mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 19:50:42 +08:00
Refactor config - split read_config into read_config and resolve_config
Split the read_config function into read_config that ONLY reads the configuration files but doesn't try to resolve any of the inheritances, and resolve_config which resolves the inheritance chain of a given target. Move them to the bottom of Configure, with the rest of the helpers. Have a new small hash table, %target, which will hold the values for the target the user requested. This also means that all access to the current target data can be reduced from '$table{$target}->{key}' to a mere '$target{key}'. While we're at it, the old string formatted configurations are getting obsolete, so they may as well get deprecated entirely. Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <rsalz@openssl.org>
This commit is contained in:
@ -148,56 +148,9 @@ my $apitable = {
# table of known configurations, read in from files
# The content of each entry can take one of two forms:
# - old style config-string, colon seperated fields with exactly the
# following structure.:
# $cc : $cflags : $unistd : $thread_cflag : $sys_id : $lflags : $bn_ops : $cpuid_obj : $bn_obj : $ec_obj : $des_obj : $aes_obj : $bf_obj : $md5_obj : $sha1_obj : $cast_obj : $rc4_obj : $rmd160_obj : $rc5_obj : $wp_obj : $cmll_obj : $modes_obj : $engines_obj : $perlasm_scheme : $dso_scheme : $shared_target : $shared_cflag : $shared_ldflag : $shared_extension : $ranlib : $arflags : $multilib
