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synced 2025-03-01 19:28:10 +08:00
They now generally conform to the following argument sequence: script.pl "$(PERLASM_SCHEME)" [ C preprocessor arguments ... ] \ $(PROCESSOR) <output file> However, in the spirit of being able to use these scripts manually, they also allow for no argument, or for only the flavour, or for only the output file. This is done by only using the last argument as output file if it's a file (it has an extension), and only using the first argument as flavour if it isn't a file (it doesn't have an extension). While we're at it, we make all $xlate calls the same, i.e. the $output argument is always quoted, and we always die on error when trying to start $xlate. There's a perl lesson in this, regarding operator priority... This will always succeed, even when it fails: open FOO, "something" || die "ERR: $!"; The reason is that '||' has higher priority than list operators (a function is essentially a list operator and gobbles up everything following it that isn't lower priority), and since a non-empty string is always true, so that ends up being exactly the same as: open FOO, "something"; This, however, will fail if "something" can't be opened: open FOO, "something" or die "ERR: $!"; The reason is that 'or' has lower priority that list operators, i.e. it's performed after the 'open' call. Reviewed-by: Matt Caswell <matt@openssl.org> (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/9884)
498 lines
10 KiB
498 lines
10 KiB
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2005-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
# $output is the last argument if it looks like a file (it has an extension)
# $flavour is the first argument if it doesn't look like a file
$output = $#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[$#ARGV] =~ m|\.\w+$| ? pop : undef;
$flavour = $#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] !~ m|\.| ? shift : undef;
$win64=0; $win64=1 if ($flavour =~ /[nm]asm|mingw64/ || $output =~ /\.asm$/);
$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
( $xlate="${dir}x86_64-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate ) or
( $xlate="${dir}perlasm/x86_64-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate) or
die "can't locate x86_64-xlate.pl";
open OUT,"| \"$^X\" \"$xlate\" $flavour \"$output\""
or die "can't call $xlate: $!";
($arg1,$arg2,$arg3,$arg4)=$win64?("%rcx","%rdx","%r8", "%r9") : # Win64 order
("%rdi","%rsi","%rdx","%rcx"); # Unix order
.extern OPENSSL_cpuid_setup
.hidden OPENSSL_cpuid_setup
.section .init
call OPENSSL_cpuid_setup
.hidden OPENSSL_ia32cap_P
