Richard Levitte 979874a208 Rework writing crypto/err/openssl.txt
Reading the prologue of this file conserved the "# Function codes"
line, and then duplicated it when rewriting this file, adding a new
"# Function codes" line everytime there's an update.

Better then to skip over all comment lines and have the prologue
defined in, just the same as we do with the other affected

Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <>
(Merged from
2017-06-13 00:32:05 +02:00

736 lines
22 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 1999-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
use strict;
use warnings;
my $config = "crypto/err/";
my $debug = 0;
my $internal = 0;
my $nowrite = 0;
my $rebuild = 0;
my $reindex = 0;
my $static = 0;
my $unref = 0;
my %modules = ();
my $errors = 0;
my @t = localtime();
my $YEAR = $t[5] + 1900;
sub phase
my $text = uc(shift);
print STDERR "\n---\n$text\n" if $debug;
sub help
print STDERR <<"EOF"; [options] [files...]
-conf FILE Use the named config file FILE instead of the default.
-debug Verbose output debugging on stderr.
-internal Generate code that is to be built as part of OpenSSL itself.
Also scans internal list of files.
-module M Only useful with -internal!
Only write files for library module M. Whether files are
actually written or not depends on other options, such as
Note: this option is cumulative. If not given at all, all
internal modules will be considered.
-nowrite Do not write the header/source files, even if changed.
-rebuild Rebuild all header and C source files, even if there
were no changes.
-reindex Ignore previously assigned values (except for R records in
the config file) and renumber everything starting at 100.
-static Make the load/unload functions static.
-unref List all unreferenced function and reason codes on stderr;
implies -nowrite.
-help Show this help text.
... Additional arguments are added to the file list to scan,
if '-internal' was NOT specified on the command line.
while ( @ARGV ) {
my $arg = $ARGV[0];
last unless $arg =~ /-.*/;
$arg = $1 if $arg =~ /-(-.*)/;
if ( $arg eq "-conf" ) {
$config = $ARGV[1];
shift @ARGV;
} elsif ( $arg eq "-debug" ) {
$debug = 1;
$unref = 1;
} elsif ( $arg eq "-internal" ) {
$internal = 1;
} elsif ( $arg eq "-nowrite" ) {
$nowrite = 1;
} elsif ( $arg eq "-rebuild" ) {
$rebuild = 1;
} elsif ( $arg eq "-reindex" ) {
$reindex = 1;
} elsif ( $arg eq "-static" ) {
$static = 1;
} elsif ( $arg eq "-unref" ) {
$unref = 1;
$nowrite = 1;
} elsif ( $arg eq "-module" ) {
shift @ARGV;
$modules{uc $ARGV[0]} = 1;
} elsif ( $arg =~ /-*h(elp)?/ ) {
} elsif ( $arg =~ /-.*/ ) {
die "Unknown option $arg; use -h for help.\n";
shift @ARGV;
my @source;
if ( $internal ) {
die "Cannot mix -internal and -static\n" if $static;
die "Extra parameters given.\n" if @ARGV;
@source = ( glob('crypto/*.c'), glob('crypto/*/*.c'),
glob('ssl/*.c'), glob('ssl/*/*.c') );
} else {
die "-module isn't useful without -internal\n" if scalar keys %modules > 0;
@source = @ARGV;
