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synced 2025-03-07 19:38:33 +08:00
To have the configdata.pm text embedded in Configure was kind of ugly, and becomes clearer if put into a template file, configdata.pm.in. We can then use OpenSSL::Template to generate it. We also modify configdata.pm to be the build file generator, and run it from Configure. The benefit with that is that developers who tinker and play with the build file can do a "factory reset" without having to go through the configuration process, i.e. they can re-use the config data the already have. Reviewed-by: Matt Caswell <matt@openssl.org> (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/9693)
419 lines
14 KiB
419 lines
14 KiB
#! {- $config{HASHBANGPERL} -}
# -*- mode: perl -*-
sub out_item {
my $ref = shift;
# Available options:
# indent => callers indentation (int)
# delimiters => 1 if outer delimiters should be added
my %opts = @_;
my $indent = $opts{indent} // 0;
# Indentation of the whole structure, where applicable
my $nlindent1 = "\n" . ' ' x $indent;
# Indentation of individual items, where applicable
my $nlindent2 = "\n" . ' ' x ($indent + 4);
my $product; # Finished product, or reference to a function that
# produces a string, given $_
# The following are only used when $product is a function reference
my $delim_l; # Left delimiter of structure
my $delim_r; # Right delimiter of structure
my $separator; # Item separator
my @items; # Items to iterate over
if (ref($ref) eq "ARRAY") {
if (scalar @$ref == 0) {
$product = $opts{delimiters} ? '[]' : '';
} else {
$product = sub {
out_item(\$_, delimiters => 1, indent => $indent + 4)
$delim_l = ($opts{delimiters} ? '[' : '').$nlindent2;
$delim_r = $nlindent1.($opts{delimiters} ? ']' : '');
$separator = ",$nlindent2";
@items = @$ref;
} elsif (ref($ref) eq "HASH") {
if (scalar keys %$ref == 0) {
$product = $opts{delimiters} ? '{}' : '';
} else {
$product = sub {
quotify1($_) . " => "
. out_item($ref->{$_}, delimiters => 1, indent => $indent + 4)
$delim_l = ($opts{delimiters} ? '{' : '').$nlindent2;
$delim_r = $nlindent1.($opts{delimiters} ? '}' : '');
$separator = ",$nlindent2";
@items = sort keys %$ref;
} elsif (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR") {
$product = defined $$ref ? quotify1 $$ref : "undef";
} else {
$product = defined $ref ? quotify1 $ref : "undef";
if (ref($product) eq "CODE") {
$delim_l . join($separator, map { &$product } @items) . $delim_r;
} else {
# We must make sourcedir() return an absolute path, because configdata.pm
# may be loaded as a module from any script in any directory, making
# relative paths untrustable. Because the result is used with 'use lib',
# we must ensure that it returns a Unix style path. Cwd::abs_path does
# that (File::Spec::Functions::rel2abs return O/S specific paths)
use File::Spec::Functions;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
sub sourcedir {
return abs_path(catdir($config{sourcedir}, @_));
sub sourcefile {
return abs_path(catfile($config{sourcedir}, @_));
package configdata;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
%config %target %disabled %withargs %unified_info
@disablables @disablables_int
our %config = ({- out_item(\%config); -});
our %target = ({- out_item(\%target); -});
our @disablables = ({- out_item(\@disablables) -});
our @disablables_int = ({- out_item(\@disablables_int) -});
our %disabled = ({- out_item(\%disabled); -});
our %withargs = ({- out_item(\%withargs); -});
our %unified_info = ({- out_item(\%unified_info); -});
# Unexported, only used by OpenSSL::Test::Utils::available_protocols()
our %available_protocols = (
tls => [{- out_item(\@tls) -}],
dtls => [{- out_item(\@dtls) -}],
# The following data is only used when this files is use as a script
my @makevars = ({- out_item(\@makevars); -});
