David Benjamin 32be631ca1 Do not silently truncate files on perlasm errors
If one of the perlasm xlate drivers crashes, OpenSSL's build will
currently swallow the error and silently truncate the output to however
far the driver got. This will hopefully fail to build, but better to
check such things.

Handle this by checking for errors when closing STDOUT (which is a pipe
to the xlate driver).

Reviewed-by: Richard Levitte <>
Reviewed-by: Tim Hudson <>
Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <>
(Merged from
2020-01-22 18:11:30 +01:00

1518 lines
36 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2015-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
# ====================================================================
# Written by Andy Polyakov <> for the OpenSSL
# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
# details see
# ====================================================================
# March 2015
# "Teaser" Montgomery multiplication module for ARMv8. Needs more
# work. While it does improve RSA sign performance by 20-30% (less for
# longer keys) on most processors, for some reason RSA2048 is not
# faster and RSA4096 goes 15-20% slower on Cortex-A57. Multiplication
# instruction issue rate is limited on processor in question, meaning
# that dedicated squaring procedure is a must. Well, actually all
# contemporary AArch64 processors seem to have limited multiplication
# issue rate, i.e. they can't issue multiplication every cycle, which
# explains moderate improvement coefficients in comparison to
# compiler-generated code. Recall that compiler is instructed to use
# umulh and therefore uses same amount of multiplication instructions
# to do the job. Assembly's edge is to minimize number of "collateral"
# instructions and of course instruction scheduling.
# April 2015
# Squaring procedure that handles lengths divisible by 8 improves
# RSA/DSA performance by 25-40-60% depending on processor and key
# length. Overall improvement coefficients are always positive in
# comparison to compiler-generated code. On Cortex-A57 improvement
# is still modest on longest key lengths, while others exhibit e.g.
# 50-70% improvement for RSA4096 sign. RSA2048 sign is ~25% faster
# on Cortex-A57 and ~60-100% faster on others.
# $output is the last argument if it looks like a file (it has an extension)
# $flavour is the first argument if it doesn't look like a file
my $output = $#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[$#ARGV] =~ m|\.\w+$| ? pop : undef;
my $flavour = $#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] !~ m|\.| ? shift : undef;
$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
( $xlate="${dir}" and -f $xlate ) or
( $xlate="${dir}../../perlasm/" and -f $xlate) or
die "can't locate";
open OUT,"| \"$^X\" $xlate $flavour \"$output\""
or die "can't call $xlate: $1";
$ovf, $i,$j,$tp,$tj) = map("x$_",6..17,19..24);
# int bn_mul_mont(
$rp="x0"; # BN_ULONG *rp,
$ap="x1"; # const BN_ULONG *ap,
$bp="x2"; # const BN_ULONG *bp,
$np="x3"; # const BN_ULONG *np,
$n0="x4"; # const BN_ULONG *n0,
$num="x5"; # int num);
.globl bn_mul_mont
.type bn_mul_mont,%function
.align 5
tst $num,#7
b.eq __bn_sqr8x_mont
tst $num,#3
b.eq __bn_mul4x_mont
stp x29,x30,[sp,#-64]!
add x29,sp,#0
stp x19,x20,[sp,#16]
stp x21,x22,[sp,#32]
stp x23,x24,[sp,#48]
ldr $m0,[$bp],#8 // bp[0]
sub $tp,sp,$num,lsl#3
ldp $hi0,$aj,[$ap],#16 // ap[0..1]
lsl $num,$num,#3
ldr $n0,[$n0] // *n0
and $tp,$tp,#-16 // ABI says so
ldp $hi1,$nj,[$np],#16 // np[0..1]
mul $lo0,$hi0,$m0 // ap[0]*bp[0]
sub $j,$num,#16 // j=num-2
umulh $hi0,$hi0,$m0
mul $alo,$aj,$m0 // ap[1]*bp[0]
umulh $ahi,$aj,$m0
mul $m1,$lo0,$n0 // "tp[0]"*n0
mov sp,$tp // alloca
// (*) mul $lo1,$hi1,$m1 // np[0]*m1
umulh $hi1,$hi1,$m1
mul $nlo,$nj,$m1 // np[1]*m1
// (*) adds $lo1,$lo1,$lo0 // discarded
// (*) As for removal of first multiplication and addition
// instructions. The outcome of first addition is
// guaranteed to be zero, which leaves two computationally
// significant outcomes: it either carries or not. Then
// question is when does it carry? Is there alternative
// way to deduce it? If you follow operations, you can
// observe that condition for carry is quite simple:
// $lo0 being non-zero. So that carry can be calculated
// by adding -1 to $lo0. That's what next instruction does.
subs xzr,$lo0,#1 // (*)
umulh $nhi,$nj,$m1
adc $hi1,$hi1,xzr
cbz $j,.L1st_skip
ldr $aj,[$ap],#8
adds $lo0,$alo,$hi0
sub $j,$j,#8 // j--
adc $hi0,$ahi,xzr
ldr $nj,[$np],#8
adds $lo1,$nlo,$hi1
mul $alo,$aj,$m0 // ap[j]*bp[0]
adc $hi1,$nhi,xzr
umulh $ahi,$aj,$m0
adds $lo1,$lo1,$lo0
mul $nlo,$nj,$m1 // np[j]*m1
adc $hi1,$hi1,xzr
umulh $nhi,$nj,$m1
str $lo1,[$tp],#8 // tp[j-1]
cbnz $j,.L1st
adds $lo0,$alo,$hi0
sub $ap,$ap,$num // rewind $ap
adc $hi0,$ahi,xzr
adds $lo1,$nlo,$hi1
sub $np,$np,$num // rewind $np
adc $hi1,$nhi,xzr
adds $lo1,$lo1,$lo0
sub $i,$num,#8 // i=num-1
adcs $hi1,$hi1,$hi0
adc $ovf,xzr,xzr // upmost overflow bit
stp $lo1,$hi1,[$tp]
ldr $m0,[$bp],#8 // bp[i]
ldp $hi0,$aj,[$ap],#16
ldr $tj,[sp] // tp[0]
add $tp,sp,#8
mul $lo0,$hi0,$m0 // ap[0]*bp[i]
sub $j,$num,#16 // j=num-2
umulh $hi0,$hi0,$m0
ldp $hi1,$nj,[$np],#16
mul $alo,$aj,$m0 // ap[1]*bp[i]
adds $lo0,$lo0,$tj
umulh $ahi,$aj,$m0
adc $hi0,$hi0,xzr
mul $m1,$lo0,$n0
sub $i,$i,#8 // i--
// (*) mul $lo1,$hi1,$m1 // np[0]*m1
umulh $hi1,$hi1,$m1
mul $nlo,$nj,$m1 // np[1]*m1
// (*) adds $lo1,$lo1,$lo0
subs xzr,$lo0,#1 // (*)
umulh $nhi,$nj,$m1
cbz $j,.Linner_skip
ldr $aj,[$ap],#8
adc $hi1,$hi1,xzr
ldr $tj,[$tp],#8 // tp[j]
adds $lo0,$alo,$hi0
sub $j,$j,#8 // j--
adc $hi0,$ahi,xzr
adds $lo1,$nlo,$hi1
ldr $nj,[$np],#8
adc $hi1,$nhi,xzr
mul $alo,$aj,$m0 // ap[j]*bp[i]
adds $lo0,$lo0,$tj
umulh $ahi,$aj,$m0
adc $hi0,$hi0,xzr
mul $nlo,$nj,$m1 // np[j]*m1
adds $lo1,$lo1,$lo0
umulh $nhi,$nj,$m1
stur $lo1,[$tp,#-16] // tp[j-1]
cbnz $j,.Linner
ldr $tj,[$tp],#8 // tp[j]
adc $hi1,$hi1,xzr
adds $lo0,$alo,$hi0
sub $ap,$ap,$num // rewind $ap
adc $hi0,$ahi,xzr
adds $lo1,$nlo,$hi1
sub $np,$np,$num // rewind $np
adcs $hi1,$nhi,$ovf
adc $ovf,xzr,xzr
adds $lo0,$lo0,$tj
adc $hi0,$hi0,xzr
adds $lo1,$lo1,$lo0
adcs $hi1,$hi1,$hi0
adc $ovf,$ovf,xzr // upmost overflow bit
stp $lo1,$hi1,[$tp,#-16]
cbnz $i,.Louter
// Final step. We see if result is larger than modulus, and
// if it is, subtract the modulus. But comparison implies
// subtraction. So we subtract modulus, see if it borrowed,
// and conditionally copy original value.
