mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 20:00:51 +08:00
Move FAQ_AIX information to installation instructions.
The information on why the shared libraries are built the way they are was not relevant to end users and has been made a mailing list archive link in Makefile.shlib.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for PostgreSQL
AIX Specific
Last updated: $Date: 2007/10/09 01:28:24 $
- AIX 4.3.2 Port Report
- AIX 5.3 Additional Information
- AIX, readline, and postgres 8.1.x:
- AIX Memory Management: An Overview
- Statistics Collector Fun on AIX
From: Zeugswetter Andreas <ZeugswetterA@spardat.at>
$Date: 2007/10/09 01:28:24 $
On AIX 4.3.2 PostgreSQL compiled with the native IBM compiler xlc
(vac.C 5.0.1) passes all regression tests. Other versions of OS and
compiler should also work. If you don't have a powerpc or use gcc you
might see rounding differences in the geometry regression test.
Use the following configure flags in addition to your own
if you have readline or libz there:
--with-includes=/usr/local/include --with-libraries=/usr/local/lib
There will probably be warnings about 0.0/0.0 division and duplicate
symbols which you can safely ignore.
Compiling PostgreSQL with gcc (2.95.3) on AIX also works.
You need libm.a that is in the fileset bos.adt.libm. (Try the
following command.)
$ lslpp -l bos.adt.libm
From: Christopher Browne <cbbrowne@ca.afilias.info>
Date: 2005-07-15
On AIX 5.3, there have been some problems getting PostgreSQL to
compile and run using GCC.
1. You will want to use a version of GCC subsequent to 3.3.2,
particularly if you use a prepackaged version. We had good
success with 4.0.1.
Problems with earlier versions seem to have more to do with the
way IBM packaged GCC than with actual issues with GCC, so that if
you compile GCC yourself, you might well have success with an
earlier version of GCC.
2. AIX 5.3 has a problem where sockadr_storage is not defined to be
large enough. In version 5.3, IBM increased the size of
sockaddr_un, the address structure for UNIX Domain Sockets, but
did not correspondingly increase the size of sockadr_storage.
The result of this is that attempts to use UDS with PostgreSQL
lead to libpq overflowing the data structure. TCP/IP connections
work OK, but not UDS, which prevents the regression tests from
The nonconformance may be readily demonstrated by compiling and
running the following C program which calculates and compares the
sizes of the various structures:
---------- snip here - test_size.c ----------------------------
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
struct sockaddr_storage a;
struct sockaddr_un b;
printf("Size of sockadr_storage: %d\n", sizeof(a));
printf ("Size of sockaddr_un:%d\n", sizeof(b));
if (sizeof(a) >= sizeof(b))
printf ("Conformant to RFC 3493\n");
printf ("Non-conformant to RFC 3493\n");
---------- snip here - test_size.c ----------------------------
The problem was reported to IBM, and is recorded as bug report
An immediate resolution is to alter _SS_MAXSIZE to = 1025 in
/usr/include/sys/socket.h, which will resolve the immediate problem.
It appears that the "final" resolution will be to alter _SS_MAXSIZE to
1280, making the size nicely align with page boundaries.
IBM will be providing a fix in the next maintenance release (expected
in October 2005) with an updated socket.h.
PMR29657 was resolved in APAR IY74147: INCOMPATIBILITY BETWEEN
APAR information
APAR number IY74147
Reported component name AIX 5.3
Reported component ID 5765G0300
Reported release 530
Submitted date 2005-07-18
Closed date 2005-07-18
Last modified date 2005-09-06
If you upgrade to maintenance level 5300-03, that will include this
fix. Use the command "oslevel -r" to determine what maintenance level
you are at.
From: Christopher Browne <cbbrowne@ca.afilias.info>
Date: 2005-07-15
Some of the AIX tools may be "a little different" from what you may be
accustomed to on other platforms. If you are looking for a version of
ldd, useful for determining what object code depends on what
libraries, the following URLs may help you...
