@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ PGAPI_Tables(
int i;
mylog("%s: entering...stmt=%u\n", func, stmt);
mylog("%s: entering...stmt=%u scnm=%x len=%d\n", func, stmt, szTableOwner, cbTableOwner);
if (!stmt)
@ -1196,7 +1196,13 @@ PGAPI_Tables(
* Create the query to find out the tables
if (PG_VERSION_GE(conn, 7.1))
if (conn->schema_support)
/* view is represented by its relkind since 7.1 */
strcpy(tables_query, "select relname, nspname, relkind from pg_class, pg_namespace");
strcat(tables_query, " where relkind in ('r', 'v')");
else if (PG_VERSION_GE(conn, 7.1))
/* view is represented by its relkind since 7.1 */
strcpy(tables_query, "select relname, usename, relkind from pg_class, pg_user");
@ -1208,7 +1214,10 @@ PGAPI_Tables(
strcat(tables_query, " where relkind = 'r'");
my_strcat(tables_query, " and usename like '%.*s'", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner);
if (conn->schema_support)
schema_strcat(tables_query, " and nspname like '%.*s'", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner, szTableName, cbTableName);
my_strcat(tables_query, " and usename like '%.*s'", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner);
my_strcat(tables_query, " and relname like '%.*s'", szTableName, cbTableName);
/* Parse the extra systable prefix */
@ -1278,8 +1287,10 @@ PGAPI_Tables(
/* filter out large objects in older versions */
strcat(tables_query, " and relname !~ '^xinv[0-9]+'");
strcat(tables_query, " and usesysid = relowner");
strcat(tables_query, " order by relname");
if (conn->schema_support)
strcat(tables_query, " and pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace order by nspname, relname");
strcat(tables_query, " and usesysid = relowner order by relname");
result = PGAPI_ExecDirect(htbl_stmt, tables_query, strlen(tables_query));
if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))
@ -1404,7 +1415,6 @@ PGAPI_Tables(
row = (TupleNode *) malloc(sizeof(TupleNode) + (5 - 1) *sizeof(TupleField));
/*set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[0], "");*/
/*set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[0], "cat0");*/
@ -1418,8 +1428,11 @@ PGAPI_Tables(
mylog("%s: table_name = '%s'\n", func, table_name);
/* set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], ""); */
if (conn->schema_support)
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], GET_SCHEMA_NAME(table_owner));
/* set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], ""); */
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[2], table_name);
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[3], systable ? "SYSTEM TABLE" : (view ? "VIEW" : "TABLE"));
/*set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[4], "");*/
@ -1561,7 +1574,7 @@ PGAPI_Columns(
ConnectionClass *conn;
mylog("%s: entering...stmt=%u\n", func, stmt);
mylog("%s: entering...stmt=%u scnm=%x len=%d\n", func, stmt, szTableOwner, cbTableOwner);
if (!stmt)
@ -1579,7 +1592,15 @@ PGAPI_Columns(
* Create the query to find out the columns (Note: pre 6.3 did not
* have the atttypmod field)
sprintf(columns_query, "select u.usename, c.relname, a.attname, a.atttypid"
if (conn->schema_support)
sprintf(columns_query, "select u.nspname, c.relname, a.attname, a.atttypid"
", t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, %s, a.attnotnull, c.relhasrules"
" from pg_namespace u, pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t"
" where u.oid = c.relnamespace"
" and c.oid= a.attrelid and a.atttypid = t.oid and (a.attnum > 0)",
sprintf(columns_query, "select u.usename, c.relname, a.attname, a.atttypid"
", t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, %s, a.attnotnull, c.relhasrules"
" from pg_user u, pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t"
" where u.usesysid = c.relowner"
@ -1589,7 +1610,10 @@ PGAPI_Columns(
if ((flag & PODBC_NOT_SEARCH_PATTERN) != 0)
my_strcat(columns_query, " and c.relname = '%.*s'", szTableName, cbTableName);
my_strcat(columns_query, " and u.usename = '%.*s'", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner);
if (conn->schema_support)
schema_strcat(columns_query, " and u.nspname = '%.*s'", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner, szTableName, cbTableName);
my_strcat(columns_query, " and u.usename = '%.*s'", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner);
my_strcat(columns_query, " and a.attname = '%.*s'", szColumnName, cbColumnName);
@ -1599,7 +1623,10 @@ PGAPI_Columns(
escTbnamelen = reallyEscapeCatalogEscapes(szTableName, cbTableName, esc_table_name, sizeof(esc_table_name), conn->ccsc);
my_strcat(columns_query, " and c.relname like '%.*s'", esc_table_name, escTbnamelen);
my_strcat(columns_query, " and u.usename like '%.*s'", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner);
if (conn->schema_support)
schema_strcat(columns_query, " and u.nspname like '%.*s'", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner, szTableName, cbTableName);
my_strcat(columns_query, " and u.usename like '%.*s'", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner);
my_strcat(columns_query, " and a.attname like '%.*s'", szColumnName, cbColumnName);
@ -1607,7 +1634,10 @@ PGAPI_Columns(
