/* * Copyright 2008-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html */ #include "internal/cryptlib.h" #include <openssl/asn1t.h> #include <openssl/pem.h> #include <openssl/rand.h> #include <openssl/x509v3.h> #include <openssl/err.h> #include <openssl/cms.h> #include <openssl/ess.h> #include "crypto/ess.h" #include "crypto/x509.h" #include "cms_local.h" IMPLEMENT_ASN1_FUNCTIONS(CMS_ReceiptRequest) /* ESS services */ int CMS_get1_ReceiptRequest(CMS_SignerInfo *si, CMS_ReceiptRequest **prr) { ASN1_STRING *str; CMS_ReceiptRequest *rr; ASN1_OBJECT *obj = OBJ_nid2obj(NID_id_smime_aa_receiptRequest); if (prr != NULL) *prr = NULL; str = CMS_signed_get0_data_by_OBJ(si, obj, -3, V_ASN1_SEQUENCE); if (str == NULL) return 0; rr = ASN1_item_unpack(str, ASN1_ITEM_rptr(CMS_ReceiptRequest)); if (rr == NULL) return -1; if (prr != NULL) *prr = rr; else CMS_ReceiptRequest_free(rr); return 1; } /* * Returns 0 if attribute is not found, 1 if found, * or -1 on attribute parsing failure. */ static int ossl_cms_signerinfo_get_signing_cert(const CMS_SignerInfo *si, ESS_SIGNING_CERT **psc) { ASN1_STRING *str; ESS_SIGNING_CERT *sc; ASN1_OBJECT *obj = OBJ_nid2obj(NID_id_smime_aa_signingCertificate); if (psc != NULL) *psc = NULL; str = CMS_signed_get0_data_by_OBJ(si, obj, -3, V_ASN1_SEQUENCE); if (str == NULL) return 0; sc = ASN1_item_unpack(str, ASN1_ITEM_rptr(ESS_SIGNING_CERT)); if (sc == NULL) return -1; if (psc != NULL) *psc = sc; else ESS_SIGNING_CERT_free(sc); return 1; } /* * Returns 0 if attribute is not found, 1 if found, * or -1 on attribute parsing failure. */ static int ossl_cms_signerinfo_get_signing_cert_v2(const CMS_SignerInfo *si, ESS_SIGNING_CERT_V2 **psc) { ASN1_STRING *str; ESS_SIGNING_CERT_V2 *sc; ASN1_OBJECT *obj = OBJ_nid2obj(NID_id_smime_aa_signingCertificateV2); if (psc != NULL) *psc = NULL; str = CMS_signed_get0_data_by_OBJ(si, obj, -3, V_ASN1_SEQUENCE); if (str == NULL) return 0; sc = ASN1_item_unpack(str, ASN1_ITEM_rptr(ESS_SIGNING_CERT_V2)); if (sc == NULL) return -1; if (psc != NULL) *psc = sc; else ESS_SIGNING_CERT_V2_free(sc); return 1; } int ossl_cms_check_signing_certs(const CMS_SignerInfo *si, const STACK_OF(X509) *chain) { ESS_SIGNING_CERT *ss = NULL; ESS_SIGNING_CERT_V2 *ssv2 = NULL; int ret = ossl_cms_signerinfo_get_signing_cert(si, &ss) >= 0 && ossl_cms_signerinfo_get_signing_cert_v2(si, &ssv2) >= 0 && OSSL_ESS_check_signing_certs(ss, ssv2, chain, 1) > 0; ESS_SIGNING_CERT_free(ss); ESS_SIGNING_CERT_V2_free(ssv2); return ret; } CMS_ReceiptRequest *CMS_ReceiptRequest_create0_ex( unsigned char *id, int idlen, int allorfirst, STACK_OF(GENERAL_NAMES) *receiptList, STACK_OF(GENERAL_NAMES) *receiptsTo, OSSL_LIB_CTX *libctx) { CMS_ReceiptRequest *rr; rr = CMS_ReceiptRequest_new(); if (rr == NULL) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, ERR_R_CMS_LIB); goto err; } if (id) ASN1_STRING_set0(rr->signedContentIdentifier, id, idlen); else { if (!ASN1_STRING_set(rr->signedContentIdentifier, NULL, 32)) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, ERR_R_ASN1_LIB); goto err; } if (RAND_bytes_ex(libctx, rr->signedContentIdentifier->data, 32, 0) <= 0) goto err; } sk_GENERAL_NAMES_pop_free(rr->receiptsTo, GENERAL_NAMES_free); rr->receiptsTo = receiptsTo; if (receiptList != NULL) { rr->receiptsFrom->type = 1; rr->receiptsFrom->d.receiptList = receiptList; } else { rr->receiptsFrom->type = 0; rr->receiptsFrom->d.allOrFirstTier = allorfirst; } return rr; err: CMS_ReceiptRequest_free(rr); return NULL; } CMS_ReceiptRequest *CMS_ReceiptRequest_create0( unsigned char *id, int idlen, int allorfirst, STACK_OF(GENERAL_NAMES) *receiptList, STACK_OF(GENERAL_NAMES) *receiptsTo) { return CMS_ReceiptRequest_create0_ex(id, idlen, allorfirst, receiptList, receiptsTo, NULL); } int CMS_add1_ReceiptRequest(CMS_SignerInfo *si, CMS_ReceiptRequest *rr) { unsigned char *rrder = NULL; int rrderlen, r = 0; rrderlen = i2d_CMS_ReceiptRequest(rr, &rrder); if (rrderlen < 0) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, ERR_R_CMS_LIB); goto err; } if (!CMS_signed_add1_attr_by_NID(si, NID_id_smime_aa_receiptRequest, V_ASN1_SEQUENCE, rrder, rrderlen)) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, ERR_R_CMS_LIB); goto err; } r = 1; err: OPENSSL_free(rrder); return r; } void CMS_ReceiptRequest_get0_values(CMS_ReceiptRequest *rr, ASN1_STRING **pcid, int *pallorfirst, STACK_OF(GENERAL_NAMES) **plist, STACK_OF(GENERAL_NAMES) **prto) { if (pcid != NULL) *pcid = rr->signedContentIdentifier; if (rr->receiptsFrom->type == 0) { if (pallorfirst != NULL) *pallorfirst = (int)rr->receiptsFrom->d.allOrFirstTier; if (plist != NULL) *plist = NULL; } else { if (pallorfirst != NULL) *pallorfirst = -1; if (plist != NULL) *plist = rr->receiptsFrom->d.receiptList; } if (prto != NULL) *prto = rr->receiptsTo; } /* Digest a SignerInfo structure for msgSigDigest attribute processing */ static int cms_msgSigDigest(CMS_SignerInfo *si, unsigned char *dig, unsigned int *diglen) { const EVP_MD *md = EVP_get_digestbyobj(si->digestAlgorithm->algorithm); if (md == NULL) return 0; if (!ossl_asn1_item_digest_ex(ASN1_ITEM_rptr(CMS_Attributes_Verify), md, si->signedAttrs, dig, diglen, ossl_cms_ctx_get0_libctx(si->cms_ctx), ossl_cms_ctx_get0_propq(si->cms_ctx))) return 0; return 1; } /* Add a msgSigDigest attribute to a SignerInfo */ int ossl_cms_msgSigDigest_add1(CMS_SignerInfo *dest, CMS_SignerInfo *src) { unsigned char dig[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int diglen; if (!cms_msgSigDigest(src, dig, &diglen)) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_MSGSIGDIGEST_ERROR); return 0; } if (!CMS_signed_add1_attr_by_NID(dest, NID_id_smime_aa_msgSigDigest, V_ASN1_OCTET_STRING, dig, diglen)) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, ERR_R_CMS_LIB); return 0; } return 1; } /* Verify signed receipt after it has already passed normal CMS verify */ int ossl_cms_Receipt_verify(CMS_ContentInfo *cms, CMS_ContentInfo *req_cms) { int r = 0, i; CMS_ReceiptRequest *rr = NULL; CMS_Receipt *rct = NULL; STACK_OF(CMS_SignerInfo) *sis, *osis; CMS_SignerInfo *si, *osi = NULL; ASN1_OCTET_STRING *msig, **pcont; ASN1_OBJECT *octype; unsigned char dig[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int diglen; /* Get SignerInfos, also checks SignedData content type */ osis = CMS_get0_SignerInfos(req_cms); sis = CMS_get0_SignerInfos(cms); if (!osis || !sis) goto err; if (sk_CMS_SignerInfo_num(sis) != 1) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_NEED_ONE_SIGNER); goto err; } /* Check receipt content type */ if (OBJ_obj2nid(CMS_get0_eContentType(cms)) != NID_id_smime_ct_receipt) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_NOT_A_SIGNED_RECEIPT); goto err; } /* Extract and decode receipt content */ pcont = CMS_get0_content(cms); if (pcont == NULL || *pcont == NULL) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_NO_CONTENT); goto err; } rct = ASN1_item_unpack(*pcont, ASN1_ITEM_rptr(CMS_Receipt)); if (!rct) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_RECEIPT_DECODE_ERROR); goto err; } /* Locate original request */ for (i = 0; i < sk_CMS_SignerInfo_num(osis); i++) { osi = sk_CMS_SignerInfo_value(osis, i); if (!ASN1_STRING_cmp(osi->signature, rct->originatorSignatureValue)) break; } if (i == sk_CMS_SignerInfo_num(osis)) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_NO_MATCHING_SIGNATURE); goto err; } si = sk_CMS_SignerInfo_value(sis, 0); /* Get msgSigDigest value and compare */ msig = CMS_signed_get0_data_by_OBJ(si, OBJ_nid2obj (NID_id_smime_aa_msgSigDigest), -3, V_ASN1_OCTET_STRING); if (!msig) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_NO_MSGSIGDIGEST); goto err; } if (!cms_msgSigDigest(osi, dig, &diglen)) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_MSGSIGDIGEST_ERROR); goto err; } if (diglen != (unsigned int)msig->length) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_MSGSIGDIGEST_WRONG_LENGTH); goto err; } if (memcmp(dig, msig->data, diglen)) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_MSGSIGDIGEST_VERIFICATION_FAILURE); goto err; } /* Compare content types */ octype = CMS_signed_get0_data_by_OBJ(osi, OBJ_nid2obj(NID_pkcs9_contentType), -3, V_ASN1_OBJECT); if (!octype) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_NO_CONTENT_TYPE); goto err; } /* Compare details in receipt request */ if (OBJ_cmp(octype, rct->contentType)) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_CONTENT_TYPE_MISMATCH); goto err; } /* Get original receipt request details */ if (CMS_get1_ReceiptRequest(osi, &rr) <= 0) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_NO_RECEIPT_REQUEST); goto err; } if (ASN1_STRING_cmp(rr->signedContentIdentifier, rct->signedContentIdentifier)) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_CONTENTIDENTIFIER_MISMATCH); goto err; } r = 1; err: CMS_ReceiptRequest_free(rr); M_ASN1_free_of(rct, CMS_Receipt); return r; } /* * Encode a Receipt into an OCTET STRING read for including into content of a * SignedData ContentInfo. */ ASN1_OCTET_STRING *ossl_cms_encode_Receipt(CMS_SignerInfo *si) { CMS_Receipt rct; CMS_ReceiptRequest *rr = NULL; ASN1_OBJECT *ctype; ASN1_OCTET_STRING *os = NULL; /* Get original receipt request */ /* Get original receipt request details */ if (CMS_get1_ReceiptRequest(si, &rr) <= 0) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_NO_RECEIPT_REQUEST); goto err; } /* Get original content type */ ctype = CMS_signed_get0_data_by_OBJ(si, OBJ_nid2obj(NID_pkcs9_contentType), -3, V_ASN1_OBJECT); if (!ctype) { ERR_raise(ERR_LIB_CMS, CMS_R_NO_CONTENT_TYPE); goto err; } rct.version = 1; rct.contentType = ctype; rct.signedContentIdentifier = rr->signedContentIdentifier; rct.originatorSignatureValue = si->signature; os = ASN1_item_pack(&rct, ASN1_ITEM_rptr(CMS_Receipt), NULL); err: CMS_ReceiptRequest_free(rr); return os; }