mirror of https://git.postgresql.org/git/postgresql.git synced 2025-02-11 19:20:40 +08:00

Add some regression tests that exercise hash join code.

Although hash joins are already tested by many queries, these tests
systematically cover the four different states we can reach as part of
the strategy for respecting work_mem.

Author: Thomas Munro
Reviewed-By: Andres Freund
This commit is contained in:
Andres Freund 2017-11-29 16:06:50 -08:00
parent 84940644de
commit fa330f9adf
2 changed files with 710 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -5785,3 +5785,460 @@ where exists (select 1 from j3
(13 rows)
drop table j3;
-- exercises for the hash join code
set local min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
set local parallel_setup_cost = 0;
-- Extract bucket and batch counts from an explain analyze plan. In
-- general we can't make assertions about how many batches (or
-- buckets) will be required because it can vary, but we can in some
-- special cases and we can check for growth.
create or replace function find_hash(node json)
returns json language plpgsql
x json;
child json;
if node->>'Node Type' = 'Hash' then
return node;
for child in select json_array_elements(node->'Plans')
x := find_hash(child);
if x is not null then
return x;
end if;
end loop;
return null;
end if;
create or replace function hash_join_batches(query text)
returns table (original int, final int) language plpgsql
whole_plan json;
hash_node json;
for whole_plan in
execute 'explain (analyze, format ''json'') ' || query
hash_node := find_hash(json_extract_path(whole_plan, '0', 'Plan'));
original := hash_node->>'Original Hash Batches';
final := hash_node->>'Hash Batches';
return next;
end loop;
-- Make a simple relation with well distributed keys and correctly
-- estimated size.
create table simple as
select generate_series(1, 20000) AS id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
alter table simple set (parallel_workers = 2);
analyze simple;
-- Make a relation whose size we will under-estimate. We want stats
-- to say 1000 rows, but actually there are 20,000 rows.
create table bigger_than_it_looks as
select generate_series(1, 20000) as id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
alter table bigger_than_it_looks set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
alter table bigger_than_it_looks set (parallel_workers = 2);
analyze bigger_than_it_looks;
update pg_class set reltuples = 1000 where relname = 'bigger_than_it_looks';
-- Make a relation whose size we underestimate and that also has a
-- kind of skew that breaks our batching scheme. We want stats to say
-- 2 rows, but actually there are 20,000 rows with the same key.
create table extremely_skewed (id int, t text);
alter table extremely_skewed set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
alter table extremely_skewed set (parallel_workers = 2);
analyze extremely_skewed;
insert into extremely_skewed
select 42 as id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
from generate_series(1, 20000);
update pg_class
set reltuples = 2, relpages = pg_relation_size('extremely_skewed') / 8192
where relname = 'extremely_skewed';
-- The "optimal" case: the hash table fits in memory; we plan for 1
-- batch, we stick to that number, and peak memory usage stays within
-- our work_mem budget
-- non-parallel
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
set local work_mem = '4MB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-> Hash Join
Hash Cond: (r.id = s.id)
-> Seq Scan on simple r
-> Hash
-> Seq Scan on simple s
(6 rows)
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
(1 row)
select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
initially_multibatch | increased_batches
f | f
(1 row)
rollback to settings;
-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
set local work_mem = '4MB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
Finalize Aggregate
-> Gather
Workers Planned: 2
-> Partial Aggregate
-> Hash Join
Hash Cond: (r.id = s.id)
-> Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
-> Hash
-> Seq Scan on simple s
(9 rows)
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
(1 row)
select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
initially_multibatch | increased_batches
f | f
(1 row)
rollback to settings;
-- The "good" case: batches required, but we plan the right number; we
-- plan for some number of batches, and we stick to that number, and
-- peak memory usage says within our work_mem budget
-- non-parallel
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
set local work_mem = '128kB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-> Hash Join
Hash Cond: (r.id = s.id)
-> Seq Scan on simple r
-> Hash
