mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 19:39:53 +08:00
Clean out pgbuiltin now that new psql \d commands exist.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/psql/Attic/psql.c,v 1.110 1997/11/17 17:54:24 momjian Exp $
* $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/psql/Attic/psql.c,v 1.111 1997/11/17 22:14:55 momjian Exp $
@ -1686,6 +1686,7 @@ HandleSlashCmds(PsqlSettings *pset,
case 'd': /* \d describe database information */
if (strncmp(cmd, "da", 2) == 0)
/* aggregates */
SendQuery(&success, pset,"\
SELECT a.aggname AS aggname, \
@ -1695,6 +1696,15 @@ HandleSlashCmds(PsqlSettings *pset,
WHERE a.aggbasetype = t.oid \
ORDER BY aggname, typname;",
false, false, 0);
SendQuery(&success, pset,"\
SELECT a.aggname AS aggname, \
'all types' as all_types, \
obj_description(a.oid) as description \
FROM pg_aggregate a \
WHERE a.aggbasetype = 0 \
ORDER BY aggname;",
false, false, 0);
else if (strncmp(cmd, "dd", 2) == 0)
/* descriptions */
objectDescription(pset, optarg+1, NULL);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" This is -*-nroff-*-
.\" XXX standard disclaimer belongs here....
.\" $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/man/Attic/pgbuiltin.3,v 1.8 1997/10/01 18:57:48 momjian Exp $
.\" $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/man/Attic/pgbuiltin.3,v 1.9 1997/11/17 22:15:03 momjian Exp $
.TH PGBUILTIN INTRO 04/01/97 PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
This section describes the data types, functions and operators
@ -466,8 +466,6 @@ The rest of this section provides a list of the built-in operators and
the functions that implement them. Binary operators are listed first,
followed by unary operators.
@ -675,633 +673,19 @@ text
This list was generated from the Postgres system catalogs with the
SELECT t0.typname AS result,
t1.typname AS left_type,
t2.typname AS right_type,
o.oprname AS operatr,
p.proname AS func_name
FROM pg_proc p, pg_type t0,
pg_type t1, pg_type t2,
pg_operator o
WHERE p.prorettype = t0.oid AND
RegprocToOid(o.oprcode) = p.oid AND
p.pronargs = 2 AND
o.oprleft = t1.oid AND
o.oprright = t2.oid
ORDER BY result, left_type, right_type, operatr;
These operations are cast in terms of SQL types and so are
.BR not
directly usable as C function prototypes.
result |left_type |right_type|operatr|func_name
_aclitem |_aclitem |aclitem |+ |aclinsert
_aclitem |_aclitem |aclitem |- |aclremove
abstime |abstime |reltime |+ |timepl
abstime |abstime |reltime |- |timemi
bool |_abstime |_abstime |= |array_eq
bool |_aclitem |_aclitem |= |array_eq
bool |_aclitem |aclitem |~ |aclcontains
bool |_bool |_bool |= |array_eq
bool |_box |_box |= |array_eq
bool |_bytea |_bytea |= |array_eq
bool |_char |_char |= |array_eq
bool |_char16 |_char16 |= |array_eq
bool |_cid |_cid |= |array_eq
bool |_filename |_filename |= |array_eq
bool |_float4 |_float4 |= |array_eq
bool |_float8 |_float8 |= |array_eq
bool |_int2 |_int2 |= |array_eq
bool |_int28 |_int28 |= |array_eq
bool |_int4 |_int4 |= |array_eq
bool |_lseg |_lseg |= |array_eq
bool |_name |_name |= |array_eq
bool |_oid |_oid |= |array_eq
bool |_oid8 |_oid8 |= |array_eq
bool |_path |_path |= |array_eq
bool |_point |_point |= |array_eq
bool |_polygon |_polygon |= |array_eq
bool |_ref |_ref |= |array_eq
bool |_regproc |_regproc |= |array_eq
bool |_reltime |_reltime |= |array_eq
bool |_stub |_stub |= |array_eq
bool |_text |_text |= |array_eq
bool |_tid |_tid |= |array_eq
