1997-10-15 10:32:29 +08:00
This is a minor bug-fix release. A dump/reload is not required from v6.2,
but is required from any release prior to v6.2.
In upgrading from v6.2, if you choose to dump/reload you will find that
avg(money) is now calculated correctly. All other bug fixes take effect
upon updating the executables.
1997-10-17 13:34:58 +08:00
Another way to avoid dump/reload is to use the following SQL command
from psql to update the existing system table:
update pg_aggregate set aggfinalfn = 'cash_div_flt8'
where aggname = 'avg' and aggbasetype = 790;
This will need to be done to every existing database, including template1.
1997-10-25 13:05:06 +08:00