diff --git a/contrib/Makefile b/contrib/Makefile
index 56c4f311e21..961e2103749 100644
--- a/contrib/Makefile
+++ b/contrib/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/Makefile,v 1.19 2001/05/09 23:00:44 momjian Exp $
+# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/Makefile,v 1.20 2001/05/10 15:51:05 momjian Exp $
 subdir = contrib
 top_builddir = ..
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
 		array		\
 		cube		\
+		dbase		\
 		earthdistance	\
 		findoidjoins	\
 		fulltextindex	\
diff --git a/contrib/oracle/Ora2Pg.pm b/contrib/oracle/Ora2Pg.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c7c99d8f268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/oracle/Ora2Pg.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+package Ora2Pg;
+# Project  : Oracle to PostgreSQL database schema converter
+# Name     : Ora2Pg.pm
+# Language : 5.006 built for i686-linux
+# OS       : linux RedHat 6.2 kernel 2.2.14-5
+# Authors  : Gilles Darold, gilles@darold.net
+# Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000 : Gilles Darold - All rights reserved -
+# Function : Main module used to export Oracle database schema to PostgreSQL
+# Usage    : See documentation in this file with perldoc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the same terms as Perl itself.
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+use Carp qw(confess);
+use DBI;
+$VERSION = "1.1";
+=head1 NAME
+Ora2Pg - Oracle to PostgreSQL database schema converter
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+		$ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = '/usr/local/oracle/oracle816';
+	}
+	use strict;
+	use Ora2Pg;
+	# Init the database connection
+	my $dbsrc = 'dbi:Oracle:host=testdb.samse.fr;sid=TEST;port=1521';
+	my $dbuser = 'system';
+	my $dbpwd = 'manager';
+	# Create an instance of the Ora2Pg perl module
+	my $schema = new Ora2Pg (
+		datasource => $dbsrc,           # Database DBD datasource
+		user => $dbuser,                # Database user
+		password => $dbpwd,             # Database password
+	);
+	# Create the POSTGRESQL representation of all objects in the database
+	$schema->export_schema("output.sql");
+	exit(0);
+Ora2Pg is a perl OO module used to export an Oracle database schema
+to a PostgreSQL compatible schema.
+It simply connect to your Oracle database, extract its structure and
+generate a SQL script that you can load into your PostgreSQL database.
+I'm not a Oracle DBA so I don't really know something about its internal
+structure so you may find some incorrect things. Please tell me what is
+wrong and what can be better.
+It currently only dump the database schema, with primary, unique and
+foreign keys. I've tried to excluded internal system tables but perhaps
+not enougt, please let me know.
+=head1 ABSTRACT
+The goal of the Ora2Pg perl module is to cover all part needed to export
+an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL database without other thing that provide
+the connection parameters to the Oracle database.
+Features must include:
+	- database schema export (done)
+	- grant export (done)
+	- predefined function/trigger export (todo)
+	- data export (todo)
+	- sql query converter (todo)
+My knowledge regarding database is really poor especially for Oracle
+so contribution is welcome.
+You just need the DBI and DBD::Oracle perl module to be installed
+=head2 new HASH_OPTIONS
+Creates a new Ora2Pg object.
+Supported options are:
+	- datasource	: DBD datasource (required)
+	- user		: DBD user (optional with public access)
+	- password	: DBD password (optional with public access)
+Attempt that this list should grow a little more because all initialization is
+done by this way.
+sub new
+	my ($class, %options) = @_;
+	# This create an OO perl object
+	my $self = {};
+	bless ($self, $class);
+	# Initialize this object
+	$self->_init(%options);
+	# Return the instance
+	return($self);
+=head2 export_sql FILENAME
+Print SQL conversion output to a filename or
+to STDOUT if no file is given. 
+sub export_schema
+	my ($self, $outfile) = @_;
+	if ($outfile) {
+		# Send output to the given file
+		open(FILE,">$outfile") or die "Can't open $outfile: $!";
+		print FILE $self->_get_sql_data();
+		close FILE;
+		return; 
+	}
+	# Return data as string
+	return $self->_get_sql_data();
+#### Private subroutines
+=head2 _init HASH_OPTIONS
+Initialize a Ora2Pg object instance with a connexion to the
+Oracle database.
