/* * Copyright 2019-2023 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html */ #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <openssl/core.h> #include <openssl/core_dispatch.h> #include <openssl/core_names.h> #include <openssl/err.h> #include <openssl/params.h> #include "prov/provider_ctx.h" #include "prov/implementations.h" #include "prov/names.h" #include "prov/providercommon.h" /* * Forward declarations to ensure that interface functions are correctly * defined. */ static OSSL_FUNC_provider_gettable_params_fn legacy_gettable_params; static OSSL_FUNC_provider_get_params_fn legacy_get_params; static OSSL_FUNC_provider_query_operation_fn legacy_query; #define ALG(NAMES, FUNC) { NAMES, "provider=legacy", FUNC } #ifdef STATIC_LEGACY OSSL_provider_init_fn ossl_legacy_provider_init; # define OSSL_provider_init ossl_legacy_provider_init #endif #ifndef STATIC_LEGACY /* * Should these function pointers be stored in the provider side provctx? * Could they ever be different from one init to the next? We assume not for * now. */ /* Functions provided by the core */ static OSSL_FUNC_core_new_error_fn *c_new_error; static OSSL_FUNC_core_set_error_debug_fn *c_set_error_debug; static OSSL_FUNC_core_vset_error_fn *c_vset_error; static OSSL_FUNC_core_set_error_mark_fn *c_set_error_mark; static OSSL_FUNC_core_clear_last_error_mark_fn *c_clear_last_error_mark; static OSSL_FUNC_core_pop_error_to_mark_fn *c_pop_error_to_mark; #endif /* Parameters we provide to the core */ static const OSSL_PARAM legacy_param_types[] = { OSSL_PARAM_DEFN(OSSL_PROV_PARAM_NAME, OSSL_PARAM_UTF8_PTR, NULL, 0), OSSL_PARAM_DEFN(OSSL_PROV_PARAM_VERSION, OSSL_PARAM_UTF8_PTR, NULL, 0), OSSL_PARAM_DEFN(OSSL_PROV_PARAM_BUILDINFO, OSSL_PARAM_UTF8_PTR, NULL, 0), OSSL_PARAM_DEFN(OSSL_PROV_PARAM_STATUS, OSSL_PARAM_INTEGER, NULL, 0), OSSL_PARAM_END }; static const OSSL_PARAM *legacy_gettable_params(void *provctx) { return legacy_param_types; } static int legacy_get_params(void *provctx, OSSL_PARAM params[]) { OSSL_PARAM *p; p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, OSSL_PROV_PARAM_NAME); if (p != NULL && !OSSL_PARAM_set_utf8_ptr(p, "OpenSSL Legacy Provider")) return 0; p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, OSSL_PROV_PARAM_VERSION); if (p != NULL && !OSSL_PARAM_set_utf8_ptr(p, OPENSSL_VERSION_STR)) return 0; p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, OSSL_PROV_PARAM_BUILDINFO); if (p != NULL && !OSSL_PARAM_set_utf8_ptr(p, OPENSSL_FULL_VERSION_STR)) return 0; p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, OSSL_PROV_PARAM_STATUS); if (p != NULL && !OSSL_PARAM_set_int(p, ossl_prov_is_running())) return 0; return 1; } static const OSSL_ALGORITHM legacy_digests[] = { #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD2 ALG(PROV_NAMES_MD2, ossl_md2_functions), #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD4 ALG(PROV_NAMES_MD4, ossl_md4_functions), #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MDC2 ALG(PROV_NAMES_MDC2, ossl_mdc2_functions), #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_MDC2 */ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_WHIRLPOOL ALG(PROV_NAMES_WHIRLPOOL, ossl_wp_functions), #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_WHIRLPOOL */ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RMD160 ALG(PROV_NAMES_RIPEMD_160, ossl_ripemd160_functions), #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_RMD160 */ { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static const OSSL_ALGORITHM legacy_ciphers[] = { #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_CAST ALG(PROV_NAMES_CAST5_ECB, ossl_cast5128ecb_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_CAST5_CBC, ossl_cast5128cbc_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_CAST5_OFB, ossl_cast5128ofb64_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_CAST5_CFB, ossl_cast5128cfb64_functions), #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_CAST */ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_BF ALG(PROV_NAMES_BF_ECB, ossl_blowfish128ecb_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_BF_CBC, ossl_blowfish128cbc_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_BF_OFB, ossl_blowfish128ofb64_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_BF_CFB, ossl_blowfish128cfb64_functions), #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_BF */ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_IDEA ALG(PROV_NAMES_IDEA_ECB, ossl_idea128ecb_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_IDEA_CBC, ossl_idea128cbc_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_IDEA_OFB, ossl_idea128ofb64_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_IDEA_CFB, ossl_idea128cfb64_functions), #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_IDEA */ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SEED ALG(PROV_NAMES_SEED_ECB, ossl_seed128ecb_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_SEED_CBC, ossl_seed128cbc_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_SEED_OFB, ossl_seed128ofb128_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_SEED_CFB, ossl_seed128cfb128_functions), #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_SEED */ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC2 