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synced 2025-03-19 19:50:42 +08:00
Experimental support for import of more options from Configure
(via top level Makefile) into mk1mf builds. This avoids the need to duplicate the CFLAG handling and can auto build assembly language source files from perl scripts. Extend VC-WIN32 Configure entry to include new options.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,12 @@
Changes between 0.9.8g and 0.9.9 [xx XXX xxxx]
*) Extend mk1mf to support importing of options and assembly language
files from Configure script, currently only included in VC-WIN32.
The assembly language rules can now optionally generate the source
files from the associated perl scripts.
[Steve Henson]
*) Implement remaining functionality needed to support GOST ciphersuites.
Interop testing has been performed using CryptoPro implementations.
[Victor B. Wagner <vitus@cryptocom.ru>]
@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ my $x86_coff_asm="x86cpuid-cof.o:bn86-cof.o co86-cof.o mo86-cof.o:dx86-cof.o yx8
my $x86_out_asm="x86cpuid-out.o:bn86-out.o co86-out.o mo86-out.o:dx86-out.o yx86-out.o:ax86-out.o:bx86-out.o:mx86-out.o:sx86-out.o sha256x86-out.o sha512x86-out.o:cx86-out.o:rx86-out.o:rm86-out.o:r586-out.o:wp_block.o w86mmx-out.o:";
my $x86_macosx_asm="x86cpuid-macosx.o:bn86-macosx.o co86-macosx.o mo86-macosx.o:dx86-macosx.o yx86-macosx.o:ax86-macosx.o:bx86-macosx.o:mx86-macosx.o:sx86-macosx.o sha256x86-macosx.o sha512x86-macosx.o:cx86-macosx.o:rx86-macosx.o:rm86-macosx.o:r586-macosx.o:wp_block.o w86mmx-macosx.o:";
my $x86_win32_asm="x86cpuid.o:bn-586.o co-586.o x86-mont.o:des-586.o crypt586.o:aes-586.o:bf-586.o:md5-586.o:sha1-586.o sha256-586.o sha512-586.o:cast-586.o:rc4-586.o:rmd-586.o:rc5-586.o:wp-mmx.o:";
my $x86_64_asm="x86_64cpuid.o:x86_64-gcc.o x86_64-mont.o::aes-x86_64.o::md5-x86_64.o:sha1-x86_64.o sha256-x86_64.o sha512-x86_64.o::rc4-x86_64.o:::wp-x86_64.o:";
my $ia64_asm="ia64cpuid.o:bn-ia64.o::aes_core.o aes_cbc.o aes-ia64.o::md5-ia64.o:sha1-ia64.o sha256-ia64.o sha512-ia64.o::rc4-ia64.o rc4_skey.o::::";
my $sparcv9_asm="sparcv9cap.o sparccpuid.o:bn-sparcv9.o sparcv9-mont.o sparcv9a-mont.o:des_enc-sparc.o fcrypt_b.o:aes_core.o aes_cbc.o aes-sparcv9.o:::sha1-sparcv9.o sha256-sparcv9.o sha512-sparcv9.o::::::";
@ -480,7 +482,7 @@ my %table=(
# Visual C targets
"VC-NT","cl::::WINNT::BN_LLONG RC4_INDEX EXPORT_VAR_AS_FN ${x86_gcc_opts}:${no_asm}:win32",
"VC-CE","cl::::WINCE::BN_LLONG RC4_INDEX EXPORT_VAR_AS_FN ${x86_gcc_opts}:${no_asm}:win32",
"VC-WIN32","cl::::WIN32::BN_LLONG RC4_INDEX EXPORT_VAR_AS_FN ${x86_gcc_opts}:${no_asm}:win32",
# Borland C++ 4.5
"BC-32","bcc32::::WIN32::BN_LLONG DES_PTR RC4_INDEX EXPORT_VAR_AS_FN:${no_asm}:win32",
@ -1256,7 +1258,7 @@ $cpuid_obj="" if ($processor eq "386");
$bn_obj = $bn_asm unless $bn_obj ne "";
# bn86* is the only one implementing bn_*_part_words
$cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_PART_WORDS" if ($bn_obj =~ /bn86/);
$cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_PART_WORDS" if ($bn_obj =~ /bn(86|-586)/);
$cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_IA32_SSE2" if (!$no_sse2 && $bn_obj =~ /bn86/);
$cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT" if ($bn_obj =~ /\-mont|mo86\-/);
@ -1,82 +1,4 @@
@echo off
echo Generating x86 for NASM assember
echo Bignum
cd crypto\bn\asm
perl bn-586.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > bn_win32.asm
perl co-586.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > co_win32.asm
perl x86-mont.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > mo_win32.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo AES