.comm OPENSSL_ia32cap_P,16,4
.globl OPENSSL_atomic_add
.type OPENSSL_atomic_add,\@abi-omnipotent
.align 16
movl ($arg1),%eax
.Lspin: leaq ($arg2,%rax),%r8
.byte 0xf0 # lock
cmpxchgl %r8d,($arg1)
jne .Lspin
movl %r8d,%eax
.byte 0x48,0x98 # cltq/cdqe
.size OPENSSL_atomic_add,.-OPENSSL_atomic_add
.globl OPENSSL_rdtsc
.type OPENSSL_rdtsc,\@abi-omnipotent
.align 16
shl \$32,%rdx
or %rdx,%rax
.size OPENSSL_rdtsc,.-OPENSSL_rdtsc
.globl OPENSSL_ia32_cpuid
.type OPENSSL_ia32_cpuid,\@function,1
.align 16
mov %rbx,%r8 # save %rbx
.cfi_register %rbx,%r8
xor %eax,%eax
mov %rax,8(%rdi) # clear extended feature flags
mov %eax,%r11d # max value for standard query level
xor %eax,%eax
cmp \$0x756e6547,%ebx # "Genu"
setne %al
mov %eax,%r9d
cmp \$0x49656e69,%edx # "ineI"
setne %al
or %eax,%r9d
cmp \$0x6c65746e,%ecx # "ntel"
setne %al
or %eax,%r9d # 0 indicates Intel CPU
jz .Lintel
cmp \$0x68747541,%ebx # "Auth"
setne %al
mov %eax,%r10d
cmp \$0x69746E65,%edx # "enti"
setne %al
or %eax,%r10d
cmp \$0x444D4163,%ecx # "cAMD"
setne %al
or %eax,%r10d # 0 indicates AMD CPU
jnz .Lintel
# AMD specific
mov \$0x80000000,%eax
cmp \$0x80000001,%eax
jb .Lintel
mov %eax,%r10d
mov \$0x80000001,%eax
or %ecx,%r9d
and \$0x00000801,%r9d # isolate AMD XOP bit, 1<<11
cmp \$0x80000008,%r10d
jb .Lintel
mov \$0x80000008,%eax
movzb %cl,%r10 # number of cores - 1
inc %r10 # number of cores
mov \$1,%eax
bt \$28,%edx # test hyper-threading bit
jnc .Lgeneric
shr \$16,%ebx # number of logical processors
cmp %r10b,%bl
ja .Lgeneric
and \$0xefffffff,%edx # ~(1<<28)
jmp .Lgeneric
cmp \$4,%r11d
mov \$-1,%r10d
jb .Lnocacheinfo
mov \$4,%eax
mov \$0,%ecx # query L1D
mov %eax,%r10d
shr \$14,%r10d
and \$0xfff,%r10d # number of cores -1 per L1D
mov \$1,%eax
movd %eax,%xmm0 # put aside processor id
and \$0xbfefffff,%edx # force reserved bits to 0
cmp \$0,%r9d
jne .Lnotintel
or \$0x40000000,%edx # set reserved bit#30 on Intel CPUs
and \$15,%ah
cmp \$15,%ah # examine Family ID
jne .LnotP4
or \$0x00100000,%edx # set reserved bit#20 to engage RC4_CHAR
cmp \$6,%ah
jne .Lnotintel
and \$0x0fff0ff0,%eax
cmp \$0x00050670,%eax # Knights Landing
je .Lknights
cmp \$0x00080650,%eax # Knights Mill (according to sde)
jne .Lnotintel
and \$0xfbffffff,%ecx # clear XSAVE flag to mimic Silvermont
bt \$28,%edx # test hyper-threading bit
jnc .Lgeneric
and \$0xefffffff,%edx # ~(1<<28)
cmp \$0,%r10d
je .Lgeneric
or \$0x10000000,%edx # 1<<28
shr \$16,%ebx
cmp \$1,%bl # see if cache is shared
ja .Lgeneric
and \$0xefffffff,%edx # ~(1<<28)
and \$0x00000800,%r9d # isolate AMD XOP flag
and \$0xfffff7ff,%ecx
or %ecx,%r9d # merge AMD XOP flag
mov %edx,%r10d # %r9d:%r10d is copy of %ecx:%edx