From: Christopher Browne <cbbrowne@ca.afilias.info>
Date: 2005-11-02
On AIX 5.3 ML3 (e.g. maintenance level 5300-03), there is some problem
with the handling of the pointer to memcpy. It is speculated that
this relates to some linker bug that may have been introduced between
5300-02 and 5300-03, but we have so far been unable to track down the
At any rate, the following patch, which "unwraps" the function
reference, has been observed to allow PG 8.1 pre-releases to pass
regression tests.
The same behaviour (albeit with varying underlying functions to
"blame") has been observed when compiling with either GCC 4.0 or IBM
------------ per Seneca Cunningham -------------------
The following patch works on the AIX 5.3 ML3 box here and didn't cause
any problems with postgres on the x86 desktop. It's just a cleaner
version of what I tried earlier.
*** dynahash.c.orig Tue Nov 1 19:41:42 2005
--- dynahash.c Tue Nov 1 20:30:33 2005
*** 670,676 ****
/* copy key into record */
currBucket->hashvalue = hashvalue;
! hashp->keycopy(ELEMENTKEY(currBucket), keyPtr, keysize);
/* caller is expected to fill the data field on return */
--- 670,687 ----
/* copy key into record */
currBucket->hashvalue = hashvalue;
! if (hashp->keycopy == memcpy)
! {
! memcpy(ELEMENTKEY(currBucket), keyPtr, keysize);
! }
! else if (hashp->keycopy == strncpy)
! {
! strncpy(ELEMENTKEY(currBucket), keyPtr, keysize);
! }
! else
! {
! hashp->keycopy(ELEMENTKEY(currBucket), keyPtr, keysize);
! }
/* caller is expected to fill the data field on return */
------------ per Seneca Cunningham -------------------
AIX, readline, and postgres 8.1.x:
If make check doesn't work on AIX with initdb going into an infinite
loop or failing with child processes terminated with signal 11, the
problem could be the installed copy of readline. Previously a patch to
dynahash.c was suggested to get around this, don't use it, better ways
to get postgres working exist.
See <http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-patches/2005-11/msg00139.php>
for details about the problem.
Working around the problem:
Try one of the following:
o Use the new 8.2devel backend Makefile:
After the matter of readline's export list and the problems that were
occurring on AIX because of it being linked to the backend, a filter
to exclude unneeded libraries from being linked against the backend was
added. Get revision 1.112 of src/backend/Makefile from CVS and replace
the copy that came with postgres with it. Build normally.
o Use libedit
There are a few libedit ports available online. Build and install the
desired port. If libreadline.a can be found in /lib, /usr/lib, or in
any location passed to postgres' configure via "--with-libraries=",
readline will be detected and used by postgres. IBM's rpm of readline
creates a symlink to /opt/freeware/lib/libreadline.a in /lib, so merely
excluding /opt/freeware/lib from the passed library path does not stop
readline from being used.
If the linker cannot avoid finding libreadline.a, use revision 1.433
configure.in and 1.19 config/programs.m4 from CVS, change 8.2devel to
the appropriate 8.1.x in configure.in and run autoconf. Add the
configure flag "--with-libedit-preferred".
If the version of libedit used calls its "history.h" something other
than history.h, place a symlink called history.h to it somewhere that
the C preprocessor will check.
o Configure with "--without-readline"
postgres can be configured with the option "--without-readline". When
this is enabled, postgres will not link against libreadline or libedit.
psql will not have history, tab completion, or any of the other niceties
that readline and libedit bring, but external readline wrappers exist
that add that functionality.
o Use readline 5.0
Readline 5.0 does not induce the problems, however it does export
memcpy and strncpy when built using the easy method of "-bexpall". Like
4.3, it is possible to do a build that does not export these symbols,
but it does take considerable manual effort and the creation of export
"AIX 5L Porting Guide"
IBM Redbook
"Developing and Porting C and C++ Applications on AIX"
IBM Redbook
AIX Memory Management: An Overview
by Seneca Cunningham...
AIX can be somewhat peculiar with regards to the way it does memory
management. You can have a server with many multiples of gigabytes of
RAM free, but still get out of memory or address space errors when
running applications.
