#! /usr/bin/env perl # Copyright 2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use # this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy # in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at # https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html use strict; use warnings; use OpenSSL::Test; use OpenSSL::Test::Utils; setup("test_gendhparam"); my @testdata = ( { algorithm => 'DHX', pkeyopts => [ "type:fips186_4", 'digest:SHA256', 'gindex:1' ], expect => [ 'BEGIN X9.42 DH PARAMETERS', 'gindex:', 'pcounter:', 'SEED:' ], message => 'DH fips186_4 param gen with verifiable g', }, { algorithm => 'DH', pkeyopts => [ "type:fips186_4", 'digest:SHA256', 'gindex:1' ], expect => [ 'ERROR' ], message => 'fips186_4 param gen should fail if DHX is not used', }, { algorithm => 'DHX', pkeyopts => [ "type:fips186_4", 'digest:SHA512-224', 'gindex:1' ], expect => [ 'BEGIN X9.42 DH PARAMETERS', 'gindex:', 'pcounter:', 'SEED:' ], message => 'DH fips186_4 param gen with verifiable g and truncated digest', }, { algorithm => 'DHX', pkeyopts => [ 'type:fips186_2', 'pbits:1024', 'qbits:160' ], expect => [ 'BEGIN X9.42 DH PARAMETERS', 'h:', 'pcounter:', 'SEED:' ], message => 'DHX fips186_2 param gen with a selected p and q size with unverifyable g', }, { algorithm => 'DHX', pkeyopts => [ 'type:fips186_2', 'dh_paramgen_prime_len:1024', 'dh_paramgen_subprime_len:160' ], message => 'DHX fips186_2 param gen with a selected p and q size using aliased', expect => [ "BEGIN X9.42 DH PARAMETERS" ], }, { algorithm => 'DH', pkeyopts => [ 'type:fips186_2', 'dh_paramgen_prime_len:1024', 'dh_paramgen_subprime_len:160' ], message => 'DH fips186_2 param gen with a selected p and q size using aliases should fail', expect => [ "ERROR" ], }, { algorithm => 'DH', pkeyopts => [ 'group:ffdhe2048'], expect => [ 'BEGIN DH PARAMETERS', 'GROUP:' ], message => 'DH named group ffdhe selection', }, { algorithm => 'DH', pkeyopts => [ 'dh_param:ffdhe8192'], expect => [ 'BEGIN DH PARAMETERS', 'GROUP:' ], message => 'DH named group ffdhe selection using alias', }, { algorithm => 'DH', pkeyopts => [ 'group:modp_3072'], expect => [ 'BEGIN DH PARAMETERS', 'GROUP:' ], message => 'DH named group modp selection', }, { algorithm => 'DH', pkeyopts => [ 'dh_param:modp_4096'], message => 'DH named group modp selection using alias', expect => [ 'BEGIN DH PARAMETERS', 'GROUP:'], }, { algorithm => 'DHX', pkeyopts => [ 'group:dh_2048_256' ], expect => [ 'BEGIN X9.42 DH PARAMETERS', 'GROUP:' ], message => 'DHX RFC5114 named group selection', }, { algorithm => 'DHX', pkeyopts => [ 'dh_param:dh_2048_224' ], expect => [ 'BEGIN X9.42 DH PARAMETERS', 'GROUP:' ], message => 'DHX RFC5114 named group selection using alias', }, { algorithm => 'DHX', pkeyopts => [ 'dh_rfc5114:2'], expect => [ 'BEGIN X9.42 DH PARAMETERS', 'GROUP:' ], message => 'DHX RFC5114 named group selection using an id', }, { algorithm => 'DHX', pkeyopts => [ 'dh_rfc5114:1', 'dh_paramgen_type:1' ], expect => [ 'BEGIN X9.42 DH PARAMETERS', 'GROUP:' ], message => 'DHX paramgen_type is ignored if the group is set', }, { algorithm => 'DH', pkeyopts => [ 'dh_rfc5114:1', 'dh_paramgen_type:1' ], expect => [ 'ERROR' ], message => "Setting dh_paramgen_type to fips186 should fail for DH keys", }, # These tests using the safeprime generator were removed as they are slow.. # { # algorithm => 'DH', # pkeyopts => [ 'type:generator', 'safeprime-generator:5'], # expect => [ 'BEGIN DH PARAMETERS', 'G: 5' ], # message => 'DH safe prime generator', # }, # { # algorithm => 'DH', # pkeyopts => [ 'dh_paramgen_type:0', 'dh_paramgen_generator:5'], # expect => [ 'BEGIN DH PARAMETERS', 'G: 5' ], # message => 'DH safe prime generator using an alias', # }, { algorithm => 'DHX', pkeyopts => [ 'type:generator', 'safeprime-generator:5'], expect => [ 'ERROR' ], message => 'safe prime generator should fail for DHX', }, ); plan skip_all => "DH isn't supported in this build" if disabled("dh"); plan tests => scalar @testdata; foreach my $test (@testdata) { my $alg = $test->{algorithm}; my $msg = $test->{message}; my @testargs = @{ $test->{pkeyopts} }; my @expected = @{ $test->{expect} }; my @pkeyopts= (); foreach (@testargs) { push(@pkeyopts, '-pkeyopt'); push(@pkeyopts, $_); } my @lines = run(app(['openssl', 'genpkey', '-genparam', '-algorithm', $alg, '-text', @pkeyopts]), capture => 1); ok(compareline(\@lines, \@expected), $msg); } # Check that the stdout output matches the expected value. sub compareline { my ($ref_lines, $ref_expected) = @_; my @lines = @$ref_lines; my @expected = @$ref_expected; if (@lines == 0 and $expected[0] eq 'ERROR') { return 1; } print "-----------------\n"; foreach (@lines) { print $_; } print "-----------------\n"; foreach my $ex (@expected) { if ( !grep { index($_, $ex) >= 0 } @lines) { print "ERROR: Cannot find: $ex\n"; return 0; } } return 1; }