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synced 2025-03-07 19:47:50 +08:00
Create a script that can renumber manually-assigned OIDs.
This commit adds a Perl script renumber_oids.pl, which can reassign a range of manually-assigned OIDs to someplace else by modifying OID fields of the catalog *.dat files and OID-assigning macros in the catalog *.h files. Up to now, we've encouraged new patches that need manually-assigned OIDs to use OIDs just above the range of existing OIDs. Predictably, this leads to patches stepping on each others' toes, as whichever one gets committed first creates an OID conflict that other patch author(s) have to resolve manually. With the availability of renumber_oids.pl, we can eliminate a lot of this hassle. The new project policy, therefore, is: * Encourage new patches to use high OIDs (the documentation suggests choosing a block of OIDs at random in 8000..9999). * After feature freeze in each development cycle, run renumber_oids.pl to move all such OIDs down to lower numbers, thus freeing the high OID range for the next development cycle. This plan should greatly reduce the risk of OID collisions between concurrently-developed patches. Also, if such a collision happens anyway, we have the option to resolve it without much effort by doing an off-schedule OID renumbering to get the first-committed patch out of the way. Or a patch author could use renumber_oids.pl to change their patch's assignments without much pain. This approach does put a premium on not hard-wiring any OID values in places where renumber_oids.pl and genbki.pl can't fix them. Project practice in that respect seems to be pretty good already, but a follow-on patch will sand down some rough edges. John Naylor and Tom Lane, per an idea of Peter Geoghegan's Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/CAH2-WzmMTGMcPuph4OvsO7Ykut0AOCF_i-=eaochT0dd2BN9CQ@mail.gmail.com
This commit is contained in:
@ -388,15 +388,49 @@
to see which ones do not appear. You can also use
the <filename>duplicate_oids</filename> script to check for mistakes.
(<filename>genbki.pl</filename> will assign OIDs for any rows that
didn't get one hand-assigned to them and also detect duplicate OIDs
at compile time.)
didn't get one hand-assigned to them, and it will also detect duplicate
OIDs at compile time.)
When choosing OIDs for a patch that is not expected to be committed
immediately, best practice is to use a group of more-or-less
consecutive OIDs starting with some random choice in the range
8000—9999. This minimizes the risk of OID collisions with other
patches being developed concurrently. To keep the 8000—9999
range free for development purposes, after a patch has been committed
to the master git repository its OIDs should be renumbered into
available space below that range. Typically, this will be done
near the end of each development cycle, moving all OIDs consumed by
patches committed in that cycle at the same time. The script
<filename>renumber_oids.pl</filename> can be used for this purpose.
If an uncommitted patch is found to have OID conflicts with some
recently-committed patch, <filename>renumber_oids.pl</filename> may
also be useful for recovering from that situation.
Because of this convention of possibly renumbering OIDs assigned by
patches, the OIDs assigned by a patch should not be considered stable
until the patch has been included in an official release. We do not
change manually-assigned object OIDs once released, however, as that
would create assorted compatibility problems.
The OID counter starts at 10000 at the beginning of a bootstrap run.
If a row from a source other than <filename>postgres.bki</filename>
is inserted into a table that requires OIDs, then it will receive an
OID of 10000 or above.
OID of 10000 or above. For example, objects created while running
the <filename>information_schema.sql</filename> script receive such
OIDs assigned during normal database operation are constrained to be
16384 or higher. This leaves the range 10000—16383 available
for OIDs assigned automatically during bootstrap. These OIDs are not
considered stable, and may change from one installation to another.
@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ sub ParseHeader
# Push the data into the appropriate data structure.
# Caution: when adding new recognized OID-defining macros,
# also update src/include/catalog/renumber_oids.pl.
if (/^DECLARE_TOAST\(\s*(\w+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/)
push @{ $catalog{toasting} },
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
* This file provides some definitions to support indexing
* on system catalogs
* Caution: all #define's with numeric values in this file had better be
* object OIDs, else renumber_oids.pl might change them inappropriately.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