Two examples of AIX-specific memory problems
Both examples were from systems with gigabytes of free RAM.
a) createlang failing with unusual errors
Running as the owner of the postgres install:
-bash-3.00$ createlang plpgsql template1
createlang: language installation failed: ERROR: could not load library
"/opt/dbs/pgsql748/lib/plpgsql.so": A memory address is not in the
address space for the process.
Running as a non-owner in the group posessing the postgres install:
-bash-3.00$ createlang plpgsql template1
createlang: language installation failed: ERROR: could not load library
"/opt/dbs/pgsql748/lib/plpgsql.so": Bad address
b) out of memory errors in the postgres logs
Every memory allocation near or greater than 256MB failing.
The cause of these problems
The overall cause of all these problems is the default bittedness and
memory model used by the server process.
By default, all binaries built on AIX are 32-bit. This does not
depend upon hardware type or kernel in use. These 32-bit processes
are limited to 4GB of memory laid out in 256MB segments using one of a
few models. The default allows for less than 256MB in the heap as it
shares a single segment with the stack.
In the case of example a), above, check your umask and the permissions
of the binaries in your postgres install. The binaries involved in
that example were 32-bit and installed as mode 750 instead of 755.
Due to the permissions being set in this fashion, only the owner or a
member of the possessing group can load the library. Since it isn't
world-readable, the loader places the object into the process' heap
instead of the shared library segments where it would otherwise be
Solutions and workarounds
In this section, all build flag syntax is presented for gcc.
The "ideal" solution for this is to use a 64-bit build of postgres,
but that's not always practical. Systems with 32-bit processors can
build, but not run, 64-bit binaries.
If a 32-bit binary is desired, set LDR_CNTRL to "MAXDATA=0xn0000000",
where 1 <= n <= 8, before starting the postgres server and try different
values and postgresql.conf settings to find a configuration that works
satisfactorily. This use of LDR_CNTRL tells AIX that you want the
server to have $MAXDATA bytes set aside for the heap, allocated in
256MB segments.
When you find a workable configuration, ldedit can be used to modify
the binaries so that they default to using the desired heap size.
PostgreSQL might also be rebuilt, passing configure
LDFLAGS="-Wl,-bmaxdata:0xn0000000" to achieve the same effect.
For a 64-bit build, set OBJECT_MODE to 64 and pass CC="gcc -maix64"
and LDFLAGS="-Wl,-bbigtoc" to configure. If you omit the export of
OBJECT_MODE, your build may fail with linker errors. When OBJECT_MODE
is set, it tells AIX's build utilities such as ar, as, and ld what
type of objects to default to handling.
By default, overcommit of paging space can happen. While I have not
seen this occur, AIX will kill processes when it runs out of memory
and the overcommit is accessed. The closest to this that I have seen
is fork failing because the system decided that there was not enough
memory for another process. Like many other parts of AIX, the paging
space allocation method and out-of-memory kill is configurable on a
system- or process-wide basis if this becomes a problem.
References and resources
"Large Program Support"
AIX Documentation: General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs
"Program Address Space Overview"
AIX Documentation: General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs
"Performance Overview of the Virtual Memory Manager (VMM)"
AIX Documentation: Performance Management Guide
"Page Space Allocation"
AIX Documentation: Performance Management Guide
"Paging-space thresholds tuning"
AIX Documentation: Performance Management Guide
"Developing and Porting C and C++ Applications on AIX"
IBM Redbook
Statistics Collector Fun on AIX
When implementing PostgreSQL version 8.1 on AIX 5.3, we periodically
ran into problems where the statistics collector would "mysteriously"
not come up successfully.
This appears to be the result of unexpected behaviour in the IPv6
implementation. It looks like PostgreSQL and IPv6 do not play very
well together at this time on AIX.
Any of the following actions "fix" the problem.
1. Delete the localhost ipv6 address
(as root)
# ifconfig lo0 inet6 ::1/0 delete
2. Remove IPv6 from net services. The file /etc/netsvc.conf, on AIX,
is roughly equivalent to /etc/nsswitch.conf on Solaris/Linux.
The default, on AIX, is thus:
Replace this with:
to deactivate searching for IPv6 addresses.