cd crypto\aes\asm
perl aes-586.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > a_win32.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo DES
cd crypto\des\asm
perl des-586.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > d_win32.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo "crypt(3)"
cd crypto\des\asm
perl crypt586.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > y_win32.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo Blowfish
cd crypto\bf\asm
perl bf-586.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > b_win32.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo CAST5
cd crypto\cast\asm
perl cast-586.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > c_win32.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo RC4
cd crypto\rc4\asm
perl rc4-586.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > r4_win32.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo MD5
cd crypto\md5\asm
perl md5-586.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > m5_win32.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo SHA1
cd crypto\sha\asm
perl sha1-586.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > s1_win32.asm
perl sha256-586.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > sha256_win32.asm
perl sha512-586.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > sha512_win32.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo RIPEMD160
cd crypto\ripemd\asm
perl rmd-586.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > rm_win32.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo RC5\32
cd crypto\rc5\asm
perl rc5-586.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > r5_win32.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo Whirlpool
cd crypto\whrlpool\asm
perl wp-mmx.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > wp_win32.asm
cd ..\..\..
echo CPU-ID
cd crypto
perl x86cpuid.pl win32n %ASMOPTS% > cpu_win32.asm
cd ..
echo on
perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
perl util\mk1mf.pl nasm VC-WIN32 >ms\nt.mak
perl util\mk1mf.pl dll nasm VC-WIN32 >ms\ntdll.mak
@ -15,14 +15,42 @@ my $no_static_engine = 1;
my $engines = "";
local $zlib_opt = 0; # 0 = no zlib, 1 = static, 2 = dynamic
local $zlib_lib = "";
local $perl_asm = 0; # 1 to autobuild asm files from perl scripts
# Options to import from top level Makefile
my %mf_import = (
VERSION => \$ssl_version,
PLATFORM => \$mf_platform,
CFLAG => \$mf_cflag,
DEPFLAG => \$mf_depflag,
CPUID_OBJ => \$mf_cpuid_asm,
BN_ASM => \$mf_bn_asm,
DES_ENC => \$mf_des_asm,
AES_ENC => \$mf_aes_asm,
BF_ENC => \$mf_bf_asm,
CAST_ENC => \$mf_cast_asm,
RC4_ENC => \$mf_rc4_asm,
RC5_ENC => \$mf_rc5_asm,
MD5_ASM_OBJ => \$mf_md5_asm,
SHA1_ASM_OBJ => \$mf_sha_asm,
RMD160_ASM_OBJ => \$mf_rmd_asm,
WP_ASM_OBJ => \$mf_wp_asm,
CMLL_ENC => \$mf_cm_asm
open(IN,"<Makefile") || die "unable to open Makefile!\n";
while(<IN>) {
$ssl_version=$1 if (/^VERSION=(.*)$/);
$OPTIONS=$1 if (/^OPTIONS=(.*)$/);
$INSTALLTOP=$1 if (/^INSTALLTOP=(.*$)/);
$OPENSSLDIR=$1 if (/^OPENSSLDIR=(.*$)/);
my ($mf_opt, $mf_ref);
while (($mf_opt, $mf_ref) = each %mf_import) {
if (/^$mf_opt\s*=\s*(.*)$/) {
$$mf_ref = $1;
@ -48,6 +76,7 @@ $infile="MINFO";
"netware-libc", "CodeWarrior for NetWare - LibC - with WinSock Sockets",
"netware-libc-bsdsock", "CodeWarrior for NetWare - LibC - with BSD Sockets",
"default","cc under unix",
"auto", "auto detect from top level Makefile"
@ -134,6 +163,12 @@ $bin_dir=(defined($VARS{'BIN'}))?$VARS{'BIN'}:'';
if ($platform eq "auto") {
$platform = $mf_platform;
print STDERR "Imported platform $mf_platform\n";
if (($platform =~ /VC-(.+)/))
@ -947,13 +982,25 @@ sub do_asm_rule