# renumber_oids.pl
# Perl script that shifts a range of OIDs in the Postgres catalog data
# to a different range, skipping any OIDs that are already in use.
# Note: This does not reformat the .dat files, so you may want
# to run reformat_dat_file.pl afterwards.
# Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
# src/include/catalog/renumber_oids.pl
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use Getopt::Long;
# Must run in src/include/catalog
chdir $FindBin::RealBin or die "could not cd to $FindBin::RealBin: $!\n";
use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../../backend/catalog/";
use Catalog;
# We'll need this number.
my $FirstGenbkiObjectId =
Catalog::FindDefinedSymbol('access/transam.h', '..', 'FirstGenbkiObjectId');
# Process command line switches.
my $output_path = '';
my $first_mapped_oid = 0;
my $last_mapped_oid = $FirstGenbkiObjectId - 1;
my $target_oid = 0;
'output=s' => \$output_path,
'first-mapped-oid=i' => \$first_mapped_oid,
'last-mapped-oid=i' => \$last_mapped_oid,
'target-oid=i' => \$target_oid) || usage();
# Sanity check arguments.
die "Unexpected non-switch arguments.\n" if @ARGV;
die "--first-mapped-oid must be specified.\n"
if $first_mapped_oid <= 0;
die "Empty mapped OID range.\n"
if $last_mapped_oid < $first_mapped_oid;
die "--target-oid must be specified.\n"
if $target_oid <= 0;
die "--target-oid must not be within mapped OID range.\n"
if $target_oid >= $first_mapped_oid && $target_oid <= $last_mapped_oid;
# Make sure output_path ends in a slash.
if ($output_path ne '' && substr($output_path, -1) ne '/')
$output_path .= '/';
# Collect all the existing assigned OIDs (including those to be remapped).
my @header_files = (glob("pg_*.h"), qw(indexing.h toasting.h));
my $oids = Catalog::FindAllOidsFromHeaders(@header_files);
# Hash-ify the existing OIDs for convenient lookup.
my %oidhash;
@oidhash{@$oids} = undef;
# Select new OIDs for existing OIDs in the mapped range.
# We do this first so that we preserve the ordering of the mapped OIDs
# (for reproducibility's sake), and so that if we fail due to running out
# of OID room, that happens before we've overwritten any files.
my %maphash;
my $next_oid = $target_oid;
for (
my $mapped_oid = $first_mapped_oid;
$mapped_oid <= $last_mapped_oid;
next if !exists $oidhash{$mapped_oid};
while (
exists $oidhash{$next_oid}
|| ( $next_oid >= $first_mapped_oid
&& $next_oid <= $last_mapped_oid));
die "Reached FirstGenbkiObjectId before assigning all OIDs.\n"
if $next_oid >= $FirstGenbkiObjectId;
$maphash{$mapped_oid} = $next_oid;
die "There are no OIDs in the mapped range.\n" if $next_oid == $target_oid;
# Read each .h file and write out modified data.
foreach my $input_file (@header_files)
$input_file =~ /(\w+)\.h$/
or die "Input file $input_file needs to be a .h file.\n";
my $catname = $1;
# Ignore generated *_d.h files.
next if $catname =~ /_d$/;
open(my $ifd, '<', $input_file) || die "$input_file: $!";
# Write output files to specified directory.
# Use a .tmp suffix, then rename into place, in case we're overwriting.
my $output_file = "$output_path$catname.h";
my $tmp_output_file = "$output_file.tmp";
open my $ofd, '>', $tmp_output_file
or die "can't open $tmp_output_file: $!";
my $changed = 0;
# Scan the input file.
while (<$ifd>)
my $line = $_;
# Check for OID-defining macros that Catalog::ParseHeader knows about,
# and update OIDs as needed.
if ($line =~ m/^(DECLARE_TOAST\(\s*\w+,\s*)(\d+)(,\s*)(\d+)\)/)
my $oid2 = $2;
my $oid4 = $4;
if (exists $maphash{$oid2})
$oid2 = $maphash{$oid2};
my $repl = $1 . $oid2 . $3 . $oid4 . ")";
$line =~ s/^DECLARE_TOAST\(\s*\w+,\s*\d+,\s*\d+\)/$repl/;
$changed = 1;
if (exists $maphash{$oid4})
$oid4 = $maphash{$oid4};
my $repl = $1 . $oid2 . $3 . $oid4 . ")";
$line =~ s/^DECLARE_TOAST\(\s*\w+,\s*\d+,\s*\d+\)/$repl/;
$changed = 1;
elsif (
$line =~ m/^(DECLARE_(UNIQUE_)?INDEX\(\s*\w+,\s*)(\d+)(,\s*.+)\)/)
if (exists $maphash{$3})
my $repl = $1 . $maphash{$3} . $4 . ")";
$line =~
$changed = 1;
elsif ($line =~ m/^CATALOG\((\w+),(\d+),(\w+)\)/)
if (exists $maphash{$2})
my $repl =
"CATALOG(" . $1 . "," . $maphash{$2} . "," . $3 . ")";
$line =~ s/^CATALOG\(\w+,\d+,\w+\)/$repl/;
$changed = 1;
if ($line =~ m/BKI_ROWTYPE_OID\((\d+),(\w+)\)/)
if (exists $maphash{$1})
my $repl =
"BKI_ROWTYPE_OID(" . $maphash{$1} . "," . $2 . ")";
$line =~ s/BKI_ROWTYPE_OID\(\d+,\w+\)/$repl/;
$changed = 1;