Shared Linking
Shared libraries in AIX are different from shared libraries in Linux.
A shared library on AIX is an 'ar' archive containing shared objects. A
shared object is produced by the linker when invoked appropriately (e.g.
with -G), it is what we call a shared library on Linux.
-> On AIX, you can do a static as well as a dynamic
-> link against a shared library, it depends on how you
-> invoke the linker.
When you link statically, the shared objects from the library are added
to your executable as required; when you link dynamically, only
references to the shared objects are included in the executable.
Consequently you do not need a separate static library on AIX if you
have a dynamic library.
However, you CAN have static libraries (ar archives containing *.o
files), and the linker will link against them. This will of course
always be a static link.
When the AIX linker searches for libraries to link, it will look for a
library libxy.a as well as for a single shared object libxy.so when you
tell it to -lyx. When it finds both in the same directory, it will
prefer libpq.a unless invoked with -brtl.
This is where the problem occurs:
By default, PostgreSQL will (in the Linux way) create a shared object
libpq.so and a static library libpq.a in the same directory.
Up to now, since the linker was invoked without the -brtl flag, linking
on AIX was always static, as the linker preferred libpq.a over libpq.so.
We could have solved the problem by linking with -brtl on AIX, but we
chose to go a more AIX-conforming way so that third party programs
linking against PostgreSQL libraries will not be fooled into linking
statically by default.
The 'new way' on AIX is:
- Create libxy.so.n as before from the static library
libxy.a with the linker.
- Remove libxy.a
- Recreate libxy.a as a dynamic library with
ar -cr libxy.a libxy.so.n
- Only install libxy.a, do not install libxy.so
Since linking is dynamic on AIX now, we have a new problem:
We must make sure that the executable finds its library even if the
library is not installed in one of the standard library paths (/usr/lib
or /lib).
On Linux this is done with an RPATH, on AIX the equivalent is LIBPATH
that can be specified at link time with -blibpath:<colon separated path>
. If you do not specify the LIBPATH, it is automatically computed from
the -L arguments given to the linker. The LIBPATH, when set, must
contain ALL directories where shared libraries should be searched,
including the standard library directories.
Makefile.aix has been changed to link executables with a LIBPATH that
contains --libdir when PostgreSQL is configured with --enable-rpath (the
The AIX equivalent for the Linux environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH is
The regression tests rely on LD_LIBRARY_PATH and have to be changed to
set LIBPATH as well.
Laurenz Albe
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<!-- $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/installation.sgml,v 1.314 2008/11/21 16:46:19 petere Exp $ -->
<!-- $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/installation.sgml,v 1.315 2008/11/24 11:59:37 petere Exp $ -->
<chapter id="installation">
@ -2041,6 +2041,302 @@ kill `cat /usr/local/pgsql/data/postmaster.pid`
installation issues.
<sect2 id="installation-notes-aix">
<indexterm zone="installation-notes-aix">
<secondary>installation on</secondary>
PostgreSQL on AIX works, but getting it installed properly can be
challenging. Both AIX version 4.3 and 5.3 are supported in
theory. You can use GCC or the native IBM compiler xlc. In
general, using recent versions of AIX and PostgreSQL helps. Check
the build farm for up to date information about which versions of
AIX are known to work.
Use the following <command>configure</command> flags in addition
to your own if you have Readline or libz
there: <literal>--with-includes=/usr/local/include
If you don't have a PowerPC or use GCC you might see rounding
differences in the geometry regression test. There will probably
be warnings about 0.0/0.0 division and duplicate symbols which you
can safely ignore.
Some of the AIX tools may be <quote>a little different</quote>
from what you may be accustomed to on other platforms. If you are
looking for a version of <command>ldd</command>, useful for
determining what object code depends on what libraries, the
following URLs may help you:
<ulink url="http://www.faqs.org/faqs/aix-faq/part4/section-22.html"></ulink>,
<ulink url="http://www.han.de/~jum/aix/ldd.c"></ulink>.
<title>AIX 4.3.2</title>
On AIX 4.3.2, you need <filename>libm.a</filename> that is in the
fileset bos.adt.libm. Try the following command:
$ lslpp -l bos.adt.libm
<title>GCC issues</title>
On AIX 5.3, there have been some problems getting PostgreSQL to
compile and run using GCC.
