Cygwin with the possible exception of mSQL-interface. Since I don't
have mSQL installed, I skipped this tool.
Except for dealing with a missing getopt.h (oid2name) and HUGE (seg),
the bulk of the patch uses the standard PostgreSQL approach to deal with
Windows DLL issues.
I tested the build aspect of this patch under Cygwin and Linux without
any ill affects. Note that I did not actually attempt to test the code
for functionality.
The procedure to apply the patch is as follows:
$ # save the attachment as /tmp/contrib.patch
$ # change directory to the top of the PostgreSQL source tree
$ patch -p0 </tmp/contrib.patch
are now separate files "postgres.h" and "postgres_fe.h", which are meant
to be the primary include files for backend .c files and frontend .c files
respectively. By default, only include files meant for frontend use are
installed into the installation include directory. There is a new make
target 'make install-all-headers' that adds the whole content of the
src/include tree to the installed fileset, for use by people who want to
develop server-side code without keeping the complete source tree on hand.
Cleaned up a whole lot of crufty and inconsistent header inclusions.
in pghackers list. Support for oldstyle internal functions is gone
(no longer needed, since conversion is complete) and pg_language entry
'internal' now implies newstyle call convention. pg_language entry
'newC' is gone; both old and newstyle dynamically loaded C functions
are now called language 'C'. A newstyle function must be identified
by an associated info routine. See src/backend/utils/fmgr/README.
source directory. This involves mostly makefiles using $(srcdir) when they
might have used ".". (Regression tests don't work with this, yet.)
Sort out usage of CPPFLAGS, CFLAGS (and CXXFLAGS). Add "override" keyword
in most places, to preserve necessary flags even when the user overrode the
* Add option to build with OpenSSL out of the box. Fix thusly exposed
bit rot. Although it compiles now, getting this to do something
useful is left as an exercise.
* Fix Kerberos options to defer checking for required libraries until
all the other libraries are checked for.
* Change default odbcinst.ini and krb5.srvtab path to PREFIX/etc.
* Install work around for Autoconf's install-sh relative path anomaly.
Get rid of old INSTL_*_OPTS variables, now that we don't need them
* Use `gunzip -c' instead of g?zcat. Reportedly broke on AIX.
* Look for only one of readline.h or readline/readline.h, not both.
* Make check for PS_STRINGS cacheable. Don't test for the header files
* Disable fcntl(F_SETLK) test on Linux.
* Substitute the standard GCC warnings set into CFLAGS in configure,
don't add it on in
* Sweep through contrib tree to teach makefiles standard semantics.
... and in completely unrelated news:
* Make postmaster.opts arbitrary options-aware. I still think we need to
save the environment as well.
Note, Bruce I found in the contrib tree any files that we forget
remove during contrib cleaning. Please remove these files:
Orphaning that occurs with JDBC & ODBC.
contrib/lo/Makefile contrib/lo/README contrib/lo/lo.c contrib/lo/
These are just test stuff - not essential
contrib/lo/test.sql contrib/lo/drop.sql
Peter Mount