bool |_tinterval|_tinterval|= |array_eq
bool |_xid |_xid |= |array_eq
bool |abstime |abstime |< |abstimelt
bool |abstime |abstime |<= |abstimele
bool |abstime |abstime |<> |abstimene
bool |abstime |abstime |= |abstimeeq
bool |abstime |abstime |> |abstimegt
bool |abstime |abstime |>= |abstimege
bool |abstime |tinterval |<?> |ininterval
bool |bool |bool |< |boollt
bool |bool |bool |<> |boolne
bool |bool |bool |= |booleq
bool |bool |bool |> |boolgt
bool |box |box |&& |box_overlap
bool |box |box |&< |box_overleft
bool |box |box |&> |box_overright
bool |box |box |< |box_lt
bool |box |box |<< |box_left
bool |box |box |<= |box_le
bool |box |box |<^ |box_below
bool |box |box |= |box_eq
bool |box |box |> |box_gt
bool |box |box |>= |box_ge
bool |box |box |>> |box_right
bool |box |box |>^ |box_above
bool |box |box |?# |box_overlap
bool |box |box |@ |box_contained
bool |box |box |~ |box_contain
bool |box |box |~= |box_same
bool |bpchar |bpchar |< |bpcharlt
bool |bpchar |bpchar |<= |bpcharle
bool |bpchar |bpchar |<> |bpcharne
bool |bpchar |bpchar |= |bpchareq
bool |bpchar |bpchar |> |bpchargt
bool |bpchar |bpchar |>= |bpcharge
bool |bpchar |text |!~ |textregexne
bool |bpchar |text |!~* |texticregexne
bool |bpchar |text |!~~ |textnlike
bool |bpchar |text |~ |textregexeq
bool |bpchar |text |~* |texticregexeq
bool |bpchar |text |~~ |textlike
bool |char |char |< |charlt
bool |char |char |<= |charle
bool |char |char |<> |charne
bool |char |char |= |chareq
bool |char |char |> |chargt
bool |char |char |>= |charge
bool |char16 |char16 |< |char16lt
bool |char16 |char16 |<= |char16le
bool |char16 |char16 |<> |char16ne
bool |char16 |char16 |= |char16eq
bool |char16 |char16 |> |char16gt
bool |char16 |char16 |>= |char16ge
bool |char16 |text |!~ |char16regexne
bool |char16 |text |!~* |char16icregexne
bool |char16 |text |!~~ |char16nlike
bool |char16 |text |~ |char16regexeq
bool |char16 |text |~* |char16icregexeq
bool |char16 |text |~~ |char16like
bool |char2 |char2 |< |char2lt
bool |char2 |char2 |<= |char2le
bool |char2 |char2 |<> |char2ne
bool |char2 |char2 |= |char2eq
bool |char2 |char2 |> |char2gt
bool |char2 |char2 |>= |char2ge
bool |char2 |text |!~ |char2regexne
bool |char2 |text |!~* |char2icregexne
bool |char2 |text |!~~ |char2nlike
bool |char2 |text |~ |char2regexeq
bool |char2 |text |~* |char2icregexeq
bool |char2 |text |~~ |char2like
bool |char4 |char4 |< |char4lt
bool |char4 |char4 |<= |char4le
bool |char4 |char4 |<> |char4ne
bool |char4 |char4 |= |char4eq
bool |char4 |char4 |> |char4gt
bool |char4 |char4 |>= |char4ge
bool |char4 |text |!~ |char4regexne
bool |char4 |text |!~* |char4icregexne
bool |char4 |text |!~~ |char4nlike
bool |char4 |text |~ |char4regexeq
bool |char4 |text |~* |char4icregexeq
bool |char4 |text |~~ |char4like
bool |char8 |char8 |< |char8lt
bool |char8 |char8 |<= |char8le
bool |char8 |char8 |<> |char8ne
bool |char8 |char8 |= |char8eq
bool |char8 |char8 |> |char8gt
bool |char8 |char8 |>= |char8ge
bool |char8 |text |!~ |char8regexne
bool |char8 |text |!~* |char8icregexne
bool |char8 |text |!~~ |char8nlike
bool |char8 |text |~ |char8regexeq
bool |char8 |text |~* |char8icregexeq
bool |char8 |text |~~ |char8like
bool |circle |circle |&& |circle_overlap
bool |circle |circle |&< |circle_overleft
bool |circle |circle |&> |circle_overright
bool |circle |circle |< |circle_lt
bool |circle |circle |<< |circle_left
bool |circle |circle |<= |circle_le
bool |circle |circle |<> |circle_ne
bool |circle |circle |<^ |circle_below
