diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/protocol.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/protocol.sgml
index 1e2604b832..70165115f5 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/protocol.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/protocol.sgml
@@ -1423,10 +1423,15 @@ The commands accepted in walsender mode are:
After streaming all the WAL on a timeline that is not the latest one,
the server will end streaming by exiting the COPY mode. When the client
- acknowledges this by also exiting COPY mode, the server sends a
- single-row, single-column result set indicating the next timeline in
- this server's history. That is followed by a CommandComplete message,
- and the server is ready to accept a new command.
+ acknowledges this by also exiting COPY mode, the server sends a result
+ set with one row and two columns, indicating the next timeline in this
+ server's history. The first column is the next timeline's ID, and the
+ second column is the XLOG position where the switch happened. Usually,
+ the switch position is the end of the WAL that was streamed, but there
+ are corner cases where the server can send some WAL from the old
+ timeline that it has not itself replayed before promoting. Finally, the
+ server sends CommandComplete message, and is ready to accept a new
+ command.
diff --git a/src/backend/access/transam/xlog.c b/src/backend/access/transam/xlog.c
index 959f423187..f7dd61c4c7 100644
--- a/src/backend/access/transam/xlog.c
+++ b/src/backend/access/transam/xlog.c
@@ -9598,7 +9598,7 @@ WaitForWALToBecomeAvailable(XLogRecPtr RecPtr, bool randAccess,
- ptr = RecPtr;
+ ptr = tliRecPtr;
tli = tliOfPointInHistory(tliRecPtr, expectedTLEs);
if (curFileTLI > 0 && tli < curFileTLI)
@@ -9607,7 +9607,8 @@ WaitForWALToBecomeAvailable(XLogRecPtr RecPtr, bool randAccess,
tli, curFileTLI);
curFileTLI = tli;
- RequestXLogStreaming(curFileTLI, ptr, PrimaryConnInfo);
+ RequestXLogStreaming(tli, ptr, PrimaryConnInfo);
+ receivedUpto = 0;
* Move to XLOG_FROM_STREAM state in either case. We'll get
diff --git a/src/backend/replication/libpqwalreceiver/libpqwalreceiver.c b/src/backend/replication/libpqwalreceiver/libpqwalreceiver.c
index e6e670e9e4..f7cc6e3c2f 100644
--- a/src/backend/replication/libpqwalreceiver/libpqwalreceiver.c
+++ b/src/backend/replication/libpqwalreceiver/libpqwalreceiver.c
@@ -224,8 +224,11 @@ libpqrcv_endstreaming(TimeLineID *next_tli)
res = PQgetResult(streamConn);
if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
- /* Read the next timeline's ID */
- if (PQnfields(res) != 1 || PQntuples(res) != 1)
+ /*
+ * Read the next timeline's ID. The server also sends the timeline's
+ * starting point, but it is ignored.
+ */
+ if (PQnfields(res) < 2 || PQntuples(res) != 1)
(errmsg("unexpected result set after end-of-streaming")));
*next_tli = pg_atoi(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), sizeof(uint32), 0);
diff --git a/src/backend/replication/walreceiverfuncs.c b/src/backend/replication/walreceiverfuncs.c
index d414808c9f..e5ad84393f 100644
--- a/src/backend/replication/walreceiverfuncs.c
+++ b/src/backend/replication/walreceiverfuncs.c
@@ -260,12 +260,13 @@ RequestXLogStreaming(TimeLineID tli, XLogRecPtr recptr, const char *conninfo)
walrcv->startTime = now;
- * If this is the first startup of walreceiver, we initialize receivedUpto
- * and latestChunkStart to receiveStart.
+ * If this is the first startup of walreceiver (on this timeline),
+ * initialize receivedUpto and latestChunkStart to the starting point.
- if (walrcv->receiveStart == 0)
+ if (walrcv->receiveStart == 0 || walrcv->receivedTLI != tli)
walrcv->receivedUpto = recptr;
+ walrcv->receivedTLI = tli;
walrcv->latestChunkStart = recptr;
walrcv->receiveStart = recptr;
diff --git a/src/backend/replication/walsender.c b/src/backend/replication/walsender.c
index c05bb1e081..1dcb0f57f4 100644
--- a/src/backend/replication/walsender.c
+++ b/src/backend/replication/walsender.c
@@ -567,16 +567,21 @@ StartReplication(StartReplicationCmd *cmd)
if (sendTimeLineIsHistoric)
- char str[11];
- snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%u", sendTimeLineNextTLI);
+ char tli_str[11];
+ char startpos_str[8+1+8+1];
- pq_beginmessage(&buf, 'T'); /* RowDescription */
- pq_sendint(&buf, 1, 2); /* 1 field */
+ snprintf(tli_str, sizeof(tli_str), "%u", sendTimeLineNextTLI);
+ snprintf(startpos_str, sizeof(startpos_str), "%X/%X",
+ (uint32) (sendTimeLineValidUpto >> 32),
+ (uint32) sendTimeLineValidUpto);
+ pq_beginmessage(&buf, 'T'); /* RowDescription */
+ pq_sendint(&buf, 2, 2); /* 2 fields */
/* Field header */
pq_sendstring(&buf, "next_tli");
- pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 4); /* table oid */
- pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2); /* attnum */
+ pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 4); /* table oid */
+ pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2); /* attnum */
* int8 may seem like a surprising data type for this, but in theory
* int4 would not be wide enough for this, as TimeLineID is unsigned.