* give the output in the order the columns were defined when the
* table was created
strcat(columns_query, " order by attnum");
if (conn->schema_support)
strcat(columns_query, " order by u.nspname, c.relname, attnum");
strcat(columns_query, " order by c.relname, attnum");
result = PGAPI_AllocStmt(stmt->hdbc, &hcol_stmt);
if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))
@ -1815,8 +1845,10 @@ PGAPI_Columns(
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[0], "");
/* see note in SQLTables() */
/* set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], table_owner); */
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], "");
if (conn->schema_support)
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], GET_SCHEMA_NAME(table_owner));
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], "");
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[2], table_name);
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[3], "oid");
sqltype = pgtype_to_concise_type(stmt, the_type);
@ -1854,8 +1886,10 @@ PGAPI_Columns(
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[0], "");
/* see note in SQLTables() */
/* set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], table_owner); */
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], "");
if (conn->schema_support)
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], GET_SCHEMA_NAME(table_owner));
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], "");
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[2], table_name);
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[3], field_name);
sqltype = pgtype_to_concise_type(stmt, field_type);
@ -1980,7 +2014,10 @@ PGAPI_Columns(
(result_cols - 1) *sizeof(TupleField));
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[0], "");
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], "");
if (conn->schema_support)
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], GET_SCHEMA_NAME(table_owner));
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], "");
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[2], table_name);
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[3], "xmin");
sqltype = pgtype_to_concise_type(stmt, the_type);
@ -2040,6 +2077,7 @@ PGAPI_SpecialColumns(
static char *func = "PGAPI_SpecialColumns";
TupleNode *row;
StatementClass *stmt = (StatementClass *) hstmt;
ConnectionClass *conn;
QResultClass *res;
ConnInfo *ci;
HSTMT hcol_stmt;
@ -2048,28 +2086,37 @@ PGAPI_SpecialColumns(
RETCODE result;
char relhasrules[MAX_INFO_STRING];
mylog("%s: entering...stmt=%u\n", func, stmt);
mylog("%s: entering...stmt=%u scnm=%x len=%d\n", func, stmt, szTableOwner, cbTableOwner);
if (!stmt)
SC_log_error(func, "", NULL);
ci = &(SC_get_conn(stmt)->connInfo);
conn = SC_get_conn(stmt);
ci = &(conn->connInfo);
stmt->manual_result = TRUE;
* Create the query to find out if this is a view or not...
sprintf(columns_query, "select c.relhasrules "
if (conn->schema_support)
sprintf(columns_query, "select c.relhasrules "
"from pg_namespace u, pg_class c where "
"u.oid = c.relnamespace");
sprintf(columns_query, "select c.relhasrules "
"from pg_user u, pg_class c where "
"u.usesysid = c.relowner");
/* TableName cannot contain a string search pattern */
my_strcat(columns_query, " and c.relname = '%.*s'", szTableName, cbTableName);
/* SchemaName cannot contain a string search pattern */
my_strcat(columns_query, " and u.usename = '%.*s'", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner);
if (conn->schema_support)
schema_strcat(columns_query, " and u.nspname = '%.*s'", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner, szTableName, cbTableName);
my_strcat(columns_query, " and u.usename = '%.*s'", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner);
result = PGAPI_AllocStmt(stmt->hdbc, &hcol_stmt);
@ -2188,11 +2235,12 @@ PGAPI_Statistics(
static char *func = "PGAPI_Statistics";
StatementClass *stmt = (StatementClass *) hstmt;
ConnectionClass *conn;
QResultClass *res;
char index_query[INFO_INQUIRY_LEN];
HSTMT hindx_stmt;
RETCODE result;
char *table_name;
char *table_name, *schema_name = NULL;
char index_name[MAX_INFO_STRING];
short fields_vector[16];
char isunique[10],
@ -2206,7 +2254,8 @@ PGAPI_Statistics(
StatementClass *col_stmt,
char column_name[MAX_INFO_STRING],
char **column_names = 0;
SQLINTEGER column_name_len;
int total_columns = 0;
@ -2214,7 +2263,7 @@ PGAPI_Statistics(
ConnInfo *ci;
char buf[256];
mylog("%s: entering...stmt=%u\n", func, stmt);
mylog("%s: entering...stmt=%u scnm=%x len=%d\n", func, stmt, szTableOwner, cbTableOwner);
if (!stmt)
@ -2225,7 +2274,8 @@ PGAPI_Statistics(
stmt->manual_result = TRUE;
stmt->errormsg_created = TRUE;
ci = &(SC_get_conn(stmt)->connInfo);
conn = SC_get_conn(stmt);
ci = &(conn->connInfo);
if (res = QR_Constructor(), !res)
@ -2272,6 +2322,9 @@ PGAPI_Statistics(
SC_log_error(func, "", stmt);
return SQL_ERROR;
table_qualifier[0] = '\0';
if (conn->schema_support)
schema_strcat(table_qualifier, "%.*s", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner, szTableName, cbTableName);
* we need to get a list of the field names first, so we can return
@ -2295,8 +2348,8 @@ PGAPI_Statistics(
* table_name parameter cannot contain a string search pattern.