bool |circle |circle |= |circle_eq
bool |circle |circle |> |circle_gt
bool |circle |circle |>= |circle_ge
bool |circle |circle |>> |circle_right
bool |circle |circle |>^ |circle_above
bool |circle |circle |@ |circle_contained
bool |circle |circle |~ |circle_contain
bool |circle |circle |~= |circle_same
bool |circle |point |~ |circle_contain_pt
bool |date |date |< |date_lt
bool |date |date |<= |date_le
bool |date |date |<> |date_ne
bool |date |date |= |date_eq
bool |date |date |> |date_gt
bool |date |date |>= |date_ge
bool |datetime |datetime |< |datetime_lt
bool |datetime |datetime |<= |datetime_le
bool |datetime |datetime |<> |datetime_ne
bool |datetime |datetime |= |datetime_eq
bool |datetime |datetime |> |datetime_gt
bool |datetime |datetime |>= |datetime_ge
bool |float4 |float4 |< |float4lt
bool |float4 |float4 |<= |float4le
bool |float4 |float4 |<> |float4ne
bool |float4 |float4 |= |float4eq
bool |float4 |float4 |> |float4gt
bool |float4 |float4 |>= |float4ge
bool |float4 |float8 |< |float48lt
bool |float4 |float8 |<= |float48le
bool |float4 |float8 |<> |float48ne
bool |float4 |float8 |= |float48eq
bool |float4 |float8 |> |float48gt
bool |float4 |float8 |>= |float48ge
bool |float8 |float4 |< |float84lt
bool |float8 |float4 |<= |float84le
bool |float8 |float4 |<> |float84ne
bool |float8 |float4 |= |float84eq
bool |float8 |float4 |> |float84gt
bool |float8 |float4 |>= |float84ge
bool |float8 |float8 |< |float8lt
bool |float8 |float8 |<= |float8le
bool |float8 |float8 |<> |float8ne
bool |float8 |float8 |= |float8eq
bool |float8 |float8 |> |float8gt
bool |float8 |float8 |>= |float8ge
bool |int2 |int2 |< |int2lt
bool |int2 |int2 |<= |int2le
bool |int2 |int2 |<> |int2ne
bool |int2 |int2 |= |int2eq
bool |int2 |int2 |> |int2gt
bool |int2 |int2 |>= |int2ge
bool |int4 |int4 |< |int4lt
bool |int4 |int4 |<= |int4le
bool |int4 |int4 |<> |int4ne
bool |int4 |int4 |= |int4eq
bool |int4 |int4 |> |int4gt
bool |int4 |int4 |>= |int4ge
bool |int4 |name |!!= |int4notin
bool |int4 |oid |= |int4eqoid
bool |line |box |?# |inter_lb
bool |lseg |box |?# |inter_sb
bool |lseg |box |@ |on_sb
bool |lseg |line |?# |inter_sl
bool |lseg |line |@ |on_sl
bool |lseg |lseg |= |lseg_eq
bool |lseg |lseg |?# |lseg_intersect
bool |lseg |lseg |?-| |lseg_perp
bool |lseg |lseg |?|| |lseg_parallel
bool |money |money |< |cash_lt
bool |money |money |<= |cash_le
bool |money |money |<> |cash_ne
bool |money |money |= |cash_eq
bool |money |money |> |cash_gt
bool |money |money |>= |cash_ge
bool |name |name |< |namelt
bool |name |name |<= |namele
bool |name |name |<> |namene
bool |name |name |= |nameeq
bool |name |name |> |namegt
bool |name |name |>= |namege
bool |name |text |!~ |nameregexne
bool |name |text |!~* |nameicregexne
bool |name |text |!~~ |namenlike
bool |name |text |~ |nameregexeq
bool |name |text |~* |nameicregexeq
bool |name |text |~~ |namelike
bool |oid |int4 |= |oideqint4
bool |oid |name |!!= |oidnotin
bool |oid |oid |< |int4lt
bool |oid |oid |<= |int4le
bool |oid |oid |<> |oidne
bool |oid |oid |= |oideq
bool |oid |oid |> |int4gt
bool |oid |oid |>= |int4ge
bool |oidint2 |oidint2 |< |oidint2lt
bool |oidint2 |oidint2 |<= |oidint2le
bool |oidint2 |oidint2 |<> |oidint2ne
bool |oidint2 |oidint2 |= |oidint2eq
bool |oidint2 |oidint2 |> |oidint2gt
bool |oidint2 |oidint2 |>= |oidint2ge
bool |oidint4 |oidint4 |< |oidint4lt
bool |oidint4 |oidint4 |<= |oidint4le
bool |oidint4 |oidint4 |<> |oidint4ne
bool |oidint4 |oidint4 |= |oidint4eq
