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synced 2025-03-07 19:38:33 +08:00
Reviewed-by: Matt Caswell <matt@openssl.org> Reviewed-by: Paul Dale <paul.dale@oracle.com> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Belyavskiy <beldmit@gmail.com> (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/12762)
308 lines
11 KiB
308 lines
11 KiB
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2015-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
use strict;
use warnings;
# Recognise VERBOSE aka V which is common on other projects.
# Additionally, recognise VERBOSE_FAILURE aka VF aka REPORT_FAILURES
use File::Spec::Functions qw/catdir catfile curdir abs2rel rel2abs/;
use File::Basename;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../util/perl";
use OpenSSL::Glob;
my $srctop = $ENV{SRCTOP} || $ENV{TOP};
my $bldtop = $ENV{BLDTOP} || $ENV{TOP};
my $recipesdir = catdir($srctop, "test", "recipes");
my $libdir = rel2abs(catdir($srctop, "util", "perl"));
my $jobs = $ENV{HARNESS_JOBS} // 1;
$ENV{OPENSSL_CONF} = rel2abs(catdir($srctop, "apps", "openssl.cnf"));
$ENV{OPENSSL_CONF_INCLUDE} = rel2abs(catdir($bldtop, "providers"));
$ENV{OPENSSL_MODULES} = rel2abs(catdir($bldtop, "providers"));
$ENV{OPENSSL_ENGINES} = rel2abs(catdir($bldtop, "engines"));
$ENV{CTLOG_FILE} = rel2abs(catdir($srctop, "test", "ct", "log_list.cnf"));
my %tapargs =
( verbosity => $ENV{HARNESS_VERBOSE} ? 1 : 0,
lib => [ $libdir ],
switches => '-w',
merge => 1,
$tapargs{jobs} = $jobs if $jobs > 1;
# Additional OpenSSL special TAP arguments. Because we can't pass them via
# TAP::Harness->new(), they will be accessed directly, see the
# TAP::Parser::OpenSSL implementation further down
my %openssl_args = ();
$openssl_args{'failure_verbosity'} = $ENV{HARNESS_VERBOSE} ? 0 :
print "Warning: HARNESS_JOBS > 1 overrides HARNESS_VERBOSE\n"
if $jobs > 1;
my $outfilename = $ENV{HARNESS_TAP_COPY};
open $openssl_args{'tap_copy'}, ">$outfilename"
or die "Trying to create $outfilename: $!\n"
if defined $outfilename;
my @alltests = find_matching_tests("*");
my %tests = ();
sub reorder {
my $key = pop;
# for parallel test runs, do slow tests first
if (defined $jobs && $jobs > 1 && $key =~ m/test_ssl_new|test_fuzz/) {
$key =~ s/(\d+)-/00-/;
return $key;
my $initial_arg = 1;
foreach my $arg (@ARGV ? @ARGV : ('alltests')) {
if ($arg eq 'list') {
foreach (@alltests) {
(my $x = basename($_)) =~ s|^[0-9][0-9]-(.*)\.t$|$1|;
print $x,"\n";
exit 0;
if ($arg eq 'alltests') {
warn "'alltests' encountered, ignoring everything before that...\n"
unless $initial_arg;
%tests = map { $_ => 1 } @alltests;
} elsif ($arg =~ m/^(-?)(.*)/) {
my $sign = $1;
my $test = $2;
my @matches = find_matching_tests($test);
# If '-foo' is the first arg, it's short for 'alltests -foo'
if ($sign eq '-' && $initial_arg) {
%tests = map { $_ => 1 } @alltests;
if (scalar @matches == 0) {
warn "Test $test found no match, skipping ",
($sign eq '-' ? "removal" : "addition"),
} else {
foreach $test (@matches) {
if ($sign eq '-') {
delete $tests{$test};
} else {
$tests{$test} = 1;
} else {
warn "I don't know what '$arg' is about, ignoring...\n";
$initial_arg = 0;
sub find_matching_tests {
my ($glob) = @_;
if ($glob =~ m|^[\d\[\]\?\-]+$|) {
return glob(catfile($recipesdir,"$glob-*.t"));
return glob(catfile($recipesdir,"*-$glob.t"));