You will want to use a version of GCC subsequent to 3.3.2,
particularly if you use a prepackaged version. We had good
success with 4.0.1. Problems with earlier versions seem to have
more to do with the way IBM packaged GCC than with actual issues
with GCC, so that if you compile GCC yourself, you might well
have success with an earlier version of GCC.
<title>Unix-domain sockets broken</title>
AIX 5.3 has a problem
where <structname>sockadr_storage</structname> is not defined to
be large enough. In version 5.3, IBM increased the size of
<structname>sockaddr_un</structname>, the address structure for
Unix-domain sockets, but did not correspondingly increase the
size of <structname>sockadr_storage</structname>. The result of
this is that attempts to use Unix-domain sockets with PostgreSQL
lead to libpq overflowing the data structure. TCP/IP connections
work OK, but not Unix-domain sockets, which prevents the
regression tests from working.
The problem was reported to IBM, and is recorded as bug report
PMR29657. If you upgrade to maintenance level 5300-03, that will
include this fix. Use the command <literal>oslevel -r</literal>
to determine what maintenance level you are at. An immediate
resolution is to alter <symbol>_SS_MAXSIZE</symbol> to = 1025 in
<title>Memory Management</title>
<!-- http://archives.postgresql.org/message-id/603bgqmpl9.fsf@dba2.int.libertyrms.com -->
AIX can be somewhat peculiar with regards to the way it does
memory management. You can have a server with many multiples of
gigabytes of RAM free, but still get out of memory or address
space errors when running applications. One example
is <command>createlang</command> failing with unusual errors.
For example, running as the owner of the PostgreSQL installation:
-bash-3.00$ createlang plpgsql template1
createlang: language installation failed: ERROR: could not load library "/opt/dbs/pgsql748/lib/plpgsql.so": A memory address is not in the address space for the process.
Running as a non-owner in the group posessing the PostgreSQL
-bash-3.00$ createlang plpgsql template1
createlang: language installation failed: ERROR: could not load library "/opt/dbs/pgsql748/lib/plpgsql.so": Bad address
Another example is out of memory errors in the PostgreSQL server
logs, with every memory allocation near or greater than 256 MB
The overall cause of all these problems is the default bittedness
and memory model used by the server process. By default, all
binaries built on AIX are 32-bit. This does not depend upon
hardware type or kernel in use. These 32-bit processes are
limited to 4 GB of memory laid out in 256 MB segments using one
of a few models. The default allows for less than 256 MB in the
heap as it shares a single segment with the stack.
In the case of the <command>createlang</command> example, above,
check your umask and the permissions of the binaries in your
PostgreSQL installation. The binaries involved in that example
were 32-bit and installed as mode 750 instead of 755. Due to the
permissions being set in this fashion, only the owner or a member
of the possessing group can load the library. Since it isn't
world-readable, the loader places the object into the process'
heap instead of the shared library segments where it would
otherwise be placed.
The <quote>ideal</quote> solution for this is to use a 64-bit
build of PostgreSQL, but that is not always practical, because
systems with 32-bit processors can build, but not run, 64-bit
If a 32-bit binary is desired, set <symbol>LDR_CNTRL</symbol> to
where 1 <= n <= 8, before starting the PostgreSQL server,
and try different values and <filename>postgresql.conf</filename>
settings to find a configuration that works satisfactorily. This
use of <symbol>LDR_CNTRL</symbol> tells AIX that you want the
server to have <symbol>MAXDATA</symbol> bytes set aside for the
heap, allocated in 256 MB segments. When you find a workable
<command>ldedit</command> can be used to modify the binaries so
that they default to using the desired heap size. PostgreSQL can
also be rebuilt, passing <literal>configure
to achieve the same effect.
