mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 19:50:42 +08:00
Move all dependency post-processing to util/add-depends.pl
In the end, it's more efficient to only have one perl instance (that loads configdata.pm) dealing with dependency files than running one (that still loads configdata.pm) for each such file. Reviewed-by: Andy Polyakov <appro@openssl.org> (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/5631)
This commit is contained in:
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ distclean : clean
depend : descrip.mms
descrip.mms : FORCE
@ ! {- output_off() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
@ $(PERL) {- sourcefile("util", "add-depends.pl") -}
@ $(PERL) {- sourcefile("util", "add-depends.pl") -} "VMS C"
@ ! {- output_on() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
# Install helper targets #############################################
@ -878,12 +878,9 @@ EOF
my $incs_on = join("\n\t\@ ", @{$incs_cmds[0]}) || '!';
my $incs_off = join("\n\t\@ ", @{$incs_cmds[1]}) || '!';
my $depbuild = $disabled{makedepend} ? ""
: " /MMS=(FILE=${objd}${objn}.tmp-D,TARGET=$obj.OBJ)";
my $postprocess_makedepend =
sourcefile("util", "postprocess-makedepend.pl");
my $objdir = dirname($obj);
: " /MMS=(FILE=${objd}${objn}.D,TARGET=$obj.OBJ)";
return <<"EOF"
return <<"EOF";
$obj.OBJ : $deps
SET DEFAULT $forward
@ -894,11 +891,6 @@ $obj.OBJ : $deps
- PURGE $obj.OBJ
. ($disabled{makedepend} ? "" : <<"EOF"
\$(PERL) $postprocess_makedepend "VMS C" $objdir < $obj.tmp-D > $obj.d
- DELETE $obj.tmp-D;*
sub libobj2shlib {
my %args = @_;
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
our $shlibextsimple = $target{shared_extension_simple} || ".so";
our $shlibextimport = $target{shared_import_extension} || "";
our $dsoext = $target{dso_extension} || ".so";
our $makedepprog = $disabled{makedepend} ? undef : $config{makedepprog};
sub windowsdll { $config{target} =~ /^(?:Cygwin|mingw)/ }
@ -419,7 +420,9 @@ distclean: clean
# concatenate only if that is true.
@: {- output_off() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
@$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/add-depends.pl
@$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/add-depends.pl {-
defined $makedepprog && $makedepprog =~ /\/makedepend/
? 'makedepend' : 'gcc' -}
@: {- output_on() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
# Install helper targets #############################################
@ -970,7 +973,6 @@ EOF
my $cmd;
my $cmdflags;
my $cmdcompile;
my $makedepprog = $disabled{makedepend} ? undef : $config{makedepprog};
if (grep /\.rc$/, @srcs) {
$cmd = '$(RC)';
$cmdflags = '$(RCFLAGS)';
@ -1032,9 +1034,8 @@ $obj$objext: $deps
if (defined $makedepprog && $makedepprog =~ /\/makedepend/) {
$recipe .= <<"EOF";
\$(MAKEDEPEND) -f- -o"|\$\@" -- $incs $cmdflags -- $srcs 2>/dev/null \\
| \$(PERL) \$(SRCDIR)/util/postprocess-makedepend.pl \\
'makedepend' > $obj$depext
\$(MAKEDEPEND) -f- -Y -- $incs $cmdflags -- $srcs 2>/dev/null \\
> $obj$depext
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ distclean: clean
@ rem {- output_off() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
@ "$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\add-depends.pl"
@ "$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\add-depends.pl" "VC"
@ rem {- output_on() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
# Install helper targets #############################################
@ -599,9 +599,7 @@ EOF
return <<"EOF" if (!$disabled{makedepend});
$obj$depext: $deps
\$(CC) $cflags /Zs /showIncludes $srcs 2>&1 \\
| "\$(PERL)" "\$(SRCDIR)\\util\\postprocess-makedepend.pl" \\
"VC" "$obj$objext" > $obj$depext
\$(CC) $cflags /Zs /showIncludes $srcs 2>&1 > $obj$depext
$obj$objext: $obj$depext
\$(CC) $cflags -c \$(COUTFLAG)\$\@ $srcs
@ -6,46 +6,225 @@
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib '.';
use configdata;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(canonpath rel2abs);
use File::Compare qw(compare_text);