@@ -585,13 +590,26 @@ StartReplication(StartReplicationCmd *cmd)
pq_sendint(&buf, -1, 2);
pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 4);
pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2);
+ pq_sendstring(&buf, "next_tli_startpos");
+ pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 4); /* table oid */
+ pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2); /* attnum */
+ pq_sendint(&buf, TEXTOID, 4); /* type oid */
+ pq_sendint(&buf, -1, 2);
+ pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 4);
+ pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 2);
/* Data row */
pq_beginmessage(&buf, 'D');
- pq_sendint(&buf, 1, 2); /* number of columns */
- pq_sendint(&buf, strlen(str), 4); /* length */
- pq_sendbytes(&buf, str, strlen(str));
+ pq_sendint(&buf, 2, 2); /* number of columns */
+ pq_sendint(&buf, strlen(tli_str), 4); /* length */
+ pq_sendbytes(&buf, tli_str, strlen(tli_str));
+ pq_sendint(&buf, strlen(startpos_str), 4); /* length */
+ pq_sendbytes(&buf, startpos_str, strlen(startpos_str));
@@ -1462,19 +1480,10 @@ XLogSend(bool *caughtup)
history = readTimeLineHistory(ThisTimeLineID);
sendTimeLineValidUpto = tliSwitchPoint(sendTimeLine, history, &sendTimeLineNextTLI);
- Assert(sentPtr <= sendTimeLineValidUpto);
Assert(sendTimeLine < sendTimeLineNextTLI);
- /* the current send pointer should be <= the switchpoint */
- if (!(sentPtr <= sendTimeLineValidUpto))
- elog(ERROR, "server switched off timeline %u at %X/%X, but walsender already streamed up to %X/%X",
- sendTimeLine,
- (uint32) (sendTimeLineValidUpto >> 32),
- (uint32) sendTimeLineValidUpto,
- (uint32) (sentPtr >> 32),
- (uint32) sentPtr);
sendTimeLineIsHistoric = true;
SendRqstPtr = sendTimeLineValidUpto;
@@ -1498,6 +1507,15 @@ XLogSend(bool *caughtup)
* If this is a historic timeline and we've reached the point where we
* forked to the next timeline, stop streaming.
+ *
+ * Note: We might already have sent WAL > sendTimeLineValidUpto. The
+ * startup process will normally replay all WAL that has been received from
+ * the master, before promoting, but if the WAL streaming is terminated at
+ * a WAL page boundary, the valid portion of the timeline might end in the
+ * middle of a WAL record. We might've already sent the first half of that
+ * partial WAL record to the cascading standby, so that sentPtr >
+ * sendTimeLineValidUpto. That's OK; the cascading standby can't replay the
+ * partial WAL record either, so it can still follow our timeline switch.
if (sendTimeLineIsHistoric && sendTimeLineValidUpto <= sentPtr)
@@ -1511,6 +1529,10 @@ XLogSend(bool *caughtup)
streamingDoneSending = true;
*caughtup = true;
+ elog(DEBUG1, "walsender reached end of timeline at %X/%X (sent up to %X/%X)",
+ (uint32) (sendTimeLineValidUpto >> 32), (uint32) sendTimeLineValidUpto,
+ (uint32) (sentPtr >> 32), (uint32) sentPtr);
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/pg_receivexlog.c b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/pg_receivexlog.c
index e4da799d1f..fa0ac5184c 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/pg_receivexlog.c
+++ b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/pg_receivexlog.c
@@ -83,10 +83,12 @@ stop_streaming(XLogRecPtr xlogpos, uint32 timeline, bool segment_finished)
- * Note that we report the previous, not current, position here. That's
- * the exact location where the timeline switch happend. After the switch,
- * we restart streaming from the beginning of the segment, so xlogpos can
- * smaller than prevpos if we just switched to new timeline.
