Richard Levitte ef161e7b8f Unix Makefile generator: separate "simple" shared libraries from import libraries
For Unix like environments, we may have so called "simple" shared
library names ( as opposed to, or we may have
"import" library names associated with a DLL (libfoo.dll.a for
libfoo.dll on Mingw and derivatives).

So far, "import" library names were treated the same as "simple"
shared library names, as some kind of normalization for the Unix way
of doing things.

We now shift to treat them separately, to make it clearer what is

Fixes #13414, incidently

Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <>
(Merged from
2021-01-21 19:48:33 +01:00

52 lines
1.5 KiB

package platform::mingw;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use vars qw(@ISA);
require platform::Unix;
@ISA = qw(platform::Unix);
# Assume someone set @INC right before loading this module
use configdata;
sub binext { '.exe' }
sub objext { '.obj' }
sub libext { '.a' }
sub dsoext { '.dll' }
sub defext { '.def' }
# Other extra that aren't defined in platform::BASE
sub resext { '.res.obj' }
sub shlibext { '.dll' }
sub shlibextimport { $target{shared_import_extension} || '.dll.a' }
sub shlibextsimple { undef }
sub makedepprog { $disabled{makedepend} ? undef : $config{makedepprog} }
(my $sover_filename = $config{shlib_version}) =~ s|\.|_|g;
sub shlib_version_as_filename {
return $sover_filename;
sub sharedname {
return platform::BASE::__concat(platform::BASE->sharedname($_[1]),
($config{target} eq "mingw64"
? "-x64" : ""));
# With Mingw and other DLL producers, there isn't any "simpler" shared
# library name. However, there is a static import library.
sub sharedlib_simple {
return undef;
sub sharedlib_import {
return platform::BASE::__concat(platform::BASE->sharedname($_[1]),