/* * Copyright 2007-2024 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright Nokia 2007-2019 * Copyright Siemens AG 2015-2019 * * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html */ /* This app is disabled when OPENSSL_NO_CMP is defined. */ #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "apps.h" #include "http_server.h" #include "s_apps.h" #include "progs.h" #include "cmp_mock_srv.h" /* tweaks needed due to missing unistd.h on Windows */ #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__BORLANDC__) # define access _access #endif #ifndef F_OK # define F_OK 0 #endif #include <openssl/ui.h> #include <openssl/pkcs12.h> #include <openssl/ssl.h> /* explicit #includes not strictly needed since implied by the above: */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <openssl/cmp.h> #include <openssl/cmp_util.h> #include <openssl/crmf.h> #include <openssl/crypto.h> #include <openssl/err.h> #include <openssl/store.h> #include <openssl/objects.h> #include <openssl/x509.h> static char *prog; static char *opt_config = NULL; #define CMP_SECTION "cmp" #define SECTION_NAME_MAX 40 /* max length of section name */ #define DEFAULT_SECTION "default" static char *opt_section = CMP_SECTION; static int opt_verbosity = OSSL_CMP_LOG_INFO; static int read_config(void); static CONF *conf = NULL; /* OpenSSL config file context structure */ static OSSL_CMP_CTX *cmp_ctx = NULL; /* the client-side CMP context */ /* the type of cmp command we want to send */ typedef enum { CMP_IR, CMP_KUR, CMP_CR, CMP_P10CR, CMP_RR, CMP_GENM } cmp_cmd_t; /* message transfer */ #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) static char *opt_server = NULL; static char *opt_proxy = NULL; static char *opt_no_proxy = NULL; #endif static char *opt_recipient = NULL; static char *opt_path = NULL; static int opt_keep_alive = 1; static int opt_msg_timeout = -1; static int opt_total_timeout = -1; /* server authentication */ static char *opt_trusted = NULL; static char *opt_untrusted = NULL; static char *opt_srvcert = NULL; static char *opt_expect_sender = NULL; static int opt_ignore_keyusage = 0; static int opt_unprotected_errors = 0; static int opt_no_cache_extracerts = 0; static char *opt_srvcertout = NULL; static char *opt_extracertsout = NULL; static char *opt_cacertsout = NULL; static char *opt_oldwithold = NULL; static char *opt_newwithnew = NULL; static char *opt_newwithold = NULL; static char *opt_oldwithnew = NULL; static char *opt_crlcert = NULL; static char *opt_oldcrl = NULL; static char *opt_crlout = NULL; static char *opt_template = NULL; static char *opt_keyspec = NULL; /* client authentication */ static char *opt_ref = NULL; static char *opt_secret = NULL; static char *opt_cert = NULL; static char *opt_own_trusted = NULL; static char *opt_key = NULL; static char *opt_keypass = NULL; static char *opt_digest = NULL; static char *opt_mac = NULL; static char *opt_extracerts = NULL; static int opt_unprotected_requests = 0; /* generic message */ static char *opt_cmd_s = NULL; static int opt_cmd = -1; static char *opt_geninfo = NULL; static char *opt_infotype_s = NULL; static int opt_infotype = NID_undef; static char *opt_profile = NULL; /* certificate enrollment */ static char *opt_newkey = NULL; static char *opt_newkeypass = NULL; static char *opt_subject = NULL; static int opt_days = 0; static char *opt_reqexts = NULL; static char *opt_sans = NULL; static int opt_san_nodefault = 0; static char *opt_policies = NULL; static char *opt_policy_oids = NULL; static int opt_policy_oids_critical = 0; static int opt_popo = OSSL_CRMF_POPO_NONE - 1; static char *opt_csr = NULL; static char *opt_out_trusted = NULL; static int opt_implicit_confirm = 0; static int opt_disable_confirm = 0; static char *opt_certout = NULL; static char *opt_chainout = NULL; /* certificate enrollment and revocation */ static char *opt_oldcert = NULL; static char *opt_issuer = NULL; static char *opt_serial = NULL; static int opt_revreason = CRL_REASON_NONE; /* credentials format */ static char *opt_certform_s = "PEM"; static int opt_certform = FORMAT_PEM; /* * DER format is the preferred choice for saving a CRL because it allows for * more efficient storage, especially when dealing with large CRLs. */ static char *opt_crlform_s = "DER"; static int opt_crlform = FORMAT_ASN1; static char *opt_keyform_s = NULL; static int opt_keyform = FORMAT_UNDEF; static char *opt_otherpass = NULL; static char *opt_engine = NULL; #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) /* TLS connection */ static int opt_tls_used = 0; static char *opt_tls_cert = NULL; static char *opt_tls_key = NULL; static char *opt_tls_keypass = NULL; static char *opt_tls_extra = NULL; static char *opt_tls_trusted = NULL; static char *opt_tls_host = NULL; #endif /* client-side debugging */ static int opt_batch = 0; static int opt_repeat = 1; static char *opt_reqin = NULL; static int opt_reqin_new_tid = 0; static char *opt_reqout = NULL; static char *opt_reqout_only = NULL; static int reqout_only_done = 0; static char *opt_rspin = NULL; static int rspin_in_use = 0; static char *opt_rspout = NULL; static int opt_use_mock_srv = 0; /* mock server */ #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) static char *opt_port = NULL; static int opt_max_msgs = 0; #endif static char *opt_srv_ref = NULL; static char *opt_srv_secret = NULL; static char *opt_srv_cert = NULL; static char *opt_srv_key = NULL; static char *opt_srv_keypass = NULL; static char *opt_srv_trusted = NULL; static char *opt_srv_untrusted = NULL; static char *opt_ref_cert = NULL; static char *opt_rsp_cert = NULL; static char *opt_rsp_crl = NULL; static char *opt_rsp_extracerts = NULL; static char *opt_rsp_capubs = NULL; static char *opt_rsp_newwithnew = NULL; static char *opt_rsp_newwithold = NULL; static char *opt_rsp_oldwithnew = NULL; static int opt_poll_count = 0; static int opt_check_after = 1; static int opt_grant_implicitconf = 0; static int opt_pkistatus = OSSL_CMP_PKISTATUS_accepted; static int opt_failure = INT_MIN; static int opt_failurebits = 0; static char *opt_statusstring = NULL; static int opt_send_error = 0; static int opt_send_unprotected = 0; static int opt_send_unprot_err = 0; static int opt_accept_unprotected = 0; static int opt_accept_unprot_err = 0; static int opt_accept_raverified = 0; static X509_VERIFY_PARAM *vpm = NULL; typedef enum OPTION_choice { OPT_COMMON, OPT_CONFIG, OPT_SECTION, OPT_VERBOSITY, OPT_CMD, OPT_INFOTYPE, OPT_PROFILE, OPT_GENINFO, OPT_TEMPLATE, OPT_KEYSPEC, OPT_NEWKEY, OPT_NEWKEYPASS, OPT_SUBJECT, OPT_DAYS, OPT_REQEXTS, OPT_SANS, OPT_SAN_NODEFAULT, OPT_POLICIES, OPT_POLICY_OIDS, OPT_POLICY_OIDS_CRITICAL, OPT_POPO, OPT_CSR, OPT_OUT_TRUSTED, OPT_IMPLICIT_CONFIRM, OPT_DISABLE_CONFIRM, OPT_CERTOUT, OPT_CHAINOUT, OPT_OLDCERT, OPT_ISSUER, OPT_SERIAL, OPT_REVREASON, #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) OPT_SERVER, OPT_PROXY, OPT_NO_PROXY, #endif OPT_RECIPIENT, OPT_PATH, OPT_KEEP_ALIVE, OPT_MSG_TIMEOUT, OPT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT, OPT_TRUSTED, OPT_UNTRUSTED, OPT_SRVCERT, OPT_EXPECT_SENDER, OPT_IGNORE_KEYUSAGE, OPT_UNPROTECTED_ERRORS, OPT_NO_CACHE_EXTRACERTS, OPT_SRVCERTOUT, OPT_EXTRACERTSOUT, OPT_CACERTSOUT, OPT_OLDWITHOLD, OPT_NEWWITHNEW, OPT_NEWWITHOLD, OPT_OLDWITHNEW, OPT_CRLCERT, OPT_OLDCRL, OPT_CRLOUT, OPT_REF, OPT_SECRET, OPT_CERT, OPT_OWN_TRUSTED, OPT_KEY, OPT_KEYPASS, OPT_DIGEST, OPT_MAC, OPT_EXTRACERTS, OPT_UNPROTECTED_REQUESTS, OPT_CERTFORM, OPT_CRLFORM, OPT_KEYFORM, OPT_OTHERPASS, #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE OPT_ENGINE, #endif OPT_PROV_ENUM, OPT_R_ENUM, #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) OPT_TLS_USED, OPT_TLS_CERT, OPT_TLS_KEY, OPT_TLS_KEYPASS, OPT_TLS_EXTRA, OPT_TLS_TRUSTED, OPT_TLS_HOST, #endif OPT_BATCH, OPT_REPEAT, OPT_REQIN, OPT_REQIN_NEW_TID, OPT_REQOUT, OPT_REQOUT_ONLY, OPT_RSPIN, OPT_RSPOUT, OPT_USE_MOCK_SRV, #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) OPT_PORT, OPT_MAX_MSGS, #endif OPT_SRV_REF, OPT_SRV_SECRET, OPT_SRV_CERT, OPT_SRV_KEY, OPT_SRV_KEYPASS, OPT_SRV_TRUSTED, OPT_SRV_UNTRUSTED, OPT_REF_CERT, OPT_RSP_CERT, OPT_RSP_CRL, OPT_RSP_EXTRACERTS, OPT_RSP_CAPUBS, OPT_RSP_NEWWITHNEW, OPT_RSP_NEWWITHOLD, OPT_RSP_OLDWITHNEW, OPT_POLL_COUNT, OPT_CHECK_AFTER, OPT_GRANT_IMPLICITCONF, OPT_PKISTATUS, OPT_FAILURE, OPT_FAILUREBITS, OPT_STATUSSTRING, OPT_SEND_ERROR, OPT_SEND_UNPROTECTED, OPT_SEND_UNPROT_ERR, OPT_ACCEPT_UNPROTECTED, OPT_ACCEPT_UNPROT_ERR, OPT_ACCEPT_RAVERIFIED, OPT_V_ENUM } OPTION_CHOICE; const OPTIONS cmp_options[] = { /* entries must be in the same order as enumerated above!! */ {"help", OPT_HELP, '-', "Display this summary"}, {"config", OPT_CONFIG, 's', "Configuration file to use. \"\" = none. Default from env variable OPENSSL_CONF"}, {"section", OPT_SECTION, 's', "Section(s) in config file to get options from. \"\" = 'default'. Default 'cmp'"}, {"verbosity", OPT_VERBOSITY, 'N', "Log level; 3=ERR, 4=WARN, 6=INFO, 7=DEBUG, 8=TRACE. Default 6 = INFO"}, OPT_SECTION("Generic message"), {"cmd", OPT_CMD, 's', "CMP request to send: ir/cr/kur/p10cr/rr/genm"}, {"infotype", OPT_INFOTYPE, 's', "InfoType name for requesting specific info in genm, with specific support"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "for 'caCerts' and 'rootCaCert'"}, {"profile", OPT_PROFILE, 's', "Certificate profile name to place in generalInfo field of request PKIHeader"}, {"geninfo", OPT_GENINFO, 's', "Comma-separated list of OID and value to place in generalInfo PKIHeader"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "of form <OID>:int:<n> or <OID>:str:<s>, e.g. \', id-kp:str:name'"}, { "template", OPT_TEMPLATE, 's', "File to save certTemplate received in genp of type certReqTemplate"}, { "keyspec", OPT_KEYSPEC, 's', "Optional file to save Key specification received in genp of type certReqTemplate"}, OPT_SECTION("Certificate enrollment"), {"newkey", OPT_NEWKEY, 's', "Private or public key for the requested cert. Default: CSR key or client key"}, {"newkeypass", OPT_NEWKEYPASS, 's', "New private key pass phrase source"}, {"subject", OPT_SUBJECT, 's', "Distinguished Name (DN) of subject to use in the requested cert template"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "For kur, default is subject of -csr arg or reference cert (see -oldcert)"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "this default is used for ir and cr only if no Subject Alt Names are set"}, {"days", OPT_DAYS, 'N', "Requested validity time of the new certificate in number of days"}, {"reqexts", OPT_REQEXTS, 's', "Name of config file section defining certificate request extensions."}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "Augments or replaces any extensions contained CSR given with -csr"}, {"sans", OPT_SANS, 's', "Subject Alt Names (IPADDR/DNS/URI) to add as (critical) cert req extension"}, {"san_nodefault", OPT_SAN_NODEFAULT, '-', "Do not take default SANs from reference certificate (see -oldcert)"}, {"policies", OPT_POLICIES, 's', "Name of config file section defining policies certificate request extension"}, {"policy_oids", OPT_POLICY_OIDS, 's', "Policy OID(s) to add as policies certificate request extension"}, {"policy_oids_critical", OPT_POLICY_OIDS_CRITICAL, '-', "Flag the policy OID(s) given with -policy_oids as critical"}, {"popo", OPT_POPO, 'n', "Proof-of-Possession (POPO) method to use for ir/cr/kur where"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "-1 = NONE, 0 = RAVERIFIED, 1 = SIGNATURE (default), 2 = KEYENC"}, {"csr", OPT_CSR, 's', "PKCS#10 CSR file in PEM or DER format to convert or to use in p10cr"}, {"out_trusted", OPT_OUT_TRUSTED, 's', "Certificates to trust when verifying newly enrolled certificates"}, {"implicit_confirm", OPT_IMPLICIT_CONFIRM, '-', "Request implicit confirmation of newly enrolled certificates"}, {"disable_confirm", OPT_DISABLE_CONFIRM, '-', "Do not confirm newly enrolled certificate w/o requesting implicit"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "confirmation. WARNING: This leads to behavior violating RFC 4210"}, {"certout", OPT_CERTOUT, 's', "File to save newly enrolled certificate"}, {"chainout", OPT_CHAINOUT, 's', "File to save the chain of newly enrolled certificate"}, OPT_SECTION("Certificate enrollment and revocation"), {"oldcert", OPT_OLDCERT, 's', "Certificate to be updated (defaulting to -cert) or to be revoked in rr;"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "also used as reference (defaulting to -cert) for subject DN and SANs."}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "Issuer is used as recipient unless -recipient, -srvcert, or -issuer given"}, {"issuer", OPT_ISSUER, 's', "DN of the issuer to place in the certificate template of ir/cr/kur/rr;"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "also used as recipient if neither -recipient nor -srvcert are given"}, {"serial", OPT_SERIAL, 's', "Serial number of certificate to be revoked in revocation request (rr)"}, {"revreason", OPT_REVREASON, 'n', "Reason code to include in revocation request (rr); possible values:"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "0..6, 8..10 (see RFC5280, 5.3.1) or -1. Default -1 = none included"}, OPT_SECTION("Message transfer"), #if defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) || defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "NOTE: -server, -proxy, and -no_proxy not supported due to no-sock/no-http build"}, #else {"server", OPT_SERVER, 's', "[http[s]://]address[:port][/path] of CMP server. Default port 80 or 443."}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "address may be a DNS name or an IP address; path can be overridden by -path"}, {"proxy", OPT_PROXY, 's', "[http[s]://]address[:port][/path] of HTTP(S) proxy to use; path is ignored"}, {"no_proxy", OPT_NO_PROXY, 's', "List of addresses of servers not to use HTTP(S) proxy for"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "Default from environment variable 'no_proxy', else 'NO_PROXY', else none"}, #endif {"recipient", OPT_RECIPIENT, 's', "DN of CA. Default: subject of -srvcert, -issuer, issuer of -oldcert or -cert"}, {"path", OPT_PATH, 's', "HTTP path (aka CMP alias) at the CMP server. Default from -server, else \"/\""}, {"keep_alive", OPT_KEEP_ALIVE, 'N', "Persistent HTTP connections. 