From da51dc5f68c9e7924be3d5071ba8aea439a4d1c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Richard Levitte <>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2021 14:25:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Move some OpenSSL perl utility functions to OpenSSL::Util

quotify1() and quotify_l() were in OpenSSL::Template, but should be
more widely usable.'s out_item() is also more widely useful and is
therefore moved to OpenSSL::Util as well, and renamed to dump_data().

Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <>
(Merged from
 Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl      |   1 +
 Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl    |   2 +
 Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl |   1 +                     |  83 +++-------------
 tools/                    |   2 +-
 util/perl/OpenSSL/        |  45 ---------
 util/perl/OpenSSL/            | 136 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 7 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl b/Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl
index 920c0abfeb..a357ae5c3b 100644
--- a/Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
   use File::Spec::Functions qw/:DEFAULT abs2rel rel2abs/;
   use File::Basename;
+  use OpenSSL::Util;
   (our $osslprefix_q = platform->osslprefix()) =~ s/\$/\\\$/;
diff --git a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
index f729416d1d..8b45e75f57 100644
--- a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 ## {- join("\n## ", @autowarntext) -}
+     use OpenSSL::Util;
      our $makedep_scheme = $config{makedep_scheme};
      our $makedepcmd = platform->makedepcmd();
diff --git a/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl b/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
index 014c1eb8d1..a7123f6a5e 100644
--- a/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 ## {- join("\n## ", @autowarntext) -}
  use File::Basename;
+ use OpenSSL::Util;
  our $sover_dirname = platform->shlib_version_as_filename();
diff --git a/ b/
index 3481eab277..666d1f36d8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,65 +1,6 @@
 #! {- $config{HASHBANGPERL} -}
 # -*- mode: perl -*-
- sub out_item {
-     my $ref = shift;
-     # Available options:
-     # indent           => callers indentation (int)
-     # delimiters       => 1 if outer delimiters should be added
-     my %opts = @_;
-     my $indent = $opts{indent} // 0;
-     # Indentation of the whole structure, where applicable
-     my $nlindent1 = "\n" . ' ' x $indent;
-     # Indentation of individual items, where applicable
-     my $nlindent2 = "\n" . ' ' x ($indent + 4);
-     my $product;      # Finished product, or reference to a function that
-                       # produces a string, given $_
-     # The following are only used when $product is a function reference
-     my $delim_l;      # Left delimiter of structure
-     my $delim_r;      # Right delimiter of structure
-     my $separator;    # Item separator
-     my @items;        # Items to iterate over
-     if (ref($ref) eq "ARRAY") {
-         if (scalar @$ref == 0) {
-             $product = $opts{delimiters} ? '[]' : '';
-         } else {
-             $product = sub {
-                 out_item(\$_, delimiters => 1, indent => $indent + 4)
-             };
-             $delim_l = ($opts{delimiters} ? '[' : '').$nlindent2;
-             $delim_r = $nlindent1.($opts{delimiters} ? ']' : '');
-             $separator = ",$nlindent2";
-             @items = @$ref;
-         }
-     } elsif (ref($ref) eq "HASH") {
-         if (scalar keys %$ref == 0) {
-             $product = $opts{delimiters} ? '{}' : '';
-         } else {
-             $product = sub {
-                 quotify1($_) . " => "
-                 . out_item($ref->{$_}, delimiters => 1, indent => $indent + 4)
-             };
-             $delim_l = ($opts{delimiters} ? '{' : '').$nlindent2;
-             $delim_r = $nlindent1.($opts{delimiters} ? '}' : '');
-             $separator = ",$nlindent2";
-             @items = sort keys %$ref;
-         }
-     } elsif (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR") {
-         $product = defined $$ref ? quotify1 $$ref : "undef";
-     } else {