+ * Note that we report the previous, not current, position here. After a
+ * timeline switch, xlogpos points to the beginning of the segment because
+ * that's where we always begin streaming. Reporting the end of previous
+ * timeline isn't totally accurate, because the next timeline can begin
+ * slightly before the end of the WAL that we received on the previous
+ * timeline, but it's close enough for reporting purposes.
if (prevtimeline != 0 && prevtimeline != timeline)
fprintf(stderr, _("%s: switched to timeline %u at %X/%X\n"),
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/receivelog.c b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/receivelog.c
index f297003c62..98e874f4ff 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/receivelog.c
+++ b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/receivelog.c
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ static PGresult *HandleCopyStream(PGconn *conn, XLogRecPtr startpos,
stream_stop_callback stream_stop, int standby_message_timeout,
char *partial_suffix, XLogRecPtr *stoppos);
+static bool ReadEndOfStreamingResult(PGresult *res, XLogRecPtr *startpos,
+ uint32 *timeline);
* Open a new WAL file in the specified directory.
@@ -627,26 +630,44 @@ ReceiveXlogStream(PGconn *conn, XLogRecPtr startpos, uint32 timeline,
* There are two possible reasons for that: a controlled shutdown,
* or we reached the end of the current timeline. In case of
* end-of-timeline, the server sends a result set after Copy has
- * finished, containing the next timeline's ID. Read that, and
- * restart streaming from the next timeline.
+ * finished, containing information about the next timeline. Read
+ * that, and restart streaming from the next timeline. In case of
+ * controlled shutdown, stop here.
if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
- * End-of-timeline. Read the next timeline's ID.
+ * End-of-timeline. Read the next timeline's ID and starting
+ * position. Usually, the starting position will match the end of
+ * the previous timeline, but there are corner cases like if the
+ * server had sent us half of a WAL record, when it was promoted.
+ * The new timeline will begin at the end of the last complete
+ * record in that case, overlapping the partial WAL record on the
+ * the old timeline.
uint32 newtimeline;
+ bool parsed;
- newtimeline = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0));
+ parsed = ReadEndOfStreamingResult(res, &startpos, &newtimeline);
+ if (!parsed)
+ goto error;
+ /* Sanity check the values the server gave us */
if (newtimeline <= timeline)
- /* shouldn't happen */
- "server reported unexpected next timeline %u, following timeline %u\n",
- newtimeline, timeline);
+ _("%s: server reported unexpected next timeline %u, following timeline %u\n"),
+ progname, newtimeline, timeline);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (startpos > stoppos)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ _("%s: server stopped streaming timeline %u at %X/%X, but reported next timeline %u to begin at %X/%X\n"),
+ progname,
+ timeline, (uint32) (stoppos >> 32), (uint32) stoppos,
+ newtimeline, (uint32) (startpos >> 32), (uint32) startpos);
goto error;
@@ -666,7 +687,7 @@ ReceiveXlogStream(PGconn *conn, XLogRecPtr startpos, uint32 timeline,
* Always start streaming at the beginning of a segment.
timeline = newtimeline;
- startpos = stoppos - (stoppos % XLOG_SEG_SIZE);
+ startpos = startpos - (startpos % XLOG_SEG_SIZE);
else if (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
@@ -704,6 +725,50 @@ error:
return false;
+ * Helper function to parse the result set returned by server after streaming
+ * has finished. On failure, prints an error to stderr and returns false.
+ */
+static bool
+ReadEndOfStreamingResult(PGresult *res, XLogRecPtr *startpos, uint32 *timeline)
+ uint32 startpos_xlogid,
+ startpos_xrecoff;
+ /*----------
+ * The result set consists of one row and two columns, e.g:
+ *
+ * next_tli | next_tli_startpos
+ * ----------+-------------------
+ * 4 | 0/9949AE0
+ *
+ * next_tli is the timeline ID of the next timeline after the one that
+ * just finished streaming. next_tli_startpos is the XLOG position where
+ * the server switched to it.
+ *----------
+ */
+ if (PQnfields(res) < 2 || PQntuples(res) != 1)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ _("%s: unexpected result set after end-of-timeline: got %d rows and %d fields, expected %d rows and %d fields\n"),
+ progname, PQntuples(res), PQnfields(res), 1, 2);
+ return false;
+ }
+ *timeline = atoi(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0));
+ if (sscanf(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1), "%X/%X", &startpos_xlogid,
+ &startpos_xrecoff) != 2)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ _("%s: could not parse next timeline's starting point \"%s\"\n"),
+ progname, PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1));
+ return false;
+ }
+ *startpos = ((uint64) startpos_xlogid << 32) | startpos_xrecoff;
+ return true;
* The main loop of ReceiveXLogStream. Handles the COPY stream after
* initiating streaming with the START_STREAMING command.