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synced 2025-03-01 19:28:10 +08:00
Reviewed-by: Tim Hudson <tjh@openssl.org> (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/7347)
270 lines
10 KiB
270 lines
10 KiB
{- # -*- Mode: perl -*-
use File::Basename;
# A cache of objects for which a recipe has already been generated
my %cache;
# resolvedepends and reducedepends work in tandem to make sure
# there are no duplicate dependencies and that they are in the
# right order. This is especially used to sort the list of
# libraries that a build depends on.
sub extensionlesslib {
my @result = map { $_ =~ /(\.a)?$/; $` } @_;
return @result if wantarray;
return $result[0];
sub resolvedepends {
my $thing = shift;
my $extensionlessthing = extensionlesslib($thing);
my @listsofar = @_; # to check if we're looping
my @list = @{$unified_info{depends}->{$thing} //
my @newlist = ();
if (scalar @list) {
foreach my $item (@list) {
my $extensionlessitem = extensionlesslib($item);
# It's time to break off when the dependency list starts looping
next if grep { extensionlesslib($_) eq $extensionlessitem } @listsofar;
push @newlist, $item, resolvedepends($item, @listsofar, $item);
sub reducedepends {
my @list = @_;
my @newlist = ();
my %replace = ();
while (@list) {
my $item = shift @list;
my $extensionlessitem = extensionlesslib($item);
if (grep { $extensionlessitem eq extensionlesslib($_) } @list) {
if ($item ne $extensionlessitem) {
# If this instance of the library is explicitly static, we
# prefer that to any shared library name, since it must have
# been done on purpose.
$replace{$extensionlessitem} = $item;
} else {
push @newlist, $item;
map { $replace{$_} // $_; } @newlist;
# is_installed checks if a given file will be installed (i.e. they are
# not defined _NO_INST in build.info)
sub is_installed {
my $product = shift;
if (grep { $product eq $_ }
map { (@{$unified_info{install}->{$_}}) }
keys %{$unified_info{install}}) {
return 1;
return 0;
# dogenerate is responsible for producing all the recipes that build
# generated source files. It recurses in case a dependency is also a
# generated source file.
sub dogenerate {
my $src = shift;
return "" if $cache{$src};
my $obj = shift;
my $bin = shift;
my %opts = @_;
if ($unified_info{generate}->{$src}) {
die "$src is generated by Configure, should not appear in build file\n"
if ref $unified_info{generate}->{$src} eq "";
my $script = $unified_info{generate}->{$src}->[0];
$OUT .= generatesrc(src => $src,
product => $bin,
generator => $unified_info{generate}->{$src},
generator_incs => $unified_info{includes}->{$script},
generator_deps => $unified_info{depends}->{$script},
deps => $unified_info{depends}->{$src},
incs => [ @{$unified_info{includes}->{$obj}},
@{$unified_info{includes}->{$bin}} ],
foreach (@{$unified_info{depends}->{$src}}) {
dogenerate($_, $obj, $bin, %opts);
$cache{$src} = 1;
# doobj is responsible for producing all the recipes that build
# object files as well as dependency files.
sub doobj {
my $obj = shift;
return "" if $cache{$obj};
my $bin = shift;
my %opts = @_;
if (@{$unified_info{sources}->{$obj}}) {
$OUT .= src2obj(obj => $obj,
product => $bin,
srcs => $unified_info{sources}->{$obj},
deps => $unified_info{depends}->{$obj},
incs => [ @{$unified_info{includes}->{$obj}},
@{$unified_info{includes}->{$bin}} ],
foreach ((@{$unified_info{sources}->{$obj}},
@{$unified_info{depends}->{$obj}})) {
dogenerate($_, $obj, $bin, %opts);
$cache{$obj} = 1;
# dolib is responsible for building libraries. It will call
# obj2shlib is shared libraries are produced, and obj2lib in all
# cases. It also makes sure all object files for the library are
# built.
sub dolib {
my $lib = shift;
return "" if $cache{$lib};
unless ($disabled{shared} || $lib =~ /\.a$/) {
my $obj2shlib = defined &obj2shlib ? \&obj2shlib : \&libobj2shlib;
$OUT .= $obj2shlib->(shlib => $unified_info{sharednames}->{$lib},
lib => $lib,
objs => $unified_info{shared_sources}->{$lib},
deps => [ reducedepends(resolvedepends($lib)) ],
installed => is_installed($lib));
foreach ((@{$unified_info{shared_sources}->{$lib}},
@{$unified_info{sources}->{$lib}})) {
# If this is somehow a compiled object, take care of it that way
# Otherwise, it might simply be generated
if (defined $unified_info{sources}->{$_}) {
doobj($_, $lib, intent => "shlib", installed => is_installed($lib));
} else {
dogenerate($_, undef, undef, intent => "lib");
$OUT .= obj2lib(lib => $lib,
objs => [ @{$unified_info{sources}->{$lib}} ]);
foreach (@{$unified_info{sources}->{$lib}}) {
doobj($_, $lib, intent => "lib", installed => is_installed($lib));
$cache{$lib} = 1;