-         $product = defined $ref ? quotify1 $ref : "undef";
-     }
-     if (ref($product) eq "CODE") {
-         $delim_l . join($separator, map { &$product } @items) . $delim_r;
-     } else {
-         $product;
-     }
- }
  # We must make sourcedir() return an absolute path, because
  # may be loaded as a module from any script in any directory, making
  # relative paths untrustable.  Because the result is used with 'use lib',
@@ -73,6 +14,8 @@
  sub sourcefile {
      return abs_path(catfile($config{sourcedir}, @_));
+ use lib sourcedir('util', 'perl');
+ use OpenSSL::Util;
 package configdata;
@@ -86,23 +29,23 @@ our @EXPORT = qw(
     @disablables @disablables_int
-our %config = ({- out_item(\%config); -});
-our %target = ({- out_item(\%target); -});
-our @disablables = ({- out_item(\@disablables) -});
-our @disablables_int = ({- out_item(\@disablables_int) -});
-our %disabled = ({- out_item(\%disabled); -});
-our %withargs = ({- out_item(\%withargs); -});
-our %unified_info = ({- out_item(\%unified_info); -});
+our %config = ({- dump_data(\%config, indent => 0); -});
+our %target = ({- dump_data(\%target, indent => 0); -});
+our @disablables = ({- dump_data(\@disablables, indent => 0) -});
+our @disablables_int = ({- dump_data(\@disablables_int, indent => 0) -});
+our %disabled = ({- dump_data(\%disabled, indent => 0); -});
+our %withargs = ({- dump_data(\%withargs, indent => 0); -});
+our %unified_info = ({- dump_data(\%unified_info, indent => 0); -});
 # Unexported, only used by OpenSSL::Test::Utils::available_protocols()
 our %available_protocols = (
-    tls  => [{- out_item(\@tls) -}],
-    dtls => [{- out_item(\@dtls) -}],
+    tls  => [{- dump_data(\@tls, indent => 0) -}],
+    dtls => [{- dump_data(\@dtls, indent => 0) -}],
 # The following data is only used when this files is use as a script
-my @makevars = ({- out_item(\@makevars); -});
-my %disabled_info = ({- out_item(\%disabled_info); -});
+my @makevars = ({- dump_data(\@makevars, indent => 0); -});
+my %disabled_info = ({- dump_data(\%disabled_info, indent => 0); -});
 my @user_crossable = qw( {- join (' ', @user_crossable) -} );
 # If run directly, we can give some answers, and even reconfigure
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 1566d141d3..54cad6138b 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #!{- $config{HASHBANGPERL} -}
+{- use OpenSSL::Util; -}
 # {- join("\n# ", @autowarntext) -}
 # Copyright 1999-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
diff --git a/util/perl/OpenSSL/ b/util/perl/OpenSSL/
index ed89d15085..bed13d20f9 100644
--- a/util/perl/OpenSSL/
+++ b/util/perl/OpenSSL/
@@ -130,51 +130,6 @@ sub output_off {
 # Helper functions for the templates #################################
-# It might be practical to quotify some strings and have them protected
-# from possible harm.  These functions primarily quote things that might
-# be interpreted wrongly by a perl eval.
-=over 4
-=item quotify1 STRING
-This adds quotes (") around the given string, and escapes any $, @, \,
-" and ' by prepending a \ to them.
-sub quotify1 {
-    my $s = shift @_;
-    $s =~ s/([\$\@\\"'])/\\$1/g;
-    '"'.$s.'"';
-=over 4
-=item quotify_l LIST
-For each defined element in LIST (i.e. elements that aren't undef), have
-it quotified with 'quotify1'.
-Undefined elements are ignored.
-sub quotify_l {
-    map {
-        if (!defined($_)) {
-            ();
-        } else {
-            quotify1($_);
-        }
-    } @_;
 =head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/util/perl/OpenSSL/ b/util/perl/OpenSSL/
index 1c8c6afa44..8b3743aa2a 100644
--- a/util/perl/OpenSSL/
+++ b/util/perl/OpenSSL/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
-package OpenSSL::Ordinals;
+package OpenSSL::Util;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use Exporter;
 $VERSION = "0.1";
 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(cmp_versions);
+@EXPORT = qw(cmp_versions quotify1 quotify_l dump_data);
 @EXPORT_OK = qw();
 =head1 NAME
@@ -85,4 +85,136 @@ sub cmp_versions {
     return $verdict;
+# It might be practical to quotify some strings and have them protected
+# from possible harm.  These functions primarily quote things that might
+# be interpreted wrongly by a perl eval.