bool |oidint4 |oidint4 |> |oidint4gt
bool |oidint4 |oidint4 |>= |oidint4ge
bool |oidname |oidname |< |oidnamelt
bool |oidname |oidname |<= |oidnamele
bool |oidname |oidname |<> |oidnamene
bool |oidname |oidname |= |oidnameeq
bool |oidname |oidname |> |oidnamegt
bool |oidname |oidname |>= |oidnamege
bool |path |path |< |path_n_lt
bool |path |path |<= |path_n_le
bool |path |path |= |path_n_eq
bool |path |path |> |path_n_gt
bool |path |path |>= |path_n_ge
bool |path |path |?# |path_inter
bool |path |point |~ |path_contain_pt
bool |point |box |@ |on_pb
bool |point |circle |@ |pt_contained_circle
bool |point |line |@ |on_pl
bool |point |lseg |@ |on_ps
bool |point |path |@ |on_ppath
bool |point |path |@ |pt_contained_path
bool |point |point |<< |point_left
bool |point |point |<^ |point_below
bool |point |point |>> |point_right
bool |point |point |>^ |point_above
bool |point |point |?- |point_horiz
bool |point |point |?| |point_vert
bool |point |point |~= |point_eq
bool |point |polygon |@ |pt_contained_poly
bool |polygon |point |~ |poly_contain_pt
bool |polygon |polygon |&& |poly_overlap
bool |polygon |polygon |&< |poly_overleft
bool |polygon |polygon |&> |poly_overright
bool |polygon |polygon |<< |poly_left
bool |polygon |polygon |>> |poly_right
bool |polygon |polygon |@ |poly_contained
bool |polygon |polygon |~ |poly_contain
bool |polygon |polygon |~= |poly_same
bool |reltime |reltime |< |reltimelt
bool |reltime |reltime |<= |reltimele
bool |reltime |reltime |<> |reltimene
bool |reltime |reltime |= |reltimeeq
bool |reltime |reltime |> |reltimegt
bool |reltime |reltime |>= |reltimege
bool |text |text |!~ |textregexne
bool |text |text |!~* |texticregexne
bool |text |text |!~~ |textnlike
bool |text |text |< |text_lt
bool |text |text |<= |text_le
bool |text |text |<> |textne
bool |text |text |= |texteq
bool |text |text |> |text_gt
bool |text |text |>= |text_ge
bool |text |text |~ |textregexeq
bool |text |text |~* |texticregexeq
bool |text |text |~~ |textlike
bool |time |time |< |time_lt
bool |time |time |<= |time_le
bool |time |time |<> |time_ne
bool |time |time |= |time_eq
bool |time |time |> |time_gt
bool |time |time |>= |time_ge
bool |timespan |timespan |< |timespan_lt
bool |timespan |timespan |<= |timespan_le
bool |timespan |timespan |<> |timespan_ne
bool |timespan |timespan |= |timespan_eq
bool |timespan |timespan |> |timespan_gt
bool |timespan |timespan |>= |timespan_ge
bool |timestamp |timestamp |< |timestamplt
bool |timestamp |timestamp |<= |timestample
bool |timestamp |timestamp |<> |timestampne
bool |timestamp |timestamp |= |timestampeq
bool |timestamp |timestamp |> |timestampgt
bool |timestamp |timestamp |>= |timestampge
bool |tinterval |reltime |#< |intervallenlt
bool |tinterval |reltime |#<= |intervallenle
bool |tinterval |reltime |#<> |intervallenne
bool |tinterval |reltime |#= |intervalleneq
bool |tinterval |reltime |#> |intervallengt
bool |tinterval |reltime |#>= |intervallenge
bool |tinterval |tinterval |&& |intervalov
bool |tinterval |tinterval |< |intervalct
bool |tinterval |tinterval |< |intervallt
bool |tinterval |tinterval |<< |intervalct
bool |tinterval |tinterval |<= |intervalle
bool |tinterval |tinterval |<> |intervalne
bool |tinterval |tinterval |= |intervaleq
bool |tinterval |tinterval |> |intervalgt
bool |tinterval |tinterval |>= |intervalge
bool |tinterval |tinterval |~= |intervalsame
bool |varchar |text |!~ |textregexne
bool |varchar |text |!~* |texticregexne