+sub _init
+	my ($self, %options) = @_;
+        # Connect the database
+        $self->{dbh} = DBI->connect($options{datasource}, $options{user}, $options{password});
+        # Check for connection failure
+        if (!$self->{dbh}) {
+		die "Error : $DBI::err ... $DBI::errstr\n";
+	}
+	# Retreive all table informations
+	$self->_tables();
+	# Disconnect from the database
+	$self->{dbh}->disconnect() if ($self->{dbh});
+# We provide a DESTROY method so that the autoloader doesn't
+# bother trying to find it. We also close the DB connexion
+sub DESTROY { }
+=head2 _tables
+This function is used to retrieve all table information.
+Set the main hash of the database structure $self->{tables}.
+Keys are the names of all tables retrieved from the current
+database. Each table information compose an array associated
+to the table_info key as array reference. In other way:
+    $self->{tables}{$class_name}{table_info} = [(OWNER,TYPE)];
+ALIAS, SYNONYM or a data source specific type identifier.
+It also get the following informations in the DBI object to affect the
+main hash of the database structure :
+    $self->{tables}{$class_name}{field_name} = $sth->{NAME};
+    $self->{tables}{$class_name}{field_type} = $sth->{TYPE};
+It also call these other private subroutine to affect the main hash
+of the database structure :
+    @{$self->{tables}{$class_name}{column_info}} = &_column_info($self, $class_name);
+    @{$self->{tables}{$class_name}{primary_key}} = &_primary_key($self, $class_name);
+    @{$self->{tables}{$class_name}{unique_key}}  = &_unique_key($self, $class_name);
+    @{$self->{tables}{$class_name}{foreign_key}} = &_foreign_key($self, $class_name);
+sub _tables
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	# Get all tables information given by the DBI method table_info
+	my $sth = $self->{dbh}->table_info or die $self->{dbh}->errstr;
+	my @tables_infos = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
+	foreach my $table (@tables_infos) {
+		# Set the table information for each class found
+		foreach my $t (@$table) {
+			# usually OWNER,TYPE. QUALIFIER is omitted until
+			# I know what to do with that
+			$self->{tables}{${@$t}[2]}{table_info} = [(${@$t}[1],${@$t}[3])];
+			# Set the fields information
+			my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT * FROM ${@$t}[1].${@$t}[2] WHERE 1=0");
+			if (!defined($sth)) {
+				$sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT * FROM ${@$t}[1].${@$t}[2] WHERE 1=0");
+				if (!defined($sth)) {
+					warn "Can't prepare statement: $DBI::errstr";
+					next;
+				}
+			}
+			$sth->execute;
+			if ($sth->err) {
+				warn "Can't execute statement: $DBI::errstr";
+				next;
+			}
+			$self->{tables}{${@$t}[2]}{field_name} = $sth->{NAME};
+			$self->{tables}{${@$t}[2]}{field_type} = $sth->{TYPE};
+			@{$self->{tables}{${@$t}[2]}{column_info}} = &_column_info($self, ${@$t}[2]);
+			@{$self->{tables}{${@$t}[2]}{primary_key}} = &_primary_key($self, ${@$t}[2]);
+			@{$self->{tables}{${@$t}[2]}{unique_key}} = &_unique_key($self, ${@$t}[2]);
+			@{$self->{tables}{${@$t}[2]}{foreign_key}} = &_foreign_key($self, ${@$t}[2]);
+		}
+	}
+	($self->{groups}, $self->{grants}) = &_get_privilege($self);
+=head2 _get_sql_data
+Returns a string containing the entire SQL Schema definition compatible with PostgreSQL
+sub _get_sql_data
+	my ($self) = @_;
+	my $sql_output = "-- Generated by Ora2Pg, the Oracle database Schema converter, version $VERSION\n";
+	$sql_output .= "-- Copyright 2000 Gilles DAROLD. All rights reserved.\n";
+	$sql_output .= "-- Author : <gilles\@darold.net>\n\n";