result = PGAPI_Columns(hcol_stmt, "", 0, "", 0,
table_name, (SWORD) strlen(table_name), "", 0, PODBC_NOT_SEARCH_PATTERN);
result = PGAPI_Columns(hcol_stmt, "", 0, table_qualifier, SQL_NTS,
table_name, SQL_NTS, "", 0, PODBC_NOT_SEARCH_PATTERN);
col_stmt->internal = FALSE;
if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))
@ -2308,7 +2361,7 @@ PGAPI_Statistics(
goto SEEYA;
result = PGAPI_BindCol(hcol_stmt, 4, SQL_C_CHAR,
column_name, MAX_INFO_STRING, &column_name_len);
column_name, sizeof(column_name), &column_name_len);
if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))
stmt->errormsg = col_stmt->errormsg;
@ -2359,16 +2412,32 @@ PGAPI_Statistics(
indx_stmt = (StatementClass *) hindx_stmt;
sprintf(index_query, "select c.relname, i.indkey, i.indisunique"
if (conn->schema_support)
sprintf(index_query, "select c.relname, i.indkey, i.indisunique"
", i.indisclustered, a.amname, c.relhasrules, n.nspname"
" from pg_index i, pg_class c, pg_class d, pg_am a, pg_namespace n"
" where d.relname = '%s'"
" and n.nspname = '%s'"
" and n.oid = d.relnamespace"
" and d.oid = i.indrelid"
" and i.indexrelid = c.oid"
" and c.relam = a.oid order by"
,table_name, table_qualifier);
sprintf(index_query, "select c.relname, i.indkey, i.indisunique"
", i.indisclustered, a.amname, c.relhasrules"
" from pg_index i, pg_class c, pg_class d, pg_am a"
" where d.relname = '%s'"
" and d.oid = i.indrelid"
" and i.indexrelid = c.oid"
" and c.relam = a.oid"
" and c.relam = a.oid order by"
if (PG_VERSION_GT(SC_get_conn(stmt), 6.4))
strcat(index_query, " order by i.indisprimary desc");
strcat(index_query, " i.indisprimary desc,");
if (conn->schema_support)
strcat(index_query, " i.indisunique, n.nspname, c.relname");
strcat(index_query, " i.indisunique, c.relname");
result = PGAPI_ExecDirect(hindx_stmt, index_query, strlen(index_query));
if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))
@ -2447,7 +2516,7 @@ PGAPI_Statistics(
result = PGAPI_BindCol(hindx_stmt, 6, SQL_C_CHAR,
relhasrules, MAX_INFO_STRING, NULL);
relhasrules, sizeof(relhasrules), NULL);
if ((result != SQL_SUCCESS) && (result != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))
stmt->errormsg = indx_stmt->errormsg;
@ -2465,7 +2534,7 @@ PGAPI_Statistics(
/* no table qualifier */
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[0], "");
/* don't set the table owner, else Access tries to use it */
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], "");
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], GET_SCHEMA_NAME(table_qualifier));
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[2], table_name);
/* non-unique index? */
@ -2509,7 +2578,7 @@ PGAPI_Statistics(
/* no table qualifier */
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[0], "");
/* don't set the table owner, else Access tries to use it */
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], "");