# doengine is responsible for building engines. It will call
# obj2dso, and also makes sure all object files for the library
# are built.
sub doengine {
my $lib = shift;
return "" if $cache{$lib};
$OUT .= obj2dso(lib => $lib,
objs => $unified_info{shared_sources}->{$lib},
deps => [ resolvedepends($lib) ],
installed => is_installed($lib));
foreach (@{$unified_info{shared_sources}->{$lib}}) {
# If this is somehow a compiled object, take care of it that way
# Otherwise, it might simply be generated
if (defined $unified_info{sources}->{$_}) {
doobj($_, $lib, intent => "dso", installed => is_installed($lib));
} else {
dogenerate($_, undef, $lib, intent => "dso");
$cache{$lib} = 1;
# dobin is responsible for building programs. It will call obj2bin,
# and also makes sure all object files for the library are built.
sub dobin {
my $bin = shift;
return "" if $cache{$bin};
my $deps = [ reducedepends(resolvedepends($bin)) ];
$OUT .= obj2bin(bin => $bin,
objs => [ @{$unified_info{sources}->{$bin}} ],
deps => $deps,
installed => is_installed($bin));
foreach (@{$unified_info{sources}->{$bin}}) {
doobj($_, $bin, intent => "bin", installed => is_installed($bin));
$cache{$bin} = 1;
# dobin is responsible for building scripts from templates. It will
# call in2script.
sub doscript {
my $script = shift;
return "" if $cache{$script};
$OUT .= in2script(script => $script,
sources => $unified_info{sources}->{$script},
installed => is_installed($script));
$cache{$script} = 1;
sub dodir {
my $dir = shift;
return "" if !exists(&generatedir) or $cache{$dir};
$OUT .= generatedir(dir => $dir,
deps => $unified_info{dirinfo}->{$dir}->{deps},
$cache{$dir} = 1;
# Start with populating the cache with all the overrides
%cache = map { $_ => 1 } @{$unified_info{overrides}};
# For convenience collect information regarding directories where
# files are generated, those generated files and the end product
# they end up in where applicable. Then, add build rules for those
# directories
if (exists &generatedir) {
my %loopinfo = ( "dso" => [ @{$unified_info{engines}} ],
"lib" => [ @{$unified_info{libraries}} ],
"bin" => [ @{$unified_info{programs}} ],
"script" => [ @{$unified_info{scripts}} ] );
foreach my $type (keys %loopinfo) {
foreach my $product (@{$loopinfo{$type}}) {
my %dirs = ();
my $pd = dirname($product);
# We already have a "test" target, and the current directory
# is just silly to make a target for
$dirs{$pd} = 1 unless $pd eq "test" || $pd eq ".";
foreach (@{$unified_info{sources}->{$product}}) {
my $d = dirname($_);
# We don't want to create targets for source directories
# when building out of source
next if ($config{sourcedir} ne $config{builddir}
&& $d =~ m|^\Q$config{sourcedir}\E|);
# We already have a "test" target, and the current directory
# is just silly to make a target for
next if $d eq "test" || $d eq ".";
$dirs{$d} = 1;
push @{$unified_info{dirinfo}->{$d}->{deps}}, $_
if $d ne $pd;
foreach (keys %dirs) {
push @{$unified_info{dirinfo}->{$_}->{products}->{$type}},
# Build mandatory generated headers
foreach (@{$unified_info{depends}->{""}}) { dogenerate($_); }
# Build all known libraries, engines, programs and scripts.
# Everything else will be handled as a consequence.
foreach (@{$unified_info{libraries}}) { dolib($_); }
foreach (@{$unified_info{engines}}) { doengine($_); }
foreach (@{$unified_info{programs}}) { dobin($_); }
foreach (@{$unified_info{scripts}}) { doscript($_); }
foreach (sort keys %{$unified_info{dirinfo}}) { dodir($_); }
# Finally, should there be any applicable BEGINRAW/ENDRAW sections,
# they are added here.
$OUT .= $_."\n" foreach @{$unified_info{rawlines}};