# We use the stringtohash function - defined below - to combine with the
# fields and form a proper hash table from the string.
# - direct transfer of old style config string to hash table, using the names
# of the fields as keys:
# {
# cc => $cc,
# cflags => $cflags,
# unistd => $unistd,
# thread_cflag => $thread_cflag,
# sys_id => $sys_id,
# lflags => $lflags,
# bn_ops => $bn_ops,
# cpuid_obj => $cpuid_obj,
# bn_obj => $bn_obj,
# ec_obj => $ec_obj,
# des_obj => $des_obj,
# aes_obj => $aes_obj,
# bf_obj => $bf_obj,
# md5_obj => $md5_obj,
# sha1_obj => $sha1_obj,
# cast_obj => $cast_obj,
# rc4_obj => $rc4_obj,
# rmd160_obj => $rmd160_obj,
# rc5_obj => $rc5_obj,
# wp_obj => $wp_obj,
# cmll_obj => $cmll_obj,
# modes_obj => $modes_obj,
# engines_obj => $engines_obj,
# perlasm_scheme => $perlasm_scheme,
# dso_scheme => $dso_scheme,
# shared_target => $shared_target,
# shared_cflag => $shared_cflag,
# shared_ldflag => $shared_ldflag,
# shared_extension => $shared_extension,
# ranlib => $ranlib,
# arflags => $arflags,
# multilib => $multilib
# }
# - new style config hash table, which has additional attributes for debug
# and non-debug flags to be added to the common flags, for cflags and lflags:
# The content of each entry comes in the form of config hash table,
# which has additional attributes for debug and non-debug flags to be
# added to the common flags, for cflags and lflags:
# {
# cc => $cc,
@ -239,10 +192,6 @@ my $apitable = {
# multilib => $multilib
# }
# The configuration reader will do what it can to translate everything into
# new style config hash tables, including merging $target and debug-$target
# if they are similar enough.
# The configuration hashes can refer to templates in two different manners:
# - as part of the hash, one can have a key called 'inherit_from' that
@ -322,7 +271,7 @@ my $apitable = {
# }
my %table=(
our %table=(
# All these templates are merely a translation of the corresponding
# variables further up.
@ -475,291 +424,20 @@ my %table=(
{ my $no_asm_templates=0;
foreach (@ARGV) { $no_asm_templates=1 if (/^\-?no\-asm$/); }
sub asm { $no_asm_templates?():@_; }
# Forward declarations ###############################################
# read_config(filename)
# Reads a configuration file and populates %table with the contents
# (which the configuration file places in %targets).
sub read_config;
sub stringtohash {
my $in = shift @_;
if (ref($in) eq "HASH") {
return $in;
my @stringsequence = (
# resolve_config(target)
# Resolves all the late evalutations, inheritances and so on for the
# chosen target and any target it inherits from.
sub resolve_config;
# return a ref to a hash, that's what the outer braces are for.
return { map { shift @stringsequence => $_ } split /:/, $in };
# Read configuration target stanzas from a file, so that people can have
# local files with their own definitions
sub read_config {
my $fname = shift;
open(CONFFILE, "< $fname")
or die "Can't open configuration file '$fname'!\n";
my $x = $/;
undef $/;
my $content = <CONFFILE>;
$/ = $x;
my %targets = ();
eval $content;
# Make sure we have debug- targets first
my @keys =
sort {
my $a_nd = $a =~ m/^debug-/ ? $' :$a;
my $b_nd = $b =~ m/^debug-/ ? $' :$b;
my $res = 0;
if (($a_nd == $a) == ($b_nd == $b)) {
# they are both debug- or not, compare them as they are
$res = $a cmp $b;
} elsif ($a_nd != $a) {
# $a is debug-, make it lesser
$res = -1;
} else {
# $b is debug-, make $a greater
$res = 1;
} keys %targets;
foreach (@keys) {
if (ref($targets{$_}) ne "HASH") {
# Value is assumed to be a string. Split it up to
# become a hash table of parameters. Also, try to
# merge debug- variants with the non-debug target.
# Start with converting the value from a string to a
# standardised hash of fields. Using $tohash is safe,
# if the input is already a hash ref, it's just returned
# back.
$targets{$_} = stringtohash($targets{$_});
# If the current target is a debug target, there might
# be a corresponding non-debug target that we can merge
# with. If it isn't a debug- target, we've already done
# as much merging as we can and do not need to bother
# with that any more.
if ($_ =~ m/^debug-/) {
my $debugkey = $_;
my $nondebugkey = $';
my $debug = $targets{$debugkey};
my $nondebug;
if ($targets{$nondebugkey}) {
$nondebug = stringtohash($targets{$nondebugkey});
if ($nondebug) {
# There's both a debug and non-debug variant of
# this target, so we should try to merge them
# together.
# First, check that the non-debug variant isn't
# already built up with all it should have.
if ($nondebug->{debug_cflags}
|| $nondebug->{release_cflags}
|| $nondebug->{debug_lflags}
|| $nondebug->{release_lflags}) {
warn "there's a debug target $debugkey to be merged with a target $nondebugkey, but the latter seems to already have both nodebug and debug information. This requires human intervention. Skipping $debugkey...";
# Now, check similarity.
# For keys they have in common, support that
# cflags and lflags can differ, otherwise they
# must have exactly the same values for them
# to be merged into one.
my $similarenough = 1;
for (keys %{$debug}) {
if ($nondebug->{$_} ne $debug->{$_}
&& $_ !~ m/^[cl]flags$/) {
$similarenough = 0;
if ($similarenough) {
# Here's where the magic happens, split the
# options in the debug and non-debug variants
# cflags and ldflags into three strings each,
# one with common flags, one with extra debug
# flags and one with extra non-debug flags.
# The result ends up in %h_nondebug, which
# becomes the merged variant when we're done.
# for each of cflags and lflags, they are
# replaced with cflags, debug_cflags,
# release_cflags and similar for lflags.
# The purpose is that 'cflags' should be
# used together with 'debug_cflags' or
# 'release_cflags' depending on what the
# user asks for.
foreach (("cflags", "lflags")) {
my @list_d = split /\s+/, $debug->{$_};
my @list_nd = split /\s+/, $nondebug->{$_};
my %presence = (); # bitmap
# 1: present in @list_d
# 2: present in @list_nd
# 3: present in both
map { $presence{$_} += 1; } @list_d;
map { $presence{$_} += 2; } @list_nd;
delete $nondebug->{$_};
# Note: we build from the original lists to
# preserve order, it might be important
$nondebug->{"debug-".$_} =
join(" ",
grep { $presence{$_} == 1 } @list_d);
$nondebug->{"nodebug-".$_} =
join(" ",
grep { $presence{$_} == 2 } @list_nd);
$nondebug->{$_} =
join(" ",
grep { $presence{$_} == 3 } @list_d);
$targets{$nondebugkey} = $nondebug;
delete $targets{$debugkey};
%table = (%table, %targets);
# Local function to resolve inheritance
my $resolve_inheritance;
$resolve_inheritance =
sub {
my $target = shift;
my @breadcrumbs = @_;
if (grep { $_ eq $target } @breadcrumbs) {
die "inherit_from loop! target backtrace:\n "
,$target,"\n ",join("\n ", @breadcrumbs),"\n";
