storing mostly-redundant Query trees in prepared statements, portals, etc.
To replace Query, a new node type called PlannedStmt is inserted by the
planner at the top of a completed plan tree; this carries just the fields of
Query that are still needed at runtime. The statement lists kept in portals
etc. now consist of intermixed PlannedStmt and bare utility-statement nodes
--- no Query. This incidentally allows us to remove some fields from Query
and Plan nodes that shouldn't have been there in the first place.
Still to do: simplify the execution-time range table; at the moment the
range table passed to the executor still contains Query trees for subqueries.
initdb forced due to change of stored rules.
< o Add long file support for binary pg_dump output
< While Win32 supports 64-bit files, the MinGW API does not,
< meaning we have to build an fseeko replacement on top of the
< Win32 API, and we have to make sure MinGW handles it. Another
< option is to wait for the MinGW project to fix it, or use the
< code from the LibGW32C project as a guide.
> o -Add long file support for binary pg_dump output
this code was last gone over, there wasn't really any alternative to
globals because we didn't have the PlannerInfo struct being passed all
through the planner code. Now that we do, we can restructure things
to avoid non-reentrancy. I'm fooling with this because otherwise I'd
have had to add another global variable for the planned compact
range table list.
plan nodes, so that the executor does not need to get these items from
the range table at runtime. This will avoid needing to include these
fields in the compact range table I'm expecting to make the executor use.
portals using PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT strategy. This is currently significant only
for FETCH queries, which are supposed to include a count in the tag. Seems
it's been broken since 7.4, but nobody noticed before Knut Lehre.
< Currently, ALTER USER and ALTER DATABASE support per-user and
> Currently ALTER USER and ALTER DATABASE support per-user and
< Currently, subtracting one date from another that crosses a
> Currently subtracting one date from another that crosses a
< Currently, SQL-language functions can only refer to parameters via $1, etc
> Currently SQL-language functions can only refer to dollar parameters,
> e.g. $1
< Currently, queries prepared via the libpq API are planned on first
> Currently queries prepared via the libpq API are planned on first
< Currently, SET <tab> causes a database lookup to check all
> Currently SET <tab> causes a database lookup to check all
< Currently, all statement results are transferred to the libpq
> Currently all statement results are transferred to the libpq
equal functions are checked for raw parse trees as well as post-analysis
trees. This was never very important before, but the upcoming plan cache
control module will need to be able to do copyObject() on raw parse trees.