my %disabled_info = ({- out_item(\%disabled_info); -});
my @user_crossable = qw( {- join (' ', @user_crossable) -} );
# If run directly, we can give some answers, and even reconfigure
unless (caller) {
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use File::Basename;
use Pod::Usage;
my $here = dirname($0);
if (scalar @ARGV == 0) {
# With no arguments, re-create the build file
use lib '{- sourcedir('util', 'perl') -}';
use OpenSSL::fallback '{- sourcefile('external', 'perl', 'MODULES.txt') -}';
use OpenSSL::Template;
my $prepend = <<"_____";
use File::Spec::Functions;
use lib '{- sourcedir('util', 'perl') -}';
$prepend .= <<"_____" if defined $target{perl_platform};
use lib '{- sourcedir('Configurations') -}';
use lib '{- $config{builddir} -}';
use platform;
my @autowarntext = (
'WARNING: do not edit!',
"Generated by configdata.pm from "
.join(", ", @{$config{build_file_templates}})
print 'Creating ',$target{build_file},"\n";
open BUILDFILE, ">$target{build_file}.new"
or die "Trying to create $target{build_file}.new: $!";
foreach (@{$config{build_file_templates}}) {
my $tmpl = OpenSSL::Template->new(TYPE => 'FILE',
SOURCE => $_);
$tmpl->fill_in(FILENAME => $_,
HASH => { config => \%config,
target => \%target,
disabled => \%disabled,
withargs => \%withargs,
unified_info => \%unified_info,
autowarntext => \@autowarntext },
PREPEND => $prepend,
# To ensure that global variables and functions
# defined in one template stick around for the
# next, making them combinable
PACKAGE => 'OpenSSL::safe')
or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
rename("$target{build_file}.new", $target{build_file})
or die "Trying to rename $target{build_file}.new to $target{build_file}: $!";
my $dump = undef;
my $cmdline = undef;
my $options = undef;
my $target = undef;
my $envvars = undef;
my $makevars = undef;
my $buildparams = undef;
my $reconf = undef;
my $verbose = undef;
my $help = undef;
my $man = undef;
GetOptions('dump|d' => \$dump,
'command-line|c' => \$cmdline,
'options|o' => \$options,
'target|t' => \$target,
'environment|e' => \$envvars,
'make-variables|m' => \$makevars,
'build-parameters|b' => \$buildparams,
'reconfigure|reconf|r' => \$reconf,
'verbose|v' => \$verbose,
'help' => \$help,
'man' => \$man)
or die "Errors in command line arguments\n";
if (scalar @ARGV > 0) {
print STDERR <<"_____";
Unrecognised arguments.
For more information, do '$0 --help'
if ($help) {
pod2usage(-exitval => 0,
-verbose => 1);
if ($man) {
pod2usage(-exitval => 0,
-verbose => 2);
if ($dump || $cmdline) {
print "\nCommand line (with current working directory = $here):\n\n";
print ' ',join(' ',
catfile($config{sourcedir}, 'Configure'),
@{$config{perlargv}}), "\n";
print "\nPerl information:\n\n";
print ' ',$config{perl_cmd},"\n";
print ' ',$config{perl_version},' for ',$config{perl_archname},"\n";
if ($dump || $options) {
my $longest = 0;
my $longest2 = 0;
foreach my $what (@disablables) {
$longest = length($what) if $longest < length($what);
$longest2 = length($disabled{$what})
if $disabled{$what} && $longest2 < length($disabled{$what});
print "\nEnabled features:\n\n";
foreach my $what (@disablables) {
print " $what\n" unless $disabled{$what};
print "\nDisabled features:\n\n";
foreach my $what (@disablables) {
if ($disabled{$what}) {
print " $what", ' ' x ($longest - length($what) + 1),
"[$disabled{$what}]", ' ' x ($longest2 - length($disabled{$what}) + 1);
print $disabled_info{$what}->{macro}
if $disabled_info{$what}->{macro};
print ' (skip ',
join(', ', @{$disabled_info{$what}->{skipped}}),
if $disabled_info{$what}->{skipped};
print "\n";
if ($dump || $target) {
print "\nConfig target attributes:\n\n";
foreach (sort keys %target) {
next if $_ =~ m|^_| || $_ eq 'template';
my $quotify = sub {
map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|([\\\$\@"])|\\$1|g; "\"$x\""} @_;
