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synced 2025-03-13 19:47:47 +08:00
"Teaser" means that it's not integrated yet and purpose of this commit is primarily informational, to exhibit design choices, such as how to handle alignment and endianness. In other words it's proof-of-concept code that EVP module will build upon.
224 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
224 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# PowerPC assembler distiller by <appro>.
my $flavour = shift;
my $output = shift;
open STDOUT,">$output" || die "can't open $output: $!";
my $dotinlocallabels=($flavour=~/linux/)?1:0;
# directives which need special treatment on different platforms
my $globl = sub {
my $junk = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $global = \$GLOBALS{$name};
my $ret;
$name =~ s|^[\.\_]||;
SWITCH: for ($flavour) {
/aix/ && do { $name = ".$name";
/osx/ && do { $name = "_$name";
&& do { $ret .= ".globl $name\n";
$ret .= ".type $name,\@function";
/linux.*64/ && do { $ret .= ".globl $name\n";
$ret .= ".type $name,\@function\n";
$ret .= ".section \".opd\",\"aw\"\n";
$ret .= ".align 3\n";
$ret .= "$name:\n";
$ret .= ".quad .$name,.TOC.\@tocbase,0\n";
$ret .= ".previous\n";
$name = ".$name";
$ret = ".globl $name" if (!$ret);
$$global = $name;
my $text = sub {
my $ret = ($flavour =~ /aix/) ? ".csect\t.text[PR],7" : ".text";
$ret = ".abiversion 2\n".$ret if ($flavour =~ /linux.*64le/);
my $machine = sub {
my $junk = shift;
my $arch = shift;
if ($flavour =~ /osx/)
{ $arch =~ s/\"//g;
$arch = ($flavour=~/64/) ? "ppc970-64" : "ppc970" if ($arch eq "any");
".machine $arch";
my $size = sub {
if ($flavour =~ /linux/)
{ shift;
my $name = shift; $name =~ s|^[\.\_]||;
my $ret = ".size $name,.-".($flavour=~/64$/?".":"").$name;
$ret .= "\n.size .$name,.-.$name" if ($flavour=~/64$/);
{ ""; }
my $asciz = sub {
my $line = join(",",@_);
if ($line =~ /^"(.*)"$/)
{ ".byte " . join(",",unpack("C*",$1),0) . "\n.align 2"; }
{ ""; }
my $quad = sub {
my @ret;
my ($hi,$lo);
for (@_) {
if (/^0x([0-9a-f]*?)([0-9a-f]{1,8})$/io)
{ $hi=$1?"0x$1":"0"; $lo="0x$2"; }
elsif (/^([0-9]+)$/o)
{ $hi=$1>>32; $lo=$1&0xffffffff; } # error-prone with 32-bit perl
{ $hi=undef; $lo=$_; }
if (defined($hi))
{ push(@ret,$flavour=~/le$/o?".long\t$lo,$hi":".long\t$hi,$lo"); }
{ push(@ret,".quad $lo"); }
# simplified mnemonics not handled by at least one assembler
my $cmplw = sub {
my $f = shift;
my $cr = 0; $cr = shift if ($#_>1);
# Some out-of-date 32-bit GNU assembler just can't handle cmplw...
($flavour =~ /linux.*32/) ?
" .long ".sprintf "0x%x",31<<26|$cr<<23|$_[0]<<16|$_[1]<<11|64 :
" cmplw ".join(',',$cr,@_);
my $bdnz = sub {
my $f = shift;
my $bo = $f=~/[\+\-]/ ? 16+9 : 16; # optional "to be taken" hint
" bc $bo,0,".shift;
} if ($flavour!~/linux/);
my $bltlr = sub {
my $f = shift;
my $bo = $f=~/\-/ ? 12+2 : 12; # optional "not to be taken" hint
($flavour =~ /linux/) ? # GNU as doesn't allow most recent hints
" .long ".sprintf "0x%x",19<<26|$bo<<21|16<<1 :
" bclr $bo,0";
my $bnelr = sub {
my $f = shift;
my $bo = $f=~/\-/ ? 4+2 : 4; # optional "not to be taken" hint
($flavour =~ /linux/) ? # GNU as doesn't allow most recent hints
" .long ".sprintf "0x%x",19<<26|$bo<<21|2<<16|16<<1 :
" bclr $bo,2";
my $beqlr = sub {
my $f = shift;
my $bo = $f=~/-/ ? 12+2 : 12; # optional "not to be taken" hint
($flavour =~ /linux/) ? # GNU as doesn't allow most recent hints
" .long ".sprintf "0x%X",19<<26|$bo<<21|2<<16|16<<1 :
" bclr $bo,2";