ldr $tj,[sp] // tp[0]
add $tp,sp,#8
ldr $nj,[$np],#8 // np[0]
subs $j,$num,#8 // j=num-1 and clear borrow
mov $ap,$rp
sbcs $aj,$tj,$nj // tp[j]-np[j]
ldr $tj,[$tp],#8
sub $j,$j,#8 // j--
ldr $nj,[$np],#8
str $aj,[$ap],#8 // rp[j]=tp[j]-np[j]
cbnz $j,.Lsub
sbcs $aj,$tj,$nj
sbcs $ovf,$ovf,xzr // did it borrow?
str $aj,[$ap],#8 // rp[num-1]
ldr $tj,[sp] // tp[0]
add $tp,sp,#8
ldr $aj,[$rp],#8 // rp[0]
sub $num,$num,#8 // num--
sub $num,$num,#8 // num--
csel $nj,$tj,$aj,lo // did it borrow?
ldr $tj,[$tp],#8
ldr $aj,[$rp],#8
stur xzr,[$tp,#-16] // wipe tp
stur $nj,[$rp,#-16]
cbnz $num,.Lcond_copy
csel $nj,$tj,$aj,lo
stur xzr,[$tp,#-8] // wipe tp
stur $nj,[$rp,#-8]
ldp x19,x20,[x29,#16]
mov sp,x29
ldp x21,x22,[x29,#32]
mov x0,#1
ldp x23,x24,[x29,#48]
ldr x29,[sp],#64
.size bn_mul_mont,.-bn_mul_mont
# Following is ARMv8 adaptation of sqrx8x_mont from x86_64-mont5 module.
my ($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3,$a4,$a5,$a6,$a7)=map("x$_",(6..13));
my ($t0,$t1,$t2,$t3)=map("x$_",(14..17));
my ($acc0,$acc1,$acc2,$acc3,$acc4,$acc5,$acc6,$acc7)=map("x$_",(19..26));
my ($cnt,$carry,$topmost)=("x27","x28","x30");
my ($tp,$ap_end,$na0)=($bp,$np,$carry);
.type __bn_sqr8x_mont,%function
.align 5
cmp $ap,$bp __bn_mul4x_mont
.inst 0xd503233f // paciasp
stp x29,x30,[sp,#-128]!
add x29,sp,#0
stp x19,x20,[sp,#16]
stp x21,x22,[sp,#32]
stp x23,x24,[sp,#48]
stp x25,x26,[sp,#64]
stp x27,x28,[sp,#80]
stp $rp,$np,[sp,#96] // offload rp and np
ldp $a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]
ldp $a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
ldp $a4,$a5,[$ap,#8*4]
ldp $a6,$a7,[$ap,#8*6]
sub $tp,sp,$num,lsl#4
lsl $num,$num,#3
ldr $n0,[$n0] // *n0
mov sp,$tp // alloca
sub $cnt,$num,#8*8
b .Lsqr8x_zero_start
sub $cnt,$cnt,#8*8
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*0]
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*2]
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*4]
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*6]
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*8]
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*10]
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*12]
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*14]
add $tp,$tp,#8*16
cbnz $cnt,.Lsqr8x_zero
add $ap_end,$ap,$num
add $ap,$ap,#8*8
mov $acc0,xzr
mov $acc1,xzr
mov $acc2,xzr
mov $acc3,xzr
mov $acc4,xzr
mov $acc5,xzr
mov $acc6,xzr
mov $acc7,xzr
mov $tp,sp
str $n0,[x29,#112] // offload n0
// Multiply everything but a[i]*a[i]
.align 4
// a[1]a[0] (i)
// a[2]a[0]
// a[3]a[0]
// a[4]a[0]
// a[5]a[0]
// a[6]a[0]
// a[7]a[0]
// a[2]a[1] (ii)
// a[3]a[1]
// a[4]a[1]
// a[5]a[1]
// a[6]a[1]
// a[7]a[1]
// a[3]a[2] (iii)
// a[4]a[2]
// a[5]a[2]
// a[6]a[2]
// a[7]a[2]
// a[4]a[3] (iv)
// a[5]a[3]
// a[6]a[3]
// a[7]a[3]
// a[5]a[4] (v)
// a[6]a[4]
// a[7]a[4]
// a[6]a[5] (vi)
// a[7]a[5]
// a[7]a[6] (vii)
mul $t0,$a1,$a0 // lo(a[1..7]*a[0]) (i)
mul $t1,$a2,$a0
mul $t2,$a3,$a0
mul $t3,$a4,$a0
adds $acc1,$acc1,$t0 // t[1]+lo(a[1]*a[0])
mul $t0,$a5,$a0
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t1
mul $t1,$a6,$a0
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t2
mul $t2,$a7,$a0
adcs $acc4,$acc4,$t3
umulh $t3,$a1,$a0 // hi(a[1..7]*a[0])
adcs $acc5,$acc5,$t0
umulh $t0,$a2,$a0
adcs $acc6,$acc6,$t1
umulh $t1,$a3,$a0
adcs $acc7,$acc7,$t2
umulh $t2,$a4,$a0
stp $acc0,$acc1,[$tp],#8*2 // t[0..1]
adc $acc0,xzr,xzr // t[8]
adds $acc2,$acc2,$t3 // t[2]+lo(a[1]*a[0])
umulh $t3,$a5,$a0
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t0
umulh $t0,$a6,$a0
adcs $acc4,$acc4,$t1
umulh $t1,$a7,$a0
adcs $acc5,$acc5,$t2