0: no, 1 (the default): request, 2: require"}, {"msg_timeout", OPT_MSG_TIMEOUT, 'N', "Number of seconds allowed per CMP message round trip, or 0 for infinite"}, {"total_timeout", OPT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT, 'N', "Overall time an enrollment incl. polling may take. Default 0 = infinite"}, OPT_SECTION("Server authentication"), {"trusted", OPT_TRUSTED, 's', "Certificates to use as trust anchors when verifying signed CMP responses"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "unless -srvcert is given"}, {"untrusted", OPT_UNTRUSTED, 's', "Intermediate CA certs for chain construction for CMP/TLS/enrolled certs"}, {"srvcert", OPT_SRVCERT, 's', "Server cert to pin and trust directly when verifying signed CMP responses"}, {"expect_sender", OPT_EXPECT_SENDER, 's', "DN of expected sender of responses. Defaults to subject of -srvcert, if any"}, {"ignore_keyusage", OPT_IGNORE_KEYUSAGE, '-', "Ignore CMP signer cert key usage, else 'digitalSignature' must be allowed"}, {"unprotected_errors", OPT_UNPROTECTED_ERRORS, '-', "Accept missing or invalid protection of regular error messages and negative"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "certificate responses (ip/cp/kup), revocation responses (rp), and PKIConf"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "WARNING: This setting leads to behavior allowing violation of RFC 4210"}, {"no_cache_extracerts", OPT_NO_CACHE_EXTRACERTS, '-', "Do not keep certificates received in the extraCerts CMP message field"}, { "srvcertout", OPT_SRVCERTOUT, 's', "File to save the server cert used and validated for CMP response protection"}, {"extracertsout", OPT_EXTRACERTSOUT, 's', "File to save extra certificates received in the extraCerts field"}, {"cacertsout", OPT_CACERTSOUT, 's', "File to save CA certs received in caPubs field or genp with id-it-caCerts"}, { "oldwithold", OPT_OLDWITHOLD, 's', "Root CA certificate to request update for in genm of type rootCaCert"}, { "newwithnew", OPT_NEWWITHNEW, 's', "File to save NewWithNew cert received in genp of type rootCaKeyUpdate"}, { "newwithold", OPT_NEWWITHOLD, 's', "File to save NewWithOld cert received in genp of type rootCaKeyUpdate"}, { "oldwithnew", OPT_OLDWITHNEW, 's', "File to save OldWithNew cert received in genp of type rootCaKeyUpdate"}, { "crlcert", OPT_CRLCERT, 's', "certificate to request a CRL for in genm of type crlStatusList"}, { "oldcrl", OPT_OLDCRL, 's', "CRL to request update for in genm of type crlStatusList"}, { "crlout", OPT_CRLOUT, 's', "File to save new CRL received in genp of type 'crls'"}, OPT_SECTION("Client authentication"), {"ref", OPT_REF, 's', "Reference value to use as senderKID in case no -cert is given"}, {"secret", OPT_SECRET, 's', "Prefer PBM (over signatures) for protecting msgs with given password source"}, {"cert", OPT_CERT, 's', "Client's CMP signer certificate; its public key must match the -key argument"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "This also used as default reference for subject DN and SANs."}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "Any further certs included are appended to the untrusted certs"}, {"own_trusted", OPT_OWN_TRUSTED, 's', "Optional certs to verify chain building for own CMP signer cert"}, {"key", OPT_KEY, 's', "CMP signer private key, not used when -secret given"}, {"keypass", OPT_KEYPASS, 's', "Client private key (and cert and old cert) pass phrase source"}, {"digest", OPT_DIGEST, 's', "Digest to use in message protection and POPO signatures. Default \"sha256\""}, {"mac", OPT_MAC, 's', "MAC algorithm to use in PBM-based message protection. Default \"hmac-sha1\""}, {"extracerts", OPT_EXTRACERTS, 's', "Certificates to append in extraCerts field of outgoing messages."}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "This can be used as the default CMP signer cert chain to include"}, {"unprotected_requests", OPT_UNPROTECTED_REQUESTS, '-', "Send request messages without CMP-level protection"}, OPT_SECTION("Credentials format"), {"certform", OPT_CERTFORM, 's', "Format (PEM or DER) to use when saving a certificate to a file. Default PEM"}, {"crlform", OPT_CRLFORM, 's', "Format (PEM or DER) to use when saving a CRL to a file. Default DER"}, {"keyform", OPT_KEYFORM, 's', "Format of the key input (ENGINE, other values ignored)"}, {"otherpass", OPT_OTHERPASS, 's', "Pass phrase source potentially needed for loading certificates of others"}, #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE {"engine", OPT_ENGINE, 's', "Use crypto engine with given identifier, possibly a hardware device."}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "Engines may also be defined in OpenSSL config file engine section."}, #endif OPT_PROV_OPTIONS, OPT_R_OPTIONS, OPT_SECTION("TLS connection"), #if defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) || defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "NOTE: -tls_used and all other TLS options not supported due to no-sock/no-http build"}, #else {"tls_used", OPT_TLS_USED, '-', "Enable using TLS (also when other TLS options are not set)"}, {"tls_cert", OPT_TLS_CERT, 's', "Client's TLS certificate. May include chain to be provided to TLS server"}, {"tls_key", OPT_TLS_KEY, 's', "Private key for the client's TLS certificate"}, {"tls_keypass", OPT_TLS_KEYPASS, 's', "Pass phrase source for the client's private TLS key (and TLS cert)"}, {"tls_extra", OPT_TLS_EXTRA, 's', "Extra certificates to provide to TLS server during TLS handshake"}, {"tls_trusted", OPT_TLS_TRUSTED, 's', "Trusted certificates to use for verifying the TLS server certificate;"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "this implies hostname validation"}, {"tls_host", OPT_TLS_HOST, 's', "Address to be checked (rather than -server) during TLS hostname validation"}, #endif OPT_SECTION("Client-side debugging"), {"batch", OPT_BATCH, '-', "Do not interactively prompt for input when a password is required etc."}, {"repeat", OPT_REPEAT, 'p', "Invoke the transaction the given positive number of times. Default 1"}, {"reqin", OPT_REQIN, 's', "Take sequence of CMP requests to send to server from file(s)"}, {"reqin_new_tid", OPT_REQIN_NEW_TID, '-', "Use fresh transactionID for CMP requests read from -reqin"}, {"reqout", OPT_REQOUT, 's', "Save sequence of CMP requests created by the client to file(s)"}, {"reqout_only", OPT_REQOUT_ONLY, 's', "Save first CMP request created by the client to file and exit"}, {"rspin", OPT_RSPIN, 's', "Process sequence of CMP responses provided in file(s), skipping server"}, {"rspout", OPT_RSPOUT, 's', "Save sequence of actually used CMP responses to file(s)"}, {"use_mock_srv", OPT_USE_MOCK_SRV, '-', "Use internal mock server at API level, bypassing socket-based HTTP"}, OPT_SECTION("Mock server"), #if defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) || defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "NOTE: -port and -max_msgs not supported due to no-sock/no-http build"}, #else {"port", OPT_PORT, 's', "Act as HTTP-based mock server listening on given port"}, {"max_msgs", OPT_MAX_MSGS, 'N', "max number of messages handled by HTTP mock server. Default: 0 = unlimited"}, #endif {"srv_ref", OPT_SRV_REF, 's', "Reference value to use as senderKID of server in case no -srv_cert is given"}, {"srv_secret", OPT_SRV_SECRET, 's', "Password source for server authentication with a pre-shared key (secret)"}, {"srv_cert", OPT_SRV_CERT, 's', "Certificate of the server"}, {"srv_key", OPT_SRV_KEY, 's', "Private key used by the server for signing messages"}, {"srv_keypass", OPT_SRV_KEYPASS, 's', "Server private key (and cert) pass phrase source"}, {"srv_trusted", OPT_SRV_TRUSTED, 's', "Trusted certificates for client authentication"}, {"srv_untrusted", OPT_SRV_UNTRUSTED, 's', "Intermediate certs that may be useful for verifying CMP protection"}, {"ref_cert", OPT_RSP_CERT, 's', "Certificate to be expected for rr and any oldCertID in kur messages"}, {"rsp_cert", OPT_RSP_CERT, 's', "Certificate to be returned as mock enrollment result"}, {"rsp_crl", OPT_RSP_CRL, 's', "CRL to be returned in genp of type crls"}, {"rsp_extracerts", OPT_RSP_EXTRACERTS, 's', "Extra certificates to be included in mock certification responses"}, {"rsp_capubs", OPT_RSP_CAPUBS, 's', "CA certificates to be included in mock ip response"}, {"rsp_newwithnew", OPT_RSP_NEWWITHNEW, 's', "New root CA certificate to include in genp of type rootCaKeyUpdate"}, {"rsp_newwithold", OPT_RSP_NEWWITHOLD, 's', "NewWithOld transition cert to include in genp of type rootCaKeyUpdate"}, {"rsp_oldwithnew", OPT_RSP_OLDWITHNEW, 's', "OldWithNew transition cert to include in genp of type rootCaKeyUpdate"}, {"poll_count", OPT_POLL_COUNT, 'N', "Number of times the client must poll before receiving a certificate"}, {"check_after", OPT_CHECK_AFTER, 'N', "The check_after value (time to wait) to include in poll response"}, {"grant_implicitconf", OPT_GRANT_IMPLICITCONF, '-', "Grant implicit confirmation of newly enrolled certificate"}, {"pkistatus", OPT_PKISTATUS, 'N', "PKIStatus to be included in server response. Possible values: 0..6"}, {"failure", OPT_FAILURE, 'N', "A single failure info bit number to include in server response, 0..26"}, {"failurebits", OPT_FAILUREBITS, 'N', "Number representing failure bits to include in server response, 0..2^27 - 1"}, {"statusstring", OPT_STATUSSTRING, 's', "Status string to be included in server response"}, {"send_error", OPT_SEND_ERROR, '-', "Force server to reply with error message"}, {"send_unprotected", OPT_SEND_UNPROTECTED, '-', "Send response messages without CMP-level protection"}, {"send_unprot_err", OPT_SEND_UNPROT_ERR, '-', "In case of negative responses, server shall send unprotected error messages,"}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "certificate responses (ip/cp/kup), and revocation responses (rp)."}, {OPT_MORE_STR, 0, 0, "WARNING: This setting leads to behavior violating RFC 4210"}, {"accept_unprotected", OPT_ACCEPT_UNPROTECTED, '-', "Accept missing or invalid protection of requests"}, {"accept_unprot_err", OPT_ACCEPT_UNPROT_ERR, '-', "Accept unprotected error messages from client"}, {"accept_raverified", OPT_ACCEPT_RAVERIFIED, '-', "Accept RAVERIFIED as proof-of-possession (POPO)"}, OPT_V_OPTIONS, {NULL} }; typedef union { char **txt; int *num; long *num_long; } varref; static varref cmp_vars[] = { /* must be in same order as enumerated above! */ {&opt_config}, {&opt_section}, {(char **)&opt_verbosity}, {&opt_cmd_s}, {&opt_infotype_s}, {&opt_profile}, {&opt_geninfo}, {&opt_template}, {&opt_keyspec}, {&opt_newkey}, {&opt_newkeypass}, {&opt_subject}, {(char **)&opt_days}, {&opt_reqexts}, {&opt_sans}, {(char **)&opt_san_nodefault}, {&opt_policies}, {&opt_policy_oids}, {(char **)&opt_policy_oids_critical}, {(char **)&opt_popo}, {&opt_csr}, {&opt_out_trusted}, {(char **)&opt_implicit_confirm}, {(char **)&opt_disable_confirm}, {&opt_certout}, {&opt_chainout}, {&opt_oldcert}, {&opt_issuer}, {&opt_serial}, {(char **)&opt_revreason}, #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) {&opt_server}, {&opt_proxy}, {&opt_no_proxy}, #endif {&opt_recipient}, {&opt_path}, {(char **)&opt_keep_alive}, {(char **)&opt_msg_timeout}, {(char **)&opt_total_timeout}, {&opt_trusted}, {&opt_untrusted}, {&opt_srvcert}, {&opt_expect_sender}, {(char **)&opt_ignore_keyusage}, {(char **)&opt_unprotected_errors}, {(char **)&opt_no_cache_extracerts}, {&opt_srvcertout}, {&opt_extracertsout}, {&opt_cacertsout}, {&opt_oldwithold}, {&opt_newwithnew}, {&opt_newwithold}, {&opt_oldwithnew}, {&opt_crlcert}, {&opt_oldcrl}, {&opt_crlout}, {&opt_ref}, {&opt_secret}, {&opt_cert}, {&opt_own_trusted}, {&opt_key}, {&opt_keypass}, {&opt_digest}, {&opt_mac}, {&opt_extracerts}, {(char **)&opt_unprotected_requests}, {&opt_certform_s}, {&opt_crlform_s}, {&opt_keyform_s}, {&opt_otherpass}, #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE {&opt_engine}, #endif #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) {(char **)&opt_tls_used}, {&opt_tls_cert}, {&opt_tls_key}, {&opt_tls_keypass}, {&opt_tls_extra}, {&opt_tls_trusted}, {&opt_tls_host}, #endif {(char **)&opt_batch}, {(char **)&opt_repeat}, {&opt_reqin}, {(char **)&opt_reqin_new_tid}, {&opt_reqout}, {&opt_reqout_only}, {&opt_rspin}, {&opt_rspout}, {(char **)&opt_use_mock_srv}, #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) {&opt_port}, {(char **)&opt_max_msgs}, #endif {&opt_srv_ref}, {&opt_srv_secret}, {&opt_srv_cert}, {&opt_srv_key}, {&opt_srv_keypass}, {&opt_srv_trusted}, {&opt_srv_untrusted}, {&opt_ref_cert}, {&opt_rsp_cert}, {&opt_rsp_crl}, {&opt_rsp_extracerts}, {&opt_rsp_capubs}, {&opt_rsp_newwithnew}, {&opt_rsp_newwithold}, {&opt_rsp_oldwithnew}, {(char **)&opt_poll_count}, {(char **)&opt_check_after}, {(char **)&opt_grant_implicitconf}, {(char **)&opt_pkistatus}, {(char **)&opt_failure}, {(char **)&opt_failurebits}, {&opt_statusstring}, {(char **)&opt_send_error}, {(char **)&opt_send_unprotected}, {(char **)&opt_send_unprot_err}, {(char **)&opt_accept_unprotected}, {(char **)&opt_accept_unprot_err}, {(char **)&opt_accept_raverified}, {NULL} }; #define FUNC (strcmp(OPENSSL_FUNC, "(unknown function)") == 0 \ ? "CMP" : OPENSSL_FUNC) #define CMP_print(bio, level, prefix, msg, a1, a2, a3) \ ((void)(level > opt_verbosity ? 