# Recurse through all inheritances. They will be resolved on
# the fly, so when this operation is done, they will all just
# be a bunch of attributes with string values.
# What we get here, though, are keys with references to lists
# of the combined values of them all. We will deal with lists
# after this stage is done.
my %combined_inheritance = ();
if ($table{$target}->{inherit_from}) {
foreach (@{$table{$target}->{inherit_from}}) {
my %inherited_config =
$resolve_inheritance->($_, $target, @breadcrumbs);
# 'template' is a marker that's considered private to
# the config that had it.
delete $inherited_config{template};
map {
if (!$combined_inheritance{$_}) {
$combined_inheritance{$_} = [];
push @{$combined_inheritance{$_}}, $inherited_config{$_};
} keys %inherited_config;
# We won't need inherit_from in this target any more, since
# we've resolved all the inheritances that lead to this
delete $table{$target}->{inherit_from};
# Now is the time to deal with those lists. Here's the place
# to decide what shall be done with those lists, all based on
# the values of the target we're currently dealing with.
# - If a value is a coderef, it will be executed with the list
# of inherited values as arguments.
# - If the corresponding key doesn't have a value at all or is
# the emoty string, the inherited value list will be run
# through the default combiner (below), and the result
# becomes this target's value.
# - Otherwise, this target's value is assumed to be a string
# that will simply override the inherited list of values.
my $default_combiner = sub { join(' ',@_) };
my %all_keys =
map { $_ => 1 } (keys %combined_inheritance,
keys %{$table{$target}});
foreach (sort keys %all_keys) {
# Current target doesn't have a value for the current key?
# Assign it the default combiner, the rest of this loop
# body will handle it just like any other coderef.
if (!exists $table{$target}->{$_}) {
$table{$target}->{$_} = $default_combiner;
my $valuetype = ref($table{$target}->{$_});
if ($valuetype eq "CODE") {
# CODE reference, execute it with the inherited values
# as arguments.
$table{$target}->{$_} =
} elsif ($valuetype eq "") {
# Scalar, just leave it as is.
} else {
# Some other type of reference that we don't handle.
# Better to abort at this point.
die "cannot handle reference type $valuetype,"
," found in target $target -> $_\n";
# Finally done, return the result.
# Go through all new targets and resolve inheritance and template
# references.
foreach (keys %targets) {
# We're ignoring the returned values here, they are only valuable
# to the inner recursion of this function.
my ($vol, $dir, $dummy) = File::Spec->splitpath($0);
my $pattern = File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, "Configurations/*.conf");
@ -1363,8 +1041,9 @@ if ($d) {
$target = $t;
my %target = resolve_config($target);
&usage if (!defined($table{$target}) || $table{$target}->{template});
&usage if (!%target || $target{template});
if ($fips)
@ -1462,49 +1141,49 @@ $openssldir=$prefix . "/" . $openssldir if $openssldir !~ /(^\/|^[a-zA-Z]:[\\\/]
print "IsMK1MF=$IsMK1MF\n";
# Allow environment CC to override compiler...
my $cc = $ENV{CC} || $table{$target}->{cc};
my $cc = $ENV{CC} || $target{cc};