mul $t2,$a2,$a1 // lo(a[2..7]*a[1]) (ii)
adcs $acc6,$acc6,$t3
mul $t3,$a3,$a1
adcs $acc7,$acc7,$t0
mul $t0,$a4,$a1
adc $acc0,$acc0,$t1
mul $t1,$a5,$a1
adds $acc3,$acc3,$t2
mul $t2,$a6,$a1
adcs $acc4,$acc4,$t3
mul $t3,$a7,$a1
adcs $acc5,$acc5,$t0
umulh $t0,$a2,$a1 // hi(a[2..7]*a[1])
adcs $acc6,$acc6,$t1
umulh $t1,$a3,$a1
adcs $acc7,$acc7,$t2
umulh $t2,$a4,$a1
adcs $acc0,$acc0,$t3
umulh $t3,$a5,$a1
stp $acc2,$acc3,[$tp],#8*2 // t[2..3]
adc $acc1,xzr,xzr // t[9]
adds $acc4,$acc4,$t0
umulh $t0,$a6,$a1
adcs $acc5,$acc5,$t1
umulh $t1,$a7,$a1
adcs $acc6,$acc6,$t2
mul $t2,$a3,$a2 // lo(a[3..7]*a[2]) (iii)
adcs $acc7,$acc7,$t3
mul $t3,$a4,$a2
adcs $acc0,$acc0,$t0
mul $t0,$a5,$a2
adc $acc1,$acc1,$t1
mul $t1,$a6,$a2
adds $acc5,$acc5,$t2
mul $t2,$a7,$a2
adcs $acc6,$acc6,$t3
umulh $t3,$a3,$a2 // hi(a[3..7]*a[2])
adcs $acc7,$acc7,$t0
umulh $t0,$a4,$a2
adcs $acc0,$acc0,$t1
umulh $t1,$a5,$a2
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t2
umulh $t2,$a6,$a2
stp $acc4,$acc5,[$tp],#8*2 // t[4..5]
adc $acc2,xzr,xzr // t[10]
adds $acc6,$acc6,$t3
umulh $t3,$a7,$a2
adcs $acc7,$acc7,$t0
mul $t0,$a4,$a3 // lo(a[4..7]*a[3]) (iv)
adcs $acc0,$acc0,$t1
mul $t1,$a5,$a3
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t2
mul $t2,$a6,$a3
adc $acc2,$acc2,$t3
mul $t3,$a7,$a3
adds $acc7,$acc7,$t0
umulh $t0,$a4,$a3 // hi(a[4..7]*a[3])
adcs $acc0,$acc0,$t1
umulh $t1,$a5,$a3
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t2
umulh $t2,$a6,$a3
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t3
umulh $t3,$a7,$a3
stp $acc6,$acc7,[$tp],#8*2 // t[6..7]
adc $acc3,xzr,xzr // t[11]
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
mul $t0,$a5,$a4 // lo(a[5..7]*a[4]) (v)
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
mul $t1,$a6,$a4
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
mul $t2,$a7,$a4
adc $acc3,$acc3,$t3
umulh $t3,$a5,$a4 // hi(a[5..7]*a[4])
adds $acc1,$acc1,$t0
umulh $t0,$a6,$a4
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t1
umulh $t1,$a7,$a4
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t2
mul $t2,$a6,$a5 // lo(a[6..7]*a[5]) (vi)
adc $acc4,xzr,xzr // t[12]
adds $acc2,$acc2,$t3
mul $t3,$a7,$a5
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t0
umulh $t0,$a6,$a5 // hi(a[6..7]*a[5])
adc $acc4,$acc4,$t1
umulh $t1,$a7,$a5
adds $acc3,$acc3,$t2
mul $t2,$a7,$a6 // lo(a[7]*a[6]) (vii)
adcs $acc4,$acc4,$t3
umulh $t3,$a7,$a6 // hi(a[7]*a[6])
adc $acc5,xzr,xzr // t[13]
adds $acc4,$acc4,$t0
sub $cnt,$ap_end,$ap // done yet?
adc $acc5,$acc5,$t1
adds $acc5,$acc5,$t2
sub $t0,$ap_end,$num // rewinded ap
adc $acc6,xzr,xzr // t[14]
add $acc6,$acc6,$t3
cbz $cnt,.Lsqr8x_outer_break
mov $n0,$a0
ldp $a0,$a1,[$tp,#8*0]
ldp $a2,$a3,[$tp,#8*2]
ldp $a4,$a5,[$tp,#8*4]
ldp $a6,$a7,[$tp,#8*6]
adds $acc0,$acc0,$a0
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$a1
ldp $a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$a2
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$a3
ldp $a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
adcs $acc4,$acc4,$a4
adcs $acc5,$acc5,$a5
ldp $a4,$a5,[$ap,#8*4]
adcs $acc6,$acc6,$a6
mov $rp,$ap
adcs $acc7,xzr,$a7
ldp $a6,$a7,[$ap,#8*6]
add $ap,$ap,#8*8
//adc $carry,xzr,xzr // moved below
mov $cnt,#-8*8
// a[8]a[0]
// a[9]a[0]
// a[a]a[0]
// a[b]a[0]
// a[c]a[0]
// a[d]a[0]
// a[e]a[0]
// a[f]a[0]
// a[8]a[1]
// a[f]a[1]........................
// a[8]a[2]
// a[f]a[2]........................
// a[8]a[3]
// a[f]a[3]........................
// a[8]a[4]
// a[f]a[4]........................
// a[8]a[5]
// a[f]a[5]........................
// a[8]a[6]
// a[f]a[6]........................