# Data parsed out of the config and state files.
my %hinc; # lib -> header
my %libinc; # header -> lib
my %cskip; # error_file -> lib
my %errorfile; # lib -> error file name
my %fmax; # lib -> max assigned function code
my %rmax; # lib -> max assigned reason code
my %fassigned; # lib -> colon-separated list of assigned function codes
my %rassigned; # lib -> colon-separated list of assigned reason codes
my %fnew; # lib -> count of new function codes
my %rnew; # lib -> count of new reason codes
my %rextra; # "extra" reason code -> lib
my %rcodes; # reason-name -> value
my %ftrans; # old name -> #define-friendly name (all caps)
my %fcodes; # function-name -> value
my $statefile; # state file with assigned reason and function codes
my %strings; # define -> text
# Read and parse the config file
open(IN, "$config") || die "Can't open config file $config, $!,";
while ( <IN> ) {
next if /^#/ || /^$/;
if ( /^L\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
my $lib = $1;
my $hdr = $2;
my $err = $3;
$hinc{$lib} = $hdr;
$libinc{$hdr} = $lib;
$cskip{$err} = $lib;
next if $err eq 'NONE';
$errorfile{$lib} = $err;
$fmax{$lib} = 100;
$rmax{$lib} = 100;
$fassigned{$lib} = ":";
$rassigned{$lib} = ":";
$fnew{$lib} = 0;
$rnew{$lib} = 0;
} elsif ( /^R\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
$rextra{$1} = $2;
$rcodes{$1} = $2;
} elsif ( /^S\s+(\S+)/ ) {
$statefile = $1;
} else {
die "Illegal config line $_\n";
close IN;
if ( ! $statefile ) {
$statefile = $config;
$statefile =~ s/.ec/.txt/;
# The statefile has all the previous assignments.
&phase("Reading state");
my $skippedstate = 0;
if ( ! $reindex && $statefile ) {
open(STATE, "<$statefile") || die "Can't open $statefile, $!";
# Scan function and reason codes and store them: keep a note of the
# maximum code used.
while ( <STATE> ) {
next if /^#/ || /^$/;
my $name;
my $code;
if ( /^(.+):(\d+):\\$/ ) {
$name = $1;
$code = $2;
my $next = <STATE>;
$next =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/;
die "Duplicate define $name" if exists $strings{$name};
$strings{$name} = $next;
} elsif ( /^(\S+):(\d+):(.*)$/ ) {
$name = $1;
$code = $2;
die "Duplicate define $name" if exists $strings{$name};
$strings{$name} = $3;
} else {
die "Bad line in $statefile:\n$_\n";
my $lib = $name;
$lib =~ s/_.*//;
$lib = "SSL" if $lib =~ /TLS/;
if ( !defined $errorfile{$lib} ) {
print "Skipping $_";
if ( $name =~ /^[A-Z0-9]+_R_/ ) {
die "$lib reason code $code collision at $name\n"
if $rassigned{$lib} =~ /:$code:/;
$rassigned{$lib} .= "$code:";
if ( !exists $rextra{$name} ) {
$rmax{$lib} = $code if $code > $rmax{$lib};
$rcodes{$name} = $code;
} elsif ( $name =~ /^[A-Z0-9]+_F_/ ) {
die "$lib function code $code collision at $name\n"
if $fassigned{$lib} =~ /:$code:/;
$fassigned{$lib} .= "$code:";
$fmax{$lib} = $code if $code > $fmax{$lib};
$fcodes{$name} = $code;
} else {
die "Bad line in $statefile:\n$_\n";
if ( $debug ) {
foreach my $lib ( sort keys %rmax ) {
print STDERR "Reason codes for ${lib}:\n";
if ( $rassigned{$lib} =~ m/^:(.*):$/ ) {
my @rassigned = sort { $a <=> $b } split( ":", $1 );
print STDERR " ", join(' ', @rassigned), "\n";
} else {
print STDERR " --none--\n";
print STDERR "\n";
foreach my $lib ( sort keys %fmax ) {
print STDERR "Function codes for ${lib}:\n";
if ( $fassigned{$lib} =~ m/^:(.*):$/ ) {
my @fassigned = sort { $a <=> $b } split( ":", $1 );
print STDERR " ", join(' ', @fassigned), "\n";
} else {
print STDERR " --none--\n";
# Scan each header file and make a list of error codes
# and function names
&phase("Scanning headers");
while ( ( my $hdr, my $lib ) = each %libinc ) {
next if $hdr eq "NONE";
print STDERR " ." if $debug;
my $line = "";
my $def = "";
my $linenr = 0;
my $cpp = 0;
open(IN, "<$hdr") || die "Can't open $hdr, $!,";
while ( <IN> ) {
if ( $line ne '' ) {
$_ = $line . $_;
$line = '';
if ( /\\$/ ) {
$line = $_;
if ( /\/\*/ ) {
if ( not /\*\// ) { # multiline comment...
