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synced 2025-03-07 19:38:33 +08:00
Now that we're using templates, we should warn people not to edit the resulting file. We do it through util/dofile.pl, which is enhanced with an option to tell what file it was called from. We also change the calls so the template files are on the command line instead of being redirected through standard input. That way, we can display something like this (example taken from include/openssl/opensslconf.h): /* WARNING: do not edit! */ /* Generated by Configure from include/openssl/opensslconf.h.in */ Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <rsalz@openssl.org>
226 lines
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226 lines
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#!{- $config{perl} -}
# {- join("\n# ", @autowarntext) -}
# Perl c_rehash script, scan all files in a directory
# and add symbolic links to their hash values.
my $dir = {- quotify1($config{openssldir}) -};
my $prefix = {- quotify1($config{prefix}) -};
my $errorcount = 0;
my $openssl = $ENV{OPENSSL} || "openssl";
my $pwd;
my $x509hash = "-subject_hash";
my $crlhash = "-hash";
my $verbose = 0;
my $symlink_exists=eval {symlink("",""); 1};
my $removelinks = 1;
## Parse flags.
while ( $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/ ) {
my $flag = shift @ARGV;
last if ( $flag eq '--');
if ( $flag eq '-old') {
$x509hash = "-subject_hash_old";
$crlhash = "-hash_old";
} elsif ( $flag eq '-h') {
} elsif ( $flag eq '-n' ) {
$removelinks = 0;
} elsif ( $flag eq '-v' ) {
else {
print STDERR "Usage error; try -help.\n";
exit 1;
sub help {
print "Usage: c_rehash [-old] [-h] [-v] [dirs...]\n";
print " -old use old-style digest\n";
print " -h print this help text\n";
print " -v print files removed and linked\n";
exit 0;
eval "require Cwd";
if (defined(&Cwd::getcwd)) {
} else {
# DOS/Win32 or Unix delimiter? Prefix our installdir, then search.
my $path_delim = ($pwd =~ /^[a-z]\:/i) ? ';' : ':';
$ENV{PATH} = "$prefix/bin" . ($ENV{PATH} ? $path_delim . $ENV{PATH} : "");
if (! -x $openssl) {
my $found = 0;
foreach (split /$path_delim/, $ENV{PATH}) {
if (-x "$_/$openssl") {
$found = 1;
$openssl = "$_/$openssl";
if ($found == 0) {
print STDERR "c_rehash: rehashing skipped ('openssl' program not available)\n";
exit 0;
if (@ARGV) {
@dirlist = @ARGV;
} elsif ($ENV{SSL_CERT_DIR}) {
@dirlist = split /$path_delim/, $ENV{SSL_CERT_DIR};
} else {
$dirlist[0] = "$dir/certs";
if (-d $dirlist[0]) {
chdir $dirlist[0];
$openssl="$pwd/$openssl" if (!-x $openssl);
chdir $pwd;
foreach (@dirlist) {
if (-d $_ ) {
if ( -w $_) {
} else {
print "Skipping $_, can't write\n";
sub hash_dir {
my %hashlist;
print "Doing $_[0]\n";
chdir $_[0];
opendir(DIR, ".");
my @flist = readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
if ( $removelinks ) {
# Delete any existing symbolic links
foreach (grep {/^[\da-f]+\.r{0,1}\d+$/} @flist) {
if (-l $_) {
print "unlink $_" if $verbose;
unlink $_ || warn "Can't unlink $_, $!\n";
FILE: foreach $fname (grep {/\.(pem)|(crt)|(cer)|(crl)$/} @flist) {
# Check to see if certificates and/or CRLs present.
my ($cert, $crl) = check_file($fname);
if (!$cert && !$crl) {
print STDERR "WARNING: $fname does not contain a certificate or CRL: skipping\n";
link_hash_cert($fname) if ($cert);
link_hash_crl($fname) if ($crl);
sub check_file {
my ($is_cert, $is_crl) = (0,0);
my $fname = $_[0];
open IN, $fname;
while(<IN>) {
if (/^-----BEGIN (.*)-----/) {
my $hdr = $1;
if ($hdr =~ /^(X509 |TRUSTED |)CERTIFICATE$/) {
$is_cert = 1;
last if ($is_crl);
} elsif ($hdr eq "X509 CRL") {
$is_crl = 1;
last if ($is_cert);
close IN;
return ($is_cert, $is_crl);
# Link a certificate to its subject name hash value, each hash is of
# the form <hash>.<n> where n is an integer. If the hash value already exists
# then we need to up the value of n, unless its a duplicate in which
# case we skip the link. We check for duplicates by comparing the
# certificate fingerprints
sub link_hash_cert {
my $fname = $_[0];
$fname =~ s/'/'\\''/g;
my ($hash, $fprint) = `"$openssl" x509 $x509hash -fingerprint -noout -in "$fname"`;
chomp $hash;
chomp $fprint;
$fprint =~ s/^.*=//;
$fprint =~ tr/://d;
my $suffix = 0;
# Search for an unused hash filename
while(exists $hashlist{"$hash.$suffix"}) {
# Hash matches: if fingerprint matches its a duplicate cert
if ($hashlist{"$hash.$suffix"} eq $fprint) {
print STDERR "WARNING: Skipping duplicate certificate $fname\n";
$hash .= ".$suffix";
if ($symlink_exists) {
print "link $fname -> $hash\n" if $verbose;
symlink $fname, $hash || warn "Can't symlink, $!";
} else {
print "copy $fname -> $hash\n" if $verbose;
if (open($in, "<", $fname)) {
if (open($out,">", $hash)) {
print $out $_ while (<$in>);
close $out;
} else {
warn "can't open $hash for write, $!";
close $in;
} else {
warn "can't open $fname for read, $!";
$hashlist{$hash} = $fprint;
# Same as above except for a CRL. CRL links are of the form <hash>.r<n>
sub link_hash_crl {
my $fname = $_[0];
$fname =~ s/'/'\\''/g;
my ($hash, $fprint) = `"$openssl" crl $crlhash -fingerprint -noout -in '$fname'`;
chomp $hash;
chomp $fprint;
$fprint =~ s/^.*=//;
$fprint =~ tr/://d;
my $suffix = 0;
# Search for an unused hash filename
while(exists $hashlist{"$hash.r$suffix"}) {
# Hash matches: if fingerprint matches its a duplicate cert
if ($hashlist{"$hash.r$suffix"} eq $fprint) {
print STDERR "WARNING: Skipping duplicate CRL $fname\n";
$hash .= ".r$suffix";
if ($symlink_exists) {
print "link $fname -> $hash\n" if $verbose;
symlink $fname, $hash || warn "Can't symlink, $!";
} else {
print "cp $fname -> $hash\n" if $verbose;
system ("cp", $fname, $hash);
warn "Can't copy, $!" if ($? >> 8) != 0;
$hashlist{$hash} = $fprint;