The bn_cmp_part_words bug was only caught in the BN_mod_mul() test,
not in the BN_mul() test, so apparently the choice of parameters in
some cases is bad.
casts) used in the lhash code are about as horrible and evil as they can
be. For starters, the callback prototypes contain empty parameter lists.
This first change defines clearer prototypes - including "typedef"'d
function pointer types to use as "hash" and "compare" callbacks, as well as
the callbacks passed to the lh_doall and lh_doall_arg iteration functions.
Now at least more explicit (and clear) casting is required in all of the
dependant code - and that should be included in this commit.
The next step will be to hunt down and obliterate some of the function
pointer casting being used when it's not necessary - a particularly evil
variant exists in the implementation of lh_doall.
But even if this is avoided, there are still segmentation violations
(during one of the BN_free()s at the end of test_kron
in some cases, in other cases during BN_kronecker, or
later in BN_sqrt; choosing a different exponentiation
algorithm in bntest.c appears to influence when the SIGSEGV
takes place).
tunnel to not pro-actively close down when failing an SSL handshake.
* Change the cert-chain callback - originally this was the same one used in
s_client and s_server but the output's as ugly as sin, so I've prettied
tunala's copy output up a bit (and made the output level configurable).
* Remove the superfluous "errors" from the SSL state callback - these are just
non-blocking side-effects.
* A little bit of code-cleanup
* Reformat the usage string (not so wide)
* Allow adding an alternative (usually DSA) cert/key pair (a la s_server)
* Allow control over cert-chain verify depth
so we have to reduce the random numbers used in test_mont.
Before this change, test_mont failed in [debug-]solaris-sparcv9-gcc
configurations ("Montgomery multiplication test failed!" because
the multiplication result obtained with Montgomery multiplication
differed from the result obtained by BN_mod_mul).
Substituing the old version of bn_gcd.c (BN_mod_inverse) did not avoid
the problem.
The strange thing is that it I did not observe any problems
when using debug-solaris-sparcv8-gcc and solaris-sparcv9-cc,
as well as when compiling OpenSSL 0.9.6 in the solaric-sparcv9-gcc
configuration on the same system.