$line = $_; # ... just accumulate
} else {
s/\/\*.*?\*\///gs; # wipe it
if ( $cpp ) {
$cpp++ if /^#\s*if/;
$cpp-- if /^#\s*endif/;
$cpp = 1 if /^#.*ifdef.*cplusplus/; # skip "C" declaration
next if /^\#/; # skip preprocessor directives
s/{[^{}]*}//gs; # ignore {} blocks
if ( /\{|\/\*/ ) { # Add a so editor works...
$line = $_;
} else {
$def .= $_;
# Delete any DECLARE_ macros
my $defnr = 0;
$def =~ s/DECLARE_\w+\([\w,\s]+\)//gs;
foreach ( split /;/, $def ) {
# The goal is to collect function names from function declarations.
# Skip over recognized non-function declarations
next if /typedef\W/ or /DECLARE_STACK_OF/ or /TYPEDEF_.*_OF/;
# Remove STACK_OF(foo)
# Reduce argument lists to empty ()
# fold round brackets recursively: (t(*v)(t),t) -> (t{}{},t) -> {}
while ( /\(.*\)/s ) {
s/\(\s*\*\s*(\w+)\s*\{\}\s*\)/$1/gs; #(*f{}) -> f
# pretend as we didn't use curly braces: {} -> ()
# Last token just before the first () is a function name.
if ( /(\w+)\s*\(\).*/s ) {
my $name = $1;
$name =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
$ftrans{$name} = $1;
} elsif ( /[\(\)]/ and not(/=/) ) {
print STDERR "Header $hdr: cannot parse: $_;\n";
next if $reindex;
if ( $lib eq "SSL" && $rmax{$lib} >= 1000 ) {
print STDERR "SSL error codes 1000+ are reserved for alerts.\n";
print STDERR "Any new alerts must be added to $config.\n";
close IN;
print STDERR "\n" if $debug;
# Scan each C source file and look for function and reason codes
# This is done by looking for strings that "look like" function or
# reason codes: basically anything consisting of all upper case and
# numerics which has _F_ or _R_ in it and which has the name of an
# error library at the start. This seems to work fine except for the
# oddly named structure BIO_F_CTX which needs to be ignored.
# If a code doesn't exist in list compiled from headers then mark it
# with the value "X" as a place holder to give it a value later.
# Store all function and reason codes found in %usedfuncs and %usedreasons
# so all those unreferenced can be printed out.
&phase("Scanning source");
my %usedfuncs;
my %usedreasons;
foreach my $file ( @source ) {
# Don't parse the error source file.
next if exists $cskip{$file};
open( IN, "<$file" ) || die "Can't open $file, $!,";
my $func;
my $linenr = 0;
print STDERR "$file:\n" if $debug;
while ( <IN> ) {
# skip obsoleted source files entirely!
last if /^#error\s+obsolete/;
if ( !/;$/ && /^\**([a-zA-Z_].*[\s*])?([A-Za-z_0-9]+)\(.*([),]|$)/ ) {
$1 =~ /([A-Za-z_0-9]*)$/;
$func = $1;
if ( /(([A-Z0-9]+)_F_([A-Z0-9_]+))/ ) {
next unless exists $errorfile{$2};
next if $1 eq "BIO_F_BUFFER_CTX";
$usedfuncs{$1} = 1;
if ( !exists $fcodes{$1} ) {
print STDERR " New function $1\n" if $debug;
$fcodes{$1} = "X";
$ftrans{$3} = $func unless exists $ftrans{$3};
if ( uc($func) ne $3 ) {
print STDERR "ERROR: mismatch $file:$linenr $func:$3\n";
print STDERR " Function $1 = $fcodes{$1}\n"
if $debug;
if ( /(([A-Z0-9]+)_R_[A-Z0-9_]+)/ ) {
next unless exists $errorfile{$2};
$usedreasons{$1} = 1;
if ( !exists $rcodes{$1} ) {
print STDERR " New reason $1\n" if $debug;
$rcodes{$1} = "X";
print STDERR " Reason $1 = $rcodes{$1}\n" if $debug;
close IN;
print STDERR "\n" if $debug;