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], GET_SCHEMA_NAME(table_qualifier));
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[2], table_name);
/* non-unique index? */
@ -2654,13 +2723,13 @@ PGAPI_PrimaryKeys(
char tables_query[INFO_INQUIRY_LEN];
char attname[MAX_INFO_STRING];
SDWORD attname_len;
char pktab[MAX_TABLE_LEN + 1];
char pktab[MAX_TABLE_LEN + 1], pkscm[MAX_TABLE_LEN + 1];
Int2 result_cols;
int qno,
mylog("%s: entering...stmt=%u\n", func, stmt);
mylog("%s: entering...stmt=%u scnm=%x len=%d\n", func, stmt, szTableOwner, cbTableOwner);
if (!stmt)
@ -2708,6 +2777,7 @@ PGAPI_PrimaryKeys(
tbl_stmt = (StatementClass *) htbl_stmt;
conn = SC_get_conn(stmt);
pktab[0] = '\0';
make_string(szTableName, cbTableName, pktab);
if (pktab[0] == '\0')
@ -2718,6 +2788,9 @@ PGAPI_PrimaryKeys(
PGAPI_FreeStmt(htbl_stmt, SQL_DROP);
return SQL_ERROR;
pkscm[0] = '\0';
if (conn->schema_support)
schema_strcat(pkscm, "%.*s", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner, szTableName, cbTableName);
result = PGAPI_BindCol(htbl_stmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR,
attname, MAX_INFO_STRING, &attname_len);
@ -2730,7 +2803,6 @@ PGAPI_PrimaryKeys(
return SQL_ERROR;
conn = SC_get_conn(stmt);
if (PG_VERSION_LE(conn, 6.4))
qstart = 2;
@ -2747,7 +2819,20 @@ PGAPI_PrimaryKeys(
* possible index columns. Courtesy of Tom Lane - thomas
* 2000-03-21
sprintf(tables_query, "select ta.attname, ia.attnum"
if (conn->schema_support)
sprintf(tables_query, "select ta.attname, ia.attnum"
" from pg_attribute ta, pg_attribute ia, pg_class c, pg_index i, pg_namespace n"
" where c.relname = '%s'"
" AND n.nspname = '%s'"
" AND c.oid = i.indrelid"
" AND n.oid = c.relnamespace"
" AND i.indisprimary = 't'"
" AND ia.attrelid = i.indexrelid"
" AND ta.attrelid = i.indrelid"
" AND ta.attnum = i.indkey[ia.attnum-1]"
" order by ia.attnum", pktab, pkscm);
sprintf(tables_query, "select ta.attname, ia.attnum"
" from pg_attribute ta, pg_attribute ia, pg_class c, pg_index i"
" where c.relname = '%s'"
" AND c.oid = i.indrelid"
@ -2762,7 +2847,19 @@ PGAPI_PrimaryKeys(
* Simplified query to search old fashoned primary key
sprintf(tables_query, "select ta.attname, ia.attnum"
if (conn->schema_support)
sprintf(tables_query, "select ta.attname, ia.attnum"
" from pg_attribute ta, pg_attribute ia, pg_class c, pg_index i, pg_namespace n"
" where c.relname = '%s_pkey'"
" AND n.nspname = '%s'"
" AND c.oid = i.indexrelid"
" AND n.oid = c.relnamespace"
" AND ia.attrelid = i.indexrelid"
" AND ta.attrelid = i.indrelid"
" AND ta.attnum = i.indkey[ia.attnum-1]"
" order by ia.attnum", pktab, pkscm);
sprintf(tables_query, "select ta.attname, ia.attnum"
" from pg_attribute ta, pg_attribute ia, pg_class c, pg_index i"
" where c.relname = '%s_pkey'"
" AND c.oid = i.indexrelid"
@ -2801,7 +2898,7 @@ PGAPI_PrimaryKeys(
* valid according to the ODBC SQL grammar, but Postgres won't
* support it.)