+	# Dump the database structure as an XML Schema defintion
+	foreach my $table (keys %{$self->{tables}}) {
+		$sql_output .= "CREATE ${$self->{tables}{$table}{table_info}}[1] \"\L$table\E\" (\n";
+		my $sql_ukey = "";
+		my $sql_pkey = "";
+		foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#{$self->{tables}{$table}{field_name}} ) {
+			foreach my $f (@{$self->{tables}{$table}{column_info}}) {
+				next if (${$f}[0] ne "${$self->{tables}{$table}{field_name}}[$i]");
+				my $type = $self->_sql_type(${$f}[1], ${$f}[2]);
+				$type = "${$f}[1], ${$f}[2]" if (!$type);
+				$sql_output .= "\t${$f}[0] $type";
+				# Set the primary key definition 
+				foreach my $k (@{$self->{tables}{$table}{primary_key}}) {
+					next if ($k ne "${$f}[0]");
+					$sql_pkey .= "$k,";
+					last;
+				}
+				if (${$f}[4] ne "") {
+					$sql_output .= " DEFAULT ${$f}[4]";
+				} elsif (!${$f}[3]) {
+					$sql_output .= " NOT NULL";
+				}
+				# Set the unique key definition 
+				foreach my $k (@{$self->{tables}{$table}{unique_key}}) {
+					next if ( ($k ne "${$f}[0]") || (grep(/^$k$/, @{$self->{tables}{$table}{primary_key}})) );
+					$sql_ukey .= "$k,";
+					last;
+				}
+				$sql_output .= ",\n";
+				last;
+			}
+		}
+		$sql_ukey =~ s/,$//;
+		$sql_pkey =~ s/,$//;
+		$sql_output .= "\tCONSTRAINT uk\L$table\E UNIQUE ($sql_ukey),\n" if ($sql_ukey);
+		$sql_output .= "\tCONSTRAINT pk\L$table\E PRIMARY KEY ($sql_pkey),\n" if ($sql_pkey);
+		# Add constraint definition
+		foreach my $h (@{$self->{tables}{$table}{foreign_key}}) {
+			foreach my $link (keys %{$h}) {
+				my ($reftable,$desttable) = split(/->/, $link);
+				next if ($reftable ne $table);
+				my $localcols = '';
+				foreach my $i (0 .. $#{${$h}{$link}{local}}) {
+					my $destname = "$desttable";
+					my $remote = "${${$h}{$link}{remote}}[$i]";
+					my $local = "${${$h}{$link}{local}}[$i]";
+					$sql_output .= "\tCONSTRAINT fk${i}_\L$table\E FOREIGN KEY ($local) REFERENCES $desttable ($remote),\n";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$sql_output =~ s/,$//;
+		$sql_output .= ");\n";
+		$sql_output .= "\n";
+	}
+	# Add privilege definition
+	foreach my $role (keys %{$self->{groups}}) {
+		$sql_output .= "CREATE GROUP $role;\n";
+		$sql_output .= "ALTER GROUP $role ADD USERS " . join(',', @{$self->{groups}{$role}}) . ";\n";
+		foreach my $grant (keys %{$self->{grants}{$role}}) {
+			$sql_output .= "GRANT $grant ON " . join(',', @{$self->{grants}{$role}{$grant}}) . " TO GROUP $role;\n";
+		}
+	}
+	return $sql_output;
+=head2 _sql_type INTERNAL_TYPE LENGTH
+This function return the PostgreSQL datatype corresponding to the
+Oracle internal type.
+sub _sql_type
+        my ($self, $type, $len) = @_;
+        my %TYPE = (
+                'NUMBER' => 'double',
+                'LONG' => 'integer',
+                'CHAR' => 'char',
+                'VARCHAR2' => 'varchar',
+                'DATE' => 'datetime',
+                'RAW' => 'binary',
+                'ROWID' => 'oid',
+                'LONG RAW' => 'binary',
+        );
+        # Overide the length
+        $len = '' if ($type eq 'NUMBER');
+        if (exists $TYPE{$type}) {
+		if ($len) {
+			if (($type eq "NUMBER") || ($type eq "LONG")) {
+                		return "$TYPE{$type}($len)";
+			} elsif (($type eq "CHAR") || ($type =~ /VARCHAR/)) {
+                		return "$TYPE{$type}($len)";
+			} else {
+                		return "$TYPE{$type}($len)";
+			}
+		} else {
+                	return $TYPE{$type};
+		}
+        }
+        return;
+=head2 _column_info TABLE
+This function implements a Oracle-native column information.
