#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile/; use File::Copy; use File::Compare qw/compare_text/; use File::Basename; use OpenSSL::Test qw/:DEFAULT top_file/; setup("test_enc"); # We do it this way, because setup() may have moved us around, # so the directory portion of $0 might not be correct any more. # However, the name hasn't changed. my $testsrc = top_file("test","recipes",basename($0)); my $test = catfile(".", "p"); my $cmd = "openssl"; my @ciphers = map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; split /\s+/ } run(app([$cmd, "list", "-cipher-commands"]), capture => 1); plan tests => 1 + (scalar @ciphers)*2; my $init = ok(copy($testsrc,$test)); if (!$init) { diag("Trying to copy $testsrc to $test : $!"); } SKIP: { skip "Not initialized, skipping...", 11 unless $init; foreach my $c (@ciphers) { my %variant = ("$c" => [], "$c base64" => [ "-a" ]); foreach my $t (sort keys %variant) { my $cipherfile = "$test.$c.cipher"; my $clearfile = "$test.$c.clear"; my @e = ( "$c", "-bufsize", "113", @{$variant{$t}}, "-e", "-k", "test" ); my @d = ( "$c", "-bufsize", "157", @{$variant{$t}}, "-d", "-k", "test" ); if ($c eq "cat") { $cipherfile = "$test.cipher"; $clearfile = "$test.clear"; @e = ( "enc", @{$variant{$t}}, "-e" ); @d = ( "enc", @{$variant{$t}}, "-d" ); } ok(run(app([$cmd, @e, "-in", $test, "-out", $cipherfile])) && run(app([$cmd, @d, "-in", $cipherfile, "-out", $clearfile])) && compare_text($test,$clearfile) == 0, $t); unlink $cipherfile, $clearfile; } } } unlink $test;