Check that the ecparam and pkeyparam do not mangle the parameters

Just comparison of the original parameter file with the -out output.

Some test files have non-canonical encoding, so they are moved
to a different directory.

Reviewed-by: Matt Caswell <>
(Merged from
This commit is contained in:
Tomas Mraz 2021-01-22 15:52:07 +01:00
parent 82a4620091
commit 7b0f64b121
31 changed files with 79 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -11,46 +11,100 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Spec;
use File::Compare qw/compare_text/;
use OpenSSL::Glob;
use OpenSSL::Test qw/:DEFAULT data_file/;
use OpenSSL::Test::Utils;
plan skip_all => "EC isn't supported in this build"
plan skip_all => "EC or EC2M isn't supported in this build"
if disabled("ec") || disabled("ec2m");
my @valid = glob(data_file("valid", "*.pem"));
my @noncanon = glob(data_file("noncanon", "*.pem"));
my @invalid = glob(data_file("invalid", "*.pem"));
my $num_tests = scalar @valid + scalar @invalid;
plan tests => 3 * $num_tests;
plan tests => 11;
skip "Skipping EC tests", 2 * $num_tests
if disabled('deprecated-3.0');
sub checkload {
my $files = shift; # List of files
my $valid = shift; # Check should pass or fail?
my $app = shift; # Which application
my $opt = shift; # Additional option
foreach (@valid) {
ok(run(app([qw{openssl ecparam -noout -check -in}, $_])));
foreach (@valid) {
ok(run(app([qw{openssl ecparam -noout -check_named -in}, $_])));
foreach (@invalid) {
ok(!run(app([qw{openssl ecparam -noout -check -in}, $_])));
foreach (@invalid) {
ok(!run(app([qw{openssl ecparam -noout -check_named -in}, $_])));
foreach (@$files) {
if ($valid) {
ok(run(app(['openssl', $app, '-noout', $opt, '-in', $_])));
} else {
ok(!run(app(['openssl', $app, '-noout', $opt, '-in', $_])));
foreach (@valid) {
ok(run(app([qw{openssl pkeyparam -noout -check -in}, $_])));
sub checkcompare {
my $files = shift; # List of files
my $app = shift; # Which application
foreach (@$files) {
my $testout = "$app.tst";
ok(run(app(['openssl', $app, '-out', $testout, '-in', $_])));
ok(!compare_text($_, $testout), "Original file $_ is the same as new one");
foreach (@invalid) {
ok(!run(app([qw{openssl pkeyparam -noout -check -in}, $_])));
subtest "Check loading valid parameters by ecparam with -check" => sub {
plan tests => scalar(@valid);
checkload(\@valid, 1, "ecparam", "-check");
subtest "Check loading valid parameters by ecparam with -check_named" => sub {
plan tests => scalar(@valid);
checkload(\@valid, 1, "ecparam", "-check_named");
subtest "Check loading valid parameters by pkeyparam with -check" => sub {
plan tests => scalar(@valid);
checkload(\@valid, 1, "pkeyparam", "-check");
subtest "Check loading non-canonically encoded parameters by ecparam with -check" => sub {
plan tests => scalar(@noncanon);
checkload(\@noncanon, 1, "ecparam", "-check");
subtest "Check loading non-canonically encoded parameters by ecparam with -check_named" => sub {
plan tests => scalar(@noncanon);
checkload(\@noncanon, 1, "ecparam", "-check_named");
subtest "Check loading non-canonically encoded parameters by pkeyparam with -check" => sub {
plan tests => scalar(@noncanon);
checkload(\@noncanon, 1, "pkeyparam", "-check");
subtest "Check loading invalid parameters by ecparam with -check" => sub {
plan tests => scalar(@invalid);
checkload(\@invalid, 0, "ecparam", "-check");
subtest "Check loading invalid parameters by ecparam with -check_named" => sub {
plan tests => scalar(@invalid);
checkload(\@invalid, 0, "ecparam", "-check_named");
subtest "Check loading invalid parameters by pkeyparam with -check" => sub {
plan tests => scalar(@invalid);
checkload(\@invalid, 0, "pkeyparam", "-check");
subtest "Check ecparam does not change the parameter file on output" => sub {
plan tests => 2 * scalar(@valid);
checkcompare(\@valid, "ecparam");
subtest "Check pkeyparam does not change the parameter file on output" => sub {
plan tests => 2 * scalar(@valid);
checkcompare(\@valid, "pkeyparam");