+Return a list of array reference containing the following informations
+for each column the given a table
+  column name,
+  column type,
+  column length,
+  nullable column,
+  default value
+sub _column_info
+	my ($self, $table) = @_;
+	my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare(<<END) or die $self->{dbh}->errstr;
+	$sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+	my $data = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
+	return @$data;	
+=head2 _primary_key TABLE
+This function implements a Oracle-native primary key column
+Return a list of all column name defined as primary key
+for the given table.
+sub _primary_key
+	my($self, $table) = @_;
+	my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare(<<END) or die $self->{dbh}->errstr;
+select   all_cons_columns.COLUMN_NAME
+from     all_constraints, all_cons_columns
+where    all_constraints.CONSTRAINT_TYPE='P'
+and      all_constraints.constraint_name=all_cons_columns.constraint_name
+and      all_constraints.STATUS='ENABLED'
+and      all_constraints.TABLE_NAME='$table'
+order by all_cons_columns.position
+	$sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+	my @data = ();
+	while (my $row = $sth->fetch) {
+		push(@data, ${@$row}[0]) if (${@$row}[0] !~ /\$/);
+	}
+	return @data;
+=head2 _unique_key TABLE
+This function implements a Oracle-native unique key column
+Return a list of all column name defined as unique key
+for the given table.
+sub _unique_key
+	my($self, $table) = @_;
+	my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare(<<END) or die $self->{dbh}->errstr;
+select   all_cons_columns.COLUMN_NAME
+from     all_constraints, all_cons_columns
+where    all_constraints.CONSTRAINT_TYPE='U'
+and      all_constraints.constraint_name=all_cons_columns.constraint_name
+and      all_constraints.STATUS='ENABLED'
+and      all_constraints.TABLE_NAME='$table'
+order by all_cons_columns.position
+	$sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+	my @data = ();
+	while (my $row = $sth->fetch) {
+		push(@data, ${@$row}[0]) if (${@$row}[0] !~ /\$/);
+	}
+	return @data;
+=head2 _foreign_key TABLE
+This function implements a Oracle-native foreign key reference
+Return a list of hash of hash of array reference. Ouuf! Nothing very difficult.
+The first hash is composed of all foreign key name. The second hash just have
+two key known as 'local' and remote' corresponding to the local table where the
+foreign key is defined and the remote table where the key refer.
+The foreign key name is composed as follow:
+    'local_table_name->remote_table_name'
+Foreign key data consist in two array representing at the same indice the local
+field and the remote field where the first one refer to the second.
+Just like this:
+    @{$link{$fkey_name}{local}} = @local_columns;
+    @{$link{$fkey_name}{remote}} = @remote_columns;
+sub _foreign_key
+	my ($self, $table) = @_;
+	my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare(<<END) or die $self->{dbh}->errstr;
+from     all_constraints cns, all_cons_columns clf , all_cons_columns cls
+where    cns.CONSTRAINT_TYPE='R'
+and      cns.constraint_name=cls.constraint_name
+and      clf.OWNER = cns.OWNER
+and      clf.POSITION = clf.POSITION
+and      cns.STATUS='ENABLED'
+order by cns.CONSTRAINT_NAME, cls.position
+	$sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+	my @data = ();
+	my %link = ();
+	while (my $row = $sth->fetch) {
+		my @trig_info = split(/\\000/, ${@$row}[0]);
+		# The first field is the name of the constraint, we
+		# remove it because we use a table to table notation.
+		my $trig_name = ${@$row}[0] . "->" . ${@$row}[1];
+		push(@{$link{$trig_name}{local}}, ${@$row}[2]);
+		push(@{$link{$trig_name}{remote}}, ${@$row}[3]);
+	}
+	push(@data, \%link);
+	return @data;
+=head2 _get_privilege 
+This function implements a Oracle-native tables grants
+Return a hash of all groups (roles) with associated users
+and a hash of arrays of all grants on related tables.