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], "");
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], GET_SCHEMA_NAME(pkscm));
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[2], pktab);
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[3], attname);
set_tuplefield_int2(&row->tuple[4], (Int2) (++seq));
@ -2859,7 +2956,7 @@ isMultibyte(const unsigned char *str)
return FALSE;
static char *
getClientTableName(ConnectionClass *conn, char *serverTableName, BOOL *nameAlloced)
getClientTableName(ConnectionClass *conn, const char *serverSchemaName, char *serverTableName, BOOL *nameAlloced)
char query[1024],
@ -2886,7 +2983,10 @@ getClientTableName(ConnectionClass *conn, char *serverTableName, BOOL *nameAlloc
bError = (CC_send_query(conn, query, NULL, CLEAR_RESULT_ON_ABORT) == NULL);
if (!bError && continueExec)
sprintf(query, "select OID from pg_class where relname = '%s'", serverTableName);
if (conn->schema_support)
sprintf(query, "select OID from pg_class where relname = '%s' and pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace and pg_namespace.nspname = '%s'", serverTableName, serverSchemaName);
sprintf(query, "select OID from pg_class where relname = '%s'", serverTableName);
if (res = CC_send_query(conn, query, NULL, CLEAR_RESULT_ON_ABORT), res)
if (QR_get_num_tuples(res) > 0)
@ -2922,7 +3022,7 @@ getClientTableName(ConnectionClass *conn, char *serverTableName, BOOL *nameAlloc
return ret;
static char *
getClientColumnName(ConnectionClass *conn, const char *serverTableName, char *serverColumnName, BOOL *nameAlloced)
getClientColumnName(ConnectionClass *conn, const char * serverSchemaName, const char *serverTableName, char *serverColumnName, BOOL *nameAlloced)
char query[1024],
@ -2950,7 +3050,12 @@ getClientColumnName(ConnectionClass *conn, const char *serverTableName, char *se
bError = (CC_send_query(conn, query, NULL, CLEAR_RESULT_ON_ABORT) == NULL);
if (!bError && continueExec)
sprintf(query, "select attrelid, attnum from pg_class, pg_attribute "
if (conn->schema_support)
sprintf(query, "select attrelid, attnum from pg_class, pg_attribute "
"where relname = '%s' and attrelid = pg_class.oid "
"and attname = '%s' and pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace and pg_namespace.nspname = '%s'", serverTableName, serverColumnName, serverSchemaName);
sprintf(query, "select attrelid, attnum from pg_class, pg_attribute "
"where relname = '%s' and attrelid = pg_class.oid "
"and attname = '%s'", serverTableName, serverColumnName);
if (res = CC_send_query(conn, query, NULL, CLEAR_RESULT_ON_ABORT), res)
@ -3025,6 +3130,7 @@ PGAPI_ForeignKeys(
char pk_table_needed[MAX_TABLE_LEN + 1];
char fk_table_needed[MAX_TABLE_LEN + 1];
char schema_needed[MAX_TABLE_LEN + 1];
char *pkey_ptr,
@ -3034,12 +3140,12 @@ PGAPI_ForeignKeys(
ConnectionClass *conn;
BOOL pkey_alloced,
ConnectionClass *conn;
#endif /* MULTIBYTE */
int i,
@ -3081,7 +3187,11 @@ PGAPI_ForeignKeys(
* a statement is actually executed, so we'll have to do this
* ourselves.
#if (ODBCVER >= 0x0300)
result_cols = 15;
result_cols = 14;
#endif /* ODBCVER */
extend_column_bindings(SC_get_ARD(stmt), result_cols);
/* set the field names */
@ -3129,14 +3239,15 @@ PGAPI_ForeignKeys(
pk_table_needed[0] = '\0';
fk_table_needed[0] = '\0';
schema_needed[0] = '\0';
make_string(szPkTableName, cbPkTableName, pk_table_needed);
make_string(szFkTableName, cbFkTableName, fk_table_needed);
conn = SC_get_conn(stmt);
pkey_text = fkey_text = pkt_text = fkt_text = NULL;
pkey_alloced = fkey_alloced = pkt_alloced = fkt_alloced = FALSE;
conn = SC_get_conn(stmt);
#endif /* MULTIBYTE */
@ -3146,7 +3257,42 @@ PGAPI_ForeignKeys(
if (fk_table_needed[0] != '\0')
mylog("%s: entering Foreign Key Case #2", func);