+=over 4
+=item quotify1 STRING
+This adds quotes (") around the given string, and escapes any $, @, \,
+" and ' by prepending a \ to them.
+sub quotify1 {
+    my $s = shift @_;
+    $s =~ s/([\$\@\\"'])/\\$1/g;
+    '"'.$s.'"';
+=over 4
+=item quotify_l LIST
+For each defined element in LIST (i.e. elements that aren't undef), have
+it quotified with 'quotify1'.
+Undefined elements are ignored.
+sub quotify_l {
+    map {
+        if (!defined($_)) {
+            ();
+        } else {
+            quotify1($_);
+        }
+    } @_;
+=item dump_data REF, OPTS
+Dump the data from REF into a string that can be evaluated into the same
+data by Perl.
+OPTS is the rest of the arguments, expected to be pairs formed with C<< => >>.
+The following OPTS keywords are understood:
+=over 4
+=item B<delimiters =E<gt> 0 | 1>
+Include the outer delimiter of the REF type in the resulting string if C<1>,
+otherwise not.
+=item B<indent =E<gt> num>
+The indentation of the caller, i.e. an initial value.  If not given, there
+will be no indentation at all, and the string will only be one line.
+sub dump_data {
+    my $ref = shift;
+    # Available options:
+    # indent           => callers indentation ( undef for no indentation,
+    #                     an integer otherwise )
+    # delimiters       => 1 if outer delimiters should be added
+    my %opts = @_;
+    my $indent = $opts{indent} // 1;
+    # Indentation of the whole structure, where applicable
+    my $nlindent1 = defined $opts{indent} ? "\n" . ' ' x $indent : ' ';
+    # Indentation of individual items, where applicable
+    my $nlindent2 = defined $opts{indent} ? "\n" . ' ' x ($indent + 4) : ' ';
+    my %subopts = ();
+    $subopts{delimiters} = 1;
+    $subopts{indent} = $opts{indent} + 4 if defined $opts{indent};
+    my $product;      # Finished product, or reference to a function that
+                      # produces a string, given $_
+    # The following are only used when $product is a function reference
+    my $delim_l;      # Left delimiter of structure
+    my $delim_r;      # Right delimiter of structure
+    my $separator;    # Item separator
+    my @items;        # Items to iterate over
+     if (ref($ref) eq "ARRAY") {
+         if (scalar @$ref == 0) {
+             $product = $opts{delimiters} ? '[]' : '';
+         } else {
+             $product = sub {
+                 dump_data(\$_, %subopts)
+             };
+             $delim_l = ($opts{delimiters} ? '[' : '').$nlindent2;
+             $delim_r = $nlindent1.($opts{delimiters} ? ']' : '');
+             $separator = ",$nlindent2";
+             @items = @$ref;
+         }
+     } elsif (ref($ref) eq "HASH") {
+         if (scalar keys %$ref == 0) {
+             $product = $opts{delimiters} ? '{}' : '';
+         } else {
+             $product = sub {
+                 quotify1($_) . " => " . dump_data($ref->{$_}, %subopts);
+             };
+             $delim_l = ($opts{delimiters} ? '{' : '').$nlindent2;
+             $delim_r = $nlindent1.($opts{delimiters} ? '}' : '');
+             $separator = ",$nlindent2";
+             @items = sort keys %$ref;
+         }
+     } elsif (ref($ref) eq "SCALAR") {
+         $product = defined $$ref ? quotify1 $$ref : "undef";
+     } else {
+         $product = defined $ref ? quotify1 $ref : "undef";
+     }
+     if (ref($product) eq "CODE") {
+         $delim_l . join($separator, map { &$product } @items) . $delim_r;
+     } else {
+         $product;
+     }