# For cflags and lflags, add the debug_ or release_ attributes
# Do it in such a way that no spurious space is appended (hence the grep).
my $cflags = join(" ",
grep { $_ } ($table{$target}->{cflags},
grep { $_ } ($target{cflags},
my $lflags = join(" ",
grep { $_ } ($table{$target}->{lflags},
grep { $_ } ($target{lflags},
my $unistd = $table{$target}->{unistd};
my $thread_cflag = $table{$target}->{thread_cflag};
my $sys_id = $table{$target}->{sys_id};
my $bn_ops = $table{$target}->{bn_ops};
my $cpuid_obj = $table{$target}->{cpuid_obj};
my $bn_obj = $table{$target}->{bn_obj};
my $ec_obj = $table{$target}->{ec_obj};
my $des_obj = $table{$target}->{des_obj};
my $aes_obj = $table{$target}->{aes_obj};
my $bf_obj = $table{$target}->{bf_obj};
my $md5_obj = $table{$target}->{md5_obj};
my $sha1_obj = $table{$target}->{sha1_obj};
my $cast_obj = $table{$target}->{cast_obj};
my $rc4_obj = $table{$target}->{rc4_obj};
my $rmd160_obj = $table{$target}->{rmd160_obj};
my $rc5_obj = $table{$target}->{rc5_obj};
my $wp_obj = $table{$target}->{wp_obj};
my $cmll_obj = $table{$target}->{cmll_obj};
my $modes_obj = $table{$target}->{modes_obj};
my $engines_obj = $table{$target}->{engines_obj};
my $chacha_obj = $table{$target}->{chacha_obj};
my $poly1305_obj = $table{$target}->{poly1305_obj};
my $perlasm_scheme = $table{$target}->{perlasm_scheme};
my $dso_scheme = $table{$target}->{dso_scheme};
my $shared_target = $table{$target}->{shared_target};
my $shared_cflag = $table{$target}->{shared_cflag};
my $shared_ldflag = $table{$target}->{shared_ldflag};
my $shared_extension = $table{$target}->{shared_extension};
my $ranlib = $ENV{'RANLIB'} || $table{$target}->{ranlib};
my $unistd = $target{unistd};
my $thread_cflag = $target{thread_cflag};
my $sys_id = $target{sys_id};
my $bn_ops = $target{bn_ops};
my $cpuid_obj = $target{cpuid_obj};
my $bn_obj = $target{bn_obj};
my $ec_obj = $target{ec_obj};
my $des_obj = $target{des_obj};
my $aes_obj = $target{aes_obj};
my $bf_obj = $target{bf_obj};
my $md5_obj = $target{md5_obj};
my $sha1_obj = $target{sha1_obj};
my $cast_obj = $target{cast_obj};
my $rc4_obj = $target{rc4_obj};
my $rmd160_obj = $target{rmd160_obj};
my $rc5_obj = $target{rc5_obj};
my $wp_obj = $target{wp_obj};
my $cmll_obj = $target{cmll_obj};
my $modes_obj = $target{modes_obj};
my $engines_obj = $target{engines_obj};
my $chacha_obj = $target{chacha_obj};
my $poly1305_obj = $target{poly1305_obj};
my $perlasm_scheme = $target{perlasm_scheme};
my $dso_scheme = $target{dso_scheme};
my $shared_target = $target{shared_target};
my $shared_cflag = $target{shared_cflag};
my $shared_ldflag = $target{shared_ldflag};
my $shared_extension = $target{shared_extension};
my $ranlib = $ENV{'RANLIB'} || $target{ranlib};
my $ar = $ENV{'AR'} || "ar";
my $arflags = $table{$target}->{arflags};
my $multilib = $table{$target}->{multilib};
my $arflags = $target{arflags};
my $multilib = $target{multilib};
# if $prefix/lib$multilib is not an existing directory, then
# assume that it's not searched by linker automatically, in
@ -2387,6 +2066,152 @@ EOF
# Helpers and utility functions
# Configuration file reading #########################################
# Helper function to implement conditional inheritance depending on the
# value of $no_asm. Used in inherit_from values as follows:
# inherit_from => [ "template", asm("asm_tmpl") ]
sub asm {
my @x = @_;
sub {
$no_asm ? () : @x;
# configuration reader, evaluates the input file as a perl script and expects
# it to fill %targets with target configurations. Those are then added to
# %table.
sub read_config {
my $fname = shift;
open(CONFFILE, "< $fname")
or die "Can't open configuration file '$fname'!\n";
my $x = $/;
undef $/;
my $content = <CONFFILE>;
$/ = $x;
my %targets = ();
local %table = %::table; # Protect %table from tampering
eval $content;
warn $@ if $@;