For a 64-bit build, set <envar>OBJECT_MODE</envar> to 64 and
pass <literal>CC="gcc -maix64"</literal>
and <literal>LDFLAGS="-Wl,-bbigtoc"</literal>
to <command>configure</command>. (Options for
<command>xlc</command> might differ.) If you omit the export of
<envar>OBJECT_MODE</envar>, your build may fail with linker errors. When
<envar>OBJECT_MODE</envar> is set, it tells AIX's build utilities
such as <command>ar</>, <command>as</>, and <command>ld</> what
type of objects to default to handling.
By default, overcommit of paging space can happen. While we have
not seen this occur, AIX will kill processes when it runs out of
memory and the overcommit is accessed. The closest to this that
we have seen is fork failing because the system decided that
there was not enough memory for another process. Like many other
parts of AIX, the paging space allocation method and
out-of-memory kill is configurable on a system- or process-wide
basis if this becomes a problem.
<title>References and resources</title>
<biblioset relation="article">
<title><ulink url="http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/pseries/topic/com.ibm.aix.doc/aixprggd/genprogc/lrg_prg_support.htm">Large Program Support</ulink></title>
<biblioset relation="book">
<title>AIX Documentation: General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs</title>
<biblioset relation="article">
<title><ulink url="http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/pseries/topic/com.ibm.aix.doc/aixprggd/genprogc/address_space.htm">Program Address Space Overview</ulink></title>
<biblioset relation="book">
<title>AIX Documentation: General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs</title>
<biblioset relation="article">
<title><ulink url="http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/pseries/v5r3/topic/com.ibm.aix.doc/aixbman/prftungd/resmgmt2.htm">Performance Overview of the Virtual Memory Manager (VMM)</ulink></title>
<biblioset relation="book">
<title>AIX Documentation: Performance Management Guide</title>
<biblioset relation="article">
<title><ulink url="http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/pseries/v5r3/topic/com.ibm.aix.doc/aixbman/prftungd/memperf7.htm">Page Space Allocation</ulink></title>
<biblioset relation="book">
<title>AIX Documentation: Performance Management Guide</title>
<biblioset relation="article">
<title><ulink url="http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/pseries/v5r3/topic/com.ibm.aix.doc/aixbman/prftungd/memperf6.htm">Paging-space thresholds tuning</ulink></title>
<biblioset relation="book">
<title>AIX Documentation: Performance Management Guide</title>
<title><ulink url=" http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/sg245674.html?Open">Developing and Porting C and C++ Applications on AIX</ulink></title>
<publishername>IBM Redbook</publishername>
<title>Statistics Collector Issues</title>
<!-- http://archives.postgresql.org/message-id/6064jt6cfm.fsf_-_@dba2.int.libertyrms.com -->
When implementing PostgreSQL version 8.1 on AIX 5.3, we
periodically ran into problems where the statistics collector
would <quote>mysteriously</quote> not come up successfully. This
appears to be the result of unexpected behaviour in the IPv6
implementation. It looks like PostgreSQL and IPv6 do not play
very well together at this time on AIX.
Any of the following actions <quote>fix</quote> the problem.
Delete the IPv6 address for localhost:
(as root)
# ifconfig lo0 inet6 ::1/0 delete
Remove IPv6 from net services. The
file <filename>/etc/netsvc.conf</filename> on AIX is roughly
equivalent to <filename>/etc/nsswitch.conf</filename> on
Solaris/Linux. The default, on AIX, is thus:
Replace this with:
to deactivate searching for IPv6 addresses.
<sect2 id="installation-notes-cygwin">
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# Copyright (c) 1998, Regents of the University of California
# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/Makefile.shlib,v 1.117 2008/09/01 08:50:09 petere Exp $
# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/Makefile.shlib,v 1.118 2008/11/24 11:59:37 petere Exp $
@ -479,6 +479,7 @@ ifeq ($(enable_shared), yes)
install-lib-shared: $(shlib) installdirs-lib
ifdef soname
# we don't install $(shlib) on AIX
# (see http://archives.postgresql.org/message-id/52EF20B2E3209443BC37736D00C3C1380A6E79FE@EXADV1.host.magwien.gv.at)
ifneq ($(PORTNAME), aix)
$(INSTALL_SHLIB) $< '$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(shlib)'
ifneq ($(PORTNAME), cygwin)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user