Configure: teach the tokenizer to handle other separators than spaces

Reviewed-by: Matt Caswell <>
(Merged from
This commit is contained in:
Richard Levitte 2018-11-07 10:34:05 +01:00
parent 52bcd4afc8
commit 5d3af25934

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@ -3508,39 +3508,50 @@ sub collect_information {
# tokenize($line)
# tokenize($line,$separator)
# $line is a line of text to split up into tokens
# returns a list of tokens
# $separator [optional] is a regular expression that separates the tokens,
# the default being spaces. Do not use quotes of any kind as separators,
# that will give undefined results.
# Returns a list of tokens.
# Tokens are divided by spaces. If the tokens include spaces, they
# have to be quoted with single or double quotes. Double quotes
# inside a double quoted token must be escaped. Escaping is done
# Tokens are divided by separator (spaces by default). If the tokens include
# the separators, they have to be quoted with single or double quotes.
# Double quotes inside a double quoted token must be escaped. Escaping is done
# with backslash.
# Basically, the same quoting rules apply for " and ' as in any
# Unix shell.
sub tokenize {
my $line = my $debug_line = shift;
my $separator = shift // qr|\s+|;
my @result = ();
while ($line =~ s|^\s+||, $line ne "") {
print STDERR "DEBUG[tokenize]: \$separator = $separator\n";
while ($line =~ s|^${separator}||, $line ne "") {
my $token = "";
while ($line ne "" && $line !~ m|^\s|) {
if ($line =~ m/^"((?:[^"\\]+|\\.)*)"/) {
$token .= $1;
$line = $';
} elsif ($line =~ m/^'([^']*)'/) {
$token .= $1;
$line = $';
} elsif ($line =~ m/^(\S+)/) {
$token .= $1;
$line = $';
$line =~ m/^(.*?)(${separator}|"|'|$)/;
$token .= $1;
$line = $2.$';
if ($line =~ m/^"((?:[^"\\]+|\\.)*)"/) {
$token .= $1;
$line = $';
goto again;
} elsif ($line =~ m/^'([^']*)'/) {
$token .= $1;
$line = $';
goto again;
push @result, $token;
print STDERR "DEBUG[tokenize]: Parsed '$debug_line' into:\n";
print STDERR "DEBUG[tokenize]: ('", join("', '", @result), "')\n";
print STDERR "DEBUG[tokenize]: Parsed '$debug_line' into:\n";
print STDERR "DEBUG[tokenize]: ('", join("', '", @result), "')\n";
return @result;