cmp \$7,%r11d
jb .Lno_extended_info
mov \$7,%eax
xor %ecx,%ecx
bt \$26,%r9d # check XSAVE bit, cleared on Knights
jc .Lnotknights
and \$0xfff7ffff,%ebx # clear ADCX/ADOX flag
movd %xmm0,%eax # restore processor id
and \$0x0fff0ff0,%eax
cmp \$0x00050650,%eax # Skylake-X
jne .Lnotskylakex
and \$0xfffeffff,%ebx # ~(1<<16)
# suppress AVX512F flag on Skylake-X
mov %ebx,8(%rdi) # save extended feature flags
mov %ecx,12(%rdi)
bt \$27,%r9d # check OSXSAVE bit
jnc .Lclear_avx
xor %ecx,%ecx # XCR0
.byte 0x0f,0x01,0xd0 # xgetbv
and \$0xe6,%eax # isolate XMM, YMM and ZMM state support
cmp \$0xe6,%eax
je .Ldone
andl \$0x3fdeffff,8(%rdi) # ~(1<<31|1<<30|1<<21|1<<16)
# clear AVX512F+BW+VL+FIMA, all of
# them are EVEX-encoded, which requires
# ZMM state support even if one uses
# only XMM and YMM :-(
and \$6,%eax # isolate XMM and YMM state support
cmp \$6,%eax
je .Ldone
mov \$0xefffe7ff,%eax # ~(1<<28|1<<12|1<<11)
and %eax,%r9d # clear AVX, FMA and AMD XOP bits
mov \$0x3fdeffdf,%eax # ~(1<<31|1<<30|1<<21|1<<16|1<<5)
and %eax,8(%rdi) # clear AVX2 and AVX512* bits
shl \$32,%r9
mov %r10d,%eax
mov %r8,%rbx # restore %rbx
.cfi_restore %rbx
or %r9,%rax
.size OPENSSL_ia32_cpuid,.-OPENSSL_ia32_cpuid
.globl OPENSSL_cleanse
.type OPENSSL_cleanse,\@abi-omnipotent
.align 16
xor %rax,%rax
cmp \$15,$arg2
jae .Lot
cmp \$0,$arg2
je .Lret
mov %al,($arg1)
sub \$1,$arg2
lea 1($arg1),$arg1
jnz .Little
.align 16
test \$7,$arg1
jz .Laligned
mov %al,($arg1)
lea -1($arg2),$arg2
lea 1($arg1),$arg1
jmp .Lot
mov %rax,($arg1)
lea -8($arg2),$arg2
test \$-8,$arg2
lea 8($arg1),$arg1
jnz .Laligned
cmp \$0,$arg2
jne .Little
.size OPENSSL_cleanse,.-OPENSSL_cleanse
.globl CRYPTO_memcmp
.type CRYPTO_memcmp,\@abi-omnipotent
.align 16
xor %rax,%rax
xor %r10,%r10
cmp \$0,$arg3
je .Lno_data
cmp \$16,$arg3
jne .Loop_cmp
mov ($arg1),%r10
mov 8($arg1),%r11
mov \$1,$arg3
xor ($arg2),%r10
xor 8($arg2),%r11
or %r11,%r10
cmovnz $arg3,%rax
.align 16
mov ($arg1),%r10b
lea 1($arg1),$arg1
xor ($arg2),%r10b
lea 1($arg2),$arg2
or %r10b,%al
dec $arg3
jnz .Loop_cmp
neg %rax
shr \$63,%rax
.size CRYPTO_memcmp,.-CRYPTO_memcmp
print<<___ if (!$win64);
.globl OPENSSL_wipe_cpu
.type OPENSSL_wipe_cpu,\@abi-omnipotent
.align 16
pxor %xmm0,%xmm0
pxor %xmm1,%xmm1
pxor %xmm2,%xmm2
pxor %xmm3,%xmm3
pxor %xmm4,%xmm4
pxor %xmm5,%xmm5
pxor %xmm6,%xmm6
pxor %xmm7,%xmm7
pxor %xmm8,%xmm8
pxor %xmm9,%xmm9
pxor %xmm10,%xmm10
pxor %xmm11,%xmm11
pxor %xmm12,%xmm12
pxor %xmm13,%xmm13
pxor %xmm14,%xmm14
pxor %xmm15,%xmm15
xorq %rcx,%rcx
xorq %rdx,%rdx
xorq %rsi,%rsi
xorq %rdi,%rdi
xorq %r8,%r8
xorq %r9,%r9
xorq %r10,%r10
xorq %r11,%r11
leaq 8(%rsp),%rax
.size OPENSSL_wipe_cpu,.-OPENSSL_wipe_cpu