# For each target, check that it's configured with a hash table.
foreach (keys %targets) {
if (ref($targets{$_}) ne "HASH") {
if (ref($targets{$_}) eq "") {
warn "Deprecated target configuration for $_, ignoring...\n";
} else {
warn "Misconfigured target configuration for $_ (should be a hash table), ignoring...\n";
delete $targets{$_};
%table = (%table, %targets);
# configuration resolver. Will only resolve all the lazy evalutation
# codeblocks for the chozen target and all those it inherits from,
# recursively
sub resolve_config {
my $target = shift;
my @breadcrumbs = @_;
if (grep { $_ eq $target } @breadcrumbs) {
die "inherit_from loop! target backtrace:\n "
,$target,"\n ",join("\n ", @breadcrumbs),"\n";
if (!defined($table{$target})) {
warn "Warning! target $target doesn't exist!\n";
return ();
# Recurse through all inheritances. They will be resolved on the
# fly, so when this operation is done, they will all just be a
# bunch of attributes with string values.
# What we get here, though, are keys with references to lists of
# the combined values of them all. We will deal with lists after
# this stage is done.
my %combined_inheritance = ();
if ($table{$target}->{inherit_from}) {
my @inherit_from =
map { ref($_) eq "CODE" ? $_->() : $_ } @{$table{$target}->{inherit_from}};
foreach (@inherit_from) {
my %inherited_config = resolve_config($_, $target, @breadcrumbs);
# 'template' is a marker that's considered private to
# the config that had it.
delete $inherited_config{template};
map {
if (!$combined_inheritance{$_}) {
$combined_inheritance{$_} = [];
push @{$combined_inheritance{$_}}, $inherited_config{$_};
} keys %inherited_config;
# We won't need inherit_from in this target any more, since we've
# resolved all the inheritances that lead to this
delete $table{$target}->{inherit_from};
# Now is the time to deal with those lists. Here's the place to
# decide what shall be done with those lists, all based on the
# values of the target we're currently dealing with.
# - If a value is a coderef, it will be executed with the list of
# inherited values as arguments.
# - If the corresponding key doesn't have a value at all or is the
# emoty string, the inherited value list will be run through the
# default combiner (below), and the result becomes this target's
# value.
# - Otherwise, this target's value is assumed to be a string that
# will simply override the inherited list of values.
my $default_combiner = sub { join(' ',@_) };
my %all_keys =
map { $_ => 1 } (keys %combined_inheritance,
keys %{$table{$target}});
foreach (sort keys %all_keys) {
# Current target doesn't have a value for the current key?
# Assign it the default combiner, the rest of this loop body
# will handle it just like any other coderef.
if (!exists $table{$target}->{$_}) {
$table{$target}->{$_} = $default_combiner;
my $valuetype = ref($table{$target}->{$_});
if ($valuetype eq "CODE") {
# CODE reference, execute it with the inherited values as
# arguments.
$table{$target}->{$_} =
} elsif ($valuetype eq "") {
# Scalar, just leave it as is.
} else {
# Some other type of reference that we don't handle.
# Better to abort at this point.
die "cannot handle reference type $valuetype,"
," found in target $target -> $_\n";