// a[8]a[7]
// a[f]a[7]........................
mul $t0,$a0,$n0
adc $carry,xzr,xzr // carry bit, modulo-scheduled
mul $t1,$a1,$n0
add $cnt,$cnt,#8
mul $t2,$a2,$n0
mul $t3,$a3,$n0
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
mul $t0,$a4,$n0
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
mul $t1,$a5,$n0
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
mul $t2,$a6,$n0
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t3
mul $t3,$a7,$n0
adcs $acc4,$acc4,$t0
umulh $t0,$a0,$n0
adcs $acc5,$acc5,$t1
umulh $t1,$a1,$n0
adcs $acc6,$acc6,$t2
umulh $t2,$a2,$n0
adcs $acc7,$acc7,$t3
umulh $t3,$a3,$n0
adc $carry,$carry,xzr
str $acc0,[$tp],#8
adds $acc0,$acc1,$t0
umulh $t0,$a4,$n0
adcs $acc1,$acc2,$t1
umulh $t1,$a5,$n0
adcs $acc2,$acc3,$t2
umulh $t2,$a6,$n0
adcs $acc3,$acc4,$t3
umulh $t3,$a7,$n0
ldr $n0,[$rp,$cnt]
adcs $acc4,$acc5,$t0
adcs $acc5,$acc6,$t1
adcs $acc6,$acc7,$t2
adcs $acc7,$carry,$t3
//adc $carry,xzr,xzr // moved above
cbnz $cnt,.Lsqr8x_mul
// note that carry flag is guaranteed
// to be zero at this point
cmp $ap,$ap_end // done yet?
b.eq .Lsqr8x_break
ldp $a0,$a1,[$tp,#8*0]
ldp $a2,$a3,[$tp,#8*2]
ldp $a4,$a5,[$tp,#8*4]
ldp $a6,$a7,[$tp,#8*6]
adds $acc0,$acc0,$a0
ldur $n0,[$rp,#-8*8]
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$a1
ldp $a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$a2
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$a3
ldp $a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
adcs $acc4,$acc4,$a4
adcs $acc5,$acc5,$a5
ldp $a4,$a5,[$ap,#8*4]
adcs $acc6,$acc6,$a6
mov $cnt,#-8*8
adcs $acc7,$acc7,$a7
ldp $a6,$a7,[$ap,#8*6]
add $ap,$ap,#8*8
//adc $carry,xzr,xzr // moved above
b .Lsqr8x_mul
.align 4
ldp $a0,$a1,[$rp,#8*0]
add $ap,$rp,#8*8
ldp $a2,$a3,[$rp,#8*2]
sub $t0,$ap_end,$ap // is it last iteration?
ldp $a4,$a5,[$rp,#8*4]
sub $t1,$tp,$t0
ldp $a6,$a7,[$rp,#8*6]
cbz $t0,.Lsqr8x_outer_loop
stp $acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0]
ldp $acc0,$acc1,[$t1,#8*0]
stp $acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]
ldp $acc2,$acc3,[$t1,#8*2]
stp $acc4,$acc5,[$tp,#8*4]
ldp $acc4,$acc5,[$t1,#8*4]
stp $acc6,$acc7,[$tp,#8*6]
mov $tp,$t1
ldp $acc6,$acc7,[$t1,#8*6]
b .Lsqr8x_outer_loop
.align 4
// Now multiply above result by 2 and add a[n-1]*a[n-1]|...|a[0]*a[0]
ldp $a1,$a3,[$t0,#8*0] // recall that $t0 is &a[0]
ldp $t1,$t2,[sp,#8*1]
ldp $a5,$a7,[$t0,#8*2]
add $ap,$t0,#8*4
ldp $t3,$t0,[sp,#8*3]
stp $acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0]
mul $acc0,$a1,$a1
stp $acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]
umulh $a1,$a1,$a1
stp $acc4,$acc5,[$tp,#8*4]
mul $a2,$a3,$a3
stp $acc6,$acc7,[$tp,#8*6]
mov $tp,sp
umulh $a3,$a3,$a3
adds $acc1,$a1,$t1,lsl#1
extr $t1,$t2,$t1,#63
sub $cnt,$num,#8*4
adcs $acc2,$a2,$t1
extr $t2,$t3,$t2,#63
sub $cnt,$cnt,#8*4
adcs $acc3,$a3,$t2
ldp $t1,$t2,[$tp,#8*5]
mul $a4,$a5,$a5
ldp $a1,$a3,[$ap],#8*2
umulh $a5,$a5,$a5
mul $a6,$a7,$a7
umulh $a7,$a7,$a7
extr $t3,$t0,$t3,#63
stp $acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0]
adcs $acc4,$a4,$t3
extr $t0,$t1,$t0,#63
stp $acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]
adcs $acc5,$a5,$t0
ldp $t3,$t0,[$tp,#8*7]
extr $t1,$t2,$t1,#63
adcs $acc6,$a6,$t1
extr $t2,$t3,$t2,#63
adcs $acc7,$a7,$t2
ldp $t1,$t2,[$tp,#8*9]
mul $a0,$a1,$a1
ldp $a5,$a7,[$ap],#8*2
umulh $a1,$a1,$a1
mul $a2,$a3,$a3
umulh $a3,$a3,$a3
stp $acc4,$acc5,[$tp,#8*4]
extr $t3,$t0,$t3,#63
stp $acc6,$acc7,[$tp,#8*6]
add $tp,$tp,#8*8
adcs $acc0,$a0,$t3
extr $t0,$t1,$t0,#63
adcs $acc1,$a1,$t0
ldp $t3,$t0,[$tp,#8*3]
extr $t1,$t2,$t1,#63
cbnz $cnt,.Lsqr4x_shift_n_add
my ($np,$np_end)=($ap,$ap_end);
ldp $np,$n0,[x29,#104] // pull np and n0
adcs $acc2,$a2,$t1
extr $t2,$t3,$t2,#63
adcs $acc3,$a3,$t2
ldp $t1,$t2,[$tp,#8*5]
mul $a4,$a5,$a5
umulh $a5,$a5,$a5
stp $acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0]
mul $a6,$a7,$a7
umulh $a7,$a7,$a7
stp $acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]
extr $t3,$t0,$t3,#63
adcs $acc4,$a4,$t3
extr $t0,$t1,$t0,#63
ldp $acc0,$acc1,[sp,#8*0]
adcs $acc5,$a5,$t0
extr $t1,$t2,$t1,#63
ldp $a0,$a1,[$np,#8*0]
adcs $acc6,$a6,$t1
extr $t2,xzr,$t2,#63
ldp $a2,$a3,[$np,#8*2]
adc $acc7,$a7,$t2
ldp $a4,$a5,[$np,#8*4]
// Reduce by 512 bits per iteration
mul $na0,$n0,$acc0 // t[0]*n0
ldp $a6,$a7,[$np,#8*6]
add $np_end,$np,$num
ldp $acc2,$acc3,[sp,#8*2]
stp $acc4,$acc5,[$tp,#8*4]
ldp $acc4,$acc5,[sp,#8*4]
stp $acc6,$acc7,[$tp,#8*6]
ldp $acc6,$acc7,[sp,#8*6]
add $np,$np,#8*8
mov $topmost,xzr // initial top-most carry
mov $tp,sp
mov $cnt,#8
// (*) mul $t0,$a0,$na0 // lo(n[0-7])*lo(t[0]*n0)
mul $t1,$a1,$na0
sub $cnt,$cnt,#1
mul $t2,$a2,$na0
str $na0,[$tp],#8 // put aside t[0]*n0 for tail processing
mul $t3,$a3,$na0
// (*) adds xzr,$acc0,$t0
subs xzr,$acc0,#1 // (*)
mul $t0,$a4,$na0
adcs $acc0,$acc1,$t1
mul $t1,$a5,$na0
adcs $acc1,$acc2,$t2
mul $t2,$a6,$na0
adcs $acc2,$acc3,$t3
mul $t3,$a7,$na0
adcs $acc3,$acc4,$t0
umulh $t0,$a0,$na0 // hi(n[0-7])*lo(t[0]*n0)
adcs $acc4,$acc5,$t1
umulh $t1,$a1,$na0
adcs $acc5,$acc6,$t2
umulh $t2,$a2,$na0
adcs $acc6,$acc7,$t3
umulh $t3,$a3,$na0
adc $acc7,xzr,xzr
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
umulh $t0,$a4,$na0
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
umulh $t1,$a5,$na0
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
umulh $t2,$a6,$na0
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t3
umulh $t3,$a7,$na0
mul $na0,$n0,$acc0 // next t[0]*n0
adcs $acc4,$acc4,$t0
adcs $acc5,$acc5,$t1
adcs $acc6,$acc6,$t2
adc $acc7,$acc7,$t3
cbnz $cnt,.Lsqr8x_reduction
ldp $t0,$t1,[$tp,#8*0]
ldp $t2,$t3,[$tp,#8*2]
mov $rp,$tp
sub $cnt,$np_end,$np // done yet?