-> Seq Scan on simple s
(6 rows)
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
(1 row)
select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
initially_multibatch | increased_batches
t | f
(1 row)
rollback to settings;
-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
set local work_mem = '128kB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
Finalize Aggregate
-> Gather
Workers Planned: 2
-> Partial Aggregate
-> Hash Join
Hash Cond: (r.id = s.id)
-> Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
-> Hash
-> Seq Scan on simple s
(9 rows)
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
(1 row)
select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
initially_multibatch | increased_batches
t | f
(1 row)
rollback to settings;
-- The "bad" case: during execution we need to increase number of
-- batches; in this case we plan for 1 batch, and increase at least a
-- couple of times, and peak memory usage stays within our work_mem
-- budget
-- non-parallel
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
set local work_mem = '128kB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
-> Hash Join
Hash Cond: (r.id = s.id)
-> Seq Scan on simple r
-> Hash
-> Seq Scan on bigger_than_it_looks s
(6 rows)
select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
(1 row)
select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
initially_multibatch | increased_batches
f | t
(1 row)
rollback to settings;
-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
set local work_mem = '128kB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
Finalize Aggregate
-> Gather
Workers Planned: 2
-> Partial Aggregate
-> Hash Join
Hash Cond: (r.id = s.id)
-> Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
-> Hash
-> Seq Scan on bigger_than_it_looks s
(9 rows)
select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
(1 row)
select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
initially_multibatch | increased_batches
f | t
(1 row)
rollback to settings;
-- The "ugly" case: increasing the number of batches during execution
-- doesn't help, so stop trying to fit in work_mem and hope for the
-- best; in this case we plan for 1 batch, increases just once and
-- then stop increasing because that didn't help at all, so we blow
-- right through the work_mem budget and hope for the best...
-- non-parallel
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
set local work_mem = '128kB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
-> Hash Join
Hash Cond: (r.id = s.id)
-> Seq Scan on simple r
-> Hash
-> Seq Scan on extremely_skewed s
(6 rows)
select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
(1 row)
select * from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
original | final
1 | 2
(1 row)
rollback to settings;
-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
set local work_mem = '128kB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
-> Gather
Workers Planned: 2
-> Hash Join
Hash Cond: (r.id = s.id)
-> Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
-> Hash
-> Seq Scan on extremely_skewed s
(8 rows)
select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
(1 row)
select * from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
original | final
1 | 2
(1 row)
rollback to settings;
-- A couple of other hash join tests unrelated to work_mem management.
-- A full outer join where every record is matched.
-- non-parallel
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
-> Hash Full Join
Hash Cond: (r.id = s.id)
-> Seq Scan on simple r
-> Hash
-> Seq Scan on simple s
(6 rows)
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
(1 row)
rollback to settings;
-- parallelism not possible with parallel-oblivious outer hash join
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
-> Hash Full Join
Hash Cond: (r.id = s.id)
-> Seq Scan on simple r
-> Hash
-> Seq Scan on simple s
(6 rows)
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
(1 row)
rollback to settings;
-- An full outer join where every record is not matched.
-- non-parallel
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on (r.id = 0 - s.id);
-> Hash Full Join
Hash Cond: ((0 - s.id) = r.id)
-> Seq Scan on simple s
-> Hash
-> Seq Scan on simple r
(6 rows)
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on (r.id = 0 - s.id);
(1 row)
rollback to settings;
-- parallelism not possible with parallel-oblivious outer hash join
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on (r.id = 0 - s.id);
-> Hash Full Join
Hash Cond: ((0 - s.id) = r.id)
-> Seq Scan on simple s
-> Hash
-> Seq Scan on simple r
(6 rows)
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on (r.id = 0 - s.id);
(1 row)
rollback to settings;

