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synced 2025-03-01 19:45:33 +08:00
Reformat some more node comments
Reformat some more comments in node field definitions to avoid long
lines. Similar to 835d476fd2
, based on
additional per-field annotations that will be required.
Discussion: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/c5906b07-220a-a3d4-8ff3-8ee593009424@enterprisedb.com
This commit is contained in:
@ -91,45 +91,65 @@ typedef struct PlannerGlobal
NodeTag type;
ParamListInfo boundParams; /* Param values provided to planner() */
/* Param values provided to planner() */
ParamListInfo boundParams;
List *subplans; /* Plans for SubPlan nodes */
/* Plans for SubPlan nodes */
List *subplans;
List *subroots; /* PlannerInfos for SubPlan nodes */
/* PlannerInfos for SubPlan nodes */
List *subroots;
Bitmapset *rewindPlanIDs; /* indices of subplans that require REWIND */
/* indices of subplans that require REWIND */
Bitmapset *rewindPlanIDs;
List *finalrtable; /* "flat" rangetable for executor */
/* "flat" rangetable for executor */
List *finalrtable;
List *finalrowmarks; /* "flat" list of PlanRowMarks */
/* "flat" list of PlanRowMarks */
List *finalrowmarks;
List *resultRelations; /* "flat" list of integer RT indexes */
/* "flat" list of integer RT indexes */
List *resultRelations;
List *appendRelations; /* "flat" list of AppendRelInfos */
/* "flat" list of AppendRelInfos */
List *appendRelations;
List *relationOids; /* OIDs of relations the plan depends on */
/* OIDs of relations the plan depends on */
List *relationOids;
List *invalItems; /* other dependencies, as PlanInvalItems */
/* other dependencies, as PlanInvalItems */
List *invalItems;
List *paramExecTypes; /* type OIDs for PARAM_EXEC Params */
/* type OIDs for PARAM_EXEC Params */
List *paramExecTypes;
Index lastPHId; /* highest PlaceHolderVar ID assigned */
/* highest PlaceHolderVar ID assigned */
Index lastPHId;
Index lastRowMarkId; /* highest PlanRowMark ID assigned */
/* highest PlanRowMark ID assigned */
Index lastRowMarkId;
int lastPlanNodeId; /* highest plan node ID assigned */
/* highest plan node ID assigned */
int lastPlanNodeId;
bool transientPlan; /* redo plan when TransactionXmin changes? */
/* redo plan when TransactionXmin changes? */
bool transientPlan;
bool dependsOnRole; /* is plan specific to current role? */
/* is plan specific to current role? */
bool dependsOnRole;
bool parallelModeOK; /* parallel mode potentially OK? */
/* parallel mode potentially OK? */
bool parallelModeOK;
bool parallelModeNeeded; /* parallel mode actually required? */
/* parallel mode actually required? */
bool parallelModeNeeded;
char maxParallelHazard; /* worst PROPARALLEL hazard level */
/* worst PROPARALLEL hazard level */
char maxParallelHazard;
PartitionDirectory partition_directory; /* partition descriptors */
/* partition descriptors */
PartitionDirectory partition_directory;
} PlannerGlobal;
/* macro for fetching the Plan associated with a SubPlan node */
@ -159,13 +179,17 @@ struct PlannerInfo
NodeTag type;
Query *parse; /* the Query being planned */
/* the Query being planned */
Query *parse;
PlannerGlobal *glob; /* global info for current planner run */
/* global info for current planner run */
PlannerGlobal *glob;
Index query_level; /* 1 at the outermost Query */
/* 1 at the outermost Query */
Index query_level;
PlannerInfo *parent_root; /* NULL at outermost Query */
/* NULL at outermost Query */
PlannerInfo *parent_root;
* plan_params contains the expressions that this query level needs to
@ -173,7 +197,8 @@ struct PlannerInfo
* outer_params contains the paramIds of PARAM_EXEC Params that outer
* query levels will make available to this query level.
List *plan_params; /* list of PlannerParamItems, see below */
/* list of PlannerParamItems, see below */
List *plan_params;
Bitmapset *outer_params;
@ -183,15 +208,16 @@ struct PlannerInfo
* does not correspond to a base relation, such as a join RTE or an
* unreferenced view RTE; or if the RelOptInfo hasn't been made yet.
struct RelOptInfo **simple_rel_array; /* All 1-rel RelOptInfos */
int simple_rel_array_size; /* allocated size of array */
struct RelOptInfo **simple_rel_array;
/* allocated size of array */
int simple_rel_array_size;
* simple_rte_array is the same length as simple_rel_array and holds
* pointers to the associated rangetable entries. Using this is a shade
* faster than using rt_fetch(), mostly due to fewer indirections.