# When using stat() on Windows, we can get it to perform better by avoid some
# data. This doesn't affect the mtime field, so we're not losing anything...
${^WIN32_SLOPPY_STAT} = 1;
my $buildfile = $config{build_file};
my $buildfile_new = "$buildfile-$$";
my $build_mtime = (stat($buildfile))[9];
my $rebuild = 0;
my $depext = $target{dep_extension} || ".d";
my @deps =
my @depfiles =
grep { -f $_ }
grep {
# This grep has side effects. Not only does if check the existence
# of the dependency file given in $_, but it also checks if it's
# newer than the build file, and if it is, sets $rebuild.
my @st = stat($_);
$rebuild = 1 if @st && $st[9] > $build_mtime;
scalar @st > 0; # Determines the grep result
map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|$depext|; $x; }
grep { $unified_info{sources}->{$_}->[0] =~ /\.cc?$/ }
keys %{$unified_info{sources}};
exit 0 unless $rebuild;
# Ok, primary checks are done, time to do some real work
my $abs_srcdir = rel2abs($config{sourcedir});
my $abs_blddir = rel2abs($config{builddir});
my $producer = shift @ARGV;
die "Producer not given\n" unless $producer;
my %procedures = (
'gcc' => undef, # gcc style dependency files needs no mods
'makedepend' =>
sub {
# makedepend, in its infinite wisdom, wants to have the object file
# in the same directory as the source file. This doesn't work too
# well with out-of-source-tree builds, so we must resort to tricks
# to get things right. Fortunately, the .d files are always placed
# parallel with the object files, so all we need to do is construct
# the object file name from the dep file name.
(my $objfile = shift) =~ s|\.d$|.o|i;
my $line = shift;
# Discard comments
return undef if $line =~ /^(#.*|\s*)$/;
# Remove the original object file
$line =~ s|^.*\.o: | |;
# Also, remove any dependency that starts with a /, because those
# are typically system headers
$line =~ s/\s+\/(\\.|\S)*//g;
# Finally, discard all empty lines
return undef if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
# All we got now is a dependency, just shave off surrounding spaces
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
return ($objfile, $line);
'VMS C' =>
sub {
# current versions of DEC / Compaq / HP / VSI C strips away all
# directory information from the object file, so we must insert it
# back. To make life simpler, we simply replace it with the
# corresponding .D file that's had its extension changed. Since
# .D files are always written parallel to the object files, we
# thereby get the directory information for free.
(my $objfile = shift) =~ s|\.D$|.OBJ|i;
my $line = shift;
# Shave off the target.
# The pattern for target and dependencies will always take this
# form:
# target SPACE : SPACE deps
# This is so a volume delimiter (a : without any spaces around it)
# won't get mixed up with the target / deps delimiter. We use this
# to easily identify what needs to be removed.
m|\s:\s|; $line = $';
# We know that VMS has system header files in text libraries,
# extension .TLB. We also know that our header files aren't stored
# in text libraries. Finally, we know that VMS C produces exactly
# one dependency per line, so we simply discard any line ending with
# .TLB.
return undef if /\.TLB\s*$/;
# All we got now is a dependency, just shave off surrounding spaces
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
return ($objfile, $line);
'VC' =>
sub {
# For the moment, we only support Visual C on native Windows, or
# compatible compilers. With those, the flags /Zs /showIncludes
# give us the necessary output to be able to create dependencies
# that nmake (or any 'make' implementation) should be able to read,
# with a bit of help. The output we're interested in looks like
# this (it always starts the same)
# Note: including file: {whatever header file}
# Since there's no object file name at all in that information,
# we must construct it ourselves.
(my $objfile = shift) =~ s|\.d$|.obj|i;
my $line = shift;
# There are also other lines mixed in, for example compiler
# warnings, so we simply discard anything that doesn't start with
# the Note:
if (/^Note: including file: */) {
(my $tail = $') =~ s/\s*\R$//;
# VC gives us absolute paths for all include files, so to
# remove system header dependencies, we need to check that
# they don't match $abs_srcdir or $abs_blddir
$tail = canonpath($tail);
if ($tail =~ m|^\Q$abs_srcdir\E|i
|| $tail =~ m|^\Q$abs_blddir\E|i) {
return ($objfile, "\"$tail\"");
return undef;
my %continuations = (
'gcc' => undef,
'makedepend' => "\\",
'VMS C' => "-",
'VC' => "\\",
die "Producer unrecognised: $producer\n"
unless exists $procedures{$producer} && exists $continuations{$producer};
my $procedure = $procedures{$producer};
my $continuation = $continuations{$producer};
my $buildfile_new = "$buildfile-$$";
my %collect = ();
if (defined $procedure) {
foreach my $depfile (@depfiles) {
open IDEP,$depfile or die "Trying to read $depfile: $!\n";
while (<IDEP>) {
s|\R$||; # The better chomp
my ($target, $deps) = $procedure->($depfile, $_);
$collect{$target}->{$deps} = 1 if defined $target;
close IDEP;
open IBF, $buildfile or die "Trying to read $buildfile: $!\n";
open OBF, '>', $buildfile_new or die "Trying to write $buildfile_new: $!\n";
while (<IBF>) {
$force_rewrite = 0;
print OBF or die "$!\n";
$force_rewrite = 1;
close IBF;
print OBF "# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.\n";
foreach (@deps) {
open IBF,$_ or die "Trying to read $_: $!\n";
while (<IBF>) {
print OBF or die "$!\n";
if (defined $procedure) {
foreach my $target (sort keys %collect) {
my $prefix = $target . ' :';
my @deps = sort keys %{$collect{$target}};
while (@deps) {
my $buf = $prefix;
$prefix = '';
while (@deps && ($buf eq ''
|| length($buf) + length($deps[0]) <= 77)) {
$buf .= ' ' . shift @deps;
$buf .= ' '.$continuation if @deps;
print OBF $buf,"\n" or die "Trying to print: $!\n"
} else {
foreach my $depfile (@depfiles) {
open IDEP,$depfile or die "Trying to read $depfile: $!\n";
while (<IDEP>) {
print OBF or die "Trying to print: $!\n";
close IDEP;
close IBF;
close OBF;
if (compare_text($buildfile_new, $buildfile) != 0) {
rename $buildfile_new, $buildfile
or die "Trying to rename $buildfile_new -> $buildfile: $!\n";
