is very happy job (hard variables setting in
docs/sgml/Makefile --> HSTYLE= /home/users/t/thomas/.... :-)
What add any definition to global and set Makefiles in docs
tree via ./configure?
Karel Zak <>
and PgSQL extension FROM_CHAR().
TO_CHAR() routine allow formating text output with a datetime values:
SELECT TO_CHAR('now'::datetime, '"Now is: "HH24:MI:SS');
Now is: 21:04:10
FROM_CHAR() routine allow convert text to a datetime:
SELECT FROM_CHAR('September 1999 10:20:30', 'FMMonth YYYY
Wed Sep 01 10:20:30 1999 CEST
TO_DATE() is equal with FROM_CHAR(), but output a Date only:
SELECT TO_DATE('September 1999 10:20:30', 'FMMonth YYYY
In attache is compressed dir for the contrib. All is prepared, but I'am
sure if Makefile is good (probably yes).
Comments & suggestions ?
Thomas, thank you for your good advices.
Karel Zak <>
additional argument specifying the kind of lock to acquire/release (or
'NoLock' to do no lock processing). Ensure that all relations are locked
with some appropriate lock level before being examined --- this ensures
that relevant shared-inval messages have been processed and should prevent
problems caused by concurrent VACUUM. Fix several bugs having to do with
mismatched increment/decrement of relation ref count and mismatched
heap_open/close (which amounts to the same thing). A bogus ref count on
a relation doesn't matter much *unless* a SI Inval message happens to
arrive at the wrong time, which is probably why we got away with this
sloppiness for so long. Repair missing grab of AccessExclusiveLock in
DROP TABLE, ALTER/RENAME TABLE, etc, as noted by Hiroshi.
Recommend 'make clean all' after pulling this update; I modified the
Relation struct layout slightly.
Will post further discussion to pghackers list shortly.
I have updated my contrib code for version 6.5. In the attachment you will
find the directories array, datetime, miscutil, string, tools and userlocks
which replace the corresponding directories under contrib.
In contrib/tools you will find some developement scripts which I use while
hacking the sources. I hope they will be useful for some other people.
I have also added a contrib/Makefile which tries to compile and install all
the contribs. Unfortunately many of them don't have a Makefile or don't
compile cleanly.
Massimo Dal Zotto
Oid relId;
Oid dbId;
BlockNumber blkno;
TransactionId xid;
} objId;
> Added:
> /*
> * offnum should be part of objId.tupleId above, but would increase
> * sizeof(LOCKTAG) and so moved here; currently used by userlocks only.
> */
> OffsetNumber offnum;
uint16 lockmethod; /* needed by userlocks */
gmake clean required...
User locks are ready for 6.5 release...
offending code
has been removed, the action is now always dependent :-)
I suggest the following patch, to finally make trigger regression happy
After that you can remove the following from TODO:
Remove ERROR: check_primary_key: even number of arguments should be
Trigger regression test fails
works with a new policy in cascade mode .
Please Read README.MAX .
I do not know if you are the author of refint.c ,
but if not please tell me who is .
Thank you ( excuse me for my bad english) .
Massimo Lambertini
to , clairify the options
available, and to add easy support
for installation of postgres into the
runlevel system.
"sh install"
Will now install "postgres" in the
/etc/rc.d/init.d directory and execute
/sbin/chkconfig to hook up the symbolic
links. An uninstall option is also added.
Enclosed is the patch and the patched file
I've changed the check_primary_key() function code to allow for either
the "automatic insert key rule" or "dependent insert key rule".
Previously it restricted the addtion of a child entry if the
corresponding parent entry was not there. Now if the option is
"automatic" it will add an entry in the parent too ( it will be
successful if there are no no-null fields in the parent apart from the
primary key).
The way to use it now is:
* check_primary_key () -- check that key in tuple being
* references existing tuple in "primary" table.
* Though it's called without args You have to specify referenced
* table/keys while creating trigger: key field names in triggered
* referenced table name, referenced key field names,type of action
* check_primary_key ('Fkey1', 'Fkey2', 'Ptable', 'Pkey1', 'Pkey2',
I am attaching the new ../contrib/spi/refint.c file which will do this.
I will be glad to help in case of any problems.
- Anand.
> > the standard distribution. It occurs when a trigger calling this
> > function recursively fires another trigger which calls the same
> > function. The calling check_foreign_key loses its plan informantion and
> > when it tries to use it the backend closes its channel. You can check it
> > with the sql script I am attaching below.
> > The solution to this is to do a find_plan again before executing it at
> > line 483 of refint.c.
> > Therefore two more lines should be added before line 483:
Anand Surelia
Here is a tar file the new directories, which substitute the old ones
in contrib. Please remove the old directories array, datetime, miscutil,
string and userlock before unpacking the tar file in contrib.
Note that as the modules are now installed in lib/modules I install all
my sql code in lib/sql. In my opinion also the other contributors should
follow these rules.
test isn't that complete up to now, but I think it shows
enough of the capabilities of the module.
The Makefile assumes it is located in a directory under
pgsql/src/pl. Since it includes and
Makefile.port and doesn't use any own compiler/linker calls,
it should build on most of our supported platforms (I only
tested under Linux up to now). It requires flex and bison I
think. Maybe we should ship prepared gram.c etc. like for the
main parser too?
Here is some more contrib-fodder, based on TIH's IP address type,
for ISBN and ISSN identifiers (which I just happened to need to keep
track of the things in my library).