# Now process each library in turn.
&phase("Writing files");
my $newstate = 0;
foreach my $lib ( keys %errorfile ) {
if ( ! $fnew{$lib} && ! $rnew{$lib} ) {
next unless $rebuild;
next if scalar keys %modules > 0 && !$modules{$lib};
next if $nowrite;
print STDERR "$lib: $fnew{$lib} new functions\n" if $fnew{$lib};
print STDERR "$lib: $rnew{$lib} new reasons\n" if $rnew{$lib};
$newstate = 1;
# If we get here then we have some new error codes so we
# need to rebuild the header file and C file.
# Make a sorted list of error and reason codes for later use.
my @function = sort grep( /^${lib}_/, keys %fcodes );
my @reasons = sort grep( /^${lib}_/, keys %rcodes );
# Rewrite the header file
my $hfile = $hinc{$lib};
$hfile =~ s/.h$/err.h/ if $internal;
open( OUT, ">$hfile" ) || die "Can't write to $hfile, $!,";
print OUT <<"EOF";
* Generated by util/ DO NOT EDIT
* Copyright 1995-$YEAR The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the \"License\"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
* in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
#ifndef HEADER_${lib}ERR_H
# define HEADER_${lib}ERR_H
if ( $internal ) {
# Declare the load function because the generate C file
# includes "fooerr.h" not "foo.h"
print OUT <<"EOF";
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern \"C\" {
# endif
int ERR_load_${lib}_strings(void);
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
} else {
print OUT <<"EOF";
# define ${lib}err(f, r) ERR_${lib}_error((f), (r), OPENSSL_FILE, OPENSSL_LINE)
if ( ! $static ) {
print OUT <<"EOF";
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern \"C\" {
# endif
int ERR_load_${lib}_strings(void);
void ERR_unload_${lib}_strings(void);
void ERR_${lib}_error(int function, int reason, char *file, int line);
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
print OUT "\n/*\n * $lib function codes.\n */\n";
foreach my $i ( @function ) {
my $z = 48 - length($i);
if ( $fcodes{$i} eq "X" ) {
$fassigned{$lib} =~ m/^:([^:]*):/;
my $findcode = $1;
$findcode = $fmax{$lib} if !defined $findcode;
while ( $fassigned{$lib} =~ m/:$findcode:/ ) {
$fcodes{$i} = $findcode;
$fassigned{$lib} .= "$findcode:";
print STDERR "New Function code $i\n" if $debug;
printf OUT "# define $i%s $fcodes{$i}\n", " " x $z;
print OUT "\n/*\n * $lib reason codes.\n */\n";
foreach my $i ( @reasons ) {
my $z = 48 - length($i);
if ( $rcodes{$i} eq "X" ) {
$rassigned{$lib} =~ m/^:([^:]*):/;
my $findcode = $1;
$findcode = $rmax{$lib} if !defined $findcode;
while ( $rassigned{$lib} =~ m/:$findcode:/ ) {
$rcodes{$i} = $findcode;
$rassigned{$lib} .= "$findcode:";
print STDERR "New Reason code $i\n" if $debug;
printf OUT "# define $i%s $rcodes{$i}\n", " " x $z;
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "#endif\n";
# Rewrite the C source file containing the error details.
# First, read any existing reason string definitions:
my $cfile = $errorfile{$lib};
my $pack_lib = $internal ? "ERR_LIB_${lib}" : "0";
my $hincf = $hfile;
$hincf =~ s|.*include/||;
if ( $hincf =~ m|^openssl/| ) {
$hincf = "<${hincf}>";
} else {
$hincf = "\"${hincf}\"";
open( OUT, ">$cfile" )
|| die "Can't open $cfile for writing, $!, stopped";
my $const = $internal ? 'const ' : '';
print OUT <<"EOF";