0 : \ (BIO_printf(bio, "%s:%s:%d:CMP %s: " msg "\n", \ FUNC, OPENSSL_FILE, OPENSSL_LINE, prefix, a1, a2, a3)))) #define CMP_DEBUG(m, a1, a2, a3) \ CMP_print(bio_out, OSSL_CMP_LOG_DEBUG, "debug", m, a1, a2, a3) #define CMP_debug(msg) CMP_DEBUG(msg"%s%s%s", "", "", "") #define CMP_debug1(msg, a1) CMP_DEBUG(msg"%s%s", a1, "", "") #define CMP_debug2(msg, a1, a2) CMP_DEBUG(msg"%s", a1, a2, "") #define CMP_debug3(msg, a1, a2, a3) CMP_DEBUG(msg, a1, a2, a3) #define CMP_INFO(msg, a1, a2, a3) \ CMP_print(bio_out, OSSL_CMP_LOG_INFO, "info", msg, a1, a2, a3) #define CMP_info(msg) CMP_INFO(msg"%s%s%s", "", "", "") #define CMP_info1(msg, a1) CMP_INFO(msg"%s%s", a1, "", "") #define CMP_info2(msg, a1, a2) CMP_INFO(msg"%s", a1, a2, "") #define CMP_info3(msg, a1, a2, a3) CMP_INFO(msg, a1, a2, a3) #define CMP_WARN(m, a1, a2, a3) \ CMP_print(bio_out, OSSL_CMP_LOG_WARNING, "warning", m, a1, a2, a3) #define CMP_warn(msg) CMP_WARN(msg"%s%s%s", "", "", "") #define CMP_warn1(msg, a1) CMP_WARN(msg"%s%s", a1, "", "") #define CMP_warn2(msg, a1, a2) CMP_WARN(msg"%s", a1, a2, "") #define CMP_warn3(msg, a1, a2, a3) CMP_WARN(msg, a1, a2, a3) #define CMP_ERR(msg, a1, a2, a3) \ CMP_print(bio_err, OSSL_CMP_LOG_ERR, "error", msg, a1, a2, a3) #define CMP_err(msg) CMP_ERR(msg"%s%s%s", "", "", "") #define CMP_err1(msg, a1) CMP_ERR(msg"%s%s", a1, "", "") #define CMP_err2(msg, a1, a2) CMP_ERR(msg"%s", a1, a2, "") #define CMP_err3(msg, a1, a2, a3) CMP_ERR(msg, a1, a2, a3) static int print_to_bio_out(const char *func, const char *file, int line, OSSL_CMP_severity level, const char *msg) { return OSSL_CMP_print_to_bio(bio_out, func, file, line, level, msg); } static int print_to_bio_err(const char *func, const char *file, int line, OSSL_CMP_severity level, const char *msg) { return OSSL_CMP_print_to_bio(bio_err, func, file, line, level, msg); } static int set_verbosity(int level) { if (level < OSSL_CMP_LOG_EMERG || level > OSSL_CMP_LOG_MAX) { CMP_err1("Logging verbosity level %d out of range (0 .. 8)", level); return 0; } opt_verbosity = level; return 1; } static EVP_PKEY *load_key_pwd(const char *uri, int format, const char *pass, ENGINE *eng, const char *desc) { char *pass_string = get_passwd(pass, desc); EVP_PKEY *pkey = load_key(uri, format, 0, pass_string, eng, desc); clear_free(pass_string); return pkey; } static X509 *load_cert_pwd(const char *uri, const char *pass, const char *desc) { X509 *cert; char *pass_string = get_passwd(pass, desc); cert = load_cert_pass(uri, FORMAT_UNDEF, 0, pass_string, desc); clear_free(pass_string); return cert; } /* set expected hostname/IP addr and clears the email addr in the given ts */ static int truststore_set_host_etc(X509_STORE *ts, const char *host) { X509_VERIFY_PARAM *ts_vpm = X509_STORE_get0_param(ts); /* first clear any hostnames, IP, and email addresses */ if (!X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_host(ts_vpm, NULL, 0) || !X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_ip(ts_vpm, NULL, 0) || !X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_email(ts_vpm, NULL, 0)) return 0; X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_hostflags(ts_vpm, X509_CHECK_FLAG_ALWAYS_CHECK_SUBJECT | X509_CHECK_FLAG_NO_PARTIAL_WILDCARDS); return (host != NULL && X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_ip_asc(ts_vpm, host)) || X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_host(ts_vpm, host, 0); } /* write OSSL_CMP_MSG DER-encoded to the specified file name item */ static int write_PKIMESSAGE(const OSSL_CMP_MSG *msg, char **filenames) { char *file; if (msg == NULL || filenames == NULL) { CMP_err("NULL arg to write_PKIMESSAGE"); return 0; } if (*filenames == NULL) { CMP_err("not enough file names provided for writing PKIMessage"); return 0; } file = *filenames; *filenames = next_item(file); if (OSSL_CMP_MSG_write(file, msg) < 0) { CMP_err1("cannot write PKIMessage to file '%s'", file); return 0; } return 1; } /* read DER-encoded OSSL_CMP_MSG from the specified file name item */ static OSSL_CMP_MSG *read_PKIMESSAGE(const char *desc, char **filenames) { char *file; OSSL_CMP_MSG *ret; if (filenames == NULL || desc == NULL) { CMP_err("NULL arg to read_PKIMESSAGE"); return NULL; } if (*filenames == NULL) { CMP_err("not enough file names provided for reading PKIMessage"); return NULL; } file = *filenames; *filenames = next_item(file); ret = OSSL_CMP_MSG_read(file, app_get0_libctx(), app_get0_propq()); if (ret == NULL) CMP_err1("cannot read PKIMessage from file '%s'", file); else CMP_info2("%s %s", desc, file); return ret; } /*- * Sends the PKIMessage req and on success place the response in *res * basically like OSSL_CMP_MSG_http_perform(), but in addition allows * to dump the sequence of requests and responses to files and/or * to take the sequence of requests and responses from files. */ static OSSL_CMP_MSG *read_write_req_resp(OSSL_CMP_CTX *ctx, const OSSL_CMP_MSG *req) { OSSL_CMP_MSG *req_new = NULL; OSSL_CMP_MSG *res = NULL; OSSL_CMP_PKIHEADER *hdr; const char *prev_opt_rspin = opt_rspin; if (opt_reqout_only != NULL) { if (OSSL_CMP_MSG_write(opt_reqout_only, req) < 0) CMP_err1("cannot write request PKIMessage to file '%s'", opt_reqout_only); else reqout_only_done = 1; return NULL; /* stop at this point, not contacting any server */ } if (opt_reqout != NULL && !write_PKIMESSAGE(req, &opt_reqout)) goto err; if (opt_reqin != NULL && opt_rspin == NULL) { if ((req_new = read_PKIMESSAGE("actually sending", &opt_reqin)) == NULL) goto err; /*- * The transaction ID in req_new read from opt_reqin may not be fresh. * In this case the server may complain "Transaction id already in use." * The following workaround unfortunately requires re-protection. */ if (opt_reqin_new_tid && !OSSL_CMP_MSG_update_transactionID(ctx, req_new)) goto err; /* * Except for first request, need to satisfy recipNonce check by server. * Unfortunately requires re-protection if protection is required. */ if (!OSSL_CMP_MSG_update_recipNonce(ctx, req_new)) goto err; } if (opt_rspin != NULL) { res = read_PKIMESSAGE("actually using", &opt_rspin); } else { const OSSL_CMP_MSG *actual_req = req_new != NULL ? req_new : req; if (opt_use_mock_srv) { if (rspin_in_use) CMP_warn("too few -rspin filename arguments; resorting to using mock server"); res = OSSL_CMP_CTX_server_perform(ctx, actual_req); } else { #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) if (opt_server == NULL) { CMP_err("missing -server or -use_mock_srv option, or too few -rspin filename arguments"); goto err; } if (rspin_in_use) CMP_warn("too few -rspin filename arguments; resorting to contacting server"); res = OSSL_CMP_MSG_http_perform(ctx, actual_req); #else CMP_err("-server not supported on no-sock/no-http build; missing -use_mock_srv option or too few -rspin filename arguments"); #endif } rspin_in_use = 0; } if (res == NULL) goto err; if (req_new != NULL || prev_opt_rspin != NULL) { /* need to satisfy nonce and transactionID checks by client */ ASN1_OCTET_STRING *nonce; ASN1_OCTET_STRING *tid; hdr = OSSL_CMP_MSG_get0_header(res); nonce = OSSL_CMP_HDR_get0_recipNonce(hdr); tid = OSSL_CMP_HDR_get0_transactionID(hdr); if (!OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_senderNonce(ctx, nonce) || !OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_transactionID(ctx, tid)) { OSSL_CMP_MSG_free(res); res = NULL; goto err; } } if (opt_rspout != NULL && !write_PKIMESSAGE(res, &opt_rspout)) { OSSL_CMP_MSG_free(res); res = NULL; } err: OSSL_CMP_MSG_free(req_new); return res; } static int set_name(const char *str, int (*set_fn) (OSSL_CMP_CTX *ctx, const X509_NAME *name), OSSL_CMP_CTX *ctx, const char *desc) { if (str != NULL) { X509_NAME *n = parse_name(str, MBSTRING_ASC, 1, desc); if (n == NULL) return 0; if (!(*set_fn) (ctx, n)) { X509_NAME_free(n); CMP_err("out of memory"); return 0; } X509_NAME_free(n); } return 1; } static int set_gennames(OSSL_CMP_CTX *ctx, char *names, const char *desc) { char *next; for (; names != NULL; names = next) { GENERAL_NAME *n; next = next_item(names); if (strcmp(names, "critical") == 0) { (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_SUBJECTALTNAME_CRITICAL, 1); continue; } /* try IP address first, then email/URI/domain name */ (void)ERR_set_mark(); n = a2i_GENERAL_NAME(NULL, NULL, NULL, GEN_IPADD, names, 0); if (n == NULL) n = a2i_GENERAL_NAME(NULL, NULL, NULL, strchr(names, '@') != NULL ? GEN_EMAIL : strchr(names, ':') != NULL ? GEN_URI : GEN_DNS, names, 0); (void)ERR_pop_to_mark(); if (n == NULL) { CMP_err2("bad syntax of %s '%s'", desc, names); return 0; } if (!OSSL_CMP_CTX_push1_subjectAltName(ctx, n)) { GENERAL_NAME_free(n); CMP_err("out of memory"); return 0; } GENERAL_NAME_free(n); } return 1; } static X509_STORE *load_trusted(char *input, int for_new_cert, const char *desc) { X509_STORE *ts = load_certstore(input, opt_otherpass, desc, vpm); if (ts == NULL) return NULL; X509_STORE_set_verify_cb(ts, X509_STORE_CTX_print_verify_cb); /* copy vpm to store */ if (X509_STORE_set1_param(ts, vpm /* may be NULL */) && (for_new_cert || truststore_set_host_etc(ts, NULL))) return ts; BIO_printf(bio_err, "error setting verification parameters for %s\n", desc); OSSL_CMP_CTX_print_errors(cmp_ctx); X509_STORE_free(ts); return NULL; } typedef int (*add_X509_fn_t)(void *ctx, const X509 *cert); static int setup_cert(void *ctx, const char *file, const char *pass, const char *desc, add_X509_fn_t set1_fn) { X509 *cert; int ok; if (file == NULL) return 1; if ((cert = load_cert_pwd(file, pass, desc)) == NULL) return 0; ok = (*set1_fn)(ctx, cert); X509_free(cert); return ok; } typedef int (*add_X509_stack_fn_t)(void *ctx, const STACK_OF(X509) *certs); static int setup_certs(char *files, const char *desc, void *ctx, add_X509_stack_fn_t set1_fn) { STACK_OF(X509) *certs; int ok; if (files == NULL) return 1; if ((certs = load_certs_multifile(files, opt_otherpass, desc, vpm)) == NULL) return 0; ok = (*set1_fn)(ctx, certs); OSSL_STACK_OF_X509_free(certs); return ok; } static int setup_mock_crlout(void *ctx, const char *file, const char *desc) { X509_CRL *crl; int ok; if (file == NULL) return 1; if ((crl = load_crl(file, FORMAT_UNDEF, 0, desc)) == NULL) return 0; ok = ossl_cmp_mock_srv_set1_crlOut(ctx, crl); X509_CRL_free(crl); return ok; } /* * parse and transform some options, checking their syntax. * Returns 1 on success, 0 on error */ static int transform_opts(void) { if (opt_cmd_s != NULL) { if (!strcmp(opt_cmd_s, "ir")) { opt_cmd = CMP_IR; } else if (!strcmp(opt_cmd_s, "kur")) { opt_cmd = CMP_KUR; } else if (!strcmp(opt_cmd_s, "cr")) { opt_cmd = CMP_CR; } else if (!strcmp(opt_cmd_s, "p10cr")) { opt_cmd = CMP_P10CR; } else if (!strcmp(opt_cmd_s, "rr")) { opt_cmd = CMP_RR; } else if (!strcmp(opt_cmd_s, "genm")) { opt_cmd = CMP_GENM; } else { CMP_err1("unknown cmp command '%s'", opt_cmd_s); return 0; } } else { CMP_err("no cmp command to execute"); return 0; } #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE # define FORMAT_OPTIONS (OPT_FMT_PEMDER | OPT_FMT_PKCS12 | OPT_FMT_ENGINE) #else # define FORMAT_OPTIONS (OPT_FMT_PEMDER | OPT_FMT_PKCS12) #endif if (opt_keyform_s != NULL && !opt_format(opt_keyform_s, FORMAT_OPTIONS, &opt_keyform)) { CMP_err("unknown option given for key loading format"); return 0; } #undef FORMAT_OPTIONS if (opt_certform_s != NULL && !opt_format(opt_certform_s, OPT_FMT_PEMDER, &opt_certform)) { CMP_err("unknown option given for certificate storing format"); return 0; } if (opt_crlform_s != NULL && !opt_format(opt_crlform_s, OPT_FMT_PEMDER, &opt_crlform)) { CMP_err("unknown option given for CRL storing format"); return 0; } return 1; } static OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX *setup_srv_ctx(ENGINE *engine) { OSSL_CMP_CTX *ctx; /* extra CMP (client) ctx partly used by server */ OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX *srv_ctx = ossl_cmp_mock_srv_new(app_get0_libctx(), app_get0_propq()); if (srv_ctx == NULL) return NULL; ctx = OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_get0_cmp_ctx(srv_ctx); if (opt_srv_ref == NULL) { if (opt_srv_cert == NULL) { /* opt_srv_cert should determine the sender */ CMP_err("must give -srv_ref for mock server if no -srv_cert given"); goto err; } } else { if (!OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_referenceValue(ctx, (unsigned char *)opt_srv_ref, strlen(opt_srv_ref))) goto err; } if (opt_srv_secret != NULL) { int res; char *pass_str = get_passwd(opt_srv_secret, "PBMAC secret of mock server"); if (pass_str != NULL) { cleanse(opt_srv_secret); res = OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_secretValue(ctx, (unsigned char *)pass_str, strlen(pass_str)); clear_free(pass_str); if (res == 0) goto err; } } else if (opt_srv_cert == NULL) { CMP_err("server credentials (-srv_secret or -srv_cert) must be given if -use_mock_srv or -port is used"); goto err; } else { CMP_warn("server will not be able to handle PBM-protected requests since -srv_secret is not given"); } if (opt_srv_secret == NULL && ((opt_srv_cert == NULL) != (opt_srv_key == NULL))) { CMP_err("must give both -srv_cert and -srv_key options or neither"); goto err; } if (!setup_cert(ctx, opt_srv_cert, opt_srv_keypass, "signer certificate of the mock server", (add_X509_fn_t)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_cert)) goto err; if (opt_srv_key != NULL) { EVP_PKEY *pkey = load_key_pwd(opt_srv_key, opt_keyform, opt_srv_keypass, engine, "private key for mock server cert"); if (pkey == NULL || !OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_pkey(ctx, pkey)) { EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); goto err; } EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); } cleanse(opt_srv_keypass); if (opt_srv_trusted != NULL) { X509_STORE *ts = load_trusted(opt_srv_trusted, 0, "certs trusted by mock server"); if (ts == NULL || !OSSL_CMP_CTX_set0_trusted(ctx, ts)) { X509_STORE_free(ts); goto err; } } else { CMP_warn("mock server will not be able to handle signature-protected requests since -srv_trusted is not given"); } if (!setup_certs(opt_srv_untrusted, "untrusted certificates for mock server", ctx, (add_X509_stack_fn_t)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_untrusted)) goto err; if (!setup_cert(srv_ctx, opt_ref_cert, opt_otherpass, "reference cert to be expected by the mock server", (add_X509_fn_t)ossl_cmp_mock_srv_set1_refCert)) goto