$target =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne "/";
$src =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne "/";
for ($i=0; $i<=$#s; $i++)
$ret.="$t[$i]: $s[$i]\n";
$ret.="\t\$(ASM) $afile$t[$i] \$(SRC_D)$o$s[$i]\n\n";
my $objfile = $t[$i];
my $srcfile = $s[$i];
if ($perl_asm == 1)
my $plasm = $objfile;
$plasm =~ s/${obj}/.pl/;
$ret.="$srcfile: $plasm\n";
$ret.="\t\$(PERL) $plasm $asmtype \$(CFLAG) >$srcfile\n\n";
$ret.="$objfile: $srcfile\n";
$ret.="\t\$(ASM) $afile$objfile \$(SRC_D)$o$srcfile\n\n";
@ -95,9 +95,7 @@ elsif ($FLAVOR =~ /CE/)
else # Win32
$base_cflags=' /W3 /WX /Gs0 /GF /Gy /nologo -DOPENSSL_SYSNAME_WIN32 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DL_ENDIAN -DDSO_WIN32';
$base_cflags.=' -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE'; # shut up VC8
$base_cflags.=' -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE'; # shut up VC8
$base_cflags= " $mf_cflag";
my $f = $shlib?' /MD':' /MT';
$lib_cflag='/Zl' if (!$shlib); # remove /DEFAULTLIBs from static lib
$opt_cflags=$f.' /Ox /O2 /Ob2';
@ -122,6 +120,7 @@ else
# EXE linking stuff
@ -167,11 +166,13 @@ if ($nasm) {
my $vew=`nasmw -v 2>NUL`;
# pick newest version
$asm=($ver gt $vew?"nasm":"nasmw")." -f win32";
$afile='-o ';
} else {
$asm='ml /Cp /coff /c /Cx';
$asm.=" /Zi" if $debug;
@ -183,36 +184,19 @@ $bf_enc_src='';
if (!$no_asm)
$bn_asm_obj='crypto\bn\asm\bn_win32.obj crypto\bn\asm\mo_win32.obj';
$bn_asm_src='crypto\bn\asm\bn_win32.asm crypto\bn\asm\mo_win32.asm';
$des_enc_obj='crypto\des\asm\d_win32.obj crypto\des\asm\y_win32.obj';
$des_enc_src='crypto\des\asm\d_win32.asm crypto\des\asm\y_win32.asm';
$sha1_asm_obj='crypto\sha\asm\s1_win32.obj crypto\sha\asm\sha256_win32.obj crypto\sha\asm\sha512_win32.obj';
$sha1_asm_src='crypto\sha\asm\s1_win32.asm crypto\sha\asm\sha256_win32.asm crypto\sha\asm\sha512_win32.asm';
$cflags.=" -DAES_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DSHA1_ASM -DSHA256_ASM -DSHA512_ASM";
$cflags.=" -DRMD160_ASM -DWHIRLPOOL_ASM";
win32_import_asm($mf_bn_asm, "bn", \$bn_asm_obj, \$bn_asm_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_aes_asm, "aes", \$aes_asm_obj, \$aes_asm_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_des_asm, "des", \$des_enc_obj, \$des_enc_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_bf_asm, "bf", \$bf_enc_obj, \$bf_enc_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_cast_asm, "cast", \$cast_enc_obj, \$cast_enc_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_rc4_asm, "rc4", \$rc4_enc_obj, \$rc4_enc_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_rc5_asm, "rc5", \$rc5_enc_obj, \$rc5_enc_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_md5_asm, "md5", \$md5_asm_obj, \$md5_asm_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_sha_asm, "sha", \$sha1_asm_obj, \$sha1_asm_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_rmd_asm, "ripemd", \$rmd160_asm_obj, \$rmd160_asm_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_wp_asm, "whrlpool", \$whirlpool_asm_obj, \$whirlpool_asm_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_cpuid_asm, "", \$cpuid_asm_obj, \$cpuid_asm_src);
$perl_asm = 1;
if ($shlib && $FLAVOR !~ /CE/)
@ -318,4 +302,31 @@ sub do_link_rule
sub win32_import_asm
my ($mf_var, $asm_name, $oref, $sref) = @_;
my $asm_dir;
if ($asm_name eq "")
$asm_dir = "crypto\\";
$asm_dir = "crypto\\$asm_name\\asm\\";
$$oref = "";
$mf_var =~ s/\.o/.obj/g;
foreach (split(/ /, $mf_var))
$$oref .= $asm_dir . $_ . " ";
$$oref =~ s/ $//;
$$sref = $$oref;
$$sref =~ s/\.obj/.asm/g;
Reference in New Issue
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