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
ldp $t0,$t1,[$tp,#8*4]
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t3
ldp $t2,$t3,[$tp,#8*6]
adcs $acc4,$acc4,$t0
adcs $acc5,$acc5,$t1
adcs $acc6,$acc6,$t2
adcs $acc7,$acc7,$t3
//adc $carry,xzr,xzr // moved below
cbz $cnt,.Lsqr8x8_post_condition
ldur $n0,[$tp,#-8*8]
ldp $a0,$a1,[$np,#8*0]
ldp $a2,$a3,[$np,#8*2]
ldp $a4,$a5,[$np,#8*4]
mov $cnt,#-8*8
ldp $a6,$a7,[$np,#8*6]
add $np,$np,#8*8
mul $t0,$a0,$n0
adc $carry,xzr,xzr // carry bit, modulo-scheduled
mul $t1,$a1,$n0
add $cnt,$cnt,#8
mul $t2,$a2,$n0
mul $t3,$a3,$n0
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
mul $t0,$a4,$n0
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
mul $t1,$a5,$n0
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
mul $t2,$a6,$n0
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t3
mul $t3,$a7,$n0
adcs $acc4,$acc4,$t0
umulh $t0,$a0,$n0
adcs $acc5,$acc5,$t1
umulh $t1,$a1,$n0
adcs $acc6,$acc6,$t2
umulh $t2,$a2,$n0
adcs $acc7,$acc7,$t3
umulh $t3,$a3,$n0
adc $carry,$carry,xzr
str $acc0,[$tp],#8
adds $acc0,$acc1,$t0
umulh $t0,$a4,$n0
adcs $acc1,$acc2,$t1
umulh $t1,$a5,$n0
adcs $acc2,$acc3,$t2
umulh $t2,$a6,$n0
adcs $acc3,$acc4,$t3
umulh $t3,$a7,$n0
ldr $n0,[$rp,$cnt]
adcs $acc4,$acc5,$t0
adcs $acc5,$acc6,$t1
adcs $acc6,$acc7,$t2
adcs $acc7,$carry,$t3
//adc $carry,xzr,xzr // moved above
cbnz $cnt,.Lsqr8x_tail
// note that carry flag is guaranteed
// to be zero at this point
ldp $a0,$a1,[$tp,#8*0]
sub $cnt,$np_end,$np // done yet?
sub $t2,$np_end,$num // rewinded np
ldp $a2,$a3,[$tp,#8*2]
ldp $a4,$a5,[$tp,#8*4]
ldp $a6,$a7,[$tp,#8*6]
cbz $cnt,.Lsqr8x_tail_break
ldur $n0,[$rp,#-8*8]
adds $acc0,$acc0,$a0
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$a1
ldp $a0,$a1,[$np,#8*0]
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$a2
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$a3
ldp $a2,$a3,[$np,#8*2]
adcs $acc4,$acc4,$a4
adcs $acc5,$acc5,$a5
ldp $a4,$a5,[$np,#8*4]
adcs $acc6,$acc6,$a6
mov $cnt,#-8*8
adcs $acc7,$acc7,$a7
ldp $a6,$a7,[$np,#8*6]
add $np,$np,#8*8
//adc $carry,xzr,xzr // moved above
b .Lsqr8x_tail
.align 4
ldr $n0,[x29,#112] // pull n0
add $cnt,$tp,#8*8 // end of current t[num] window
subs xzr,$topmost,#1 // "move" top-most carry to carry bit
adcs $t0,$acc0,$a0
adcs $t1,$acc1,$a1
ldp $acc0,$acc1,[$rp,#8*0]
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$a2
ldp $a0,$a1,[$t2,#8*0] // recall that $t2 is &n[0]
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$a3
ldp $a2,$a3,[$t2,#8*2]
adcs $acc4,$acc4,$a4
adcs $acc5,$acc5,$a5
ldp $a4,$a5,[$t2,#8*4]
adcs $acc6,$acc6,$a6
adcs $acc7,$acc7,$a7
ldp $a6,$a7,[$t2,#8*6]
add $np,$t2,#8*8
adc $topmost,xzr,xzr // top-most carry
mul $na0,$n0,$acc0
stp $t0,$t1,[$tp,#8*0]
stp $acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]
ldp $acc2,$acc3,[$rp,#8*2]
stp $acc4,$acc5,[$tp,#8*4]
ldp $acc4,$acc5,[$rp,#8*4]
cmp $cnt,x29 // did we hit the bottom?
stp $acc6,$acc7,[$tp,#8*6]
mov $tp,$rp // slide the window
ldp $acc6,$acc7,[$rp,#8*6]
mov $cnt,#8 .Lsqr8x_reduction
// Final step. We see if result is larger than modulus, and
// if it is, subtract the modulus. But comparison implies
// subtraction. So we subtract modulus, see if it borrowed,
// and conditionally copy original value.