err; if (opt_rsp_cert == NULL) { CMP_warn("no -rsp_cert given for mock server"); } else { if (!setup_cert(srv_ctx, opt_rsp_cert, opt_keypass, "cert the mock server returns on certificate requests", (add_X509_fn_t)ossl_cmp_mock_srv_set1_certOut)) goto err; } if (!setup_mock_crlout(srv_ctx, opt_rsp_crl, "CRL to be returned by the mock server")) goto err; if (!setup_certs(opt_rsp_extracerts, "CMP extra certificates for mock server", srv_ctx, (add_X509_stack_fn_t)ossl_cmp_mock_srv_set1_chainOut)) goto err; if (!setup_certs(opt_rsp_capubs, "caPubs for mock server", srv_ctx, (add_X509_stack_fn_t)ossl_cmp_mock_srv_set1_caPubsOut)) goto err; if (!setup_cert(srv_ctx, opt_rsp_newwithnew, opt_otherpass, "NewWithNew cert the mock server returns in rootCaKeyUpdate", (add_X509_fn_t)ossl_cmp_mock_srv_set1_newWithNew) || !setup_cert(srv_ctx, opt_rsp_newwithold, opt_otherpass, "NewWithOld cert the mock server returns in rootCaKeyUpdate", (add_X509_fn_t)ossl_cmp_mock_srv_set1_newWithOld) || !setup_cert(srv_ctx, opt_rsp_oldwithnew, opt_otherpass, "OldWithNew cert the mock server returns in rootCaKeyUpdate", (add_X509_fn_t)ossl_cmp_mock_srv_set1_oldWithNew)) goto err; (void)ossl_cmp_mock_srv_set_pollCount(srv_ctx, opt_poll_count); (void)ossl_cmp_mock_srv_set_checkAfterTime(srv_ctx, opt_check_after); if (opt_grant_implicitconf) (void)OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_set_grant_implicit_confirm(srv_ctx, 1); if (opt_failure != INT_MIN) { /* option has been set explicitly */ if (opt_failure < 0 || OSSL_CMP_PKIFAILUREINFO_MAX < opt_failure) { CMP_err1("-failure out of range, should be >= 0 and <= %d", OSSL_CMP_PKIFAILUREINFO_MAX); goto err; } if (opt_failurebits != 0) CMP_warn("-failurebits overrides -failure"); else opt_failurebits = 1 << opt_failure; } if ((unsigned)opt_failurebits > OSSL_CMP_PKIFAILUREINFO_MAX_BIT_PATTERN) { CMP_err("-failurebits out of range"); goto err; } if (!ossl_cmp_mock_srv_set_statusInfo(srv_ctx, opt_pkistatus, opt_failurebits, opt_statusstring)) goto err; if (opt_send_error) (void)ossl_cmp_mock_srv_set_sendError(srv_ctx, 1); if (opt_send_unprotected) (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_UNPROTECTED_SEND, 1); if (opt_send_unprot_err) (void)OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_set_send_unprotected_errors(srv_ctx, 1); if (opt_accept_unprotected) (void)OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_set_accept_unprotected(srv_ctx, 1); if (opt_accept_unprot_err) (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_UNPROTECTED_ERRORS, 1); if (opt_accept_raverified) (void)OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_set_accept_raverified(srv_ctx, 1); return srv_ctx; err: ossl_cmp_mock_srv_free(srv_ctx); return NULL; } /* * set up verification aspects of OSSL_CMP_CTX w.r.t. opts from config file/CLI. * Returns pointer on success, NULL on error */ static int setup_verification_ctx(OSSL_CMP_CTX *ctx) { if (!setup_certs(opt_untrusted, "untrusted certificates", ctx, (add_X509_stack_fn_t)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_untrusted)) return 0; if (opt_srvcert != NULL || opt_trusted != NULL) { if (opt_srvcert != NULL) { if (opt_trusted != NULL) { CMP_warn("-trusted option is ignored since -srvcert option is present"); opt_trusted = NULL; } if (opt_recipient != NULL) { CMP_warn("-recipient option is ignored since -srvcert option is present"); opt_recipient = NULL; } if (!setup_cert(ctx, opt_srvcert, opt_otherpass, "directly trusted CMP server certificate", (add_X509_fn_t)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_srvCert)) return 0; } if (opt_trusted != NULL) { X509_STORE *ts; /* * the 0 arg below clears any expected host/ip/email address; * opt_expect_sender is used instead */ ts = load_trusted(opt_trusted, 0, "certs trusted by client"); if (ts == NULL || !OSSL_CMP_CTX_set0_trusted(ctx, ts)) { X509_STORE_free(ts); return 0; } } } if (opt_unprotected_errors) (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_UNPROTECTED_ERRORS, 1); if (opt_out_trusted != NULL) { /* for use in OSSL_CMP_certConf_cb() */ X509_VERIFY_PARAM *out_vpm = NULL; X509_STORE *out_trusted = load_trusted(opt_out_trusted, 1, "trusted certs for verifying newly enrolled cert"); if (out_trusted == NULL) return 0; /* ignore any -attime here, new certs are current anyway */ out_vpm = X509_STORE_get0_param(out_trusted); X509_VERIFY_PARAM_clear_flags(out_vpm, X509_V_FLAG_USE_CHECK_TIME); (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_certConf_cb_arg(ctx, out_trusted); } if (opt_disable_confirm) (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_DISABLE_CONFIRM, 1); if (opt_implicit_confirm) (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_IMPLICIT_CONFIRM, 1); return 1; } #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) /* * set up ssl_ctx for the OSSL_CMP_CTX based on options from config file/CLI. * Returns pointer on success, NULL on error */ static SSL_CTX *setup_ssl_ctx(OSSL_CMP_CTX *ctx, const char *host, ENGINE *engine) { STACK_OF(X509) *untrusted = OSSL_CMP_CTX_get0_untrusted(ctx); EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL; X509_STORE *trust_store = NULL; SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx; int i; ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLS_client_method()); if (ssl_ctx == NULL) return NULL; if (opt_tls_trusted != NULL) { trust_store = load_trusted(opt_tls_trusted, 0, "trusted TLS certs"); if (trust_store == NULL) goto err; SSL_CTX_set_cert_store(ssl_ctx, trust_store); SSL_CTX_set_verify(ssl_ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, NULL); } else { CMP_warn("-tls_used given without -tls_trusted; will not authenticate the TLS server"); } if (opt_tls_cert != NULL && opt_tls_key != NULL) { X509 *cert; STACK_OF(X509) *certs = NULL; int ok; if (!load_cert_certs(opt_tls_cert, &cert, &certs, 0, opt_tls_keypass, "TLS client certificate (optionally with chain)", vpm)) /* need opt_tls_keypass if opt_tls_cert is encrypted PKCS#12 file */ goto err; ok = SSL_CTX_use_certificate(ssl_ctx, cert) > 0; X509_free(cert); /* * Any further certs and any untrusted certs are used for constructing * the chain to be provided with the TLS client cert to the TLS server. */ if (!ok || !SSL_CTX_set0_chain(ssl_ctx, certs)) { CMP_err1("unable to use client TLS certificate file '%s'", opt_tls_cert); OSSL_STACK_OF_X509_free(certs); goto err; } for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(untrusted); i++) { cert = sk_X509_value(untrusted, i); if (!SSL_CTX_add1_chain_cert(ssl_ctx, cert)) { CMP_err("could not add untrusted cert to TLS client cert chain"); goto err; } } { X509_VERIFY_PARAM *tls_vpm = NULL; unsigned long bak_flags = 0; /* compiler warns without init */ if (trust_store != NULL) { tls_vpm = X509_STORE_get0_param(trust_store); bak_flags = X509_VERIFY_PARAM_get_flags(tls_vpm); /* disable any cert status/revocation checking etc. */ X509_VERIFY_PARAM_clear_flags(tls_vpm, ~(X509_V_FLAG_USE_CHECK_TIME | X509_V_FLAG_NO_CHECK_TIME | X509_V_FLAG_PARTIAL_CHAIN | X509_V_FLAG_POLICY_CHECK)); } CMP_debug("trying to build cert chain for own TLS cert"); if (SSL_CTX_build_cert_chain(ssl_ctx, SSL_BUILD_CHAIN_FLAG_UNTRUSTED | SSL_BUILD_CHAIN_FLAG_NO_ROOT)) { CMP_debug("success building cert chain for own TLS cert"); } else { OSSL_CMP_CTX_print_errors(ctx); CMP_warn("could not build cert chain for own TLS cert"); } if (trust_store != NULL) X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_flags(tls_vpm, bak_flags); } /* If present we append to the list also the certs from opt_tls_extra */ if (opt_tls_extra != NULL) { STACK_OF(X509) *tls_extra = load_certs_multifile(opt_tls_extra, opt_otherpass, "extra certificates for TLS", vpm); int res = 1; if (tls_extra == NULL) goto err; for (i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(tls_extra); i++) { cert = sk_X509_value(tls_extra, i); if (res != 0) res = SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(ssl_ctx, cert); if (res == 0) X509_free(cert); } sk_X509_free(tls_extra); if (res == 0) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "error: unable to add TLS extra certs\n"); goto err; } } pkey = load_key_pwd(opt_tls_key, opt_keyform, opt_tls_keypass, engine, "TLS client private key"); cleanse(opt_tls_keypass); if (pkey == NULL) goto err; /* * verify the key matches the cert, * not using SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ssl_ctx) * because it gives poor and sometimes misleading diagnostics */ if (!X509_check_private_key(SSL_CTX_get0_certificate(ssl_ctx), pkey)) { CMP_err2("TLS private key '%s' does not match the TLS certificate '%s'\n", opt_tls_key, opt_tls_cert); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); pkey = NULL; /* otherwise, for some reason double free! */ goto err; } if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(ssl_ctx, pkey) <= 0) { CMP_err1("unable to use TLS client private key '%s'", opt_tls_key); EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); pkey = NULL; /* otherwise, for some reason double free! */ goto err; } EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); /* we do not need the handle any more */ } else { CMP_warn("-tls_used given without -tls_key; cannot authenticate to the TLS server"); } if (trust_store != NULL) { /* * Enable and parameterize server hostname/IP address check. * If we did this before checking our own TLS cert * the expected hostname would mislead the check. */ if (!truststore_set_host_etc(trust_store, opt_tls_host != NULL ? opt_tls_host : host)) goto err; } return ssl_ctx; err: SSL_CTX_free(ssl_ctx); return NULL; } #endif /* OPENSSL_NO_SOCK */ /* * set up protection aspects of OSSL_CMP_CTX based on options from config * file/CLI while parsing options and checking their consistency. * Returns 1 on success, 0 on error */ static int setup_protection_ctx(OSSL_CMP_CTX *ctx, ENGINE *engine) { if (!opt_unprotected_requests && opt_secret == NULL && opt_key == NULL) { CMP_err("must give -key or -secret unless -unprotected_requests is used"); return 0; } if (opt_ref == NULL && opt_cert == NULL && opt_subject == NULL) { /* cert or subject should determine the sender */ CMP_err("must give -ref if no -cert and no -subject given"); return 0; } if (opt_secret == NULL && ((opt_cert == NULL) != (opt_key == NULL))) { CMP_err("must give both -cert and -key options or neither"); return 0; } if (opt_secret != NULL) { char *pass_string = get_passwd(opt_secret, "PBMAC"); int res; if (pass_string != NULL) { cleanse(opt_secret); res = OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_secretValue(ctx, (unsigned char *)pass_string, strlen(pass_string)); clear_free(pass_string); if (res == 0) return 0; } if (opt_cert != NULL || opt_key != NULL) CMP_warn("-cert and -key not used for protection since -secret is given"); } if (opt_ref != NULL && !OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_referenceValue(ctx, (unsigned char *)opt_ref, strlen(opt_ref))) return 0; if (opt_key != NULL) { EVP_PKEY *pkey = load_key_pwd(opt_key, opt_keyform, opt_keypass, engine, "private key for CMP client certificate"); if (pkey == NULL || !OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_pkey(ctx, pkey)) { EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); return 0; } EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); } if (opt_secret == NULL && opt_srvcert == NULL && opt_trusted == NULL) CMP_warn("will not authenticate server due to missing -secret, -trusted, or -srvcert"); if (opt_cert != NULL) { X509 *cert; STACK_OF(X509) *certs = NULL; X509_STORE *own_trusted = NULL; int ok; if (!load_cert_certs(opt_cert, &cert, &certs, 0, opt_keypass, "CMP client certificate (optionally with chain)", vpm)) /* opt_keypass is needed if opt_cert is an encrypted PKCS#12 file */ return 0; ok = OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_cert(ctx, cert); X509_free(cert); if (!ok) { CMP_err("out of memory"); } else { if (opt_own_trusted != NULL) { own_trusted = load_trusted(opt_own_trusted, 0, "trusted certs for verifying own CMP signer cert"); ok = own_trusted != NULL; } ok = ok && OSSL_CMP_CTX_build_cert_chain(ctx, own_trusted, certs); } X509_STORE_free(own_trusted); OSSL_STACK_OF_X509_free(certs); if (!ok) return 0; } else if (opt_own_trusted != NULL) { CMP_warn("-own_trusted option is ignored without -cert"); } if (!setup_certs(opt_extracerts, "extra certificates for CMP", ctx, (add_X509_stack_fn_t)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_extraCertsOut)) return 0; cleanse(opt_otherpass); if (opt_unprotected_requests) (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_UNPROTECTED_SEND, 1); if (opt_digest != NULL) { int digest = OBJ_ln2nid(opt_digest); if (digest == NID_undef) { CMP_err1("digest algorithm name not recognized: '%s'", opt_digest); return 0; } if (!OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_DIGEST_ALGNID, digest) || !OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_OWF_ALGNID, digest)) { CMP_err1("digest algorithm name not supported: '%s'", opt_digest); return 0; } } if (opt_mac != NULL) { int mac = OBJ_ln2nid(opt_mac); if (mac == NID_undef) { CMP_err1("MAC algorithm name not recognized: '%s'", opt_mac); return 0; } (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_MAC_ALGNID, mac); } return 1; } static int set_fallback_pubkey(OSSL_CMP_CTX *ctx) { char *file = opt_reqin, *end = file, bak; OSSL_CMP_MSG *req; const X509_PUBKEY *pubkey; EVP_PKEY *pkey; EVP_PKEY *pkey1; int res = 0; /* temporarily separate first file name in opt_reqin */ while (*end != ',' && !isspace(_UC(*end)) && *end != '\0') end++; bak = *end; *end = '\0'; req = OSSL_CMP_MSG_read(file, app_get0_libctx(), app_get0_propq()); *end = bak; if (req == NULL) { CMP_err1("failed to load ir/cr/kur file '%s' attempting to get fallback public key", file); return 0; } if ((pubkey = OSSL_CMP_MSG_get0_certreq_publickey(req)) == NULL || (pkey = X509_PUBKEY_get0(pubkey)) == NULL) { CMP_err1("failed to get fallback