bool |varchar |text |!~~ |textnlike
bool |varchar |text |~ |textregexeq
bool |varchar |text |~* |texticregexeq
bool |varchar |text |~~ |textlike
bool |varchar |varchar |< |varcharlt
bool |varchar |varchar |<= |varcharle
bool |varchar |varchar |<> |varcharne
bool |varchar |varchar |= |varchareq
bool |varchar |varchar |> |varchargt
bool |varchar |varchar |>= |varcharge
box |box |box |# |box_intersect
box |box |point |* |box_mul
box |box |point |+ |box_add
box |box |point |- |box_sub
box |box |point |/ |box_div
char |char |char |* |charmul
char |char |char |+ |charpl
char |char |char |- |charmi
char |char |char |/ |chardiv
circle |circle |point |* |circle_mul_pt
circle |circle |point |+ |circle_add_pt
circle |circle |point |- |circle_sub_pt
circle |circle |point |/ |circle_div_pt
date |date |int4 |+ |date_pli
date |date |int4 |- |date_mii
datetime |datetime |timespan |+ |datetime_pl_span
datetime |datetime |timespan |- |datetime_mi_span
float4 |float4 |float4 |* |float4mul
float4 |float4 |float4 |+ |float4pl
float4 |float4 |float4 |- |float4mi
float4 |float4 |float4 |/ |float4div
float8 |box |box |<-> |box_distance
float8 |circle |circle |<-> |circle_distance
float8 |circle |polygon |<-> |dist_cpoly
float8 |float4 |float8 |* |float48mul
float8 |float4 |float8 |+ |float48pl
float8 |float4 |float8 |- |float48mi
float8 |float4 |float8 |/ |float48div
float8 |float8 |float4 |* |float84mul
float8 |float8 |float4 |+ |float84pl
float8 |float8 |float4 |- |float84mi
float8 |float8 |float4 |/ |float84div
float8 |float8 |float8 |* |float8mul
float8 |float8 |float8 |+ |float8pl
float8 |float8 |float8 |- |float8mi
float8 |float8 |float8 |/ |float8div
float8 |float8 |float8 |^ |dpow
float8 |line |box |<-> |dist_lb
float8 |line |line |<-> |line_distance
float8 |lseg |box |<-> |dist_sb
float8 |lseg |line |<-> |dist_sl
float8 |lseg |lseg |<-> |lseg_distance
float8 |path |path |<-> |path_distance
float8 |point |box |<-> |dist_pl
float8 |point |box |<-> |dist_pb
float8 |point |lseg |<-> |dist_ps
float8 |point |path |<-> |dist_ppath
float8 |point |point |<-> |point_distance
float8 |polygon |polygon |<-> |poly_distance
int2 |int2 |int2 |% |int2mod
int2 |int2 |int2 |* |int2mul
int2 |int2 |int2 |+ |int2pl
int2 |int2 |int2 |- |int2mi
int2 |int2 |int2 |/ |int2div
int4 |date |date |- |date_mi
int4 |int2 |int4 |% |int24mod
int4 |int2 |int4 |* |int24mul
int4 |int2 |int4 |+ |int24pl
int4 |int2 |int4 |- |int24mi
int4 |int2 |int4 |/ |int24div
int4 |int2 |int4 |< |int24lt
int4 |int2 |int4 |<= |int24le
int4 |int2 |int4 |<> |int24ne
int4 |int2 |int4 |= |int24eq
int4 |int2 |int4 |> |int24gt
int4 |int2 |int4 |>= |int24ge
int4 |int4 |int2 |% |int42mod
int4 |int4 |int2 |* |int42mul
int4 |int4 |int2 |+ |int42pl
int4 |int4 |int2 |- |int42mi
int4 |int4 |int2 |/ |int42div
int4 |int4 |int2 |< |int42lt
int4 |int4 |int2 |<= |int42le
int4 |int4 |int2 |<> |int42ne
int4 |int4 |int2 |= |int42eq
int4 |int4 |int2 |> |int42gt
int4 |int4 |int2 |>= |int42ge
int4 |int4 |int4 |% |int4mod
int4 |int4 |int4 |* |int4mul
int4 |int4 |int4 |+ |int4pl
int4 |int4 |int4 |- |int4mi
int4 |int4 |int4 |/ |int4div
money |float4 |money |* |flt4_mul_cash
money |float8 |money |* |flt8_mul_cash
money |int2 |money |* |int2_mul_cash
money |int4 |money |* |int4_mul_cash
money |money |float4 |* |cash_mul_flt4
money |money |float4 |/ |cash_div_flt4
money |money |float8 |* |cash_mul_flt8
money |money |float8 |/ |cash_div_flt8
money |money |int2 |* |cash_mul_int2
money |money |int2 |/ |cash_div_int2