# Finally done, return the result.
return %{$table{$target}};
sub usage
print STDERR $usage;
@ -2396,6 +2221,7 @@ sub usage
my $k=0;
foreach $i (sort keys %table)
next if $table{$i}->{template};
next if $i =~ /^debug/;
$k += length($i) + 1;
if ($k > 78)
@ -2407,6 +2233,7 @@ sub usage
foreach $i (sort keys %table)
next if $table{$i}->{template};
next if $i !~ /^debug/;
$k += length($i) + 1;
if ($k > 78)
@ -2456,53 +2283,54 @@ sub dofile
sub print_table_entry
my $target = shift;
my %target = resolve_config($target);
my $type = shift;
# Don't print the templates
return if $table{$target}->{template};
return if $target{template};
if ($type eq "TABLE") {
print <<"EOF"
*** $target
\$cc = $table{$target}->{cc}
\$cflags = $table{$target}->{cflags}
\$debug_cflags = $table{$target}->{debug_cflags}
\$release_cflags = $table{$target}->{release_cflags}
\$unistd = $table{$target}->{unistd}
\$thread_cflag = $table{$target}->{thread_cflag}
\$sys_id = $table{$target}->{sys_id}
\$lflags = $table{$target}->{lflags}
\$debug_lflags = $table{$target}->{debug_lflags}
\$release_lflags = $table{$target}->{release_lflags}
\$bn_ops = $table{$target}->{bn_ops}
\$cpuid_obj = $table{$target}->{cpuid_obj}
\$bn_obj = $table{$target}->{bn_obj}
\$ec_obj = $table{$target}->{ec_obj}
\$des_obj = $table{$target}->{des_obj}
\$aes_obj = $table{$target}->{aes_obj}
\$bf_obj = $table{$target}->{bf_obj}
\$md5_obj = $table{$target}->{md5_obj}
\$sha1_obj = $table{$target}->{sha1_obj}
\$cast_obj = $table{$target}->{cast_obj}
\$rc4_obj = $table{$target}->{rc4_obj}
\$rmd160_obj = $table{$target}->{rmd160_obj}
\$rc5_obj = $table{$target}->{rc5_obj}
\$wp_obj = $table{$target}->{wp_obj}
\$cmll_obj = $table{$target}->{cmll_obj}
\$modes_obj = $table{$target}->{modes_obj}
\$engines_obj = $table{$target}->{engines_obj}
\$chacha_obj = $table{$target}->{chacha_obj}
\$poly1305_obj = $table{$target}->{poly1305_obj}
\$perlasm_scheme = $table{$target}->{perlasm_scheme}
\$dso_scheme = $table{$target}->{dso_scheme}
\$shared_target= $table{$target}->{shared_target}
\$shared_cflag = $table{$target}->{shared_cflag}
\$shared_ldflag = $table{$target}->{shared_ldflag}
\$shared_extension = $table{$target}->{shared_extension}
\$ranlib = $table{$target}->{ranlib}
\$arflags = $table{$target}->{arflags}
\$multilib = $table{$target}->{multilib}
\$cc = $target{cc}
\$cflags = $target{cflags}
\$debug_cflags = $target{debug_cflags}
\$release_cflags = $target{release_cflags}
\$unistd = $target{unistd}
\$thread_cflag = $target{thread_cflag}
\$sys_id = $target{sys_id}
\$lflags = $target{lflags}
\$debug_lflags = $target{debug_lflags}
\$release_lflags = $target{release_lflags}
\$bn_ops = $target{bn_ops}
\$cpuid_obj = $target{cpuid_obj}
\$bn_obj = $target{bn_obj}
\$ec_obj = $target{ec_obj}
\$des_obj = $target{des_obj}
\$aes_obj = $target{aes_obj}
\$bf_obj = $target{bf_obj}
\$md5_obj = $target{md5_obj}
\$sha1_obj = $target{sha1_obj}
\$cast_obj = $target{cast_obj}
\$rc4_obj = $target{rc4_obj}
\$rmd160_obj = $target{rmd160_obj}
\$rc5_obj = $target{rc5_obj}
\$wp_obj = $target{wp_obj}
\$cmll_obj = $target{cmll_obj}
\$modes_obj = $target{modes_obj}
\$engines_obj = $target{engines_obj}
\$chacha_obj = $target{chacha_obj}
\$poly1305_obj = $target{poly1305_obj}
\$perlasm_scheme = $target{perlasm_scheme}
\$dso_scheme = $target{dso_scheme}
\$shared_target= $target{shared_target}
\$shared_cflag = $target{shared_cflag}
\$shared_ldflag = $target{shared_ldflag}
\$shared_extension = $target{shared_extension}
\$ranlib = $target{ranlib}
\$arflags = $target{arflags}
\$multilib = $target{multilib}
} elsif ($type eq "HASH") {
my @sequence = (
@ -2549,8 +2377,8 @@ EOF
length((sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } @sequence)[-1]);
print " '$target' => {\n";
foreach (@sequence) {
if ($table{$target}->{$_}) {
print " '",$_,"'"," " x ($largest - length($_))," => '",$table{$target}->{$_},"',\n";
if ($target{$_}) {
print " '",$_,"'"," " x ($largest - length($_))," => '",$target{$_},"',\n";
print " },\n";
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