sprintf(tables_query, "SELECT pt.tgargs, "
if (conn->schema_support)
schema_strcat(schema_needed, "%.*s", szFkTableOwner, cbFkTableOwner, szFkTableName, cbFkTableName);
sprintf(tables_query, "SELECT pt.tgargs, "
" pt.tgnargs, "
" pt.tgdeferrable, "
" pt.tginitdeferred, "
" pg_proc.proname, "
" pg_proc_1.proname "
"FROM pg_class pc, "
" pg_proc pg_proc, "
" pg_proc pg_proc_1, "
" pg_trigger pg_trigger, "
" pg_trigger pg_trigger_1, "
" pg_proc pp, "
" pg_trigger pt "
"WHERE pt.tgrelid = pc.oid "
"AND pp.oid = pt.tgfoid "
"AND pg_trigger.tgconstrrelid = pc.oid "
"AND pg_proc.oid = pg_trigger.tgfoid "
"AND pg_trigger_1.tgfoid = pg_proc_1.oid "
"AND pg_trigger_1.tgconstrrelid = pc.oid "
"AND ((pc.relname='%s') "
"AND (pg_namespace.oid = pc.relnamespace) "
"AND (pg_namespace.nspname = '%s') "
"AND (pp.proname LIKE '%%ins') "
"AND (pg_proc.proname LIKE '%%upd') "
"AND (pg_proc_1.proname LIKE '%%del') "
"AND (pg_trigger.tgrelid=pt.tgconstrrelid) "
"AND (pg_trigger.tgconstrname=pt.tgconstrname) "
"AND (pg_trigger_1.tgrelid=pt.tgconstrrelid) "
"AND (pg_trigger_1.tgconstrname=pt.tgconstrname))",
fk_table_needed, schema_needed);
sprintf(tables_query, "SELECT pt.tgargs, "
" pt.tgnargs, "
" pt.tgdeferrable, "
" pt.tginitdeferred, "
@ -3300,7 +3446,7 @@ PGAPI_ForeignKeys(
fk_table = trig_args + strlen(trig_args) + 1;
pkt_text = getClientTableName(conn, pk_table, &pkt_alloced);
pkt_text = getClientTableName(conn, schema_needed, pk_table, &pkt_alloced);
pkt_text = pk_table;
#endif /* MULTIBYTE */
@ -3315,7 +3461,7 @@ PGAPI_ForeignKeys(
keyresult = PGAPI_PrimaryKeys(hpkey_stmt, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, pkt_text, SQL_NTS);
keyresult = PGAPI_PrimaryKeys(hpkey_stmt, NULL, 0, schema_needed, SQL_NTS, pkt_text, SQL_NTS);
if (keyresult != SQL_SUCCESS)
stmt->errornumber = STMT_NO_MEMORY_ERROR;
@ -3341,7 +3487,7 @@ PGAPI_ForeignKeys(
pkey_text = getClientColumnName(conn, pk_table, pkey_ptr, &pkey_alloced);
pkey_text = getClientColumnName(conn, schema_needed, pk_table, pkey_ptr, &pkey_alloced);
pkey_text = pkey_ptr;
#endif /* MULTIBYTE */
@ -3409,21 +3555,21 @@ PGAPI_ForeignKeys(
row = (TupleNode *) malloc(sizeof(TupleNode) + (result_cols - 1) *sizeof(TupleField));
pkey_text = getClientColumnName(conn, pk_table, pkey_ptr, &pkey_alloced);
fkey_text = getClientColumnName(conn, fk_table, fkey_ptr, &fkey_alloced);
pkey_text = getClientColumnName(conn, schema_needed, pk_table, pkey_ptr, &pkey_alloced);
fkey_text = getClientColumnName(conn, schema_needed, fk_table, fkey_ptr, &fkey_alloced);
pkey_text = pkey_ptr;
fkey_text = fkey_ptr;
#endif /* MULTIBYTE */
mylog("%s: pk_table = '%s', pkey_ptr = '%s'\n", func, pkt_text, pkey_text);
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], "");
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], GET_SCHEMA_NAME(schema_needed));
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[2], pkt_text);
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[3], pkey_text);
mylog("%s: fk_table_needed = '%s', fkey_ptr = '%s'\n", func, fk_table_needed, fkey_text);
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[5], "");
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[5], GET_SCHEMA_NAME(schema_needed));
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[6], fk_table_needed);
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[7], fkey_text);
@ -3472,7 +3618,43 @@ PGAPI_ForeignKeys(
else if (pk_table_needed[0] != '\0')
sprintf(tables_query, "SELECT pg_trigger.tgargs, "
if (conn->schema_support)
schema_strcat(schema_needed, "%.*s", szPkTableOwner, cbPkTableOwner, szPkTableName, cbPkTableName);
sprintf(tables_query, "SELECT pg_trigger.tgargs, "
" pg_trigger.tgnargs, "
" pg_trigger.tgdeferrable, "
" pg_trigger.tginitdeferred, "
" pg_proc.proname, "
