diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/parallel.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/parallel.sgml
index e9a015ecd3c..52806261b6f 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/parallel.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/parallel.sgml
@@ -393,6 +393,54 @@ EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE filler LIKE '%x%';
+ Parallel Append
+ Whenever PostgreSQL needs to combine rows
+ from multiple sources into a single result set, it uses an
+ Append or MergeAppend plan node.
+ This commonly happens when implementing UNION ALL or
+ when scanning a partitioned table. Such nodes can be used in parallel
+ plans just as they can in any other plan. However, in a parallel plan,
+ the planner may instead use a Parallel Append node.
+ When an Append node is used in a parallel plan, each
+ process will execute the child plans in the order in which they appear,
+ so that all participating processes cooperate to execute the first child
+ plan until it is complete and then move to the second plan at around the
+ same time. When a Parallel Append is used instead, the
+ executor will instead spread out the participating processes as evenly as
+ possible across its child plans, so that multiple child plans are executed
+ simultaneously. This avoids contention, and also avoids paying the startup
+ cost of a child plan in those processes that never execute it.
+ Also, unlike a regular Append node, which can only have
+ partial children when used within a parallel plan, a Parallel
+ Append node can have both partial and non-partial child plans.
+ Non-partial children will be scanned by only a single process, since
+ scanning them more than once would produce duplicate results. Plans that
+ involve appending multiple results sets can therefore achieve
+ coarse-grained parallelism even when efficient partial plans are not
+ available. For example, consider a query against a partitioned table
+ which can be only be implemented efficiently by using an index that does
+ not support parallel scans. The planner might choose a Parallel
+ Append of regular Index Scan plans; each
+ individual index scan would have to be executed to completion by a single
+ process, but different scans could be performed at the same time by
+ different processes.
+ can be used to disable
+ this feature.
Parallel Plan Tips