public key from ir/cr/kur file '%s'", file); goto err; } pkey1 = EVP_PKEY_dup(pkey); if (pkey == NULL || !OSSL_CMP_CTX_set0_newPkey(ctx, 0 /* priv */, pkey1)) { EVP_PKEY_free(pkey1); CMP_err1("failed to get fallback public key obtained from ir/cr/kur file '%s'", file); goto err; } res = 1; err: OSSL_CMP_MSG_free(req); return res; } /* * Set up IR/CR/P10CR/KUR/CertConf/RR/GENM specific parts of the OSSL_CMP_CTX * based on options from CLI and/or config file. * Returns 1 on success, 0 on error */ static int setup_request_ctx(OSSL_CMP_CTX *ctx, ENGINE *engine) { X509_REQ *csr = NULL; X509_EXTENSIONS *exts = NULL; X509V3_CTX ext_ctx; if (opt_subject == NULL && opt_csr == NULL && opt_oldcert == NULL && opt_cert == NULL && opt_cmd != CMP_RR && opt_cmd != CMP_GENM) CMP_warn("no -subject given; no -csr or -oldcert or -cert available for fallback"); if (!set_name(opt_issuer, OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_issuer, ctx, "issuer")) return 0; if (opt_cmd == CMP_IR || opt_cmd == CMP_CR || opt_cmd == CMP_KUR) { if (opt_reqin == NULL && opt_newkey == NULL && opt_key == NULL && opt_csr == NULL && opt_oldcert == NULL) { CMP_err("missing -newkey (or -key) to be certified and no -csr, -oldcert, -cert, or -reqin option given, which could provide fallback public key"); return 0; } if (opt_newkey == NULL && opt_popo != OSSL_CRMF_POPO_NONE && opt_popo != OSSL_CRMF_POPO_RAVERIFIED) { if (opt_csr != NULL) { CMP_err1("no -newkey option given with private key for POPO, -csr option provides just public key%s", opt_key == NULL ? "" : ", and -key option superseded by -csr"); if (opt_reqin != NULL) CMP_info("since -reqin is used, may use -popo -1 or -popo 0 to disable the needless generation of a POPO"); return 0; } if (opt_key == NULL) { CMP_err("missing -newkey (or -key) option for key to be certified and for POPO"); return 0; } } if (opt_certout == NULL && opt_reqout_only == NULL) { CMP_err("-certout not given, nowhere to save newly enrolled certificate"); return 0; } if (!set_name(opt_subject, OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_subjectName, ctx, "subject")) return 0; } else { const char *msg = "option is ignored for commands other than 'ir', 'cr', and 'kur'"; if (opt_subject != NULL) { if (opt_ref == NULL && opt_cert == NULL) { /* will use subject as sender unless oldcert subject is used */ if (!set_name(opt_subject, OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_subjectName, ctx, "subject")) return 0; } else { CMP_warn1("-subject %s since sender is taken from -ref or -cert", msg); } } if (opt_issuer != NULL && opt_cmd != CMP_RR) CMP_warn1("-issuer %s and 'rr'", msg); if (opt_reqexts != NULL) CMP_warn1("-reqexts %s", msg); if (opt_san_nodefault) CMP_warn1("-san_nodefault %s", msg); if (opt_sans != NULL) CMP_warn1("-sans %s", msg); if (opt_policies != NULL) CMP_warn1("-policies %s", msg); if (opt_policy_oids != NULL) CMP_warn1("-policy_oids %s", msg); if (opt_cmd != CMP_P10CR) { if (opt_implicit_confirm) CMP_warn1("-implicit_confirm %s, and 'p10cr'", msg); if (opt_disable_confirm) CMP_warn1("-disable_confirm %s, and 'p10cr'", msg); if (opt_certout != NULL) CMP_warn1("-certout %s, and 'p10cr'", msg); if (opt_chainout != NULL) CMP_warn1("-chainout %s, and 'p10cr'", msg); } } if (opt_cmd == CMP_KUR) { char *ref_cert = opt_oldcert != NULL ? opt_oldcert : opt_cert; if (ref_cert == NULL && opt_csr == NULL) { CMP_err("missing -oldcert for certificate to be updated and no -csr given"); return 0; } if (opt_subject != NULL) CMP_warn2("given -subject '%s' overrides the subject of '%s' for KUR", opt_subject, ref_cert != NULL ? ref_cert : opt_csr); } if (opt_cmd == CMP_RR) { if (opt_issuer == NULL && opt_serial == NULL) { if (opt_oldcert == NULL && opt_csr == NULL) { CMP_err("missing -oldcert or -issuer and -serial for certificate to be revoked and no -csr given"); return 0; } if (opt_oldcert != NULL && opt_csr != NULL) CMP_warn("ignoring -csr since certificate to be revoked is given"); } else { #define OSSL_CMP_RR_MSG "since -issuer and -serial is given for command 'rr'" if (opt_issuer == NULL || opt_serial == NULL) { CMP_err("Must give both -issuer and -serial options or neither"); return 0; } if (opt_oldcert != NULL) CMP_warn("Ignoring -oldcert " OSSL_CMP_RR_MSG); if (opt_csr != NULL) CMP_warn("Ignoring -csr " OSSL_CMP_RR_MSG); } if (opt_serial != NULL) { ASN1_INTEGER *sno; if ((sno = s2i_ASN1_INTEGER(NULL, opt_serial)) == NULL) { CMP_err1("cannot read serial number: '%s'", opt_serial); return 0; } if (!OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_serialNumber(ctx, sno)) { ASN1_INTEGER_free(sno); CMP_err("out of memory"); return 0; } ASN1_INTEGER_free(sno); } if (opt_revreason > CRL_REASON_NONE) (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_REVOCATION_REASON, opt_revreason); } else { if (opt_serial != NULL) CMP_warn("Ignoring -serial for command other than 'rr'"); } if (opt_cmd == CMP_P10CR && opt_csr == NULL) { CMP_err("missing PKCS#10 CSR for p10cr"); return 0; } if (opt_recipient == NULL && opt_srvcert == NULL && opt_issuer == NULL && opt_oldcert == NULL && opt_cert == NULL) CMP_warn("missing -recipient, -srvcert, -issuer, -oldcert or -cert; recipient for any requests not covered by -reqin will be set to \"NULL-DN\""); if (opt_cmd == CMP_P10CR || opt_cmd == CMP_RR || opt_cmd == CMP_GENM) { const char *msg = "option is ignored for 'p10cr', 'rr', and 'genm' commands"; if (opt_newkeypass != NULL) CMP_warn1("-newkeypass %s", msg); if (opt_newkey != NULL) CMP_warn1("-newkey %s", msg); if (opt_days != 0) CMP_warn1("-days %s", msg); if (opt_popo != OSSL_CRMF_POPO_NONE - 1) CMP_warn1("-popo %s", msg); if (opt_out_trusted != NULL) CMP_warn1("-out_trusted %s", msg); } else if (opt_newkey != NULL) { const char *file = opt_newkey; const int format = opt_keyform; const char *pass = opt_newkeypass; const char *desc = "new private key for cert to be enrolled"; EVP_PKEY *pkey; int priv = 1; BIO *bio_bak = bio_err; bio_err = NULL; /* suppress diagnostics on first try loading key */ pkey = load_key_pwd(file, format, pass, engine, desc); bio_err = bio_bak; if (pkey == NULL) { ERR_clear_error(); desc = opt_csr == NULL ? "fallback public key for cert to be enrolled" : "public key for checking cert resulting from p10cr"; pkey = load_pubkey(file, format, 0, pass, engine, desc); priv = 0; } cleanse(opt_newkeypass); if (pkey == NULL || !OSSL_CMP_CTX_set0_newPkey(ctx, priv, pkey)) { EVP_PKEY_free(pkey); return 0; } } else if (opt_reqin != NULL && opt_key == NULL && opt_csr == NULL && opt_oldcert == NULL) { if (!set_fallback_pubkey(ctx)) return 0; } if (opt_days > 0 && !OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_VALIDITY_DAYS, opt_days)) { CMP_err("could not set requested cert validity period"); return 0; } if (opt_policies != NULL && opt_policy_oids != NULL) { CMP_err("cannot have policies both via -policies and via -policy_oids"); return 0; } if (opt_csr != NULL) { if (opt_cmd == CMP_GENM) { CMP_warn("-csr option is ignored for 'genm' command"); } else { csr = load_csr_autofmt(opt_csr, FORMAT_UNDEF, NULL, "PKCS#10 CSR"); if (csr == NULL) return 0; if (!OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_p10CSR(ctx, csr)) goto oom; } } if (opt_reqexts != NULL || opt_policies != NULL) { if ((exts = sk_X509_EXTENSION_new_null()) == NULL) goto oom; X509V3_set_ctx(&ext_ctx, NULL, NULL, csr, NULL, X509V3_CTX_REPLACE); X509V3_set_nconf(&ext_ctx, conf); if (opt_reqexts != NULL && !X509V3_EXT_add_nconf_sk(conf, &ext_ctx, opt_reqexts, &exts)) { CMP_err1("cannot load certificate request extension section '%s'", opt_reqexts); goto exts_err; } if (opt_policies != NULL && !X509V3_EXT_add_nconf_sk(conf, &ext_ctx, opt_policies, &exts)) { CMP_err1("cannot load policy cert request extension section '%s'", opt_policies); goto exts_err; } OSSL_CMP_CTX_set0_reqExtensions(ctx, exts); } X509_REQ_free(csr); /* After here, must not goto oom/exts_err */ if (OSSL_CMP_CTX_reqExtensions_have_SAN(ctx) && opt_sans != NULL) { CMP_err("cannot have Subject Alternative Names both via -reqexts and via -sans"); return 0; } if (!set_gennames(ctx, opt_sans, "Subject Alternative Name")) return 0; if (opt_san_nodefault) { if (opt_sans != NULL) CMP_warn("-opt_san_nodefault has no effect when -sans is used"); (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_SUBJECTALTNAME_NODEFAULT, 1); } if (opt_policy_oids_critical) { if (opt_policy_oids == NULL) CMP_warn("-opt_policy_oids_critical has no effect unless -policy_oids is given"); (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_POLICIES_CRITICAL, 1); } while (opt_policy_oids != NULL) { ASN1_OBJECT *policy; POLICYINFO *pinfo; char *next = next_item(opt_policy_oids); if ((policy = OBJ_txt2obj(opt_policy_oids, 1)) == 0) { CMP_err1("Invalid -policy_oids arg '%s'", opt_policy_oids); return 0; } if (OBJ_obj2nid(policy) == NID_undef) CMP_warn1("Unknown -policy_oids arg: %.40s", opt_policy_oids); if ((pinfo = POLICYINFO_new()) == NULL) { ASN1_OBJECT_free(policy); return 0; } pinfo->policyid = policy; if (!OSSL_CMP_CTX_push0_policy(ctx, pinfo)) { CMP_err1("cannot add policy with OID '%s'", opt_policy_oids); POLICYINFO_free(pinfo); return 0; } opt_policy_oids = next; } if (opt_popo >= OSSL_CRMF_POPO_NONE) (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_POPO_METHOD, opt_popo); if (opt_oldcert != NULL) { if (opt_cmd == CMP_GENM) { CMP_warn("-oldcert option is ignored for 'genm' command"); } else { if (!setup_cert(ctx, opt_oldcert, opt_keypass, /* needed if opt_oldcert is encrypted PKCS12 file */ opt_cmd == CMP_KUR ? "certificate to be updated" : opt_cmd == CMP_RR ? "certificate to be revoked" : "reference certificate (oldcert)", (add_X509_fn_t)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_oldCert)) return 0; } } cleanse(opt_keypass); return 1; oom: CMP_err("out of memory"); exts_err: sk_X509_EXTENSION_pop_free(exts, X509_EXTENSION_free); X509_REQ_free(csr); return 0; } static int add_certProfile(OSSL_CMP_CTX *ctx, const char *name) { OSSL_CMP_ITAV *itav = NULL; STACK_OF(ASN1_UTF8STRING) *sk; ASN1_UTF8STRING *utf8string; if (ctx == NULL || name == NULL) return 0; if ((sk = sk_ASN1_UTF8STRING_new_reserve(NULL, 1)) == NULL) return 0; if ((utf8string = ASN1_UTF8STRING_new()) == NULL) goto err; if (!ASN1_STRING_set(utf8string, name, (int)strlen(name))) { ASN1_STRING_free(utf8string); goto err; } /* Due to sk_ASN1_UTF8STRING_new_reserve(NULL, 1), this surely succeeds: */ (void)sk_ASN1_UTF8STRING_push(sk, utf8string); if ((itav = OSSL_CMP_ITAV_new0_certProfile(sk)) == NULL) goto err; if (OSSL_CMP_CTX_push0_geninfo_ITAV(ctx, itav)) return 1; OSSL_CMP_ITAV_free(itav); return 0; err: sk_ASN1_UTF8STRING_pop_free(sk, ASN1_UTF8STRING_free); return 0; } static int handle_opt_geninfo(OSSL_CMP_CTX *ctx) { ASN1_OBJECT *obj = NULL; ASN1_TYPE *type = NULL; long value; ASN1_INTEGER *aint = NULL; ASN1_UTF8STRING *text = NULL; OSSL_CMP_ITAV *itav; char *ptr = opt_geninfo, *oid, *end; do { while (isspace(_UC(*ptr))) ptr++; oid = ptr; if ((ptr = strchr(oid, ':')) == NULL) { CMP_err1("Missing ':' in -geninfo arg %.40s", oid); return 0; } *ptr++ = '\0'; if ((obj = OBJ_txt2obj(oid, 0)) == NULL) { CMP_err1("Invalid OID in -geninfo arg %.40s", oid); return 0; } if (OBJ_obj2nid(obj) == NID_undef) CMP_warn1("Unknown OID in -geninfo arg: %.40s", oid); if ((type = ASN1_TYPE_new()) == NULL) goto oom; if (CHECK_AND_SKIP_CASE_PREFIX(ptr, "int:")) { value = strtol(ptr, &end, 10); if (end == ptr) { CMP_err1("Cannot parse int in -geninfo arg %.40s", ptr); goto err; } ptr = end; if (*ptr != '\0') { if (*ptr != ',') { CMP_err1("Missing ',' or end of -geninfo arg after int at %.40s", ptr); goto err; } ptr++; } if ((aint = ASN1_INTEGER_new()) == NULL || !ASN1_INTEGER_set(aint, value)) goto oom; ASN1_TYPE_set(type, V_ASN1_INTEGER, aint); aint = NULL; } else if (CHECK_AND_SKIP_CASE_PREFIX(ptr, "str:")) { end = strchr(ptr, ','); if (end == NULL) end = ptr + strlen(ptr); else *end++ = '\0'; if ((text = ASN1_UTF8STRING_new()) == NULL || !ASN1_STRING_set(text, ptr, -1)) goto oom; ptr = end; ASN1_TYPE_set(type, V_ASN1_UTF8STRING, text); text = NULL; } else { CMP_err1("Missing 'int:' or 'str:' in -geninfo arg %.40s", ptr); goto err; } if ((itav = OSSL_CMP_ITAV_create(obj, type)) == NULL) { CMP_err("Unable to create 'OSSL_CMP_ITAV' structure"); goto err; } obj = NULL; type = NULL; if (!OSSL_CMP_CTX_push0_geninfo_ITAV(ctx, itav)) { CMP_err("Failed to add ITAV for geninfo of the PKI message header"); OSSL_CMP_ITAV_free(itav); return 0; } } while (*ptr != '\0'); return 1; oom: CMP_err("out of memory"); err: ASN1_OBJECT_free(obj); ASN1_TYPE_free(type); ASN1_INTEGER_free(aint); ASN1_UTF8STRING_free(text); return 0; } /* * set up the client-side OSSL_CMP_CTX based on options from config file/CLI * while parsing options and checking their consistency. * Prints reason for error to bio_err. * Returns 1 on success, 0 on error */ static int setup_client_ctx(OSSL_CMP_CTX *ctx, ENGINE *engine) { int ret = 0; char *host = NULL, *port = NULL, *path = NULL, *used_path = opt_path; #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) int portnum, use_ssl; static char server_port[32] = { '\0' }; const char *proxy_host = NULL; #endif char server_buf[200] = "mock server"; char proxy_buf[200] = ""; if (!opt_use_mock_srv) strcpy(server_buf, "no server"); if (!opt_use_mock_srv && opt_rspin == NULL) { /* note: -port is not given */ #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) if (opt_server == NULL && opt_reqout_only == NULL) { CMP_err("missing -server or -use_mock_srv or -rspin option"); goto err; } #else CMP_err("missing -use_mock_srv or -rspin option; -server option is not supported due to no-sock build"); goto err; #endif } #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) if (opt_server == NULL) { if (opt_proxy != NULL) CMP_warn("ignoring -proxy option since -server is not given"); if (opt_no_proxy != NULL) CMP_warn("ignoring -no_proxy option since -server is not given"); goto set_path; } if (!OSSL_HTTP_parse_url(opt_server, &use_ssl, NULL /* user */, &host, &port, &portnum, &path, NULL /* q */, NULL /* frag */)) { CMP_err1("cannot parse -server URL: %s", opt_server); goto err; } if (use_ssl && !opt_tls_used) { CMP_warn("assuming -tls_used since -server URL indicates HTTPS"); opt_tls_used = 1; } if (!OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_USE_TLS, opt_tls_used)) goto err; BIO_snprintf(server_port, sizeof(server_port), "%s", port); if (opt_path == NULL) used_path = path; if (!OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_server(ctx, host) || !OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_serverPort(ctx, portnum)) goto oom; if (opt_proxy != NULL && !OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_proxy(ctx, opt_proxy)) goto oom; if (opt_no_proxy != NULL && !OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_no_proxy(ctx, opt_no_proxy)) goto oom; (void)BIO_snprintf(server_buf, sizeof(server_buf), "http%s://%s:%s/%s", opt_tls_used ? "s" : "", host, port, *used_path == '/' ? used_path + 1 : used_path); proxy_host = OSSL_HTTP_adapt_proxy(opt_proxy, opt_no_proxy, host, use_ssl); if (proxy_host != NULL) (void)BIO_snprintf(proxy_buf, sizeof(proxy_buf), " via %s", proxy_host); set_path: #endif if (!OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_serverPath(ctx, used_path)) goto oom; if (!transform_opts()) goto err; if (opt_infotype_s == NULL) { if (opt_cmd == CMP_GENM) CMP_warn("no -infotype option given for genm"); } else if (opt_cmd != CMP_GENM) { CMP_warn("-infotype option is ignored for commands other than 'genm'"); } else { char id_buf[100] = "id-it-"; strncat(id_buf, opt_infotype_s, sizeof(id_buf) - strlen(id_buf) - 1); if ((opt_infotype = OBJ_sn2nid(id_buf)) == NID_undef) { CMP_err("unknown OID name in -infotype option"); goto err; } } if (opt_cmd != CMP_GENM || opt_infotype != NID_id_it_rootCaCert) { const char *msg = "option is ignored unless -cmd 'genm' and -infotype rootCaCert is given"; if (opt_oldwithold != NULL) CMP_warn1("-oldwithold %s", msg); if (opt_newwithnew != NULL) CMP_warn1("-newwithnew %s", msg); if (opt_newwithold != NULL) CMP_warn1("-newwithold %s", msg); if (opt_oldwithnew != NULL) CMP_warn1("-oldwithnew %s", msg); } if (opt_cmd != CMP_GENM || opt_infotype != NID_id_it_certReqTemplate) { const char *msg = "option is ignored unless -cmd 'genm' and -infotype 'certReqTemplate' is given"; if (opt_template != NULL) CMP_warn1("-template %s", msg); if (opt_keyspec != NULL) CMP_warn1("-keyspec %s", msg); } else { if (opt_template == NULL) CMP_err("missing -template option for genm with infotype certReqTemplate"); } if (!setup_verification_ctx(ctx)) goto err; if (opt_keep_alive != 1) (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_KEEP_ALIVE, opt_keep_alive); if (opt_total_timeout > 0 && opt_msg_timeout > 0 && opt_total_timeout < opt_msg_timeout) { CMP_err2("-total_timeout argument = %d must not be < %d (-msg_timeout)", opt_total_timeout, opt_msg_timeout); goto err; } if (opt_msg_timeout >= 0) /* must do this before setup_ssl_ctx() */ (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_MSG_TIMEOUT, opt_msg_timeout); if (opt_total_timeout >= 0) (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT, opt_total_timeout); if (opt_rspin != NULL) { rspin_in_use = 1; if (opt_reqin != NULL) CMP_warn("-reqin is ignored since -rspin is present"); } if (opt_reqin_new_tid && opt_reqin == NULL) CMP_warn("-reqin_new_tid is ignored since -reqin is not present"); if (opt_reqin != NULL || opt_reqout != NULL || opt_rspin != NULL || opt_rspout != NULL || opt_use_mock_srv) (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_transfer_cb(ctx, read_write_req_resp); #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) if (opt_tls_used) { APP_HTTP_TLS_INFO *info; if (opt_tls_cert != NULL || opt_tls_key != NULL || opt_tls_keypass != NULL) { if (opt_tls_key == NULL) { CMP_err("missing -tls_key option"); goto err; } else if (opt_tls_cert == NULL) { CMP_err("missing -tls_cert option"); goto err; } } if ((info = OPENSSL_zalloc(sizeof(*info))) == NULL) goto err; APP_HTTP_TLS_INFO_free(OSSL_CMP_CTX_get_http_cb_arg(ctx)); (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_http_cb_arg(ctx, info); info->ssl_ctx = setup_ssl_ctx(ctx, host, engine); info->server = host; host = NULL; /* prevent deallocation */ if ((info->port = OPENSSL_strdup(server_port)) == NULL) goto err; /* workaround for callback design flaw, see #17088: */ info->use_proxy = proxy_host != NULL; info->timeout = OSSL_CMP_CTX_get_option(ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_MSG_TIMEOUT); if (info->ssl_ctx == NULL) goto err; (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_http_cb(ctx, app_http_tls_cb); } #endif if (!setup_protection_ctx(ctx, engine)) goto err; if (!setup_request_ctx(ctx, engine)) goto err; if (!set_name(opt_recipient, OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_recipient, ctx, "recipient") || !set_name(opt_expect_sender, OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_expected_sender, ctx, "expected sender")) goto err; if (opt_geninfo != NULL && !handle_opt_geninfo(ctx)) goto err; if (opt_profile != NULL && !add_certProfile(ctx, opt_profile)) goto err; /* not printing earlier, to minimize confusion in case setup fails before */ if (opt_reqout_only == NULL) CMP_info3("will contact %s%s%s ", server_buf, proxy_buf, opt_rspin == NULL ? "" : " only if -rspin argument gives too few filenames"); ret = 1; err: OPENSSL_free(host); OPENSSL_free(port); OPENSSL_free(path); return ret; oom: CMP_err("out of memory"); goto err; } /* * write out the given certificate to the output specified by bio. * Depending on options use either PEM or DER format. * Returns 1 on success, 0 on error */ static int write_cert(BIO *bio, X509 *cert) { if ((opt_certform == FORMAT_PEM && PEM_write_bio_X509(bio, cert)) || (opt_certform == FORMAT_ASN1 && i2d_X509_bio(bio, cert))) return 1; if (opt_certform != FORMAT_PEM && opt_certform != FORMAT_ASN1) BIO_printf(bio_err, "error: unsupported type '%s' for writing certificates\n", opt_certform_s); return 0; } static int write_crl(BIO *bio, X509_CRL *crl) { if (opt_crlform != FORMAT_PEM && opt_crlform != FORMAT_ASN1) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "error: unsupported type '%s' for writing CRLs\n", opt_crlform_s); return 0; } return opt_crlform == FORMAT_PEM ? PEM_write_bio_X509_CRL(bio, crl) : i2d_X509_CRL_bio(bio, crl); } /* * If file != NULL writes out a stack of certs to the given file. * If certs is NULL, the file is emptied. * Frees the certs if present. * Depending on options use either PEM or DER format, * where DER does not make much sense for writing more than one cert! * Returns number of written certificates on success, -1 on error. */ static int save_free_certs(STACK_OF(X509) *certs, const char *file, const char *desc) { BIO *bio = NULL; int i; int n = sk_X509_num(certs /* may be NULL */); if (n < 0) n = 0; if (file == NULL) goto end; if (certs != NULL) CMP_info3("received %d %s certificate(s), saving to file '%s'", n, desc, file); if (n > 1 && opt_certform != FORMAT_PEM) CMP_warn("saving more than one certificate in non-PEM format"); if ((bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_file())) == NULL || !BIO_write_filename(bio, (char *)file)) { CMP_err3("could not open file '%s' for %s %s certificate(s)", file, certs == NULL ? "deleting" : "writing", desc); n = -1; goto end; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!write_cert(bio, sk_X509_value(certs, i))) { CMP_err2("cannot write %s certificate to file '%s'", desc, file); n = -1; goto end; } } end: BIO_free(bio); OSSL_STACK_OF_X509_free(certs); return n; } static int save_crl(X509_CRL *crl, const char *file, const char *desc) { BIO *bio = NULL; int res = 0; if (file == NULL) return 1; if (crl != NULL) CMP_info2("received %s, saving to file '%s'", desc, file); if ((bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_file())) == NULL || !BIO_write_filename(bio, (char *)file)) { CMP_err2("could not open file '%s' for writing %s", file, desc); goto end; } if (!write_crl(bio, crl)) { CMP_err2("cannot write %s to file '%s'", desc, file); goto end; } res = 1; end: BIO_free(bio); return res; } static int delete_file(const char *file, const char *desc) { if (file == NULL) return 1; if (unlink(file) != 0 && errno != ENOENT) { CMP_err2("Failed to delete %s, which should be done to indicate there is no %s", file, desc); return 0; } return 1; } static int save_cert_or_delete(X509 *cert, const char *file, const char *desc) { if (file == NULL) return 1; if (cert == NULL) { char desc_cert[80]; BIO_snprintf(desc_cert, sizeof(desc_cert), "%s certificate", desc); return delete_file(file, desc_cert); } else { STACK_OF(X509) *certs = sk_X509_new_null(); if (!X509_add_cert(certs, cert, X509_ADD_FLAG_UP_REF)) { sk_X509_free(certs); return 0; } return save_free_certs(certs, file, desc) >= 0; } } static int save_crl_or_delete(X509_CRL *crl, const char *file, const char *desc) { if (file == NULL) return 1; return (crl == NULL) ? delete_file(file, desc) : save_crl(crl, file, desc); } static int save_template(const char *file, const OSSL_CRMF_CERTTEMPLATE *tmpl) { BIO *bio = BIO_new_file(file, "wb"); if (bio == NULL) { CMP_err1("error saving certTemplate from genp: cannot open file %s", file); return 0; } if (!ASN1_i2d_bio_of(OSSL_CRMF_CERTTEMPLATE, i2d_OSSL_CRMF_CERTTEMPLATE, bio, tmpl)) { CMP_err1("error saving certTemplate from genp: cannot write file %s", file); return 0; } else { CMP_info1("stored certTemplate from genp to file '%s'", file); } BIO_free(bio); return 1; } static int save_keyspec(const char *file, const OSSL_CMP_ATAVS *keyspec) { BIO *bio = BIO_new_file(file, "wb"); if (bio == NULL) { CMP_err1("error saving keySpec from genp: cannot open file %s", file); return 0; } if (!ASN1_i2d_bio_of(OSSL_CMP_ATAVS, i2d_OSSL_CMP_ATAVS, bio, keyspec)) { CMP_err1("error saving keySpec from genp: cannot write file %s", file); return 0; } else { CMP_info1("stored keySpec from genp to file '%s'", file); } BIO_free(bio); return 1; } static const char *nid_name(int nid) { const char *name = OBJ_nid2ln(nid); if (name == NULL) name = OBJ_nid2sn(nid); if (name == NULL) name = "<unknown OID>"; return name; } static int print_itavs(const STACK_OF(OSSL_CMP_ITAV) *itavs) { int i, ret = 1; int n = sk_OSSL_CMP_ITAV_num(itavs); if (n <= 0) { /* also in case itavs == NULL */ CMP_info("genp does not contain any ITAV"); return ret; } for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { OSSL_CMP_ITAV *itav = sk_OSSL_CMP_ITAV_value(itavs, i - 1); ASN1_OBJECT *type = OSSL_CMP_ITAV_get0_type(itav); char name[80]; if (itav == NULL) { CMP_err1("could not get ITAV #%d from genp", i); ret = 0; continue; } if (i2t_ASN1_OBJECT(name, sizeof(name), type) <= 0) { CMP_err1("error parsing type of ITAV #%d from genp", i); ret = 0; } else { CMP_info2("ITAV #%d from genp infoType=%s", i, name); } } return ret; } static char opt_item[SECTION_NAME_MAX + 1]; /* get previous name from a comma or space-separated list of names */ static const char *prev_item(const char *opt, const char *end) { const char *beg; size_t len; if (end == opt) return NULL; beg = end; while (beg > opt) { --beg; if (beg[0] == ',' || isspace(_UC(beg[0]))) { ++beg; break; } } len = end - beg; if (len > SECTION_NAME_MAX) { CMP_warn3("using only first %d characters of section name starting with \"%.*s\"", SECTION_NAME_MAX, SECTION_NAME_MAX, beg); len = SECTION_NAME_MAX; } memcpy(opt_item, beg, len); opt_item[len] = '\0'; while (beg > opt) { --beg; if (beg[0] != ',' && !isspace(_UC(beg[0]))) { ++beg; break; } } return beg; } /* get str value for name from a comma-separated hierarchy of config sections */ static char *conf_get_string(const CONF *src_conf, const char *groups, const char *name) { char *res = NULL; const char *end = groups + strlen(groups); while ((end = prev_item(groups, end)) != NULL) { if ((res = app_conf_try_string(src_conf, opt_item, name)) != NULL) return res; } return res; } /* get long val for name from a comma-separated hierarchy of config sections */ static int conf_get_number_e(const CONF *conf_, const char *groups, const char *name, long *result) { char *str = conf_get_string(conf_, groups, name); char *tailptr; long res; if (str == NULL || *str == '\0') return 0; res = strtol(str, &tailptr, 10); if (res == LONG_MIN || res == LONG_MAX || *tailptr != '\0') return 0; *result = res; return 1; } /* * use the command line option table to read values from the CMP section * of openssl.cnf. Defaults are taken from the config file, they can be * overwritten on the command line. */ static int read_config(void) { unsigned int i; long num = 0; char *txt = NULL; const OPTIONS *opt; int start_opt = OPT_VERBOSITY - OPT_HELP; int start_idx = OPT_VERBOSITY - 2; /* * starting with offset OPT_VERBOSITY because OPT_CONFIG and OPT_SECTION * would not make sense within the config file. */ int n_options = OSSL_NELEM(cmp_options) - 1; for (opt = &cmp_options[start_opt], i = start_idx; opt->name != NULL; i++, opt++) if (!strcmp(opt->name, OPT_SECTION_STR) || !strcmp(opt->name, OPT_MORE_STR)) n_options--; OPENSSL_assert(OSSL_NELEM(cmp_vars) == n_options + OPT_PROV__FIRST + 1 - OPT_PROV__LAST + OPT_R__FIRST + 1 - OPT_R__LAST + OPT_V__FIRST + 1 - OPT_V__LAST); for (opt = &cmp_options[start_opt], i = start_idx; opt->name != NULL; i++, opt++) { int provider_option = (OPT_PROV__FIRST <= opt->retval && opt->retval < OPT_PROV__LAST); int rand_state_option = (OPT_R__FIRST <= opt->retval && opt->retval < OPT_R__LAST); int verification_option = (OPT_V__FIRST <= opt->retval && opt->retval < OPT_V__LAST); if (strcmp(opt->name, OPT_SECTION_STR) == 0 || strcmp(opt->name, OPT_MORE_STR) == 0) { i--; continue; } if (provider_option || rand_state_option || verification_option) i--; switch (opt->valtype) { case '-': case 'p': case 'n': case 'N': case 'l': if (!conf_get_number_e(conf, opt_section, opt->name, &num)) { ERR_clear_error(); continue; /* option not provided */ } if (opt->valtype == 'p' && num <= 0) { opt_printf_stderr("Non-positive number \"%ld\" for config option -%s\n", num, opt->name); return -1; } if (opt->valtype == 'N' && num < 0) { opt_printf_stderr("Negative number \"%ld\" for config option -%s\n", num, opt->name); return -1; } break; case 's': case '>': case 'M': txt = conf_get_string(conf, opt_section, opt->name); if (txt == NULL) { ERR_clear_error(); continue; /* option not provided */ } break; default: CMP_err2("internal: unsupported type '%c' for option '%s'", opt->valtype, opt->name); return 0; break; } if (provider_option || verification_option) { int conf_argc = 1; char *conf_argv[3]; char arg1[82]; BIO_snprintf(arg1, 81, "-%s", (char *)opt->name); conf_argv[0] = prog; conf_argv[1] = arg1; if (opt->valtype == '-') { if (num != 0) conf_argc = 2; } else { conf_argc = 3; conf_argv[2] = conf_get_string(conf, opt_section, opt->name); /* not NULL */ } if (conf_argc > 1) { (void)opt_init(conf_argc, conf_argv, cmp_options); if (provider_option ? !opt_provider(opt_next()) : !opt_verify(opt_next(), vpm)) { CMP_err2("for option '%s' in config file section '%s'", opt->name, opt_section); return 0; } } } else { switch (opt->valtype) { case '-': case 'p': case 'n': case 'N': if (num < INT_MIN || INT_MAX < num) { BIO_printf(bio_err, "integer value out of range for option '%s'\n", opt->name); return 0; } *cmp_vars[i].num = (int)num; break; case 'l': *cmp_vars[i].num_long = num; break; default: if (txt != NULL && txt[0] == '\0') txt = NULL; /* reset option on empty string input */ *cmp_vars[i].txt = txt; break; } } } return 1; } static char *opt_str(void) { char *arg = opt_arg(); if (arg[0] == '\0') { CMP_warn1("%s option argument is empty string, resetting option", opt_flag()); arg = NULL; } else if (arg[0] == '-') { CMP_warn1("%s option argument starts with hyphen", opt_flag()); } return arg; } /* returns 1 on success, 0 on error, -1 on -help (i.e., stop with success) */ static int get_opts(int argc, char **argv) { OPTION_CHOICE o; prog = opt_init(argc, argv, cmp_options); while ((o = opt_next()) != OPT_EOF) { switch (o) { case OPT_EOF: case OPT_ERR: opthelp: BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s: Use -help for summary.\n", prog); return 0; case OPT_HELP: opt_help(cmp_options); return -1; case OPT_CONFIG: /* has already been handled */ case OPT_SECTION: /* has already been handled */ break; case OPT_VERBOSITY: if (!set_verbosity(opt_int_arg())) goto opthelp; break; #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) case OPT_SERVER: opt_server = opt_str(); break; case OPT_PROXY: opt_proxy = opt_str(); break; case OPT_NO_PROXY: opt_no_proxy = opt_str(); break; #endif case OPT_RECIPIENT: opt_recipient = opt_str(); break; case OPT_PATH: opt_path = opt_str(); break; case OPT_KEEP_ALIVE: opt_keep_alive = opt_int_arg(); if (opt_keep_alive > 2) { CMP_err("-keep_alive argument must be 0, 1, or 2"); goto opthelp; } break; case OPT_MSG_TIMEOUT: opt_msg_timeout = opt_int_arg(); break; case OPT_TOTAL_TIMEOUT: opt_total_timeout = opt_int_arg(); break; #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) case OPT_TLS_USED: opt_tls_used = 1; break; case OPT_TLS_CERT: opt_tls_cert = opt_str(); break; case OPT_TLS_KEY: opt_tls_key = opt_str(); break; case OPT_TLS_KEYPASS: opt_tls_keypass = opt_str(); break; case OPT_TLS_EXTRA: opt_tls_extra = opt_str(); break; case OPT_TLS_TRUSTED: opt_tls_trusted = opt_str(); break; case OPT_TLS_HOST: opt_tls_host = opt_str(); break; #endif case OPT_REF: opt_ref = opt_str(); break; case OPT_SECRET: opt_secret = opt_str(); break; case OPT_CERT: opt_cert = opt_str(); break; case OPT_OWN_TRUSTED: opt_own_trusted = opt_str(); break; case OPT_KEY: opt_key = opt_str(); break; case OPT_KEYPASS: opt_keypass = opt_str(); break; case OPT_DIGEST: opt_digest = opt_str(); break; case OPT_MAC: opt_mac = opt_str(); break; case OPT_EXTRACERTS: opt_extracerts = opt_str(); break; case OPT_UNPROTECTED_REQUESTS: opt_unprotected_requests = 1; break; case OPT_TRUSTED: opt_trusted = opt_str(); break; case OPT_UNTRUSTED: opt_untrusted = opt_str(); break; case OPT_SRVCERT: opt_srvcert = opt_str(); break; case OPT_EXPECT_SENDER: opt_expect_sender = opt_str(); break; case OPT_IGNORE_KEYUSAGE: opt_ignore_keyusage = 1; break; case OPT_UNPROTECTED_ERRORS: opt_unprotected_errors = 1; break; case OPT_NO_CACHE_EXTRACERTS: opt_no_cache_extracerts = 1; break; case OPT_SRVCERTOUT: opt_srvcertout = opt_str(); break; case OPT_EXTRACERTSOUT: opt_extracertsout = opt_str(); break; case OPT_CACERTSOUT: opt_cacertsout = opt_str(); break; case OPT_OLDWITHOLD: opt_oldwithold = opt_str(); break; case OPT_NEWWITHNEW: opt_newwithnew = opt_str(); break; case OPT_NEWWITHOLD: opt_newwithold = opt_str(); break; case OPT_OLDWITHNEW: opt_oldwithnew = opt_str(); break; case OPT_CRLCERT: opt_crlcert = opt_str(); break; case OPT_OLDCRL: opt_oldcrl = opt_str(); break; case OPT_CRLOUT: opt_crlout = opt_str(); break; case OPT_V_CASES: if (!opt_verify(o, vpm)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_CMD: opt_cmd_s = opt_str(); break; case OPT_INFOTYPE: opt_infotype_s = opt_str(); break; case OPT_PROFILE: opt_profile = opt_str(); break; case OPT_GENINFO: opt_geninfo = opt_str(); break; case OPT_TEMPLATE: opt_template = opt_str(); break; case OPT_KEYSPEC: opt_keyspec = opt_str(); break; case OPT_NEWKEY: opt_newkey = opt_str(); break; case OPT_NEWKEYPASS: opt_newkeypass = opt_str(); break; case OPT_SUBJECT: opt_subject = opt_str(); break; case OPT_DAYS: opt_days = opt_int_arg(); break; case OPT_REQEXTS: opt_reqexts = opt_str(); break; case OPT_SANS: opt_sans = opt_str(); break; case OPT_SAN_NODEFAULT: opt_san_nodefault = 1; break; case OPT_POLICIES: opt_policies = opt_str(); break; case OPT_POLICY_OIDS: opt_policy_oids = opt_str(); break; case OPT_POLICY_OIDS_CRITICAL: opt_policy_oids_critical = 1; break; case OPT_POPO: opt_popo = opt_int_arg(); if (opt_popo < OSSL_CRMF_POPO_NONE || opt_popo > OSSL_CRMF_POPO_KEYENC) { CMP_err("invalid popo spec. Valid values are -1 .. 2"); goto opthelp; } break; case OPT_CSR: opt_csr = opt_str(); break; case OPT_OUT_TRUSTED: opt_out_trusted = opt_str(); break; case OPT_IMPLICIT_CONFIRM: opt_implicit_confirm = 1; break; case OPT_DISABLE_CONFIRM: opt_disable_confirm = 1; break; case OPT_CERTOUT: opt_certout = opt_str(); break; case OPT_CHAINOUT: opt_chainout = opt_str(); break; case OPT_OLDCERT: opt_oldcert = opt_str(); break; case OPT_REVREASON: opt_revreason = opt_int_arg(); if (opt_revreason < CRL_REASON_NONE || opt_revreason > CRL_REASON_AA_COMPROMISE || opt_revreason == 7) { CMP_err("invalid revreason. Valid values are -1 .. 6, 8 .. 10"); goto opthelp; } break; case OPT_ISSUER: opt_issuer = opt_str(); break; case OPT_SERIAL: opt_serial = opt_str(); break; case OPT_CERTFORM: opt_certform_s = opt_str(); break; case OPT_CRLFORM: opt_crlform_s = opt_str(); break; case OPT_KEYFORM: opt_keyform_s = opt_str(); break; case OPT_OTHERPASS: opt_otherpass = opt_str(); break; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE case OPT_ENGINE: opt_engine = opt_str(); break; #endif case OPT_PROV_CASES: if (!opt_provider(o)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_R_CASES: if (!opt_rand(o)) goto opthelp; break; case OPT_BATCH: opt_batch = 1; break; case OPT_REPEAT: opt_repeat = opt_int_arg(); break; case OPT_REQIN: opt_reqin = opt_str(); break; case OPT_REQIN_NEW_TID: opt_reqin_new_tid = 1; break; case OPT_REQOUT: opt_reqout = opt_str(); break; case OPT_REQOUT_ONLY: opt_reqout_only = opt_str(); break; case OPT_RSPIN: opt_rspin = opt_str(); break; case OPT_RSPOUT: opt_rspout = opt_str(); break; case OPT_USE_MOCK_SRV: opt_use_mock_srv = 1; break; #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) case OPT_PORT: opt_port = opt_str(); break; case OPT_MAX_MSGS: opt_max_msgs = opt_int_arg(); break; #endif case OPT_SRV_REF: opt_srv_ref = opt_str(); break; case OPT_SRV_SECRET: opt_srv_secret = opt_str(); break; case OPT_SRV_CERT: opt_srv_cert = opt_str(); break; case OPT_SRV_KEY: opt_srv_key = opt_str(); break; case OPT_SRV_KEYPASS: opt_srv_keypass = opt_str(); break; case OPT_SRV_TRUSTED: opt_srv_trusted = opt_str(); break; case OPT_SRV_UNTRUSTED: opt_srv_untrusted = opt_str(); break; case OPT_REF_CERT: opt_ref_cert = opt_str(); break; case OPT_RSP_CERT: opt_rsp_cert = opt_str(); break; case OPT_RSP_CRL: opt_rsp_crl = opt_str(); break; case OPT_RSP_EXTRACERTS: opt_rsp_extracerts = opt_str(); break; case OPT_RSP_CAPUBS: opt_rsp_capubs = opt_str(); break; case OPT_RSP_NEWWITHNEW: opt_rsp_newwithnew = opt_str(); break; case OPT_RSP_NEWWITHOLD: opt_rsp_newwithold = opt_str(); break; case OPT_RSP_OLDWITHNEW: opt_rsp_oldwithnew = opt_str(); break; case OPT_POLL_COUNT: opt_poll_count = opt_int_arg(); break; case OPT_CHECK_AFTER: opt_check_after = opt_int_arg(); break; case OPT_GRANT_IMPLICITCONF: opt_grant_implicitconf = 1; break; case OPT_PKISTATUS: opt_pkistatus = opt_int_arg(); break; case OPT_FAILURE: opt_failure = opt_int_arg(); break; case OPT_FAILUREBITS: opt_failurebits = opt_int_arg(); break; case OPT_STATUSSTRING: opt_statusstring = opt_str(); break; case OPT_SEND_ERROR: opt_send_error = 1; break; case OPT_SEND_UNPROTECTED: opt_send_unprotected = 1; break; case OPT_SEND_UNPROT_ERR: opt_send_unprot_err = 1; break; case OPT_ACCEPT_UNPROTECTED: opt_accept_unprotected = 1; break; case OPT_ACCEPT_UNPROT_ERR: opt_accept_unprot_err = 1; break; case OPT_ACCEPT_RAVERIFIED: opt_accept_raverified = 1; break; } } /* No extra args. */ if (!opt_check_rest_arg(NULL)) goto opthelp; return 1; } #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) static int cmp_server(OSSL_CMP_CTX *srv_cmp_ctx) { BIO *acbio; BIO *cbio = NULL; int keep_alive = 0; int msgs = 0; int retry = 1; int ret = 1; if ((acbio = http_server_init(prog, opt_port, opt_verbosity)) == NULL) return 0; while (opt_max_msgs <= 0 || msgs < opt_max_msgs) { char *path = NULL; OSSL_CMP_MSG *req = NULL; OSSL_CMP_MSG *resp = NULL; ret = http_server_get_asn1_req(ASN1_ITEM_rptr(OSSL_CMP_MSG), (ASN1_VALUE **)&req, &path, &cbio, acbio, &keep_alive, prog, 0, 0); if (ret == 0) { /* no request yet */ if (retry) { OSSL_sleep(1000); retry = 0; continue; } ret = 0; goto next; } if (ret++ == -1) /* fatal error */ break; ret = 0; msgs++; if (req != NULL) { if (strcmp(path, "") != 0 && strcmp(path, "pkix/") != 0) { (void)http_server_send_status(prog, cbio, 404, "Not Found"); CMP_err1("expecting empty path or 'pkix/' but got '%s'", path); OPENSSL_free(path); OSSL_CMP_MSG_free(req); goto next; } OPENSSL_free(path); resp = OSSL_CMP_CTX_server_perform(cmp_ctx, req); OSSL_CMP_MSG_free(req); if (resp == NULL) { (void)http_server_send_status(prog, cbio, 500, "Internal Server Error"); break; /* treated as fatal error */ } ret = http_server_send_asn1_resp(prog, cbio, keep_alive, "application/pkixcmp", ASN1_ITEM_rptr(OSSL_CMP_MSG), (const ASN1_VALUE *)resp); OSSL_CMP_MSG_free(resp); if (!ret) break; /* treated as fatal error */ } next: if (!ret) { /* on transmission error, cancel CMP transaction */ (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_transactionID(srv_cmp_ctx, NULL); (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set1_senderNonce(srv_cmp_ctx, NULL); } if (!ret || !keep_alive || OSSL_CMP_CTX_get_status(srv_cmp_ctx) != OSSL_CMP_PKISTATUS_trans /* transaction closed by OSSL_CMP_CTX_server_perform() */) { BIO_free_all(cbio); cbio = NULL; } } BIO_free_all(cbio); BIO_free_all(acbio); return ret; } #endif static void print_keyspec(OSSL_CMP_ATAVS *keySpec) { const char *desc = "specifications contained in keySpec from genp"; BIO *mem; int i; const char *p; long len; if (keySpec == NULL) { CMP_info1("No %s", desc); return; } mem = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); if (mem == NULL) { CMP_err1("Out of memory - cannot dump key %s", desc); return; } BIO_printf(mem, "Key %s:\n", desc); for (i = 0; i < sk_OSSL_CMP_ATAV_num(keySpec); i++) { OSSL_CMP_ATAV *atav = sk_OSSL_CMP_ATAV_value(keySpec, i); ASN1_OBJECT *type = OSSL_CMP_ATAV_get0_type(atav /* may be NULL */); int nid = OBJ_obj2nid(type); switch (nid) { case NID_id_regCtrl_algId: { X509_ALGOR *alg = OSSL_CMP_ATAV_get0_algId(atav); const ASN1_OBJECT *oid; int paramtype; const void *param; X509_ALGOR_get0(&oid, ¶mtype, ¶m, alg); BIO_printf(mem, "Key algorithm: "); i2a_ASN1_OBJECT(mem, oid); if (paramtype == V_ASN1_UNDEF || alg->parameter == NULL) { BIO_printf(mem, "\n"); } else { BIO_printf(mem, " - "); ASN1_item_print(mem, (ASN1_VALUE *)alg, 0, ASN1_ITEM_rptr(X509_ALGOR), NULL); } } break; case NID_id_regCtrl_rsaKeyLen: BIO_printf(mem, "Key algorithm: RSA %d\n", OSSL_CMP_ATAV_get_rsaKeyLen(atav)); break; default: BIO_printf(mem, "Invalid key spec: %s\n", nid_name(nid)); break; } } BIO_printf(mem, "End of key %s", desc); len = BIO_get_mem_data(mem, &p); if (len > INT_MAX) CMP_err1("Info too large - cannot dump key %s", desc); else CMP_info2("%.