" pg_proc_1.proname "
"FROM pg_class pg_class, "
" pg_class pg_class_1, "
" pg_class pg_class_2, "
" pg_proc pg_proc, "
" pg_proc pg_proc_1, "
" pg_trigger pg_trigger, "
" pg_trigger pg_trigger_1, "
" pg_trigger pg_trigger_2 "
"WHERE pg_trigger.tgconstrrelid = pg_class.oid "
" AND pg_trigger.tgrelid = pg_class_1.oid "
" AND pg_trigger_1.tgfoid = pg_proc_1.oid "
" AND pg_trigger_1.tgconstrrelid = pg_class_1.oid "
" AND pg_trigger_2.tgconstrrelid = pg_class_2.oid "
" AND pg_trigger_2.tgfoid = pg_proc.oid "
" AND pg_class_2.oid = pg_trigger.tgrelid "
" AND ("
" (pg_class.relname='%s') "
" AND (pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace) "
" AND (pg_namespace.nspname = '%s') "
" AND (pg_proc.proname Like '%%upd') "
" AND (pg_proc_1.proname Like '%%del')"
" AND (pg_trigger_1.tgrelid = pg_trigger.tgconstrrelid) "
" AND (pg_trigger_2.tgrelid = pg_trigger.tgconstrrelid) "
" )",
pk_table_needed, schema_needed);
sprintf(tables_query, "SELECT pg_trigger.tgargs, "
" pg_trigger.tgnargs, "
" pg_trigger.tgdeferrable, "
" pg_trigger.tginitdeferred, "
@ -3641,7 +3823,7 @@ PGAPI_ForeignKeys(
fk_table += strlen(fk_table) + 1;
pk_table = fk_table + strlen(fk_table) + 1;
fkt_text = getClientTableName(conn, fk_table, &fkt_alloced);
fkt_text = getClientTableName(conn, schema_needed, fk_table, &fkt_alloced);
fkt_text = fk_table;
#endif /* MULTIBYTE */
@ -3654,8 +3836,8 @@ PGAPI_ForeignKeys(
for (k = 0; k < num_keys; k++)
pkey_text = getClientColumnName(conn, pk_table, pkey_ptr, &pkey_alloced);
fkey_text = getClientColumnName(conn, fk_table, fkey_ptr, &fkey_alloced);
pkey_text = getClientColumnName(conn, schema_needed, pk_table, pkey_ptr, &pkey_alloced);
fkey_text = getClientColumnName(conn, schema_needed, fk_table, fkey_ptr, &fkey_alloced);
pkey_text = pkey_ptr;
fkey_text = fkey_ptr;
@ -3666,13 +3848,13 @@ PGAPI_ForeignKeys(
mylog("pk_table_needed = '%s', pkey_ptr = '%s'\n", pk_table_needed, pkey_text);
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], "");
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], GET_SCHEMA_NAME(schema_needed));
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[2], pk_table_needed);
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[3], pkey_text);
mylog("fk_table = '%s', fkey_ptr = '%s'\n", fkt_text, fkey_text);
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[5], "");
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[5], GET_SCHEMA_NAME(schema_needed));
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[6], fkt_text);
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[7], fkey_text);
@ -3688,7 +3870,7 @@ PGAPI_ForeignKeys(
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[13], trig_args);
#if (ODBCVER >= 0x0300)
mylog("defer_type = '%s'", defer_type);
mylog(" defer_type = %d\n", defer_type);
set_tuplefield_int2(&row->tuple[14], defer_type);
#endif /* ODBCVER >= 0x0300 */
@ -3783,7 +3965,7 @@ PGAPI_Procedures(
char proc_query[INFO_INQUIRY_LEN];
QResultClass *res;
mylog("%s: entering...\n", func);
mylog("%s: entering... scnm=%x len=%d\n", func, szProcOwner, cbProcOwner);
if (PG_VERSION_LT(conn, 6.5))
@ -3798,12 +3980,26 @@ PGAPI_Procedures(
* The following seems the simplest implementation
strcpy(proc_query, "select '' as " "PROCEDURE_CAT" ", '' as " "PROCEDURE_SCHEM" ","
if (conn->schema_support)
strcpy(proc_query, "select '' as " "PROCEDURE_CAT" ", case when nspname = 'PUBLIC' then ''::text else nspname end as " "PROCEDURE_SCHEM" ","
" proname as " "PROCEDURE_NAME" ", '' as " "NUM_INPUT_PARAMS" ","
" '' as " "NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS" ", '' as " "NUM_RESULT_SETS" ","
" '' as " "REMARKS" ","
" case when prorettype = 0 then 1::int2 else 2::int2 end as " "PROCEDURE_TYPE" " from pg_proc");
