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synced 2025-03-07 19:38:33 +08:00
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279 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# ====================================================================
# Written by Andy Polyakov <appro@openssl.org> for the OpenSSL
# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
# details see http://www.openssl.org/~appro/cryptogams/.
# ====================================================================
# May 2011
# The module implements bn_GF2m_mul_2x2 polynomial multiplication
# used in bn_gf2m.c. It's kind of low-hanging mechanical port from
# C for the time being... Except that it has two code paths: pure
# integer code suitable for any ARMv4 and later CPU and NEON code
# suitable for ARMv7. Pure integer 1x1 multiplication subroutine runs
# in ~45 cycles on dual-issue core such as Cortex A8, which is ~50%
# faster than compiler-generated code. For ECDH and ECDSA verify (but
# not for ECDSA sign) it means 25%-45% improvement depending on key
# length, more for longer keys. Even though NEON 1x1 multiplication
# runs in even less cycles, ~30, improvement is measurable only on
# longer keys. One has to optimize code elsewhere to get NEON glow...
while (($output=shift) && ($output!~/^\w[\w\-]*\.\w+$/)) {}
open STDOUT,">$output";
sub Dlo() { shift=~m|q([1]?[0-9])|?"d".($1*2):""; }
sub Dhi() { shift=~m|q([1]?[0-9])|?"d".($1*2+1):""; }
sub Q() { shift=~m|d([1-3]?[02468])|?"q".($1/2):""; }
#include "arm_arch.h"
.code 32
#if __ARM_ARCH__>=7
.fpu neon
.type mul_1x1_neon,%function
.align 5
vshl.u64 `&Dlo("q1")`,d16,#8 @ q1-q3 are slided $a
vmull.p8 `&Q("d0")`,d16,d17 @ a·bb
vshl.u64 `&Dlo("q2")`,d16,#16
vmull.p8 q1,`&Dlo("q1")`,d17 @ a<<8·bb
vshl.u64 `&Dlo("q3")`,d16,#24
vmull.p8 q2,`&Dlo("q2")`,d17 @ a<<16·bb
vshr.u64 `&Dlo("q1")`,#8
vmull.p8 q3,`&Dlo("q3")`,d17 @ a<<24·bb
vshl.u64 `&Dhi("q1")`,#24
veor d0,`&Dlo("q1")`
vshr.u64 `&Dlo("q2")`,#16
veor d0,`&Dhi("q1")`
vshl.u64 `&Dhi("q2")`,#16
veor d0,`&Dlo("q2")`
vshr.u64 `&Dlo("q3")`,#24
veor d0,`&Dhi("q2")`
vshl.u64 `&Dhi("q3")`,#8
veor d0,`&Dlo("q3")`
veor d0,`&Dhi("q3")`
bx lr
.size mul_1x1_neon,.-mul_1x1_neon
# private interface to mul_1x1_ialu
($hi,$lo,$t0,$t1, $i0,$i1 )=map("r$_",(4..9),12);
.type mul_1x1_ialu,%function
.align 5
mov $a0,#0
bic $a1,$a,#3<<30 @ a1=a&0x3fffffff
str $a0,[sp,#0] @ tab[0]=0
add $a2,$a1,$a1 @ a2=a1<<1
str $a1,[sp,#4] @ tab[1]=a1
eor $a12,$a1,$a2 @ a1^a2
str $a2,[sp,#8] @ tab[2]=a2
mov $a4,$a1,lsl#2 @ a4=a1<<2
str $a12,[sp,#12] @ tab[3]=a1^a2
eor $a14,$a1,$a4 @ a1^a4
str $a4,[sp,#16] @ tab[4]=a4
eor $a0,$a2,$a4 @ a2^a4
str $a14,[sp,#20] @ tab[5]=a1^a4
eor $a12,$a12,$a4 @ a1^a2^a4
str $a0,[sp,#24] @ tab[6]=a2^a4
and $i0,$mask,$b,lsl#2
str $a12,[sp,#28] @ tab[7]=a1^a2^a4
and $i1,$mask,$b,lsr#1
ldr $lo,[sp,$i0] @ tab[b & 0x7]
and $i0,$mask,$b,lsr#4
ldr $t1,[sp,$i1] @ tab[b >> 3 & 0x7]
and $i1,$mask,$b,lsr#7
ldr $t0,[sp,$i0] @ tab[b >> 6 & 0x7]
eor $lo,$lo,$t1,lsl#3 @ stall
mov $hi,$t1,lsr#29
ldr $t1,[sp,$i1] @ tab[b >> 9 & 0x7]