*s", (int)len, p); BIO_free(mem); return; } static void print_status(void) { /* print PKIStatusInfo */ int status = OSSL_CMP_CTX_get_status(cmp_ctx); char *buf = app_malloc(OSSL_CMP_PKISI_BUFLEN, "PKIStatusInfo buf"); const char *string = OSSL_CMP_CTX_snprint_PKIStatus(cmp_ctx, buf, OSSL_CMP_PKISI_BUFLEN); const char *from = "", *server = ""; #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) if (opt_server != NULL) { from = " from "; server = opt_server; } #endif CMP_print(bio_err, status == OSSL_CMP_PKISTATUS_accepted ? OSSL_CMP_LOG_INFO : status == OSSL_CMP_PKISTATUS_rejection || status == OSSL_CMP_PKISTATUS_waiting ? OSSL_CMP_LOG_ERR : OSSL_CMP_LOG_WARNING, status == OSSL_CMP_PKISTATUS_accepted ? "info" : status == OSSL_CMP_PKISTATUS_rejection ? "server error" : status == OSSL_CMP_PKISTATUS_waiting ? "internal error" : "warning", "received%s%s %s", from, server, string != NULL ? string : "<unknown PKIStatus>"); OPENSSL_free(buf); } static int do_genm(OSSL_CMP_CTX *ctx) { if (opt_infotype == NID_id_it_caCerts) { STACK_OF(X509) *cacerts = NULL; if (opt_cacertsout == NULL) { CMP_err("Missing -cacertsout option for -infotype caCerts"); return 0; } if (!OSSL_CMP_get1_caCerts(ctx, &cacerts)) return 0; /* could check authorization of sender/origin at this point */ if (cacerts == NULL) { CMP_warn("no CA certificates provided by server"); } else if (save_free_certs(cacerts, opt_cacertsout, "CA") < 0) { CMP_err1("Failed to store CA certificates from genp in %s", opt_cacertsout); return 0; } return 1; } else if (opt_infotype == NID_id_it_rootCaCert) { X509 *oldwithold = NULL; X509 *newwithnew = NULL; X509 *newwithold = NULL; X509 *oldwithnew = NULL; int res = 0; if (opt_newwithnew == NULL) { CMP_err("Missing -newwithnew option for -infotype rootCaCert"); return 0; } if (opt_oldwithold == NULL) { CMP_warn("No -oldwithold given, will use all certs given with -trusted as trust anchors for verifying the newWithNew cert"); } else { oldwithold = load_cert_pwd(opt_oldwithold, opt_otherpass, "OldWithOld cert for genm with -infotype rootCaCert"); if (oldwithold == NULL) goto end_upd; } if (!OSSL_CMP_get1_rootCaKeyUpdate(ctx, oldwithold, &newwithnew, &newwithold, &oldwithnew)) goto end_upd; /* At this point might check authorization of response sender/origin */ if (newwithnew == NULL) CMP_info("no root CA certificate update available"); else if (oldwithold == NULL && oldwithnew != NULL) CMP_warn("oldWithNew certificate received in genp for verifying oldWithOld, but oldWithOld was not provided"); if (save_cert_or_delete(newwithnew, opt_newwithnew, "NewWithNew cert from genp") && save_cert_or_delete(newwithold, opt_newwithold, "NewWithOld cert from genp") && save_cert_or_delete(oldwithnew, opt_oldwithnew, "OldWithNew cert from genp")) res = 1; X509_free(newwithnew); X509_free(newwithold); X509_free(oldwithnew); end_upd: X509_free(oldwithold); return res; } else if (opt_infotype == NID_id_it_crlStatusList) { X509_CRL *oldcrl = NULL, *crl = NULL; X509 *crlcert = NULL; int res = 0; const char *desc = "CRL from genp of type 'crls'"; if (opt_oldcrl == NULL && opt_crlcert == NULL) { CMP_err("Missing -oldcrl and no -crlcert given for -infotype crlStatusList"); return 0; } if (opt_crlout == NULL) { CMP_err("Missing -crlout for -infotype crlStatusList"); return 0; } if (opt_crlcert != NULL) { crlcert = load_cert_pwd(opt_crlcert, opt_otherpass, "Cert for genm with -infotype crlStatusList"); if (crlcert == NULL) goto end_crlupd; } if (opt_oldcrl != NULL) { oldcrl = load_crl(opt_oldcrl, FORMAT_UNDEF, 0, "CRL for genm with -infotype crlStatusList"); if (oldcrl == NULL) goto end_crlupd; } if (opt_oldcrl != NULL && opt_crlcert != NULL) { if (X509_NAME_cmp(X509_CRL_get_issuer(oldcrl), X509_get_issuer_name(crlcert)) != 0) CMP_warn("-oldcrl and -crlcert have different issuer"); } if (!OSSL_CMP_get1_crlUpdate(ctx, crlcert, oldcrl, &crl)) goto end_crlupd; if (crl == NULL) CMP_info("no CRL update available"); if (!save_crl_or_delete(crl, opt_crlout, desc)) goto end_crlupd; res = 1; end_crlupd: X509_free(crlcert); X509_CRL_free(oldcrl); X509_CRL_free(crl); return res; } else if (opt_infotype == NID_id_it_certReqTemplate) { OSSL_CRMF_CERTTEMPLATE *certTemplate; OSSL_CMP_ATAVS *keySpec; int res = 0; if (!OSSL_CMP_get1_certReqTemplate(ctx, &certTemplate, &keySpec)) return 0; if (certTemplate == NULL) { CMP_warn("no certificate request template available"); if (!delete_file(opt_template, "certTemplate from genp")) return 0; if (opt_keyspec != NULL && !delete_file(opt_keyspec, "keySpec from genp")) return 0; return 1; } if (!save_template(opt_template, certTemplate)) goto tmpl_end; print_keyspec(keySpec); if (opt_keyspec != NULL) { if (keySpec == NULL) { CMP_warn("no key specifications available"); if (!delete_file(opt_keyspec, "keySpec from genp")) goto tmpl_end; } else if (!save_keyspec(opt_keyspec, keySpec)) { goto tmpl_end; } } res = 1; tmpl_end: OSSL_CRMF_CERTTEMPLATE_free(certTemplate); sk_OSSL_CMP_ATAV_pop_free(keySpec, OSSL_CMP_ATAV_free); return res; } else { OSSL_CMP_ITAV *req; STACK_OF(OSSL_CMP_ITAV) *itavs; if (opt_infotype != NID_undef) { CMP_warn1("No specific support for -infotype %s available", opt_infotype_s); req = OSSL_CMP_ITAV_create(OBJ_nid2obj(opt_infotype), NULL); if (req == NULL || !OSSL_CMP_CTX_push0_genm_ITAV(ctx, req)) { CMP_err1("Failed to create genm for -infotype %s", opt_infotype_s); return 0; } } if ((itavs = OSSL_CMP_exec_GENM_ses(ctx)) != NULL) { int res = print_itavs(itavs); sk_OSSL_CMP_ITAV_pop_free(itavs, OSSL_CMP_ITAV_free); return res; } if (OSSL_CMP_CTX_get_status(ctx) != OSSL_CMP_PKISTATUS_request) CMP_err("Did not receive response on genm or genp is not valid"); return 0; } } static int handle_opts_upfront(int argc, char **argv) { int i; prog = opt_appname(argv[0]); if (argc <= 1) { opt_help(cmp_options); return 0; } /* handle -config, -section, and -verbosity to take effect for other opts */ for (i = 1; i < argc - 1; i++) { if (*argv[i] == '-') { if (!strcmp(argv[i] + 1, cmp_options[OPT_CONFIG - OPT_HELP].name)) opt_config = argv[++i]; else if (!strcmp(argv[i] + 1, cmp_options[OPT_SECTION - OPT_HELP].name)) opt_section = argv[++i]; else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 1, cmp_options[OPT_VERBOSITY - OPT_HELP].name) == 0 && !set_verbosity(atoi(argv[++i]))) return 0; } } if (opt_section[0] == '\0') /* empty string */ opt_section = DEFAULT_SECTION; return 1; } int cmp_main(int argc, char **argv) { char *configfile = NULL; int i; X509 *newcert = NULL; ENGINE *engine = NULL; OSSL_CMP_CTX *srv_cmp_ctx = NULL; int ret = 0; /* default: failure */ if (!handle_opts_upfront(argc, argv)) goto err; vpm = X509_VERIFY_PARAM_new(); if (vpm == NULL) { CMP_err("out of memory"); goto err; } /* read default values for options from config file */ configfile = opt_config != NULL ? opt_config : default_config_file; if (configfile != NULL && configfile[0] != '\0' /* non-empty string */ && (configfile != default_config_file || access(configfile, F_OK) != -1)) { CMP_info2("using section(s) '%s' of OpenSSL configuration file '%s'", opt_section, configfile); conf = app_load_config(configfile); if (conf == NULL) { goto err; } else { if (strcmp(opt_section, CMP_SECTION) == 0) { /* default */ if (!NCONF_get_section(conf, opt_section)) CMP_info2("no [%s] section found in config file '%s';" " will thus use just [default] and unnamed section if present", opt_section, configfile); } else { const char *end = opt_section + strlen(opt_section); while ((end = prev_item(opt_section, end)) != NULL) { if (!NCONF_get_section(conf, opt_item)) { CMP_err2("no [%s] section found in config file '%s'", opt_item, configfile); goto err; } } } ret = read_config(); if (!set_verbosity(opt_verbosity)) /* just for checking range */ ret = -1; if (ret <= 0) { if (ret == -1) BIO_printf(bio_err, "Use -help for summary.\n"); goto err; } } } (void)BIO_flush(bio_err); /* prevent interference with opt_help() */ cmp_ctx = OSSL_CMP_CTX_new(app_get0_libctx(), app_get0_propq()); if (cmp_ctx == NULL) goto err; ret = get_opts(argc, argv); if (ret <= 0) goto err; ret = 0; if (!app_RAND_load()) goto err; if (opt_batch) set_base_ui_method(UI_null()); if (opt_engine != NULL) { engine = setup_engine_methods(opt_engine, 0 /* not: ENGINE_METHOD_ALL */, 0); if (engine == NULL) { CMP_err1("cannot load engine %s", opt_engine); goto err; } } OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_log_verbosity(cmp_ctx, opt_verbosity); if (!OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_log_cb(cmp_ctx, print_to_bio_out)) { CMP_err1("cannot set up error reporting and logging for %s", prog); goto err; } #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) if (opt_tls_cert == NULL && opt_tls_key == NULL && opt_tls_keypass == NULL && opt_tls_extra == NULL && opt_tls_trusted == NULL && opt_tls_host == NULL) { if (opt_tls_used) CMP_warn("-tls_used given without any other TLS options"); } else if (!opt_tls_used) { CMP_warn("ignoring TLS options(s) since -tls_used is not given"); } if (opt_port != NULL) { if (opt_tls_used) { CMP_err("-tls_used option not supported with -port option"); goto err; } if (opt_server != NULL || opt_use_mock_srv) { CMP_err("The -port option excludes -server and -use_mock_srv"); goto err; } if (opt_reqin != NULL || opt_reqout != NULL) { CMP_err("The -port option does not support -reqin and -reqout"); goto err; } if (opt_rspin != NULL || opt_rspout != NULL) { CMP_err("The -port option does not support -rspin and -rspout"); goto err; } } if (opt_server != NULL && opt_use_mock_srv) { CMP_err("cannot use both -server and -use_mock_srv options"); goto err; } #endif if (opt_ignore_keyusage) (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(cmp_ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_IGNORE_KEYUSAGE, 1); if (opt_no_cache_extracerts) (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_option(cmp_ctx, OSSL_CMP_OPT_NO_CACHE_EXTRACERTS, 1); if (opt_reqout_only == NULL && (opt_use_mock_srv #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) || opt_port != NULL #endif )) { OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX *srv_ctx; if ((srv_ctx = setup_srv_ctx(engine)) == NULL) goto err; srv_cmp_ctx = OSSL_CMP_SRV_CTX_get0_cmp_ctx(srv_ctx); OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_transfer_cb_arg(cmp_ctx, srv_ctx); if (!OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_log_cb(srv_cmp_ctx, print_to_bio_err)) { CMP_err1("cannot set up error reporting and logging for %s", prog); goto err; } OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_log_verbosity(srv_cmp_ctx, opt_verbosity); } #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) if (opt_tls_used && (opt_use_mock_srv || opt_server == NULL)) { CMP_warn("ignoring -tls_used option since -use_mock_srv is given or -server is not given"); opt_tls_used = 0; } if (opt_port != NULL) { /* act as very basic CMP HTTP server */ ret = cmp_server(srv_cmp_ctx); goto err; } /* act as CMP client, possibly using internal mock server */ if (opt_reqout_only != NULL) { const char *msg = "option is ignored since -reqout_only option is given"; # if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) if (opt_server != NULL) CMP_warn1("-server %s", msg); # endif if (opt_use_mock_srv) CMP_warn1("-use_mock_srv %s", msg); if (opt_reqout != NULL) CMP_warn1("-reqout %s", msg); if (opt_rspin != NULL) CMP_warn1("-rspin %s", msg); if (opt_rspout != NULL) CMP_warn1("-rspout %s", msg); opt_reqout = opt_reqout_only; } if (opt_rspin != NULL) { if (opt_server != NULL) CMP_warn("-server option is not used if enough filenames given for -rspin"); if (opt_use_mock_srv) CMP_warn("-use_mock_srv option is not used if enough filenames given for -rspin"); } #endif if (!setup_client_ctx(cmp_ctx, engine)) { CMP_err("cannot set up CMP context"); goto err; } for (i = 0; i < opt_repeat; i++) { /* everything is ready, now connect and perform the command! */ switch (opt_cmd) { case CMP_IR: newcert = OSSL_CMP_exec_IR_ses(cmp_ctx); if (newcert != NULL) ret = 1; break; case CMP_KUR: newcert = OSSL_CMP_exec_KUR_ses(cmp_ctx); if (newcert != NULL) ret = 1; break; case CMP_CR: newcert = OSSL_CMP_exec_CR_ses(cmp_ctx); if (newcert != NULL) ret = 1; break; case CMP_P10CR: newcert = OSSL_CMP_exec_P10CR_ses(cmp_ctx); if (newcert != NULL) ret = 1; break; case CMP_RR: ret = OSSL_CMP_exec_RR_ses(cmp_ctx); break; case CMP_GENM: ret = do_genm(cmp_ctx); default: break; } if (OSSL_CMP_CTX_get_status(cmp_ctx) < OSSL_CMP_PKISTATUS_accepted) { /* we got no response, maybe even did not send request */ ret = 0; if (reqout_only_done) { ERR_clear_error(); ret = 1; } goto err; } print_status(); if (!save_cert_or_delete(OSSL_CMP_CTX_get0_validatedSrvCert(cmp_ctx), opt_srvcertout, "validated server")) ret = 0; if (!ret) goto err; ret = 0; if (save_free_certs(OSSL_CMP_CTX_get1_extraCertsIn(cmp_ctx), opt_extracertsout, "extra") < 0) goto err; if (newcert != NULL && (opt_cmd == CMP_IR || opt_cmd == CMP_CR || opt_cmd == CMP_KUR || opt_cmd == CMP_P10CR)) { STACK_OF(X509) *newchain = OSSL_CMP_CTX_get1_newChain(cmp_ctx); if (newcert != NULL && newchain != NULL /* NULL is on error only */ && opt_certout != NULL && opt_chainout != NULL && strcmp(opt_certout, opt_chainout) == 0) { if (!X509_add_cert(newchain, newcert, X509_ADD_FLAG_PREPEND | X509_ADD_FLAG_UP_REF)) { sk_X509_pop_free(newchain, X509_free); goto err; } if (!save_free_certs(newchain, opt_chainout, "newly enrolled cert and chain")) goto err; } else { if (save_free_certs(newchain, opt_chainout, "chain") < 0 || !save_cert_or_delete(newcert, opt_certout, "newly enrolled")) goto err; } if (save_free_certs(OSSL_CMP_CTX_get1_caPubs(cmp_ctx), opt_cacertsout, "CA") < 0) goto err; } if (!OSSL_CMP_CTX_reinit(cmp_ctx)) goto err; } ret = 1; err: /* in case we ended up here on error without proper cleaning */ cleanse(opt_keypass); cleanse(opt_newkeypass); cleanse(opt_otherpass); #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) cleanse(opt_tls_keypass); #endif cleanse(opt_secret); cleanse(opt_srv_keypass); cleanse(opt_srv_secret); if (ret != 1) OSSL_CMP_CTX_print_errors(cmp_ctx); if (cmp_ctx != NULL) { #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) APP_HTTP_TLS_INFO *info = OSSL_CMP_CTX_get_http_cb_arg(cmp_ctx); (void)OSSL_CMP_CTX_set_http_cb_arg(cmp_ctx, NULL); #endif ossl_cmp_mock_srv_free(OSSL_CMP_CTX_get_transfer_cb_arg(cmp_ctx)); X509_STORE_free(OSSL_CMP_CTX_get_certConf_cb_arg(cmp_ctx)); /* cannot free info already here, as it may be used indirectly by: */ OSSL_CMP_CTX_free(cmp_ctx); #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_HTTP) if (info != NULL) { OPENSSL_free((char *)info->server); OPENSSL_free((char *)info->port); APP_HTTP_TLS_INFO_free(info); } #endif } X509_VERIFY_PARAM_free(vpm); release_engine(engine); NCONF_free(conf); /* must not do as long as opt_... variables are used */ OSSL_CMP_log_close(); return ret == 0 ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; /* ret == -1 for -help */ }