RangeTblEntry **simple_rte_array; /* rangetable as an array */
RangeTblEntry **simple_rte_array;
* append_rel_array is the same length as the above arrays, and holds
@ -236,35 +262,51 @@ struct PlannerInfo
* automatically added to the join_rel_level[join_cur_level] list.
* join_rel_level is NULL if not in use.
List **join_rel_level; /* lists of join-relation RelOptInfos */
int join_cur_level; /* index of list being extended */
/* lists of join-relation RelOptInfos */
List **join_rel_level;
/* index of list being extended */
int join_cur_level;
List *init_plans; /* init SubPlans for query */
/* init SubPlans for query */
List *init_plans;
List *cte_plan_ids; /* per-CTE-item list of subplan IDs (or -1 if
* no subplan was made for that CTE) */
* per-CTE-item list of subplan IDs (or -1 if no subplan was made for that
* CTE)
List *cte_plan_ids;
List *multiexpr_params; /* List of Lists of Params for MULTIEXPR
* subquery outputs */
/* List of Lists of Params for MULTIEXPR subquery outputs */
List *multiexpr_params;
List *eq_classes; /* list of active EquivalenceClasses */
/* list of active EquivalenceClasses */
List *eq_classes;
bool ec_merging_done; /* set true once ECs are canonical */
/* set true once ECs are canonical */
bool ec_merging_done;
List *canon_pathkeys; /* list of "canonical" PathKeys */
/* list of "canonical" PathKeys */
List *canon_pathkeys;
List *left_join_clauses; /* list of RestrictInfos for mergejoinable
* outer join clauses w/nonnullable var on
* left */
* list of RestrictInfos for mergejoinable outer join clauses
* w/nonnullable var on left
List *left_join_clauses;
List *right_join_clauses; /* list of RestrictInfos for mergejoinable
* outer join clauses w/nonnullable var on
* right */
* list of RestrictInfos for mergejoinable outer join clauses
* w/nonnullable var on right
List *right_join_clauses;
List *full_join_clauses; /* list of RestrictInfos for mergejoinable
* full join clauses */
* list of RestrictInfos for mergejoinable full join clauses
List *full_join_clauses;
List *join_info_list; /* list of SpecialJoinInfos */
/* list of SpecialJoinInfos */
List *join_info_list;
* all_result_relids is empty for SELECT, otherwise it contains at least
@ -274,38 +316,55 @@ struct PlannerInfo
* leaf_result_relids is similar except that only actual result tables,
* not partitioned tables, are included in it.
Relids all_result_relids; /* set of all result relids */
Relids leaf_result_relids; /* set of all leaf relids */
/* set of all result relids */
Relids all_result_relids;
/* set of all leaf relids */
Relids leaf_result_relids;
* list of AppendRelInfos
* Note: for AppendRelInfos describing partitions of a partitioned table,
* we guarantee that partitions that come earlier in the partitioned
* table's PartitionDesc will appear earlier in append_rel_list.
List *append_rel_list; /* list of AppendRelInfos */
List *append_rel_list;
List *row_identity_vars; /* list of RowIdentityVarInfos */
/* list of RowIdentityVarInfos */
List *row_identity_vars;
List *rowMarks; /* list of PlanRowMarks */
/* list of PlanRowMarks */
List *rowMarks;
List *placeholder_list; /* list of PlaceHolderInfos */
/* list of PlaceHolderInfos */
List *placeholder_list;
List *fkey_list; /* list of ForeignKeyOptInfos */
/* list of ForeignKeyOptInfos */
List *fkey_list;
List *query_pathkeys; /* desired pathkeys for query_planner() */
/* desired pathkeys for query_planner() */
List *query_pathkeys;
List *group_pathkeys; /* groupClause pathkeys, if any */
List *window_pathkeys; /* pathkeys of bottom window, if any */
List *distinct_pathkeys; /* distinctClause pathkeys, if any */
List *sort_pathkeys; /* sortClause pathkeys, if any */
/* groupClause pathkeys, if any */
List *group_pathkeys;
/* pathkeys of bottom window, if any */
List *window_pathkeys;
/* distinctClause pathkeys, if any */
List *distinct_pathkeys;
/* sortClause pathkeys, if any */
List *sort_pathkeys;
List *part_schemes; /* Canonicalised partition schemes used in the
* query. */
/* Canonicalised partition schemes used in the query. */
List *part_schemes;
List *initial_rels; /* RelOptInfos we are now trying to join */
/* RelOptInfos we are now trying to join */
List *initial_rels;
/* Use fetch_upper_rel() to get any particular upper rel */
List *upper_rels[UPPERREL_FINAL + 1]; /* upper-rel RelOptInfos */
* Upper-rel RelOptInfos. Use fetch_upper_rel() to get any particular
* upper rel.