ldr $rp,[x29,#96] // pull rp
add $tp,$tp,#8*8
subs $t0,$acc0,$a0
sbcs $t1,$acc1,$a1
sub $cnt,$num,#8*8
mov $ap_end,$rp // $rp copy
sbcs $t2,$acc2,$a2
ldp $a0,$a1,[$np,#8*0]
sbcs $t3,$acc3,$a3
stp $t0,$t1,[$rp,#8*0]
sbcs $t0,$acc4,$a4
ldp $a2,$a3,[$np,#8*2]
sbcs $t1,$acc5,$a5
stp $t2,$t3,[$rp,#8*2]
sbcs $t2,$acc6,$a6
ldp $a4,$a5,[$np,#8*4]
sbcs $t3,$acc7,$a7
ldp $a6,$a7,[$np,#8*6]
add $np,$np,#8*8
ldp $acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0]
sub $cnt,$cnt,#8*8
ldp $acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]
ldp $acc4,$acc5,[$tp,#8*4]
ldp $acc6,$acc7,[$tp,#8*6]
add $tp,$tp,#8*8
stp $t0,$t1,[$rp,#8*4]
sbcs $t0,$acc0,$a0
stp $t2,$t3,[$rp,#8*6]
add $rp,$rp,#8*8
sbcs $t1,$acc1,$a1
cbnz $cnt,.Lsqr8x_sub
sbcs $t2,$acc2,$a2
mov $tp,sp
add $ap,sp,$num
ldp $a0,$a1,[$ap_end,#8*0]
sbcs $t3,$acc3,$a3
stp $t0,$t1,[$rp,#8*0]
sbcs $t0,$acc4,$a4
ldp $a2,$a3,[$ap_end,#8*2]
sbcs $t1,$acc5,$a5
stp $t2,$t3,[$rp,#8*2]
sbcs $t2,$acc6,$a6
ldp $acc0,$acc1,[$ap,#8*0]
sbcs $t3,$acc7,$a7
ldp $acc2,$acc3,[$ap,#8*2]
sbcs xzr,$topmost,xzr // did it borrow?
ldr x30,[x29,#8] // pull return address
stp $t0,$t1,[$rp,#8*4]
stp $t2,$t3,[$rp,#8*6]
sub $cnt,$num,#8*4
sub $cnt,$cnt,#8*4
csel $t0,$acc0,$a0,lo
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*0]
csel $t1,$acc1,$a1,lo
ldp $a0,$a1,[$ap_end,#8*4]
ldp $acc0,$acc1,[$ap,#8*4]
csel $t2,$acc2,$a2,lo
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*2]
add $tp,$tp,#8*4
csel $t3,$acc3,$a3,lo
ldp $a2,$a3,[$ap_end,#8*6]
ldp $acc2,$acc3,[$ap,#8*6]
add $ap,$ap,#8*4
stp $t0,$t1,[$ap_end,#8*0]
stp $t2,$t3,[$ap_end,#8*2]
add $ap_end,$ap_end,#8*4
stp xzr,xzr,[$ap,#8*0]
stp xzr,xzr,[$ap,#8*2]
cbnz $cnt,.Lsqr4x_cond_copy
csel $t0,$acc0,$a0,lo
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*0]
csel $t1,$acc1,$a1,lo
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*2]
csel $t2,$acc2,$a2,lo
csel $t3,$acc3,$a3,lo
stp $t0,$t1,[$ap_end,#8*0]
stp $t2,$t3,[$ap_end,#8*2]
b .Lsqr8x_done
.align 4
adc $carry,xzr,xzr
ldr x30,[x29,#8] // pull return address
// $acc0-7,$carry hold result, $a0-7 hold modulus
subs $a0,$acc0,$a0
ldr $ap,[x29,#96] // pull rp
sbcs $a1,$acc1,$a1
stp xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*0]
sbcs $a2,$acc2,$a2
stp xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*2]
sbcs $a3,$acc3,$a3
stp xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*4]
sbcs $a4,$acc4,$a4
stp xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*6]
sbcs $a5,$acc5,$a5
stp xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*8]
sbcs $a6,$acc6,$a6
stp xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*10]
sbcs $a7,$acc7,$a7
stp xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*12]
sbcs $carry,$carry,xzr // did it borrow?
stp xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*14]
// $a0-7 hold result-modulus
csel $a0,$acc0,$a0,lo
csel $a1,$acc1,$a1,lo
csel $a2,$acc2,$a2,lo
csel $a3,$acc3,$a3,lo
stp $a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]
csel $a4,$acc4,$a4,lo
csel $a5,$acc5,$a5,lo
stp $a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
csel $a6,$acc6,$a6,lo
csel $a7,$acc7,$a7,lo
stp $a4,$a5,[$ap,#8*4]
stp $a6,$a7,[$ap,#8*6]
ldp x19,x20,[x29,#16]
mov sp,x29
ldp x21,x22,[x29,#32]
mov x0,#1
ldp x23,x24,[x29,#48]
ldp x25,x26,[x29,#64]
ldp x27,x28,[x29,#80]
ldr x29,[sp],#128
.inst 0xd50323bf // autiasp
.size __bn_sqr8x_mont,.-__bn_sqr8x_mont
# Even though this might look as ARMv8 adaptation of mulx4x_mont from
# x86_64-mont5 module, it's different in sense that it performs
# reduction 256 bits at a time.
my ($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3,
$bi,$mi,$tp,$ap_end,$cnt) = map("x$_",(6..17,19..28));
my $bp_end=$rp;
my ($carry,$topmost) = ($rp,"x30");
.type __bn_mul4x_mont,%function
.align 5
.inst 0xd503233f // paciasp
stp x29,x30,[sp,#-128]!