print<<___ if ($win64);
.globl OPENSSL_wipe_cpu
.type OPENSSL_wipe_cpu,\@abi-omnipotent
.align 16
pxor %xmm0,%xmm0
pxor %xmm1,%xmm1
pxor %xmm2,%xmm2
pxor %xmm3,%xmm3
pxor %xmm4,%xmm4
pxor %xmm5,%xmm5
xorq %rcx,%rcx
xorq %rdx,%rdx
xorq %r8,%r8
xorq %r9,%r9
xorq %r10,%r10
xorq %r11,%r11
leaq 8(%rsp),%rax
.size OPENSSL_wipe_cpu,.-OPENSSL_wipe_cpu
my $out="%r10";
my $cnt="%rcx";
my $max="%r11";
my $lasttick="%r8d";
my $lastdiff="%r9d";
my $redzone=win64?8:-8;
.globl OPENSSL_instrument_bus
.type OPENSSL_instrument_bus,\@abi-omnipotent
.align 16
mov $arg1,$out # tribute to Win64
mov $arg2,$cnt
mov $arg2,$max
rdtsc # collect 1st tick
mov %eax,$lasttick # lasttick = tick
mov \$0,$lastdiff # lastdiff = 0
clflush ($out)
.byte 0xf0 # lock
add $lastdiff,($out)
jmp .Loop
.align 16
.Loop: rdtsc
mov %eax,%edx
sub $lasttick,%eax
mov %edx,$lasttick
mov %eax,$lastdiff
clflush ($out)
.byte 0xf0 # lock
add %eax,($out)
lea 4($out),$out
sub \$1,$cnt
jnz .Loop
mov $max,%rax
.size OPENSSL_instrument_bus,.-OPENSSL_instrument_bus
.globl OPENSSL_instrument_bus2
.type OPENSSL_instrument_bus2,\@abi-omnipotent
.align 16
mov $arg1,$out # tribute to Win64
mov $arg2,$cnt
mov $arg3,$max
mov $cnt,$redzone(%rsp)
rdtsc # collect 1st tick
mov %eax,$lasttick # lasttick = tick
mov \$0,$lastdiff # lastdiff = 0
clflush ($out)
.byte 0xf0 # lock
add $lastdiff,($out)
rdtsc # collect 1st diff
mov %eax,%edx
sub $lasttick,%eax # diff
mov %edx,$lasttick # lasttick = tick
mov %eax,$lastdiff # lastdiff = diff
clflush ($out)
.byte 0xf0 # lock
add %eax,($out) # accumulate diff
sub \$1,$max
jz .Ldone2
mov %eax,%edx
sub $lasttick,%eax # diff
mov %edx,$lasttick # lasttick = tick
cmp $lastdiff,%eax
mov %eax,$lastdiff # lastdiff = diff
mov \$0,%edx
setne %dl
sub %rdx,$cnt # conditional --$cnt
lea ($out,%rdx,4),$out # conditional ++$out
jnz .Loop2
mov $redzone(%rsp),%rax
sub $cnt,%rax
.size OPENSSL_instrument_bus2,.-OPENSSL_instrument_bus2
sub gen_random {
my $rdop = shift;
.globl OPENSSL_ia32_${rdop}_bytes
.type OPENSSL_ia32_${rdop}_bytes,\@abi-omnipotent
.align 16
xor %rax, %rax # return value
cmp \$0,$arg2
je .Ldone_${rdop}_bytes
mov \$8,%r11
${rdop} %r10
jc .Lbreak_${rdop}_bytes
dec %r11
jnz .Loop_${rdop}_bytes
jmp .Ldone_${rdop}_bytes
.align 16
cmp \$8,$arg2
jb .Ltail_${rdop}_bytes
mov %r10,($arg1)
lea 8($arg1),$arg1
add \$8,%rax
sub \$8,$arg2
jz .Ldone_${rdop}_bytes
mov \$8,%r11
jmp .Loop_${rdop}_bytes
.align 16
mov %r10b,($arg1)
lea 1($arg1),$arg1
inc %rax
shr \$8,%r10
dec $arg2
jnz .Ltail_${rdop}_bytes
xor %r10,%r10 # Clear sensitive data from register
.size OPENSSL_ia32_${rdop}_bytes,.-OPENSSL_ia32_${rdop}_bytes
close STDOUT; # flush