+sub _get_privilege
+	my($self) = @_;
+	# Retrieve all ROLES defined in this database
+	my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare(<<END) or die $self->{dbh}->errstr;
+   ROLE
+	$sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+	my @roles = ();
+	while (my $row = $sth->fetch) {
+		push(@roles, $row->[0]);
+	}
+	# Get all users associated to these roles
+	my %data = ();
+	my %groups = ();
+	foreach my $r (@roles) {
+		$sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare($str) or die $self->{dbh}->errstr;
+		$sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+		my @users = ();
+		while (my $row = $sth->fetch) {
+			next if ($row->[0] eq 'SYSTEM');
+			push(@users, $row->[0]);
+		}
+		# Don't process roles relatives to DBA
+		next if (grep(/^DBSNMP$/, @users));
+		next if (grep(/^SYS$/, @users));
+		$groups{$r} = \@users;
+		$sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare($str) or die $self->{dbh}->errstr;
+		$sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+		my @grants = ();
+		while (my $row = $sth->fetch) {
+			push(@{$data{$r}{"${@$row}[0]"}}, ${@$row}[1]);
+		}
+	}
+	return \%groups, \%data;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Gilles Darold <gilles@darold.net>
+Copyright (c) 2001 Gilles Darold - All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 BUGS
+This perl module is in the same state as my knowledge regarding database,
+it can move and not be compatible with older version so I will do my best
+to give you official support for Ora2Pg. Your volontee to help construct
+it and your contribution are welcome.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<DBI>, L<DBD::Oracle>
diff --git a/contrib/oracle/README.ora2pg b/contrib/oracle/README.ora2pg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..17e09e64a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/oracle/README.ora2pg
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+   Ora2Pg - Oracle to PostgreSQL database schema converter
+     _________________________________________________________________
+                                   SYNOPSIS
+        BEGIN {
+                $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = '/usr/local/oracle/oracle816';
+        }
+        use strict;
+        use Ora2Pg;
+        # Init the database connection
+        my $dbsrc = 'dbi:Oracle:host=testdb.samse.fr;sid=TEST;port=1521';
+        my $dbuser = 'system';
+        my $dbpwd = 'manager';
+        # Create an instance of the Ora2Pg perl module
+        my $schema = new Ora2Pg (
+                datasource => $dbsrc,           # Database DBD datasource
+                user => $dbuser,                # Database user
+                password => $dbpwd,             # Database password
+        );
+        # Create the POSTGRESQL representation of all objects in the database
+        $schema->export_schema("output.sql");
+        exit(0);
+     _________________________________________________________________
+                                  DESCRIPTION
+   Ora2Pg is a perl OO module used to export an Oracle database schema to
+   a PostgreSQL compatible schema.
+   It simply connect to your Oracle database, extract its structure and
+   generate a SQL script that you can load into your PostgreSQL database.
+   I'm not a Oracle DBA so I don't really know something about its
+   internal structure so you may find some incorrect things. Please tell
+   me what is wrong and what can be better.
+   It currently only dump the database schema, with primary, unique and
+   foreign keys. I've tried to excluded internal system tables but
+   perhaps not enougt, please let me know.
+     _________________________________________________________________
+                                   ABSTRACT
+   The goal of the Ora2Pg perl module is to cover all part needed to
+   export an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL database without other thing
+   that provide the connection parameters to the Oracle database.
+   Features must include:
+        - database schema export (done)
+        - grant export (done)
+        - predefined function/trigger export (todo)
+        - data export (todo)
+        - sql query converter (todo)
+   My knowledge regarding database is really poor especially for Oracle
+   so contribution is welcome.
+     _________________________________________________________________
+                                  REQUIREMENT
+   You just need the DBI and DBD::Oracle perl module to be installed
+     _________________________________________________________________
+                                PUBLIC METHODS
+     _________________________________________________________________
+   Creates a new Ora2Pg object.