add x29,sp,#0
stp x19,x20,[sp,#16]
stp x21,x22,[sp,#32]
stp x23,x24,[sp,#48]
stp x25,x26,[sp,#64]
stp x27,x28,[sp,#80]
sub $tp,sp,$num,lsl#3
lsl $num,$num,#3
ldr $n0,[$n0] // *n0
sub sp,$tp,#8*4 // alloca
add $t0,$bp,$num
add $ap_end,$ap,$num
stp $rp,$t0,[x29,#96] // offload rp and &b[num]
ldr $bi,[$bp,#8*0] // b[0]
ldp $a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0] // a[0..3]
ldp $a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
add $ap,$ap,#8*4
mov $acc0,xzr
mov $acc1,xzr
mov $acc2,xzr
mov $acc3,xzr
ldp $m0,$m1,[$np,#8*0] // n[0..3]
ldp $m2,$m3,[$np,#8*2]
adds $np,$np,#8*4 // clear carry bit
mov $carry,xzr
mov $cnt,#0
mov $tp,sp
mul $t0,$a0,$bi // lo(a[0..3]*b[0])
adc $carry,$carry,xzr // modulo-scheduled
mul $t1,$a1,$bi
add $cnt,$cnt,#8
mul $t2,$a2,$bi
and $cnt,$cnt,#31
mul $t3,$a3,$bi
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
umulh $t0,$a0,$bi // hi(a[0..3]*b[0])
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
mul $mi,$acc0,$n0 // t[0]*n0
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
umulh $t1,$a1,$bi
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t3
umulh $t2,$a2,$bi
adc $acc4,xzr,xzr
umulh $t3,$a3,$bi
ldr $bi,[$bp,$cnt] // next b[i] (or b[0])
adds $acc1,$acc1,$t0
// (*) mul $t0,$m0,$mi // lo(n[0..3]*t[0]*n0)
str $mi,[$tp],#8 // put aside t[0]*n0 for tail processing
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t1
mul $t1,$m1,$mi
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t2
mul $t2,$m2,$mi
adc $acc4,$acc4,$t3 // can't overflow
mul $t3,$m3,$mi
// (*) adds xzr,$acc0,$t0
subs xzr,$acc0,#1 // (*)
umulh $t0,$m0,$mi // hi(n[0..3]*t[0]*n0)
adcs $acc0,$acc1,$t1
umulh $t1,$m1,$mi
adcs $acc1,$acc2,$t2
umulh $t2,$m2,$mi
adcs $acc2,$acc3,$t3
umulh $t3,$m3,$mi
adcs $acc3,$acc4,$carry
adc $carry,xzr,xzr
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
sub $t0,$ap_end,$ap
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t3
//adc $carry,$carry,xzr
cbnz $cnt,.Loop_mul4x_1st_reduction
cbz $t0,.Lmul4x4_post_condition
ldp $a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0] // a[4..7]
ldp $a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
add $ap,$ap,#8*4
ldr $mi,[sp] // a[0]*n0
ldp $m0,$m1,[$np,#8*0] // n[4..7]
ldp $m2,$m3,[$np,#8*2]
add $np,$np,#8*4
mul $t0,$a0,$bi // lo(a[4..7]*b[i])
adc $carry,$carry,xzr // modulo-scheduled
mul $t1,$a1,$bi
add $cnt,$cnt,#8
mul $t2,$a2,$bi
and $cnt,$cnt,#31
mul $t3,$a3,$bi
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
umulh $t0,$a0,$bi // hi(a[4..7]*b[i])
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
umulh $t1,$a1,$bi
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
umulh $t2,$a2,$bi
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t3
umulh $t3,$a3,$bi
adc $acc4,xzr,xzr
ldr $bi,[$bp,$cnt] // next b[i] (or b[0])
adds $acc1,$acc1,$t0
mul $t0,$m0,$mi // lo(n[4..7]*a[0]*n0)
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t1
mul $t1,$m1,$mi
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t2
mul $t2,$m2,$mi
adc $acc4,$acc4,$t3 // can't overflow
mul $t3,$m3,$mi
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
umulh $t0,$m0,$mi // hi(n[4..7]*a[0]*n0)
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
umulh $t1,$m1,$mi
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
umulh $t2,$m2,$mi
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t3
adcs $acc4,$acc4,$carry
umulh $t3,$m3,$mi
adc $carry,xzr,xzr
ldr $mi,[sp,$cnt] // next t[0]*n0
str $acc0,[$tp],#8 // result!!!
adds $acc0,$acc1,$t0
sub $t0,$ap_end,$ap // done yet?
adcs $acc1,$acc2,$t1
adcs $acc2,$acc3,$t2
adcs $acc3,$acc4,$t3
//adc $carry,$carry,xzr
cbnz $cnt,.Loop_mul4x_1st_tail
sub $t1,$ap_end,$num // rewinded $ap
cbz $t0,.Lmul4x_proceed
ldp $a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]
ldp $a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
add $ap,$ap,#8*4
ldp $m0,$m1,[$np,#8*0]
ldp $m2,$m3,[$np,#8*2]
add $np,$np,#8*4
b .Loop_mul4x_1st_tail
.align 5
ldr $bi,[$bp,#8*4]! // *++b
adc $topmost,$carry,xzr
ldp $a0,$a1,[$t1,#8*0] // a[0..3]
sub $np,$np,$num // rewind np
ldp $a2,$a3,[$t1,#8*2]
add $ap,$t1,#8*4
stp $acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0] // result!!!
ldp $acc0,$acc1,[sp,#8*4] // t[0..3]
stp $acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2] // result!!!
ldp $acc2,$acc3,[sp,#8*6]
ldp $m0,$m1,[$np,#8*0] // n[0..3]
mov $tp,sp
ldp $m2,$m3,[$np,#8*2]
adds $np,$np,#8*4 // clear carry bit
mov $carry,xzr
.align 4
mul $t0,$a0,$bi // lo(a[0..3]*b[4])
adc $carry,$carry,xzr // modulo-scheduled
mul $t1,$a1,$bi
add $cnt,$cnt,#8
mul $t2,$a2,$bi
and $cnt,$cnt,#31
mul $t3,$a3,$bi
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
umulh $t0,$a0,$bi // hi(a[0..3]*b[4])
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
mul $mi,$acc0,$n0 // t[0]*n0
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
umulh $t1,$a1,$bi
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t3
umulh $t2,$a2,$bi
adc $acc4,xzr,xzr
umulh $t3,$a3,$bi
ldr $bi,[$bp,$cnt] // next b[i]
adds $acc1,$acc1,$t0
// (*) mul $t0,$m0,$mi
str $mi,[$tp],#8 // put aside t[0]*n0 for tail processing
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t1
mul $t1,$m1,$mi // lo(n[0..3]*t[0]*n0
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t2
mul $t2,$m2,$mi
adc $acc4,$acc4,$t3 // can't overflow
mul $t3,$m3,$mi
// (*) adds xzr,$acc0,$t0
subs xzr,$acc0,#1 // (*)
umulh $t0,$m0,$mi // hi(n[0..3]*t[0]*n0
adcs $acc0,$acc1,$t1
umulh $t1,$m1,$mi
adcs $acc1,$acc2,$t2
umulh $t2,$m2,$mi
adcs $acc2,$acc3,$t3
umulh $t3,$m3,$mi
adcs $acc3,$acc4,$carry
adc $carry,xzr,xzr
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t3
//adc $carry,$carry,xzr
cbnz $cnt,.Loop_mul4x_reduction
adc $carry,$carry,xzr
ldp $t0,$t1,[$tp,#8*4] // t[4..7]
ldp $t2,$t3,[$tp,#8*6]
ldp $a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0] // a[4..7]
ldp $a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
add $ap,$ap,#8*4
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t3
//adc $carry,$carry,xzr
ldr $mi,[sp] // t[0]*n0
ldp $m0,$m1,[$np,#8*0] // n[4..7]
ldp $m2,$m3,[$np,#8*2]
add $np,$np,#8*4
.align 4
mul $t0,$a0,$bi // lo(a[4..7]*b[4])
adc $carry,$carry,xzr // modulo-scheduled
mul $t1,$a1,$bi
add $cnt,$cnt,#8
mul $t2,$a2,$bi
and $cnt,$cnt,#31
mul $t3,$a3,$bi
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
umulh $t0,$a0,$bi // hi(a[4..7]*b[4])
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
umulh $t1,$a1,$bi
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
umulh $t2,$a2,$bi
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t3
umulh $t3,$a3,$bi
adc $acc4,xzr,xzr
ldr $bi,[$bp,$cnt] // next b[i]
adds $acc1,$acc1,$t0
mul $t0,$m0,$mi // lo(n[4..7]*t[0]*n0)
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t1
mul $t1,$m1,$mi
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t2
mul $t2,$m2,$mi
adc $acc4,$acc4,$t3 // can't overflow
mul $t3,$m3,$mi
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
umulh $t0,$m0,$mi // hi(n[4..7]*t[0]*n0)
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
umulh $t1,$m1,$mi
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
umulh $t2,$m2,$mi
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t3
umulh $t3,$m3,$mi
adcs $acc4,$acc4,$carry
ldr $mi,[sp,$cnt] // next a[0]*n0
adc $carry,xzr,xzr
str $acc0,[$tp],#8 // result!!!