# In indexing.h and toasting.h only, check for #define SYM nnnn,
# and replace if within mapped range.
elsif ($line =~ m/^(\s*#\s*define\s+\w+\s+)(\d+)\b/)
if (($catname eq 'indexing' || $catname eq 'toasting')
&& exists $maphash{$2})
my $repl = $1 . $maphash{$2};
$line =~ s/^\s*#\s*define\s+\w+\s+\d+\b/$repl/;
$changed = 1;
print $ofd $line;
close $ifd;
close $ofd;
# Avoid updating files if we didn't change them.
if ($changed || $output_path ne '')
rename $tmp_output_file, $output_file
or die "can't rename $tmp_output_file to $output_file: $!";
unlink $tmp_output_file
or die "can't unlink $tmp_output_file: $!";
# Likewise, read each .dat file and write out modified data.
foreach my $input_file (glob("pg_*.dat"))
$input_file =~ /(\w+)\.dat$/
or die "Input file $input_file needs to be a .dat file.\n";
my $catname = $1;
open(my $ifd, '<', $input_file) || die "$input_file: $!";
# Write output files to specified directory.
# Use a .tmp suffix, then rename into place, in case we're overwriting.
my $output_file = "$output_path$catname.dat";
my $tmp_output_file = "$output_file.tmp";
open my $ofd, '>', $tmp_output_file
or die "can't open $tmp_output_file: $!";
my $changed = 0;
# Scan the input file.
while (<$ifd>)
my $line = $_;
# Check for oid => 'nnnn', and replace if within mapped range.
if ($line =~ m/\b(oid\s*=>\s*)'(\d+)'/)
if (exists $maphash{$2})
my $repl = $1 . "'" . $maphash{$2} . "'";
$line =~ s/\boid\s*=>\s*'\d+'/$repl/;
$changed = 1;
# Likewise for array_type_oid.
if ($line =~ m/\b(array_type_oid\s*=>\s*)'(\d+)'/)
if (exists $maphash{$2})
my $repl = $1 . "'" . $maphash{$2} . "'";
$line =~ s/\barray_type_oid\s*=>\s*'\d+'/$repl/;
$changed = 1;
print $ofd $line;
close $ifd;
close $ofd;
# Avoid updating files if we didn't change them.
if ($changed || $output_path ne '')
rename $tmp_output_file, $output_file
or die "can't rename $tmp_output_file to $output_file: $!";
unlink $tmp_output_file
or die "can't unlink $tmp_output_file: $!";
sub usage
my $last = $FirstGenbkiObjectId - 1;
die <<EOM;
Usage: renumber_oids.pl [--output PATH] --first-mapped-oid X [--last-mapped-oid Y] --target-oid Z
--output PATH output directory (default '.')
--first-mapped-oid X first OID to be moved
--last-mapped-oid Y last OID to be moved (default $last)
--target-oid Z first OID to move to
Catalog *.h and *.dat files are updated and written to the
output directory; by default, this overwrites the input files.
Caution: the output PATH will be interpreted relative to
src/include/catalog, even if you start the script
in some other directory.
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
* toasting.h
* This file provides some definitions to support creation of toast tables
* Caution: all #define's with numeric values in this file had better be
* object OIDs, else renumber_oids.pl might change them inappropriately.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2019, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
@ -58,11 +58,23 @@ in both HEAD and the branch.
o doc/src/sgml/ref manual pages
* Ports
o update config.guess and config.sub at the start of beta
(from http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/config)
o update ports list in doc/src/sgml/installation.sgml
o update platform-specific FAQ's, if needed
Pre-Beta Tasks
These things should be done at least once per development cycle.
Typically we do them between feature freeze and start of beta test,
but there may be reasons to do them at other times as well.
* Renumber any manually-assigned OIDs between 8000 and 9999
to lower numbers, using renumber_oids.pl (see notes in bki.sgml)
* Update config.guess and config.sub
(from http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/config)
* Update inet/cidr data types with newest Bind patches
Reference in New Issue
Block a user