+   Supported options are:
+        - datasource    : DBD datasource (required)
+        - user          : DBD user (optional with public access)
+        - password      : DBD password (optional with public access)
+   Attempt that this list should grow a little more because all
+   initialization is done by this way.
+     _________________________________________________________________
+export_sql FILENAME
+   Print SQL conversion output to a filename or to STDOUT if no file is
+   given.
+     _________________________________________________________________
+                                PUBLIC METHODS
+     _________________________________________________________________
+   Initialize a Ora2Pg object instance with a connexion to the Oracle
+   database.
+     _________________________________________________________________
+   This function is used to retrieve all table information.
+   Set the main hash of the database structure $self->{tables}. Keys are
+   the names of all tables retrieved from the current database. Each
+   table information compose an array associated to the table_info key as
+   array reference. In other way:
+    $self->{tables}{$class_name}{table_info} = [(OWNER,TYPE)];
+   TEMPORARY, ALIAS, SYNONYM or a data source specific type identifier.
+   It also get the following informations in the DBI object to affect the
+   main hash of the database structure :
+    $self->{tables}{$class_name}{field_name} = $sth->{NAME};
+    $self->{tables}{$class_name}{field_type} = $sth->{TYPE};
+   It also call these other private subroutine to affect the main hash of
+   the database structure :
+    @{$self->{tables}{$class_name}{column_info}} = &_column_info($self, $class_
+    @{$self->{tables}{$class_name}{primary_key}} = &_primary_key($self, $class_
+    @{$self->{tables}{$class_name}{unique_key}}  = &_unique_key($self, $class_n
+    @{$self->{tables}{$class_name}{foreign_key}} = &_foreign_key($self, $class_
+     _________________________________________________________________
+   Returns a string containing the entire SQL Schema definition
+   compatible with PostgreSQL
+     _________________________________________________________________
+   This function return the PostgreSQL datatype corresponding to the
+   Oracle internal type.
+     _________________________________________________________________
+_column_info TABLE
+   This function implements a Oracle-native column information.
+   Return a list of array reference containing the following informations
+   for each column the given a table
+   [( column name, column type, column length, nullable column, default
+   value )]
+     _________________________________________________________________
+_primary_key TABLE
+   This function implements a Oracle-native primary key column
+   information.
+   Return a list of all column name defined as primary key for the given
+   table.
+     _________________________________________________________________
+_unique_key TABLE
+   This function implements a Oracle-native unique key column
+   information.
+   Return a list of all column name defined as unique key for the given
+   table.
+     _________________________________________________________________
+_foreign_key TABLE
+   This function implements a Oracle-native foreign key reference
+   information.
+   Return a list of hash of hash of array reference. Ouuf! Nothing very
+   difficult. The first hash is composed of all foreign key name. The
+   second hash just have two key known as 'local' and remote'
+   corresponding to the local table where the foreign key is defined and
+   the remote table where the key refer.
+   The foreign key name is composed as follow:
+    'local_table_name->remote_table_name'
+   Foreign key data consist in two array representing at the same indice
+   the local field and the remote field where the first one refer to the
+   second. Just like this:
+    @{$link{$fkey_name}{local}} = @local_columns;
+    @{$link{$fkey_name}{remote}} = @remote_columns;
+     _________________________________________________________________
+   This function implements a Oracle-native tables grants information.
+   Return a hash of all groups (roles) with associated users and a hash
+   of arrays of all grants on related tables.
+     _________________________________________________________________
+                                    AUTHOR
+   Gilles Darold <gilles@darold.net>
+     _________________________________________________________________
+                                   COPYRIGHT
+   Copyright (c) 2001 Gilles Darold - All rights reserved.
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+     _________________________________________________________________
+                                     BUGS
+   This perl module is in the same state as my knowledge regarding
+   database, it can move and not be compatible with older version so I
+   will do my best to give you official support for Ora2Pg. Your volontee
+   to help construct it and your contribution are welcome.