# The following is quite a bit of hackery to adapt to both TAP::Harness
# and Test::Harness, depending on what's available.
# The TAP::Harness hack allows support for HARNESS_VERBOSE_FAILURE* and
# HARNESS_TAP_COPY, while the Test::Harness hack can't, because the pre
# TAP::Harness Test::Harness simply doesn't have support for this sort of
# thing.
# We use eval to avoid undue interruption if TAP::Harness isn't present.
my $package;
my $eres;
$eres = eval {
package TAP::Parser::OpenSSL;
use parent 'TAP::Parser';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %opts = %{ shift() };
my $failure_verbosity = $openssl_args{failure_verbosity};
my @plans = (); # initial level, no plan yet
my $output_buffer = "";
# We rely heavily on perl closures to make failure verbosity work
# We need to do so, because there's no way to safely pass extra
# objects down all the way to the TAP::Parser::Result object
my @failure_output = ();
my %callbacks = ();
if ($failure_verbosity > 0 || defined $openssl_args{tap_copy}) {
$callbacks{ALL} = sub { # on each line of test output
my $self = shift;
my $fh = $openssl_args{tap_copy};
print $fh $self->as_string, "\n"
if defined $fh;
my $failure_verbosity = $openssl_args{failure_verbosity};
if ($failure_verbosity > 0) {
my $is_plan = $self->is_plan;
my $tests_planned = $is_plan && $self->tests_planned;
my $is_test = $self->is_test;
my $is_ok = $is_test && $self->is_ok;
# workaround for parser not coping with sub-test indentation
if ($self->is_unknown) {
my $level = $#plans;
my $indent = $level < 0 ? "" : " " x ($level * 4);
($is_plan, $tests_planned) = (1, $1)
if ($self->as_string =~ m/^$indent 1\.\.(\d+)/);
($is_test, $is_ok) = (1, !$1)
if ($self->as_string =~ m/^$indent(not )?ok /);
if ($is_plan) {
push @plans, $tests_planned;
$output_buffer = ""; # ignore comments etc. until plan
} elsif ($is_test) { # result of a test
pop @plans if @plans && --($plans[-1]) <= 0;
print $output_buffer if !$is_ok;
print "\n".$self->as_string
if !$is_ok || $failure_verbosity == 2;
print "\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------" if !$is_ok;
$output_buffer = "";
} elsif ($self->as_string ne "") {
# typically is_comment or is_unknown
$output_buffer .= "\n".$self->as_string;
if ($failure_verbosity > 0) {
$callbacks{EOF} = sub {
my $self = shift;
# We know we are a TAP::Parser::Aggregator object
if (scalar $self->failed > 0 && @failure_output) {
# We add an extra empty line, because in the case of a
# progress counter, we're still at the end of that progress
# line.
print $_, "\n" foreach (("", @failure_output));
# Echo any trailing comments etc.
print "$output_buffer";
if (keys %callbacks) {
# If %opts already has a callbacks element, the order here
# ensures we do not override it
%opts = ( callbacks => { %callbacks }, %opts );
return $class->SUPER::new({ %opts });
package TAP::Harness::OpenSSL;
use parent 'TAP::Harness';
package main;
$tapargs{parser_class} = "TAP::Parser::OpenSSL";
$package = 'TAP::Harness::OpenSSL';
unless (defined $eres) {
$eres = eval {
# Fake TAP::Harness in case it's not loaded
package TAP::Harness::fake;
use parent 'Test::Harness';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = %{ shift() };
return bless { %args }, $class;
sub runtests {
my $self = shift;
# Pre TAP::Harness Test::Harness doesn't support [ filename, name ]
# elements, so convert such elements to just be the filename
my @args = map { ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ? $_->[0] : $_ } @_;
my @switches = ();
if ($self->{switches}) {
push @switches, $self->{switches};
if ($self->{lib}) {
foreach (@{$self->{lib}}) {
my $l = $_;
# It seems that $switches is getting interpreted with 'eval'
# or something like that, and that we need to take care of
# backslashes or they will disappear along the way.
$l =~ s|\\|\\\\|g if $^O eq "MSWin32";
push @switches, "-I$l";
$Test::Harness::switches = join(' ', @switches);
package main;
$package = 'TAP::Harness::fake';
unless (defined $eres) {
print $@,"\n" if $@;
print $!,"\n" if $!;
exit 127;
my $harness = $package->new(\%tapargs);
my $ret =
$harness->runtests(map { [ abs2rel($_, rel2abs(curdir())), basename($_) ] }
sort { reorder($a) cmp reorder($b) } keys %tests);
# $ret->has_errors may be any number, not just 0 or 1. On VMS, numbers
# from 2 and on are used as is as VMS statuses, which has severity encoded
# in the lower 3 bits. 0 and 1, on the other hand, generate SUCCESS and
# FAILURE, so for currect reporting on all platforms, we make sure the only
# exit codes are 0 and 1. Double-bang is the trick to do so.
exit !!$ret->has_errors if (ref($ret) eq "TAP::Parser::Aggregator");
# If this isn't a TAP::Parser::Aggregator, it's the pre-TAP test harness,
# which simply dies at the end if any test failed, so we don't need to bother
# with any exit code in that case.