my_strcat(proc_query, " where proname like '%.*s'", szProcName, cbProcName);
" case when prorettype = 0 then 1::int2 else 2::int2 end as " "PROCEDURE_TYPE" " from pg_namespace, pg_proc where");
strcpy(proc_query, "select '' as " "PROCEDURE_CAT" ", '' as " "PROCEDURE_SCHEM" ","
" proname as " "PROCEDURE_NAME" ", '' as " "NUM_INPUT_PARAMS" ","
" '' as " "NUM_OUTPUT_PARAMS" ", '' as " "NUM_RESULT_SETS" ","
" '' as " "REMARKS" ","
" case when prorettype = 0 then 1::int2 else 2::int2 end as " "PROCEDURE_TYPE" " from pg_proc where");
if (conn->schema_support)
strcat(proc_query, " pg_proc.namespace = pg_namespace.oid");
schema_strcat(proc_query, " and nspname like '%.*s'", szProcOwner, cbProcOwner, szProcName, cbProcName);
my_strcat(proc_query, " and proname like '%.*s'", szProcName, cbProcName);
my_strcat(proc_query, " proname like '%.*s'", szProcName, cbProcName);
if (res = CC_send_query(conn, proc_query, NULL, CLEAR_RESULT_ON_ABORT), !res)
@ -3895,9 +4091,9 @@ PGAPI_TablePrivileges(
int tablecount, usercount, i, j, k;
BOOL grpauth, sys, su;
char (*useracl)[ACLMAX], *acl, *user, *delim, *auth;
char *reln, *owner, *priv;
char *reln, *owner, *priv, *schnm;
mylog("%s: entering...\n", func);
mylog("%s: entering... scnm=%x len-%d\n", func, szTableOwner, cbTableOwner);
if (!SC_recycle_statement(stmt))
return SQL_ERROR;
@ -3930,17 +4126,33 @@ PGAPI_TablePrivileges(
stmt->currTuple = -1;
stmt->rowset_start = -1;
stmt->current_col = -1;
strncpy_null(proc_query, "select relname, usename, relacl from pg_class , pg_user where", sizeof(proc_query));
if ((flag & PODBC_NOT_SEARCH_PATTERN) != 0)
if (conn->schema_support)
strncpy_null(proc_query, "select relname, usename, relacl, nspname from pg_namespace, pg_class , pg_user where", sizeof(proc_query));
strncpy_null(proc_query, "select relname, usename, relacl from pg_class , pg_user where", sizeof(proc_query));
if ((flag & PODBC_NOT_SEARCH_PATTERN) != 0)
if (conn->schema_support)
schema_strcat(proc_query, " nspname = '%.*s' and", szTableOwner, cbTableOwner, szTableName, cbTableName);
my_strcat(proc_query, " relname = '%.*s' and", szTableName, cbTableName);
char esc_table_name[MAX_TABLE_LEN * 2];
int escTbnamelen;
if (conn->schema_support)
escTbnamelen = reallyEscapeCatalogEscapes(szTableOwner, cbTableOwner, esc_table_name, sizeof(esc_table_name), conn->ccsc);
schema_strcat(proc_query, " nspname like '%.*s' and", esc_table_name, escTbnamelen, szTableName, cbTableName);
escTbnamelen = reallyEscapeCatalogEscapes(szTableName, cbTableName, esc_table_name, sizeof(esc_table_name), conn->ccsc);
my_strcat(proc_query, " relname like '%.*s' and", esc_table_name, escTbnamelen);
if (conn->schema_support)
strcat(proc_query, " pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace and");
strcat(proc_query, " pg_user.usesysid = relowner");
if (res = CC_send_query(conn, proc_query, NULL, CLEAR_RESULT_ON_ABORT), !res)
@ -4029,6 +4241,8 @@ mylog("guid=%s\n", uid);
reln = QR_get_value_backend_row(res, i, 0);
owner = QR_get_value_backend_row(res, i, 1);
if (conn->schema_support)
schnm = QR_get_value_backend_row(res, i, 3);
/* The owner has all privileges */
useracl_upd(useracl, allures, owner, ALL_PRIVILIGES);
for (j = 0; j < usercount; j++)
@ -4051,7 +4265,10 @@ mylog("guid=%s\n", uid);
row = (TupleNode *) malloc(sizeof(TupleNode) + (7 - 1) *sizeof(TupleField));
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[0], "");
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], "");
if (conn->schema_support)
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], GET_SCHEMA_NAME(schnm));
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[1], "");
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[2], reln);
if (su || sys)
set_tuplefield_string(&row->tuple[3], "_SYSTEM");