+     _________________________________________________________________
+                                   SEE ALSO
+   DBI, DBD::Oracle
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new file mode 100644
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+<TITLE>Ora2Pg - Oracle to PostgreSQL database schema converter</TITLE>
+<LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:root@porky.devel.redhat.com">
+<!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
+	<UL>
+		<LI><A HREF="#export_sql_FILENAME">export_sql FILENAME</A>
+	</UL>
+	<UL>
+		<LI><A HREF="#_tables">_tables</A>
+		<LI><A HREF="#_get_sql_data">_get_sql_data</A>
+		<LI><A HREF="#_column_info_TABLE">_column_info TABLE</A>
+		<LI><A HREF="#_primary_key_TABLE">_primary_key TABLE</A>
+		<LI><A HREF="#_unique_key_TABLE">_unique_key TABLE</A>
+		<LI><A HREF="#_foreign_key_TABLE">_foreign_key TABLE</A>
+		<LI><A HREF="#_get_privilege">_get_privilege </A>
+	</UL>
+<!-- INDEX END -->
+<H1><A NAME="NAME">NAME</A></H1>
+Ora2Pg - Oracle to PostgreSQL database schema converter
+<PRE>        BEGIN {
+                $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = '/usr/local/oracle/oracle816';
+        }
+<PRE>        use strict;
+<PRE>        use Ora2Pg;
+<PRE>        # Init the database connection
+        my $dbsrc = 'dbi:Oracle:host=testdb.samse.fr;sid=TEST;port=1521';
+        my $dbuser = 'system';
+        my $dbpwd = 'manager';
+<PRE>        # Create an instance of the Ora2Pg perl module
+        my $schema = new Ora2Pg (
+                datasource =&gt; $dbsrc,           # Database DBD datasource
+                user =&gt; $dbuser,                # Database user
+                password =&gt; $dbpwd,             # Database password
+        );
+<PRE>        # Create the POSTGRESQL representation of all objects in the database
+        $schema-&gt;export_schema(&quot;output.sql&quot;);
+<PRE>        exit(0);
+Ora2Pg is a perl OO module used to export an Oracle database schema to a
+PostgreSQL compatible schema.
+It simply connect to your Oracle database, extract its structure and
+generate a SQL script that you can load into your PostgreSQL database.
+I'm not a Oracle DBA so I don't really know something about its internal
+structure so you may find some incorrect things. Please tell me what is
+wrong and what can be better.
+It currently only dump the database schema, with primary, unique and
+foreign keys. I've tried to excluded internal system tables but perhaps not
+enougt, please let me know.
+The goal of the Ora2Pg perl module is to cover all part needed to export an
+Oracle database to a PostgreSQL database without other thing that provide
+the connection parameters to the Oracle database.
+Features must include:
+<PRE>        - database schema export (done)
+        - grant export (done)
+        - predefined function/trigger export (todo)
+        - data export (todo)
+        - sql query converter (todo)
+My knowledge regarding database is really poor especially for Oracle so
+contribution is welcome.
+You just need the DBI and DBD::Oracle perl module to be installed
+Creates a new Ora2Pg object.
+Supported options are:
+<PRE>        - datasource    : DBD datasource (required)
+        - user          : DBD user (optional with public access)
+        - password      : DBD password (optional with public access)
+Attempt that this list should grow a little more because all initialization
+is done by this way.
+<H2><A NAME="export_sql_FILENAME">export_sql FILENAME</A></H2>
+Print SQL conversion output to a filename or to STDOUT if no file is given. 
+<H2><A NAME="_init_HASH_OPTIONS">_init HASH_OPTIONS</A></H2>
+Initialize a Ora2Pg object instance with a connexion to the Oracle
+<H2><A NAME="_tables">_tables</A></H2>
+This function is used to retrieve all table information.
+Set the main hash of the database structure $self-&gt;{tables}. Keys are
+the names of all tables retrieved from the current database. Each table
+information compose an array associated to the table_info key as array
+reference. In other way:
+<PRE>    $self-&gt;{tables}{$class_name}{table_info} = [(OWNER,TYPE)];
+ALIAS, SYNONYM or a data source specific type identifier.
