I suggest adding LOCALTIMESTAMP and LOCALTIME to the first paragraph.
Maybe it should be phrased as:
The following SQL-compatible functions can be used to obtain
current datetime-related values: CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME,
(See Section 9.8.4.)
Troels Arvin
< o Sample implementation in contrib/rserv
< * Create native Win32 port [win32]
> * Create native Win32 port, http://momjian.postgresql.org/main/writings/pgsql/win32.html
< * Two-phase commit to implement distributed transactions
> * Add two-phase commit to all distributed transactions with
> offline/readonly server status or administrator notification for failure
one side of a binary operator is probably supposed to be the same type
as the other operand' will be applied for domain types. This worked
in 7.3 but was broken in 7.4 due to code rearrangements. Mea culpa.
a single LEFT JOIN query instead of firing the check trigger for each
row individually. Stephan Szabo, with some kibitzing from Tom Lane and
Jan Wieck.
before it is de-backslashed, not after. This allows the null string \N
to be reliably distinguished from the data value \N (which must be
represented as \\N). Per bug report from Manfred Koizar ... but it's
amazing this hasn't been reported before ...
Also, be consistent about encoding conversion for null string: the form
specified in the command is in the server encoding, but what is sent
to/from client must be in client encoding. This never worked quite
right before either.
will downcase the supplied field name unless it is double-quoted. Also,
upgrade the routine's handling of double quotes to match the backend,
in particular support doubled double quotes within quoted identifiers.
Per pgsql-interfaces discussion a couple weeks ago.
with required outer parentheses. Breakage seems to be leftover from
domain-constraint patches. This could be smarter about suppressing
extra parens, but at this stage of the release cycle I want certainty
not cuteness.
< * Consider using MVCC to cache count(*) queries with no WHERE clause
> * Use a fixed row count and a +/- count with MVCC visibility rules
> to allow fast COUNT(*) queries with no WHERE clause(?)