adds $acc0,$acc1,$t0
sub $t0,$ap_end,$ap // done yet?
adcs $acc1,$acc2,$t1
adcs $acc2,$acc3,$t2
adcs $acc3,$acc4,$t3
//adc $carry,$carry,xzr
cbnz $cnt,.Loop_mul4x_tail
sub $t1,$np,$num // rewinded np?
adc $carry,$carry,xzr
cbz $t0,.Loop_mul4x_break
ldp $t0,$t1,[$tp,#8*4]
ldp $t2,$t3,[$tp,#8*6]
ldp $a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]
ldp $a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
add $ap,$ap,#8*4
adds $acc0,$acc0,$t0
adcs $acc1,$acc1,$t1
adcs $acc2,$acc2,$t2
adcs $acc3,$acc3,$t3
//adc $carry,$carry,xzr
ldp $m0,$m1,[$np,#8*0]
ldp $m2,$m3,[$np,#8*2]
add $np,$np,#8*4
b .Loop_mul4x_tail
.align 4
ldp $t2,$t3,[x29,#96] // pull rp and &b[num]
adds $acc0,$acc0,$topmost
add $bp,$bp,#8*4 // bp++
adcs $acc1,$acc1,xzr
sub $ap,$ap,$num // rewind ap
adcs $acc2,$acc2,xzr
stp $acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0] // result!!!
adcs $acc3,$acc3,xzr
ldp $acc0,$acc1,[sp,#8*4] // t[0..3]
adc $topmost,$carry,xzr
stp $acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2] // result!!!
cmp $bp,$t3 // done yet?
ldp $acc2,$acc3,[sp,#8*6]
ldp $m0,$m1,[$t1,#8*0] // n[0..3]
ldp $m2,$m3,[$t1,#8*2]
add $np,$t1,#8*4
b.eq .Lmul4x_post
ldr $bi,[$bp]
ldp $a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0] // a[0..3]
ldp $a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
adds $ap,$ap,#8*4 // clear carry bit
mov $carry,xzr
mov $tp,sp
b .Loop_mul4x_reduction
.align 4
// Final step. We see if result is larger than modulus, and
// if it is, subtract the modulus. But comparison implies
// subtraction. So we subtract modulus, see if it borrowed,
// and conditionally copy original value.
mov $rp,$t2
mov $ap_end,$t2 // $rp copy
subs $t0,$acc0,$m0
add $tp,sp,#8*8
sbcs $t1,$acc1,$m1
sub $cnt,$num,#8*4
sbcs $t2,$acc2,$m2
ldp $m0,$m1,[$np,#8*0]
sub $cnt,$cnt,#8*4
ldp $acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0]
sbcs $t3,$acc3,$m3
ldp $m2,$m3,[$np,#8*2]
add $np,$np,#8*4
ldp $acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]
add $tp,$tp,#8*4
stp $t0,$t1,[$rp,#8*0]
sbcs $t0,$acc0,$m0
stp $t2,$t3,[$rp,#8*2]
add $rp,$rp,#8*4
sbcs $t1,$acc1,$m1
cbnz $cnt,.Lmul4x_sub
sbcs $t2,$acc2,$m2
mov $tp,sp
add $ap,sp,#8*4
ldp $a0,$a1,[$ap_end,#8*0]
sbcs $t3,$acc3,$m3
stp $t0,$t1,[$rp,#8*0]
ldp $a2,$a3,[$ap_end,#8*2]
stp $t2,$t3,[$rp,#8*2]
ldp $acc0,$acc1,[$ap,#8*0]
ldp $acc2,$acc3,[$ap,#8*2]
sbcs xzr,$topmost,xzr // did it borrow?
ldr x30,[x29,#8] // pull return address
sub $cnt,$num,#8*4
sub $cnt,$cnt,#8*4
csel $t0,$acc0,$a0,lo
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*0]
csel $t1,$acc1,$a1,lo
ldp $a0,$a1,[$ap_end,#8*4]
ldp $acc0,$acc1,[$ap,#8*4]
csel $t2,$acc2,$a2,lo
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*2]
add $tp,$tp,#8*4
csel $t3,$acc3,$a3,lo
ldp $a2,$a3,[$ap_end,#8*6]
ldp $acc2,$acc3,[$ap,#8*6]
add $ap,$ap,#8*4
stp $t0,$t1,[$ap_end,#8*0]
stp $t2,$t3,[$ap_end,#8*2]
add $ap_end,$ap_end,#8*4
cbnz $cnt,.Lmul4x_cond_copy
csel $t0,$acc0,$a0,lo
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*0]
csel $t1,$acc1,$a1,lo
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*2]
csel $t2,$acc2,$a2,lo
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*3]
csel $t3,$acc3,$a3,lo
stp xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*4]
stp $t0,$t1,[$ap_end,#8*0]
stp $t2,$t3,[$ap_end,#8*2]
b .Lmul4x_done
.align 4
adc $carry,$carry,xzr
ldr $ap,[x29,#96] // pull rp
// $acc0-3,$carry hold result, $m0-7 hold modulus
subs $a0,$acc0,$m0
ldr x30,[x29,#8] // pull return address
sbcs $a1,$acc1,$m1
stp xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*0]
sbcs $a2,$acc2,$m2
stp xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*2]
sbcs $a3,$acc3,$m3
stp xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*4]
sbcs xzr,$carry,xzr // did it borrow?
stp xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*6]
// $a0-3 hold result-modulus
csel $a0,$acc0,$a0,lo
csel $a1,$acc1,$a1,lo
csel $a2,$acc2,$a2,lo
csel $a3,$acc3,$a3,lo
stp $a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]
stp $a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
ldp x19,x20,[x29,#16]
mov sp,x29
ldp x21,x22,[x29,#32]
mov x0,#1
ldp x23,x24,[x29,#48]
ldp x25,x26,[x29,#64]
ldp x27,x28,[x29,#80]
ldr x29,[sp],#128
.inst 0xd50323bf // autiasp
.size __bn_mul4x_mont,.-__bn_mul4x_mont
.asciz "Montgomery Multiplication for ARMv8, CRYPTOGAMS by <appro\>"
.align 4
print $code;
close STDOUT or die "error closing STDOUT";