+It also get the following informations in the DBI object to affect the main
+hash of the database structure :
+<PRE>    $self-&gt;{tables}{$class_name}{field_name} = $sth-&gt;{NAME};
+    $self-&gt;{tables}{$class_name}{field_type} = $sth-&gt;{TYPE};
+It also call these other private subroutine to affect the main hash of the
+database structure :
+<PRE>    @{$self-&gt;{tables}{$class_name}{column_info}} = &amp;_column_info($self, $class_name);
+    @{$self-&gt;{tables}{$class_name}{primary_key}} = &amp;_primary_key($self, $class_name);
+    @{$self-&gt;{tables}{$class_name}{unique_key}}  = &amp;_unique_key($self, $class_name);
+    @{$self-&gt;{tables}{$class_name}{foreign_key}} = &amp;_foreign_key($self, $class_name);
+<H2><A NAME="_get_sql_data">_get_sql_data</A></H2>
+Returns a string containing the entire SQL Schema definition compatible
+with PostgreSQL
+This function return the PostgreSQL datatype corresponding to the Oracle
+internal type.
+<H2><A NAME="_column_info_TABLE">_column_info TABLE</A></H2>
+This function implements a Oracle-native column information.
+Return a list of array reference containing the following informations for
+each column the given a table
+[( column name, column type, column length, nullable column, default value
+<H2><A NAME="_primary_key_TABLE">_primary_key TABLE</A></H2>
+This function implements a Oracle-native primary key column information.
+Return a list of all column name defined as primary key for the given
+<H2><A NAME="_unique_key_TABLE">_unique_key TABLE</A></H2>
+This function implements a Oracle-native unique key column information.
+Return a list of all column name defined as unique key for the given table.
+<H2><A NAME="_foreign_key_TABLE">_foreign_key TABLE</A></H2>
+This function implements a Oracle-native foreign key reference information.
+Return a list of hash of hash of array reference. Ouuf! Nothing very
+difficult. The first hash is composed of all foreign key name. The second
+hash just have two key known as 'local' and remote' corresponding to the
+local table where the foreign key is defined and the remote table where the
+key refer.
+The foreign key name is composed as follow:
+<PRE>    'local_table_name-&gt;remote_table_name'
+Foreign key data consist in two array representing at the same indice the
+local field and the remote field where the first one refer to the second.
+Just like this:
+<PRE>    @{$link{$fkey_name}{local}} = @local_columns;
+    @{$link{$fkey_name}{remote}} = @remote_columns;
+<H2><A NAME="_get_privilege">_get_privilege</A></H2>
+This function implements a Oracle-native tables grants information.
+Return a hash of all groups (roles) with associated users and a hash of
+arrays of all grants on related tables.
+Gilles Darold &lt;<A
+Copyright (c) 2001 Gilles Darold - All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+<H1><A NAME="BUGS">BUGS</A></H1>
+This perl module is in the same state as my knowledge regarding database,
+it can move and not be compatible with older version so I will do my best
+to give you official support for Ora2Pg. Your volontee to help construct it
+and your contribution are welcome.
+<EM>DBI</EM>, <A HREF="/DBD/Oracle.html">DBD::Oracle</A>
diff --git a/contrib/oracle/ora2pg.pl b/contrib/oracle/ora2pg.pl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..00830694cc0
--- /dev/null
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+# Project  : Oracle2Postgresql
+# Name     : ora2pg.pl
+# Language : 5.006 built for i686-linux
+# OS       : linux RedHat 6.2 kernel 2.2.14-5
+# Author   : Gilles Darold, gilles@darold.net
+# Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000 : Gilles Darold - All rights reserved -
+# Function : Script used to convert Oracle Database schema to PostgreSQL
+# Version  : 1.0
+        $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = '/usr/local/oracle/oracle816';
+use strict;
+use Ora2Pg;
+# Initialyze the database connection
+my $dbsrc = 'dbi:Oracle:host=aliciadb.samse.fr;sid=ALIC;port=1521';
+my $dbuser = 'system';
+my $dbpwd = 'manager';
+# Create an instance of the XSD::DBISchema perl module
+my $schema = new Ora2Pg (
+	datasource => $dbsrc,		# Database DBD datasource
+	user => $dbuser,		# Database user
+	password => $dbpwd,		# Database password
+# Create the POSTGRESQL representation of all objects in the database