2011-12-21 22:12:43 +08:00
2012-03-10 04:18:45 +08:00
-- Regression Test for DDL of Object Permission Checks
2011-12-21 22:12:43 +08:00
2013-03-27 20:10:14 +08:00
-- clean-up in case a prior regression run failed
SET client_min_messages TO 'warning';
DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS regtest_sepgsql_test_database;
DROP USER IF EXISTS regtest_sepgsql_test_user;
RESET client_min_messages;
2011-12-21 22:12:43 +08:00
-- confirm required permissions using audit messages
-- @SECURITY-CONTEXT=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0
SET sepgsql.debug_audit = true;
SET client_min_messages = LOG;
2012-03-10 04:18:45 +08:00
-- CREATE Permission checks
2011-12-21 22:12:43 +08:00
CREATE DATABASE regtest_sepgsql_test_database;
2012-03-10 04:18:45 +08:00
CREATE USER regtest_sepgsql_test_user;
2011-12-21 22:12:43 +08:00
CREATE SCHEMA regtest_schema;
2012-03-10 04:18:45 +08:00
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA regtest_schema TO regtest_sepgsql_test_user;
2011-12-21 22:12:43 +08:00
SET search_path = regtest_schema, public;
CREATE TABLE regtest_table (x serial primary key, y text);
ALTER TABLE regtest_table ADD COLUMN z int;
CREATE TABLE regtest_table_2 (a int) WITH OIDS;
-- corresponding toast table should not have label and permission checks
ALTER TABLE regtest_table_2 ADD COLUMN b text;
-- VACUUM FULL internally create a new table and swap them later.
VACUUM FULL regtest_table;
CREATE VIEW regtest_view AS SELECT * FROM regtest_table WHERE x < 100;
CREATE SEQUENCE regtest_seq;
CREATE TYPE regtest_comptype AS (a int, b text);
CREATE FUNCTION regtest_func(text,int[]) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS 'BEGIN RAISE NOTICE ''regtest_func => %'', $1; RETURN true; END';
CREATE AGGREGATE regtest_agg (
sfunc1 = int4pl, basetype = int4, stype1 = int4, initcond1 = '0'
2012-03-10 04:18:45 +08:00
-- CREATE objects owned by others
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regtest_sepgsql_test_user;
SET search_path = regtest_schema, public;
CREATE TABLE regtest_table_3 (x int, y serial);
CREATE VIEW regtest_view_2 AS SELECT * FROM regtest_table_3 WHERE x < y;
CREATE FUNCTION regtest_func_2(int) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS 'BEGIN RETURN $1 * $1 < 100; END';
2012-10-24 05:07:26 +08:00
-- ALTER and CREATE/DROP extra attribute permissions
CREATE TABLE regtest_table_4 (x int primary key, y int, z int);
CREATE INDEX regtest_index_tbl4_y ON regtest_table_4(y);
CREATE INDEX regtest_index_tbl4_z ON regtest_table_4(z);
ALTER TABLE regtest_table_4 ALTER COLUMN y TYPE float;
DROP INDEX regtest_index_tbl4_y;
ALTER TABLE regtest_table_4
ADD CONSTRAINT regtest_tbl4_con EXCLUDE USING btree (z WITH =);
DROP TABLE regtest_table_4 CASCADE;
2011-12-21 22:12:43 +08:00
2012-03-10 04:18:45 +08:00
-- DROP Permission checks (with clean-up)
2011-12-21 22:12:43 +08:00
2012-03-10 04:18:45 +08:00
DROP FUNCTION regtest_func(text,int[]);
DROP AGGREGATE regtest_agg(int);
DROP SEQUENCE regtest_seq;
DROP VIEW regtest_view;
ALTER TABLE regtest_table DROP COLUMN y;
DROP TABLE regtest_table;
DROP OWNED BY regtest_sepgsql_test_user;
DROP DATABASE regtest_sepgsql_test_database;
DROP USER regtest_sepgsql_test_user;
2011-12-21 22:12:43 +08:00