* Generated by util/ DO NOT EDIT
* Copyright 1995-$YEAR The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
* in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include $hincf
static ${const}ERR_STRING_DATA ${lib}_str_functs[] = {
# Add each function code: if a function name is found then use it.
foreach my $i ( @function ) {
my $fn;
if ( exists $strings{$i} and $strings{$i} ne '' ) {
$fn = $strings{$i};
$fn = "" if $fn eq '*';
} else {
$i =~ /^${lib}_F_(\S+)$/;
$fn = $1;
$fn = $ftrans{$fn} if exists $ftrans{$fn};
$strings{$i} = $fn;
my $short = " {ERR_PACK($pack_lib, $i, 0), \"$fn\"},";
if ( length($short) <= 80 ) {
print OUT "$short\n";
} else {
print OUT " {ERR_PACK($pack_lib, $i, 0),\n \"$fn\"},\n";
print OUT <<"EOF";
{0, NULL}
static ${const}ERR_STRING_DATA ${lib}_str_reasons[] = {
# Add each reason code.
foreach my $i ( @reasons ) {
my $rn;
if ( exists $strings{$i} ) {
$rn = $strings{$i};
$rn = "" if $rn eq '*';
} else {
$i =~ /^${lib}_R_(\S+)$/;
$rn = $1;
$rn =~ tr/_[A-Z]/ [a-z]/;
$strings{$i} = $rn;
my $short = " {ERR_PACK($pack_lib, 0, $i), \"$rn\"},";
if ( length($short) <= 80 ) {
print OUT "$short\n";
} else {
print OUT " {ERR_PACK($pack_lib, 0, $i),\n \"$rn\"},\n";
print OUT <<"EOF";
{0, NULL}
if ( $internal ) {
print OUT <<"EOF";
int ERR_load_${lib}_strings(void)
if (ERR_func_error_string(${lib}_str_functs[0].error) == NULL) {
return 1;
} else {
my $st = $static ? "static " : "";
print OUT <<"EOF";
static int lib_code = 0;
static int error_loaded = 0;
${st}int ERR_load_${lib}_strings(void)
if (lib_code == 0)
lib_code = ERR_get_next_error_library();
if (!error_loaded) {
ERR_load_strings(lib_code, ${lib}_str_functs);
ERR_load_strings(lib_code, ${lib}_str_reasons);
error_loaded = 1;
return 1;
${st}void ERR_unload_${lib}_strings(void)
if (error_loaded) {
ERR_unload_strings(lib_code, ${lib}_str_functs);
ERR_unload_strings(lib_code, ${lib}_str_reasons);
error_loaded = 0;
${st}void ERR_${lib}_error(int function, int reason, char *file, int line)
if (lib_code == 0)
lib_code = ERR_get_next_error_library();
ERR_PUT_error(lib_code, function, reason, file, line);
close OUT;
# Make a list of unreferenced function and reason codes
if ( $unref ) {
my @funref;
foreach ( keys %fcodes ) {
push( @funref, $_ ) unless exists $usedfuncs{$_};
my @runref;
foreach ( keys %rcodes ) {
push( @runref, $_ ) unless exists $usedreasons{$_};
if ( @funref ) {
print STDERR "The following function codes were not referenced:\n";
foreach ( sort @funref ) {
print STDERR " $_\n";
if ( @runref ) {
print STDERR "The following reason codes were not referenced:\n";
foreach ( sort @runref ) {
print STDERR " $_\n";
die "Found $errors errors, quitting" if $errors;
# Update the state file
if ( $newstate ) {
open(OUT, ">$")
|| die "Can't write $, $!";
print OUT <<"EOF";
# Copyright 1999-2017 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
print OUT "\n# Function codes\n";
foreach my $i ( sort keys %fcodes ) {
my $short = "$i:$fcodes{$i}:";
my $t = exists $strings{$i} ? $strings{$i} : "";
$t = "\\\n\t" . $t if length($short) + length($t) > 80;
print OUT "$short$t\n";
print OUT "\n#Reason codes\n";
foreach my $i ( sort keys %rcodes ) {
my $short = "$i:$rcodes{$i}:";
my $t = exists $strings{$i} ? "$strings{$i}" : "";
$t = "\\\n\t" . $t if length($short) + length($t) > 80;
print OUT "$short$t\n" if !exists $rextra{$i};
if ( $skippedstate ) {
print "Skipped state, leaving update in $";
} else {
rename "$statefile", "$statefile.old"
|| die "Can't backup $statefile to $statefile.old, $!";
rename "$", "$statefile"
|| die "Can't rename $statefile to $, $!";