Cygwin with the possible exception of mSQL-interface. Since I don't
have mSQL installed, I skipped this tool.
Except for dealing with a missing getopt.h (oid2name) and HUGE (seg),
the bulk of the patch uses the standard PostgreSQL approach to deal with
Windows DLL issues.
I tested the build aspect of this patch under Cygwin and Linux without
any ill affects. Note that I did not actually attempt to test the code
for functionality.
The procedure to apply the patch is as follows:
$ # save the attachment as /tmp/contrib.patch
$ # change directory to the top of the PostgreSQL source tree
$ patch -p0 </tmp/contrib.patch
1. Distinguish cases where a Datum representing a tuple datatype is an OID
from cases where it is a pointer to TupleTableSlot, and make sure we use
the right typlen in each case.
2. Make fetchatt() and related code support 8-byte by-value datatypes on
machines where Datum is 8 bytes. Centralize knowledge of the available
by-value datatype sizes in two macros in tupmacs.h, so that this will be
easier if we ever have to do it again.
maintained for each cache entry. A cache entry will not be freed until
the matching ReleaseSysCache call has been executed. This eliminates
worries about cache entries getting dropped while still in use. See
my posting to pg-hackers of even date for more info.
source directory. This involves mostly makefiles using $(srcdir) when they
might have used ".". (Regression tests don't work with this, yet.)
Sort out usage of CPPFLAGS, CFLAGS (and CXXFLAGS). Add "override" keyword
in most places, to preserve necessary flags even when the user overrode the
Remove a bunch of crufty code for large-object-based arrays, which is
superseded by TOAST and likely hasn't worked in a long time anyway.
Clean up array code a little, and in particular eliminate its habit
of scribbling on the input array (ie, modifying the input tuple :-().
* Add option to build with OpenSSL out of the box. Fix thusly exposed
bit rot. Although it compiles now, getting this to do something
useful is left as an exercise.
* Fix Kerberos options to defer checking for required libraries until
all the other libraries are checked for.
* Change default odbcinst.ini and krb5.srvtab path to PREFIX/etc.
* Install work around for Autoconf's install-sh relative path anomaly.
Get rid of old INSTL_*_OPTS variables, now that we don't need them
* Use `gunzip -c' instead of g?zcat. Reportedly broke on AIX.
* Look for only one of readline.h or readline/readline.h, not both.
* Make check for PS_STRINGS cacheable. Don't test for the header files
* Disable fcntl(F_SETLK) test on Linux.
* Substitute the standard GCC warnings set into CFLAGS in configure,
don't add it on in
* Sweep through contrib tree to teach makefiles standard semantics.
... and in completely unrelated news:
* Make postmaster.opts arbitrary options-aware. I still think we need to
save the environment as well.
this is an old patch which I have already submitted and never seen
in the sources. It corrects the datatype oids used in some iterator
functions. This bug has been reported to me by many other people.
some code contributed by Reiner Dassing <>
fixes all my contrib makefiles which don't work with some compilers,
as reported to me by another user.
an old patch for one of my old contribs.
a small change to the c-like text output functions. Now the '{'
is escaped only at the beginning of the string to distinguish it
from arrays, and the '}' is no more escaped.
adds the current lineno of CopyFrom to elog messages. This is very
useful when you load a 1 million tuples table from an external file
and there is a bad value somehere. Currently you get an error message
but you can't know where is the bad data. The patch uses a variable
which was declared static in copy.c. The variable is now exported
and initialized to 0. It is always cleared at the end of the copy
or at the first elog message or when the copy is canceled.
I know this is very ugly but I can't find any better way of knowing
where the copy fails and I have this problem quite often.
fixes a typo in a makefile, but the error must be elsewhere because
it is a file generated automatically. Please have a look.
restores the original 2-digit year format, assuming that the two
century digits don't carry much information and that '000202' is
easier to read than 20000202. Being only a log file it shouldn't
break anything.
Please apply the patches before the next scheduled code freeze.
I also noticed that some of the contribs don't compile correcly. Should we
ask people to fix their code or rename their makefiles so that they are
ignored by the top makefile?
Massimo Dal Zotto
I have updated my contrib code for version 6.5. In the attachment you will
find the directories array, datetime, miscutil, string, tools and userlocks
which replace the corresponding directories under contrib.
In contrib/tools you will find some developement scripts which I use while
hacking the sources. I hope they will be useful for some other people.
I have also added a contrib/Makefile which tries to compile and install all
the contribs. Unfortunately many of them don't have a Makefile or don't
compile cleanly.
Massimo Dal Zotto
Here is a tar file the new directories, which substitute the old ones
in contrib. Please remove the old directories array, datetime, miscutil,
string and userlock before unpacking the tar file in contrib.
Note that as the modules are now installed in lib/modules I install all
my sql code in lib/sql. In my opinion also the other contributors should
follow these rules.
This patch fix the Makefiles in contrib/{pginterface, spi,
miscutil, int8, ip_and_mac, sequence, soundex, string, userlock,
array, datetime} to install their modules in one directory(lib/modules/).