View File

@ -1934,3 +1934,256 @@ where exists (select 1 from j3
and t1.unique1 < 1;
drop table j3;
-- exercises for the hash join code
set local min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
set local parallel_setup_cost = 0;
-- Extract bucket and batch counts from an explain analyze plan. In
-- general we can't make assertions about how many batches (or
-- buckets) will be required because it can vary, but we can in some
-- special cases and we can check for growth.
create or replace function find_hash(node json)
returns json language plpgsql
x json;
child json;
if node->>'Node Type' = 'Hash' then
return node;
for child in select json_array_elements(node->'Plans')
x := find_hash(child);
if x is not null then
return x;
end if;
end loop;
return null;
end if;
create or replace function hash_join_batches(query text)
returns table (original int, final int) language plpgsql
whole_plan json;
hash_node json;
for whole_plan in
execute 'explain (analyze, format ''json'') ' || query
hash_node := find_hash(json_extract_path(whole_plan, '0', 'Plan'));
original := hash_node->>'Original Hash Batches';
final := hash_node->>'Hash Batches';
return next;
end loop;
-- Make a simple relation with well distributed keys and correctly
-- estimated size.
create table simple as
select generate_series(1, 20000) AS id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
alter table simple set (parallel_workers = 2);
analyze simple;
-- Make a relation whose size we will under-estimate. We want stats
-- to say 1000 rows, but actually there are 20,000 rows.
create table bigger_than_it_looks as
select generate_series(1, 20000) as id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
alter table bigger_than_it_looks set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
alter table bigger_than_it_looks set (parallel_workers = 2);
analyze bigger_than_it_looks;
update pg_class set reltuples = 1000 where relname = 'bigger_than_it_looks';
-- Make a relation whose size we underestimate and that also has a
-- kind of skew that breaks our batching scheme. We want stats to say
-- 2 rows, but actually there are 20,000 rows with the same key.
create table extremely_skewed (id int, t text);
alter table extremely_skewed set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
alter table extremely_skewed set (parallel_workers = 2);
analyze extremely_skewed;
insert into extremely_skewed
select 42 as id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
from generate_series(1, 20000);
update pg_class
set reltuples = 2, relpages = pg_relation_size('extremely_skewed') / 8192
where relname = 'extremely_skewed';
-- The "optimal" case: the hash table fits in memory; we plan for 1
-- batch, we stick to that number, and peak memory usage stays within
-- our work_mem budget
-- non-parallel
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
set local work_mem = '4MB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
rollback to settings;
-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
set local work_mem = '4MB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
rollback to settings;
-- The "good" case: batches required, but we plan the right number; we
-- plan for some number of batches, and we stick to that number, and
-- peak memory usage says within our work_mem budget
-- non-parallel
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
set local work_mem = '128kB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
rollback to settings;
-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
set local work_mem = '128kB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
rollback to settings;
-- The "bad" case: during execution we need to increase number of
-- batches; in this case we plan for 1 batch, and increase at least a
-- couple of times, and peak memory usage stays within our work_mem
-- budget
-- non-parallel
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
set local work_mem = '128kB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
rollback to settings;
-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
set local work_mem = '128kB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
rollback to settings;
-- The "ugly" case: increasing the number of batches during execution
-- doesn't help, so stop trying to fit in work_mem and hope for the
-- best; in this case we plan for 1 batch, increases just once and
-- then stop increasing because that didn't help at all, so we blow
-- right through the work_mem budget and hope for the best...
-- non-parallel
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
set local work_mem = '128kB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
select * from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
rollback to settings;
-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
set local work_mem = '128kB';
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
select * from hash_join_batches(
select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
rollback to settings;
-- A couple of other hash join tests unrelated to work_mem management.
-- A full outer join where every record is matched.
-- non-parallel
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
rollback to settings;
-- parallelism not possible with parallel-oblivious outer hash join
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
rollback to settings;
-- An full outer join where every record is not matched.
-- non-parallel
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on (r.id = 0 - s.id);
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on (r.id = 0 - s.id);
rollback to settings;
-- parallelism not possible with parallel-oblivious outer hash join
savepoint settings;
set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
explain (costs off)
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on (r.id = 0 - s.id);
select count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on (r.id = 0 - s.id);
rollback to settings;