and $i0,$mask,$b,lsr#10
eor $lo,$lo,$t0,lsl#6
eor $hi,$hi,$t0,lsr#26
ldr $t0,[sp,$i0] @ tab[b >> 12 & 0x7]
and $i1,$mask,$b,lsr#13
eor $lo,$lo,$t1,lsl#9
eor $hi,$hi,$t1,lsr#23
ldr $t1,[sp,$i1] @ tab[b >> 15 & 0x7]
and $i0,$mask,$b,lsr#16
eor $lo,$lo,$t0,lsl#12
eor $hi,$hi,$t0,lsr#20
ldr $t0,[sp,$i0] @ tab[b >> 18 & 0x7]
and $i1,$mask,$b,lsr#19
eor $lo,$lo,$t1,lsl#15
eor $hi,$hi,$t1,lsr#17
ldr $t1,[sp,$i1] @ tab[b >> 21 & 0x7]
and $i0,$mask,$b,lsr#22
eor $lo,$lo,$t0,lsl#18
eor $hi,$hi,$t0,lsr#14
ldr $t0,[sp,$i0] @ tab[b >> 24 & 0x7]
and $i1,$mask,$b,lsr#25
eor $lo,$lo,$t1,lsl#21
eor $hi,$hi,$t1,lsr#11
ldr $t1,[sp,$i1] @ tab[b >> 27 & 0x7]
tst $a,#1<<30
and $i0,$mask,$b,lsr#28
eor $lo,$lo,$t0,lsl#24
eor $hi,$hi,$t0,lsr#8
ldr $t0,[sp,$i0] @ tab[b >> 30 ]
eorne $lo,$lo,$b,lsl#30
eorne $hi,$hi,$b,lsr#2
tst $a,#1<<31
eor $lo,$lo,$t1,lsl#27
eor $hi,$hi,$t1,lsr#5
eorne $lo,$lo,$b,lsl#31
eorne $hi,$hi,$b,lsr#1
eor $lo,$lo,$t0,lsl#30
eor $hi,$hi,$t0,lsr#2
mov pc,lr
.size mul_1x1_ialu,.-mul_1x1_ialu
# void bn_GF2m_mul_2x2(BN_ULONG *r,
# BN_ULONG b1,BN_ULONG b0); # r[3..0]=a1a0·b1b0
.global bn_GF2m_mul_2x2
.type bn_GF2m_mul_2x2,%function
.align 5
#if __ARM_ARCH__>=7
ldr r12,.LOPENSSL_armcap
.Lpic: ldr r12,[pc,r12]
tst r12,#1
beq .Lialu
veor $A1,$A1
vmov.32 $B1,r3,r3 @ two copies of b1
vmov.32 ${A1}[0],r1 @ a1
veor $A0,$A0
vld1.32 ${B0}[],[sp,:32] @ two copies of b0
vmov.32 ${A0}[0],r2 @ a0
mov r12,lr
vmov d16,$A1
vmov d17,$B1
bl mul_1x1_neon @ a1·b1
vmov $A1B1,d0
vmov d16,$A0
vmov d17,$B0
bl mul_1x1_neon @ a0·b0
vmov $A0B0,d0
veor d16,$A0,$A1
veor d17,$B0,$B1
veor $A0,$A0B0,$A1B1
bl mul_1x1_neon @ (a0+a1)·(b0+b1)
veor d0,$A0 @ (a0+a1)·(b0+b1)-a0·b0-a1·b1
vshl.u64 d1,d0,#32
vshr.u64 d0,d0,#32
veor $A0B0,d1
veor $A1B1,d0
vst1.32 {${A0B0}[0]},[r0,:32]!
vst1.32 {${A0B0}[1]},[r0,:32]!
vst1.32 {${A1B1}[0]},[r0,:32]!
vst1.32 {${A1B1}[1]},[r0,:32]
bx r12
.align 4
$ret="r10"; # reassigned 1st argument
stmdb sp!,{r4-r10,lr}
mov $ret,r0 @ reassign 1st argument
mov $b,r3 @ $b=b1
ldr r3,[sp,#32] @ load b0
mov $mask,#7<<2
sub sp,#32 @ allocate tab[8]
bl mul_1x1_ialu @ a1·b1
str $lo,[$ret,#8]
str $hi,[$ret,#12]
eor $b,r3 @ flip b0 and b1
eor $a,r2 @ flip a0 and a1
eor r3,$b
eor r2,$a
eor $b,r3
eor $a,r2
bl mul_1x1_ialu @ a0·b0
str $lo,[$ret]
str $hi,[$ret,#4]
eor $a,r2
eor $b,r3
bl mul_1x1_ialu @ (a1+a0)·(b1+b0)
ldmia $ret,{@r[0]-@r[3]}
eor $lo,$hi
eor $hi,@r[1]
eor $lo,@r[0]
eor $hi,@r[2]
eor $lo,@r[3]
eor $hi,@r[3]
str $hi,[$ret,#8]
eor $lo,$hi
add sp,#32 @ destroy tab[8]
str $lo,[$ret,#4]
#if __ARM_ARCH__>=5
ldmia sp!,{r4-r10,pc}
ldmia sp!,{r4-r10,lr}
tst lr,#1
moveq pc,lr @ be binary compatible with V4, yet
bx lr @ interoperable with Thumb ISA:-)
.size bn_GF2m_mul_2x2,.-bn_GF2m_mul_2x2
#if __ARM_ARCH__>=7
.align 5
.word OPENSSL_armcap_P-(.Lpic+8)
.asciz "GF(2^m) Multiplication for ARMv4/NEON, CRYPTOGAMS by <appro\@openssl.org>"
.align 5
.comm OPENSSL_armcap_P,4,4
$code =~ s/\`([^\`]*)\`/eval $1/gem;
$code =~ s/\bbx\s+lr\b/.word\t0xe12fff1e/gm; # make it possible to compile with -march=armv4
print $code;
close STDOUT; # enforce flush