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synced 2025-03-07 19:38:33 +08:00
1107. He says: This is a followup to the NetWare patch that was applied to beta3. It does the following: - Fixes a problem in the CLib build with undefined symbols. - Adds the ability to use BSD sockets as the default for the OpenSSL socket BIO. NetWare supports 2 flavors of sockets and our Apache developers need BSD sockets as a configurable option when building OpenSSL. This adds that for them. - Updates to the INSTALL.NW file to explain new options. I have tried very hard to make sure all the changes are in NetWare specific files or guarded carefully to make sure they only impact NetWare builds. I have tested the Windows build to make sure it does not break that since we have made changes to mk1mf.pl. We are still working the gcc cross compile for NetWare issue and hope to have a patch for that before beta 6 is released.
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342 lines
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# Metrowerks Codewarrior for NetWare
# The import files and other misc imports needed to link
@misc_imports = ("GetProcessSwitchCount", "RunningProcess",
if ($LIBC)
@import_files = ("libc.imp");
@module_files = ("libc");
# clib build
@import_files = ("clib.imp");
@module_files = ("clib");
push(@misc_imports, "_rt_modu64%16", "_rt_divu64%16");
if (!$BSDSOCK)
push(@import_files, "ws2nlm.imp");
# The "IMPORTS" environment variable must be set and point to the location
# where import files (*.imp) can be found.
# Example: set IMPORTS=c:\ndk\nwsdk\imports
$import_path = $ENV{"IMPORTS"} || die ("IMPORTS environment variable not set\n");
# The "PRELUDE" environment variable must be set and point to the location
# and name of the prelude source to link with ( nwpre.obj is recommended ).
# Example: set PRELUDE=c:\codewar\novell support\metrowerks support\libraries\runtime\nwpre.obj
$prelude = $ENV{"PRELUDE"} || die ("PRELUDE environment variable not set\n");
#$ssl= "ssleay32";
$cp='copy >nul:';
# C compiler
# Linker
# librarian
# assembler
if ($nw_nasm)
$asm="nasmw -s -f coff";
$afile="-o ";
$asm.=" -g" if $debug;
elsif ($nw_mwasm)
$asm="mwasmnlm -maxerrors 20";
$afile="-o ";
$asm.=" -g" if $debug;
elsif ($nw_masm)
# masm assembly settings - it should be possible to use masm but haven't
# got it working.
# $asm='ml /Cp /coff /c /Cx';
# $asm.=" /Zi" if $debug;
# $afile='/Fo';
die("Support for masm assembler not yet functional\n");
# compile flags
# NOTES: Several c files in the crypto subdirectory include headers from
# their local directories. Metrowerks wouldn't find these h files
# without adding individual include directives as compile flags
# or modifying the c files. Instead of adding individual include
# paths for each subdirectory a recursive include directive
# is used ( -ir crypto ).
# A similar issue exists for the engines and apps subdirectories.
# Turned off the "possible" warnings ( -w nopossible ). Metrowerks
# complained a lot about various stuff. May want to turn back
# on for further development.
$cflags="-ir crypto -ir engines -ir apps -msgstyle gcc -align 4 -processor pentium \\
-char unsigned -w on -w nolargeargs -w nopossible -w nounusedarg \\
-w noimplicitconv -relax_pointers -nosyspath -DL_ENDIAN \\
# link flags
$lflags="-msgstyle gcc -zerobss -stacksize 32768 -nostdlib -sym internal ";
# additional flags based upon debug | non-debug
if ($debug)
$cflags.=" -opt off -g -sym internal -DDEBUG";
# CodeWarrior compiler has a problem with optimizations for floating
# points - no optimizations until further investigation
# $cflags.=" -opt all";
# If LibC build add in NKS_LIBC define and set the entry/exit
# routines - The default entry/exit routines are for CLib and don't exist
# in LibC
if ($LIBC)
$cflags.=" -DNETWARE_LIBC";
$lflags.=" -entry _LibCPrelude -exit _LibCPostlude -flags pseudopreemption";
$cflags.=" -DNETWARE_CLIB";
$lflags.=" -entry _Prelude -exit _Stop";
# If BSD Socket support is requested, set a define for the compiler
$cflags.=" -DNETWARE_BSDSOCK";
# linking stuff
# for the output directories use the mk1mf.pl values with "_nw" appended
if ($shlib)
if ($LIBC)
$lib_flags="-nodefaults -type library";
if ($LIBC)
# used by mk1mf.pl
$ofile='-o ';
if (!$no_asm)
$des_enc_obj="crypto${o}des${o}asm${o}d-nw.obj crypto${o}des${o}asm${o}y-nw.obj";
$des_enc_src="crypto${o}des${o}asm${o}d-nw.asm crypto${o}des${o}asm${o}y-nw.asm";
$cflags.=" -DBN_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DSHA1_ASM -DRMD160_ASM";
# create the *.def linker command files in \openssl\netware\ directory
sub do_def_file
# strip off the leading path
my($target) = bname(@_);
if ($target =~ /(.*).nlm/)
$target = $1;
# special case for openssl - the mk1mf.pl defines E_EXE = openssl
if ($target =~ /E_EXE/)
$target = "openssl";
# Note: originally tried to use full path ( \openssl\netware\$target.def )
# Metrowerks linker choked on this with an assertion failure. bug???
$def_file = "netware\\$target.def";
open(DEF_OUT, ">$def_file") || die("unable to open file $def_file\n");
print( DEF_OUT "# command file generated by netware.pl for Metrowerks build\n" );
print( DEF_OUT "#\n");
print( DEF_OUT "DESCRIPTION \"$target\"\n");
foreach $i (@misc_imports)
print( DEF_OUT "IMPORT $i\n");
foreach $i (@import_files)
print( DEF_OUT "IMPORT \@$import_path\\$i\n");
foreach $i (@module_files)
print( DEF_OUT "MODULE $i\n");
sub do_lib_rule
$ret.="$target: $objs\n";
if (!$shlib)
$ret.="\t\@echo Building Lib: $name\n";
$ret.="\t\$(MKLIB) $lib_flags -o $target $objs\n";
$ret.="\t\@echo .\n"
die( "Building as NLM not currently supported!" );
sub do_link_rule
$def_file = do_def_file($target);
# special case for openssl - the mk1mf.pl defines E_EXE = openssl
# NOTE: When building the test nlms no screen name is given
# which causes the console screen to be used. By using the console
# screen there is no "<press any key to continue>" message which
# requires user interaction. The test script ( tests.pl ) needs to be
# able to run the tests without requiring user interaction.
# However, the sample program "openssl.nlm" is used by the tests and is
# a interactive sample so a screen is desired when not be run by the
# tests. To solve the problem, two versions of the program are built:
# openssl2 - no screen used by tests
# openssl - default screen - use for normal interactive modes
if ($target =~ /E_EXE/)
my($target2) = $target;
$target2 =~ s/\(E_EXE\)/\(E_EXE\)2/;
$ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
# openssl
$ret.="\t\$(LINK) \$(LFLAGS) -screenname openssl -commandfile $def_file $files \"$prelude\" $libs -o $target\n";
# openssl2
$ret.="\t\$(LINK) \$(LFLAGS) -commandfile $def_file $files \"$prelude\" $libs -o $target2\n";
$ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
$ret.="\t\$(LINK) \$(LFLAGS) -commandfile $def_file $files \"$prelude\" $libs -o $target\n";