print ' ', $_, ' => ';
if (ref($target{$_}) eq "ARRAY") {
print '[ ', join(', ', $quotify->(@{$target{$_}})), " ],\n";
} else {
print $quotify->($target{$_}), ",\n"
if ($dump || $envvars) {
print "\nRecorded environment:\n\n";
foreach (sort keys %{$config{perlenv}}) {
print ' ',$_,' = ',($config{perlenv}->{$_} || ''),"\n";
if ($dump || $makevars) {
print "\nMakevars:\n\n";
foreach my $var (@makevars) {
my $prefix = '';
$prefix = $config{CROSS_COMPILE}
if grep { $var eq $_ } @user_crossable;
$prefix //= '';
print ' ',$var,' ' x (16 - length $var),'= ',
(ref $config{$var} eq 'ARRAY'
? join(' ', @{$config{$var}})
: $prefix.$config{$var}),
if defined $config{$var};
my @buildfile = ($config{builddir}, $config{build_file});
unshift @buildfile, $here
unless file_name_is_absolute($config{builddir});
my $buildfile = canonpath(catdir(@buildfile));
print <<"_____";
NOTE: These variables only represent the configuration view. The build file
template may have processed these variables further, please have a look at the
build file for more exact data:
if ($dump || $buildparams) {
my @buildfile = ($config{builddir}, $config{build_file});
unshift @buildfile, $here
unless file_name_is_absolute($config{builddir});
print "\nbuild file:\n\n";
print " ", canonpath(catfile(@buildfile)),"\n";
print "\nbuild file templates:\n\n";
foreach (@{$config{build_file_templates}}) {
my @tmpl = ($_);
unshift @tmpl, $here
unless file_name_is_absolute($config{sourcedir});
print ' ',canonpath(catfile(@tmpl)),"\n";
if ($reconf) {
if ($verbose) {
print 'Reconfiguring with: ', join(' ',@{$config{perlargv}}), "\n";
foreach (sort keys %{$config{perlenv}}) {
print ' ',$_,' = ',($config{perlenv}->{$_} || ""),"\n";
chdir $here;
exec $^X,catfile($config{sourcedir}, 'Configure'),'reconf';
=head1 NAME
configdata.pm - configuration data for OpenSSL builds
perl configdata.pm [options]
As data bank module:
use configdata;
This module can be used in two modes, interactively and as a module containing
all the data recorded by OpenSSL's Configure script.
When used interactively, simply run it as any perl script.
If run with no arguments, it will rebuild the build file (Makefile or
With at least one option, it will instead get the information you ask for, or
re-run the configuration process.
See L</OPTIONS> below for more information.
When loaded as a module, you get a few databanks with useful information to
perform build related tasks. The databanks are:
%config Configured things.
%target The OpenSSL config target with all inheritances
%disabled The features that are disabled.
@disablables The list of features that can be disabled.
%withargs All data given through --with-THING options.
%unified_info All information that was computed from the build.info
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<--help>
Print a brief help message and exit.
=item B<--man>
Print the manual page and exit.
=item B<--dump> | B<-d>
Print all relevant configuration data. This is equivalent to B<--command-line>
B<--options> B<--target> B<--environment> B<--make-variables>
=item B<--command-line> | B<-c>
Print the current configuration command line.
=item B<--options> | B<-o>
Print the features, both enabled and disabled, and display defined macro and
skipped directories where applicable.
=item B<--target> | B<-t>
Print the config attributes for this config target.
=item B<--environment> | B<-e>
Print the environment variables and their values at the time of configuration.
=item B<--make-variables> | B<-m>
Print the main make variables generated in the current configuration
=item B<--build-parameters> | B<-b>
Print the build parameters, i.e. build file and build file templates.
=item B<--reconfigure> | B<--reconf> | B<-r>
Re-run the configuration process.
=item B<--verbose> | B<-v>
Verbose output.