List *upper_rels[UPPERREL_FINAL + 1];
/* Result tlists chosen by grouping_planner for upper-stage processing */
struct PathTarget *upper_targets[UPPERREL_FINAL + 1];
@ -340,39 +399,62 @@ struct PlannerInfo
/* context holding PlannerInfo */
MemoryContext planner_cxt;
Cardinality total_table_pages; /* # of pages in all non-dummy tables of
* query */
/* # of pages in all non-dummy tables of query */
Cardinality total_table_pages;
Selectivity tuple_fraction; /* tuple_fraction passed to query_planner */
Cardinality limit_tuples; /* limit_tuples passed to query_planner */
/* tuple_fraction passed to query_planner */
Selectivity tuple_fraction;
/* limit_tuples passed to query_planner */
Cardinality limit_tuples;
Index qual_security_level; /* minimum security_level for quals */
/* Note: qual_security_level is zero if there are no securityQuals */
* Minimum security_level for quals. Note: qual_security_level is zero if
* there are no securityQuals.
Index qual_security_level;
bool hasJoinRTEs; /* true if any RTEs are RTE_JOIN kind */
bool hasLateralRTEs; /* true if any RTEs are marked LATERAL */
bool hasHavingQual; /* true if havingQual was non-null */
bool hasPseudoConstantQuals; /* true if any RestrictInfo has
* pseudoconstant = true */
bool hasAlternativeSubPlans; /* true if we've made any of those */
bool hasRecursion; /* true if planning a recursive WITH item */
/* true if any RTEs are RTE_JOIN kind */
bool hasJoinRTEs;
/* true if any RTEs are marked LATERAL */
bool hasLateralRTEs;
/* true if havingQual was non-null */
bool hasHavingQual;
/* true if any RestrictInfo has pseudoconstant = true */
bool hasPseudoConstantQuals;
/* true if we've made any of those */
bool hasAlternativeSubPlans;
/* true if planning a recursive WITH item */
bool hasRecursion;
* Information about aggregates. Filled by preprocess_aggrefs().
List *agginfos; /* AggInfo structs */
List *aggtransinfos; /* AggTransInfo structs */
int numOrderedAggs; /* number w/ DISTINCT/ORDER BY/WITHIN GROUP */
bool hasNonPartialAggs; /* does any agg not support partial mode? */
bool hasNonSerialAggs; /* is any partial agg non-serializable? */
/* AggInfo structs */
List *agginfos;
/* AggTransInfo structs */
List *aggtransinfos;
int numOrderedAggs;
/* does any agg not support partial mode? */
bool hasNonPartialAggs;
/* is any partial agg non-serializable? */
bool hasNonSerialAggs;
/* These fields are used only when hasRecursion is true: */
int wt_param_id; /* PARAM_EXEC ID for the work table */
struct Path *non_recursive_path; /* a path for non-recursive term */
* These fields are used only when hasRecursion is true:
/* PARAM_EXEC ID for the work table */
int wt_param_id;
/* a path for non-recursive term */
struct Path *non_recursive_path;
/* These fields are workspace for createplan.c */
Relids curOuterRels; /* outer rels above current node */
List *curOuterParams; /* not-yet-assigned NestLoopParams */
* These fields are workspace for createplan.c
/* outer rels above current node */
Relids curOuterRels;
/* not-yet-assigned NestLoopParams */
List *curOuterParams;
* These fields are workspace for setrefs.c. Each is an array
@ -269,14 +269,24 @@ typedef struct RelationData
typedef struct ForeignKeyCacheInfo
NodeTag type;
Oid conoid; /* oid of the constraint itself */
Oid conrelid; /* relation constrained by the foreign key */
Oid confrelid; /* relation referenced by the foreign key */
int nkeys; /* number of columns in the foreign key */
/* these arrays each have nkeys valid entries: */
AttrNumber conkey[INDEX_MAX_KEYS]; /* cols in referencing table */
AttrNumber confkey[INDEX_MAX_KEYS]; /* cols in referenced table */
Oid conpfeqop[INDEX_MAX_KEYS]; /* PK = FK operator OIDs */
/* oid of the constraint itself */
Oid conoid;
/* relation constrained by the foreign key */
Oid conrelid;
/* relation referenced by the foreign key */
Oid confrelid;
/* number of columns in the foreign key */
int nkeys;
* these arrays each have nkeys valid entries:
/* cols in referencing table */
AttrNumber conkey[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
/* cols in referenced table */
AttrNumber confkey[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
/* PK = FK operator OIDs */
Oid conpfeqop[INDEX_MAX_KEYS];
} ForeignKeyCacheInfo;
Reference in New Issue
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