# On VMS, we want to remove all generations of this file, in case there are
# more than one
while (unlink $buildfile_new) {}
# On VMS, we want to remove all generations of this file, in case there
# are more than one, so we loop.
if (defined $buildfile_new) {
while (unlink $buildfile_new) {}
@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib '.';
use configdata;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(canonpath rel2abs);
my $abs_srcdir = rel2abs($config{sourcedir});
my $abs_blddir = rel2abs($config{builddir});
my $producer = shift @ARGV;
die "Producer not given\n" unless $producer;
my $procedure = {
'makedepend' =>
sub {
my $line = shift;
# makedepend, in its infinite wisdom, wants to have the object file
# in the same directory as the source file. This doesn't work too
# well with out-of-source-tree builds, so we must resort to tricks
# to get things right. The trick is to call makedepend with an
# extra suffix that contains the desired object file path, like
# this:
# makedepend -f- -o"|dir/foo.o" -- $(CFLAGS) -- ../some/foo.c
# The result will look something like this:
# ../somewhere/foo|dir/foo.o: deps...
# Which is easy to massage by removing everything up to the first |
# Remove everything up to the first |
$line =~ s/^.*\|//;
# Also, remove any dependency that starts with a /, because those
# are typically system headers
$line =~ s/\s+\/(\\.|\S)*//g;
# Finally, discard all empty lines or comment lines
return undef if $line =~ /:\s*$/ || $line =~ /^(#.*|\s*)$/;
my ($target, $deps) = $line =~ /^((?:\\.|[^:])*):(.*)/;
$deps =~ s/^\s+//;
$deps =~ s/\s+$//;
return ($target, $deps);
'VMS C' =>
sub {
my $line = shift;
# current versions of DEC / Compaq / HP / VSI C strips away all
# directory information from the object file, so we must insert it
# back. Just to be safe against future changes, we check that there
# really is no directory information.
my $directory = shift;
# The pattern for target and dependencies will always take this
# form:
# target SPACE : SPACE deps
# This is so a volume delimiter (a : without any spaces around it)
# won't get mixed up with the target / deps delimiter. We use this
# fact in the regexp below to make sure we do look at the target.
$line =~ s/^/$directory/ unless /^\S+[:>\]]\S+\s+:/;
# We know that VMS has system header files in text libraries,
# extension .TLB. We also know that our header files aren't stored
# in text libraries. Finally, we know that VMS C produces exactly
# one dependency per line, so we simply discard any line ending with
# .TLB.
return undef if /\.TLB\s*$/;
my ($target, $deps) = $line =~ /^(.*)\s:\s(.*)/;
$deps =~ s/^\s+//;
$deps =~ s/\s+$//;
return ($target, $deps);
'VC' =>
sub {
my $line = shift;
my $object = shift;
# For the moment, we only support Visual C on native Windows, or
# compatible compilers. With those, the flags /Zs /showIncludes
# give us the necessary output to be able to create dependencies
# that nmake (or any 'make' implementation) should be able to read,
# with a bit of help. The output we're interested in looks like
# this (it always starts the same)
# Note: including file: {whatever header file}
# So all we really have to do is to is to replace the start of the
# line with an object file specification, given to us as an extra
# argument (passed from $ARGV[1]);
# There are also other lines mixed in, for example compiler
# warnings, so we simply discard anything that doesn't start with
# the Note:
if (/^Note: including file: */) {
(my $tail = $') =~ s/\s*\R$//;
# VC gives us absolute paths for all include files, so to
# remove system header dependencies, we need to check that
# they don't match $abs_srcdir or $abs_blddir
$tail = canonpath($tail);
if ($tail =~ m|^\Q$abs_srcdir\E|i
|| $tail =~ m|^\Q$abs_blddir\E|i) {
return ($object, "\"$tail\"");
return undef;
} -> {$producer};
die "Producer unrecognised: $producer\n" unless defined $procedure;
my %collect = ();
while (<STDIN>) {
s|\R$||; # The better chomp
my ($target, $deps) = $procedure->($_, @ARGV);
$collect{$target}->{$deps} = 1
if defined $target;
my $continuation = {
'makedepend' => "\\",
'VMS C' => "-",
'VC' => "\\",
} -> {$producer};
die "Producer unrecognised: $producer\n" unless defined $continuation;
foreach my $target (sort keys %collect) {
my $prefix = $target . ' :';
my @deps = sort keys %{$collect{$target}};
while (@deps) {
my $buf = $prefix;
$prefix = '';
while (@deps && ($buf eq '' || length($buf) + length($deps[0]) <= 77)) {
$buf .= ' ' . shift @deps;
$buf .= ' '.$continuation if @deps;
print $buf,"\n";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user