money |money |int4 |* |cash_mul_int4
money |money |int4 |/ |cash_div_int4
money |money |money |+ |cash_pl
money |money |money |- |cash_mi
path |path |path |+ |path_add
path |path |point |* |path_mul_pt
path |path |point |+ |path_add_pt
path |path |point |- |path_sub_pt
path |path |point |/ |path_div_pt
point |line |box |## |close_lb
point |lseg |box |## |close_sb
point |lseg |line |## |close_sl
point |lseg |lseg |# |lseg_interpt
point |point |box |## |close_pb
point |point |line |## |close_pl
point |point |lseg |## |close_ps
point |point |point |* |point_mul
point |point |point |+ |point_add
point |point |point |- |point_sub
point |point |point |/ |point_div
polygon |point |circle |<-> |dist_pc
text |bpchar |bpchar ||| |textcat
text |text |text ||| |textcat
text |varchar |varchar ||| |textcat
timespan |datetime |datetime |- |datetime_mi
timespan |timespan |timespan |+ |timespan_pl
timespan |timespan |timespan |- |timespan_mi
timespan |timespan |timespan |/ |timespan_div
tinterval|abstime |abstime |<#> |mktinterval
(462 rows)
The table below gives the left unary operators that are
registered in the system catalogs.
This list was generated from the Postgres system catalogs with the query:
SELECT o.oprname AS left_unary,
t.typname AS operand,
r.typname AS return_type
FROM pg_operator o, pg_type t, pg_type r
WHERE o.oprkind = 'l' AND -- left unary
o.oprright = t.oid AND
o.oprresult = r.oid
ORDER BY operand;
left_unary|operand |return_type
@@ |box |point
@@ |circle |point
- |float4 |float4
@ |float4 |float4
; |float8 |float8
- |float8 |float8
@ |float8 |float8
|/ |float8 |float8
||/ |float8 |float8
% |float8 |float8
: |float8 |float8
- |int2 |int2
- |int4 |int4
!! |int4 |int4
?| |lseg |bool
@@ |lseg |point
?- |lseg |bool
?? |path |float8
# |path |int4
@@ |path |point
@@ |polygon |point
# |polygon |int4
- |timespan |timespan
| |tinterval|abstime
(24 rows)
The table below gives the right unary operators that are
registered in the system catalogs.
This list was generated from the Postgres system catalogs with the query:
SELECT o.oprname AS right_unary,
t.typname AS operand,
r.typname AS return_type
FROM pg_operator o, pg_type t, pg_type r
WHERE o.oprkind = 'r' AND -- right unary
o.oprleft = t.oid AND
o.oprresult = r.oid
ORDER BY operand;
% |float8 |float8
! |int4 |int4
(2 rows)
The table below gives the aggregate functions that are
registered in the system catalogs.
This list was generated from the Postgres system catalogs with the query:
SELECT a.aggname AS aggname,
t.typname AS typname
FROM pg_aggregate a, pg_type t
WHERE a.aggbasetype = t.oid
ORDER BY aggname, typname;
avg |float4
avg |float8
avg |int2
avg |int4
avg |money
avg |timespan
max |abstime
max |date
max |datetime
max |float4
max |float8
max |int2
max |int4
max |money
max |timespan
min |abstime
min |date
min |datetime
min |float4
min |float8
min |int2
min |int4
min |money
min |timespan
sum |float4
sum |float8
sum |int2
sum |int4
sum |money
sum |timespan
(30 rows)
\fBcount\fR is also available, where \fBcount(*)\fR returns a count of all
rows while \fBcount(column_name)\fR returns a count of all non-null fields
in the specified column.
.IR "psq"
has a variety of \ed commands for showing system information.
Consult those
.IR "psql"
commands for more listings.
.IR set (l),
.IR show (l),
.IR reset (l).
.IR reset (l),
.IR psql (1).
For examples on specifying literals of built-in types, see
.IR SQL (l).
Reference in New Issue
Block a user