ALG(PROV_NAMES_RC2_ECB, ossl_rc2128ecb_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_RC2_CBC, ossl_rc2128cbc_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_RC2_40_CBC, ossl_rc240cbc_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_RC2_64_CBC, ossl_rc264cbc_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_RC2_CFB, ossl_rc2128cfb128_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_RC2_OFB, ossl_rc2128ofb128_functions), #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_RC2 */ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC4 ALG(PROV_NAMES_RC4, ossl_rc4128_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_RC4_40, ossl_rc440_functions), # ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD5 ALG(PROV_NAMES_RC4_HMAC_MD5, ossl_rc4_hmac_ossl_md5_functions), # endif /* OPENSSL_NO_MD5 */ #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_RC4 */ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC5 ALG(PROV_NAMES_RC5_ECB, ossl_rc5128ecb_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_RC5_CBC, ossl_rc5128cbc_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_RC5_OFB, ossl_rc5128ofb64_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_RC5_CFB, ossl_rc5128cfb64_functions), #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_RC5 */ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DES ALG(PROV_NAMES_DESX_CBC, ossl_tdes_desx_cbc_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_DES_ECB, ossl_des_ecb_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_DES_CBC, ossl_des_cbc_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_DES_OFB, ossl_des_ofb64_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_DES_CFB, ossl_des_cfb64_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_DES_CFB1, ossl_des_cfb1_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_DES_CFB8, ossl_des_cfb8_functions), #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_DES */ { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static const OSSL_ALGORITHM legacy_kdfs[] = { ALG(PROV_NAMES_PBKDF1, ossl_kdf_pbkdf1_functions), ALG(PROV_NAMES_PVKKDF, ossl_kdf_pvk_functions), { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static const OSSL_ALGORITHM *legacy_query(void *provctx, int operation_id, int *no_cache) { *no_cache = 0; switch (operation_id) { case OSSL_OP_DIGEST: return legacy_digests; case OSSL_OP_CIPHER: return legacy_ciphers; case OSSL_OP_KDF: return legacy_kdfs; } return NULL; } static void legacy_teardown(void *provctx) { OSSL_LIB_CTX_free(PROV_LIBCTX_OF(provctx)); ossl_prov_ctx_free(provctx); } /* Functions we provide to the core */ static const OSSL_DISPATCH legacy_dispatch_table[] = { { OSSL_FUNC_PROVIDER_TEARDOWN, (void (*)(void))legacy_teardown }, { OSSL_FUNC_PROVIDER_GETTABLE_PARAMS, (void (*)(void))legacy_gettable_params }, { OSSL_FUNC_PROVIDER_GET_PARAMS, (void (*)(void))legacy_get_params }, { OSSL_FUNC_PROVIDER_QUERY_OPERATION, (void (*)(void))legacy_query }, OSSL_DISPATCH_END }; int OSSL_provider_init(const OSSL_CORE_HANDLE *handle, const OSSL_DISPATCH *in, const OSSL_DISPATCH **out, void **provctx) { OSSL_LIB_CTX *libctx = NULL; #ifndef STATIC_LEGACY const OSSL_DISPATCH *tmp; #endif #ifndef STATIC_LEGACY for (tmp = in; tmp->function_id != 0; tmp++) { /* * We do not support the scenario of an application linked against * multiple versions of libcrypto (e.g. one static and one dynamic), * but sharing a single legacy.so. We do a simple sanity check here. */ #define set_func(c, f) if (c == NULL) c = f; else if (c != f) return 0; switch (tmp->function_id) { case OSSL_FUNC_CORE_NEW_ERROR: set_func(c_new_error, OSSL_FUNC_core_new_error(tmp)); break; case OSSL_FUNC_CORE_SET_ERROR_DEBUG: set_func(c_set_error_debug, OSSL_FUNC_core_set_error_debug(tmp)); break; case OSSL_FUNC_CORE_VSET_ERROR: set_func(c_vset_error, OSSL_FUNC_core_vset_error(tmp)); break; case OSSL_FUNC_CORE_SET_ERROR_MARK: set_func(c_set_error_mark, OSSL_FUNC_core_set_error_mark(tmp)); break; case OSSL_FUNC_CORE_CLEAR_LAST_ERROR_MARK: set_func(c_clear_last_error_mark, OSSL_FUNC_core_clear_last_error_mark(tmp)); break; case OSSL_FUNC_CORE_POP_ERROR_TO_MARK: set_func(c_pop_error_to_mark, OSSL_FUNC_core_pop_error_to_mark(tmp)); break; } } #endif if ((*provctx = ossl_prov_ctx_new()) == NULL || (libctx = OSSL_LIB_CTX_new_child(handle, in)) == NULL) { OSSL_LIB_CTX_free(libctx); legacy_teardown(*provctx); *provctx = NULL; return 0; } ossl_prov_ctx_set0_libctx(*provctx, libctx); ossl_prov_ctx_set0_handle(*provctx, handle); *out = legacy_dispatch_table; return 1; } #ifndef STATIC_LEGACY /* * Provider specific implementation of libcrypto functions in terms of * upcalls. */ /* * For ERR functions, we pass a NULL context. This is valid to do as long * as only error codes that the calling libcrypto supports are used. */ void ERR_new(void) { c_new_error(NULL); } void ERR_set_debug(const char *file, int line, const char *func) { c_set_error_debug(NULL, file, line, func); } void ERR_set_error(int lib, int reason, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); c_vset_error(NULL, ERR_PACK(lib, 0, reason), fmt, args); va_end(args); } void ERR_vset_error(int lib, int reason, const char *fmt, va_list args) { c_vset_error(NULL, ERR_PACK(lib, 0, reason), fmt, args); } int ERR_set_mark(void) { return c_set_error_mark(NULL); } int ERR_clear_last_mark(void) { return c_clear_last_error_mark(NULL); } int ERR_pop_to_mark(void) { return c_pop_error_to_mark(NULL); } #endif