# GNU assembler can't handle extrdi rA,rS,16,48, or when sum of last two
# arguments is 64, with "operand out of range" error.
my $extrdi = sub {
my ($f,$ra,$rs,$n,$b) = @_;
$b = ($b+$n)&63; $n = 64-$n;
" rldicl $ra,$rs,$b,$n";
my $vmr = sub {
my ($f,$vx,$vy) = @_;
" vor $vx,$vy,$vy";
# PowerISA 2.06 stuff
sub vsxmem_op {
my ($f, $vrt, $ra, $rb, $op) = @_;
" .long ".sprintf "0x%X",(31<<26)|($vrt<<21)|($ra<<16)|($rb<<11)|($op*2+1);
# made-up unaligned memory reference AltiVec/VMX instructions
my $lvx_u = sub { vsxmem_op(@_, 844); }; # lxvd2x
my $stvx_u = sub { vsxmem_op(@_, 972); }; # stxvd2x
my $lvdx_u = sub { vsxmem_op(@_, 588); }; # lxsdx
my $stvdx_u = sub { vsxmem_op(@_, 716); }; # stxsdx
# PowerISA 2.07 stuff
sub vcrypto_op {
my ($f, $vrt, $vra, $vrb, $op) = @_;
" .long ".sprintf "0x%X",(4<<26)|($vrt<<21)|($vra<<16)|($vrb<<11)|$op;
my $vcipher = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1288); };
my $vcipherlast = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1289); };
my $vncipher = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1352); };
my $vncipherlast= sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1353); };
my $vsbox = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 0, 1480); };
my $vshasigmad = sub { my ($st,$six)=splice(@_,-2); vcrypto_op(@_, $st<<4|$six, 1730); };
my $vshasigmaw = sub { my ($st,$six)=splice(@_,-2); vcrypto_op(@_, $st<<4|$six, 1666); };
my $vpmsumb = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1032); };
my $vpmsumd = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1224); };
my $vpmsubh = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1096); };
my $vpmsumw = sub { vcrypto_op(@_, 1160); };
my $mtsle = sub {
my ($f, $arg) = @_;
" .long ".sprintf "0x%X",(31<<26)|($arg<<21)|(147*2);
while($line=<>) {
$line =~ s|[#!;].*$||; # get rid of asm-style comments...
$line =~ s|/\*.*\*/||; # ... and C-style comments...
$line =~ s|^\s+||; # ... and skip white spaces in beginning...
$line =~ s|\s+$||; # ... and at the end
$line =~ s|\b\.L(\w+)|L$1|g; # common denominator for Locallabel
$line =~ s|\bL(\w+)|\.L$1|g if ($dotinlocallabels);
$line =~ s|(^[\.\w]+)\:\s*||;
my $label = $1;
if ($label) {
printf "%s:",($GLOBALS{$label} or $label);
printf "\n.localentry\t$GLOBALS{$label},0" if ($GLOBALS{$label} && $flavour =~ /linux.*64le/);
$line =~ s|^\s*(\.?)(\w+)([\.\+\-]?)\s*||;
my $c = $1; $c = "\t" if ($c eq "");
my $mnemonic = $2;
my $f = $3;
my $opcode = eval("\$$mnemonic");
$line =~ s/\b(c?[rf]|v|vs)([0-9]+)\b/$2/g if ($c ne "." and $flavour !~ /osx/);
if (ref($opcode) eq 'CODE') { $line = &$opcode($f,split(',',$line)); }
elsif ($mnemonic) { $line = $c.$mnemonic.$f."\t".$line; }
print $line if ($line);
print "\n";
close STDOUT;