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# VC-32.pl - unified script for Microsoft Visual C++, covering Win32,
# Win64 and WinCE [follow $FLAVOR variable to trace the differences].
$ssl= "ssleay32";
2005-11-07 08:10:36 +08:00
$cp='$(PERL) util/copy.pl';
$mkdir='$(PERL) util/mkdir-p.pl';
$rm='del /Q';
2005-12-05 21:46:46 +08:00
2010-01-20 22:04:44 +08:00
# Santize -L options for ms link
$l_flags =~ s/-L("\[^"]+")/\/libpath:$1/g;
$l_flags =~ s/-L(\S+)/\/libpath:$1/g;
# C compiler stuff
2005-07-05 19:44:45 +08:00
if ($FLAVOR =~ /WIN64/)
# Note that we currently don't have /WX on Win64! There is a lot of
# warnings, but only of two types:
# C4344: conversion from '__int64' to 'int/long', possible loss of data
# C4267: conversion from 'size_t' to 'int/long', possible loss of data
# Amount of latter type is minimized by aliasing strlen to function of
# own desing and limiting its return value to 2GB-1 (see e_os.h). As
# per 0.9.8 release remaining warnings were explicitly examined and
2005-07-05 19:44:45 +08:00
# considered safe to ignore.
$base_cflags= " $mf_cflag";
2007-10-07 22:34:59 +08:00
my $f = $shlib?' /MD':' /MT';
$lib_cflag='/Zl' if (!$shlib); # remove /DEFAULTLIBs from static lib
$opt_cflags=$f.' /Ox';
$dbg_cflags=$f.'d /Od -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG';
2005-07-05 19:44:45 +08:00
$lflags="/nologo /subsystem:console /opt:ref";
*::perlasm_compile_target = sub {
my ($target,$source,$bname)=@_;
my $ret;
$bname =~ s/(.*)\.[^\.]$/$1/;
\$(TMP_D)$o$bname.asm: $source
set ASM=\$(ASM)
\$(PERL) $source \$\@
$target: \$(TMP_D)$o$bname.asm
\$(ASM) $afile\$\@ \$(TMP_D)$o$bname.asm
2005-07-05 19:44:45 +08:00
elsif ($FLAVOR =~ /CE/)
# sanity check
die '%OSVERSION% is not defined' if (!defined($ENV{'OSVERSION'}));
die '%PLATFORM% is not defined' if (!defined($ENV{'PLATFORM'}));
die '%TARGETCPU% is not defined' if (!defined($ENV{'TARGETCPU'}));
2005-08-10 06:19:35 +08:00
# Idea behind this is to mimic flags set by eVC++ IDE...
$wcevers = $ENV{'OSVERSION'}; # WCENNN
die '%OSVERSION% value is insane' if ($wcevers !~ /^WCE([1-9])([0-9]{2})$/);
2005-08-03 06:08:03 +08:00
$wcecdefs = "-D_WIN32_WCE=$1$2 -DUNDER_CE=$1$2"; # -D_WIN32_WCE=NNN
$wcelflag = "/subsystem:windowsce,$1.$2"; # ...,N.NN
2005-08-10 06:19:35 +08:00
$wceplatf = $ENV{'PLATFORM'};
$wceplatf =~ tr/a-z0-9 /A-Z0-9_/d;
$wcecdefs .= " -DWCE_PLATFORM_$wceplatf";
2005-08-10 06:19:35 +08:00
2005-08-03 06:08:03 +08:00
$wcetgt = $ENV{'TARGETCPU'}; # just shorter name...
SWITCH: for($wcetgt) {
2005-08-10 06:19:35 +08:00
/^X86/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -Dx86 -D_X86_ -D_i386_ -Di_386_";
$wcelflag.=" /machine:IX86"; last; };
2005-08-11 16:18:42 +08:00
/^ARMV4[IT]/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -DARM -D_ARM_ -D$wcetgt";
2005-08-10 06:19:35 +08:00
$wcecdefs.=" -DTHUMB -D_THUMB_" if($wcetgt=~/T$/);
$wcecdefs.=" -QRarch4T -QRinterwork-return";
$wcelflag.=" /machine:THUMB"; last; };
/^ARM/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -DARM -D_ARM_ -D$wcetgt";
2005-08-08 06:21:49 +08:00
$wcelflag.=" /machine:ARM"; last; };
2005-08-10 06:19:35 +08:00
/^MIPSIV/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -DMIPS -D_MIPS_ -DR4000 -D$wcetgt";
$wcecdefs.=" -D_MIPS64 -QMmips4 -QMn32";
$wcelflag.=" /machine:MIPSFPU"; last; };
/^MIPS16/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -DMIPS -D_MIPS_ -DR4000 -D$wcetgt";
$wcecdefs.=" -DMIPSII -QMmips16";
$wcelflag.=" /machine:MIPS16"; last; };
/^MIPSII/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -DMIPS -D_MIPS_ -DR4000 -D$wcetgt";
$wcecdefs.=" -QMmips2";
$wcelflag.=" /machine:MIPS"; last; };
/^R4[0-9]{3}/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -DMIPS -D_MIPS_ -DR4000";
2005-08-04 03:56:36 +08:00
$wcelflag.=" /machine:MIPS"; last; };
2005-08-03 06:08:03 +08:00
/^SH[0-9]/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -D$wcetgt -D_$wcetgt_ -DSHx";
2005-08-10 06:19:35 +08:00
$wcecdefs.=" -Qsh4" if ($wcetgt =~ /^SH4/);
2005-08-04 03:56:36 +08:00
$wcelflag.=" /machine:$wcetgt"; last; };
2005-08-03 06:08:03 +08:00
{ $wcecdefs.=" -D$wcetgt -D_$wcetgt_";
2005-08-04 03:56:36 +08:00
$wcelflag.=" /machine:$wcetgt"; last; };
2005-08-03 06:08:03 +08:00
$base_cflags.=" $wcecdefs";
2005-11-10 01:19:38 +08:00
$base_cflags.=' -I$(WCECOMPAT)/include' if (defined($ENV{'WCECOMPAT'}));
$base_cflags.=' -I$(PORTSDK_LIBPATH)/../../include' if (defined($ENV{'PORTSDK_LIBPATH'}));
2005-08-03 06:08:03 +08:00
$opt_cflags=' /MC /O1i'; # optimize for space, but with intrinsics...
$dbg_clfags=' /MC /Od -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG';
$lflags="/nologo /opt:ref $wcelflag";
else # Win32
2005-07-05 19:44:45 +08:00
$base_cflags= " $mf_cflag";
2007-10-07 22:34:59 +08:00
my $f = $shlib?' /MD':' /MT';
$lib_cflag='/Zl' if (!$shlib); # remove /DEFAULTLIBs from static lib
$opt_cflags=$f.' /Ox /O2 /Ob2';
$dbg_cflags=$f.'d /Od -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG';
2005-11-15 16:07:25 +08:00
$lflags="/nologo /subsystem:console /opt:ref";
2005-07-05 19:44:45 +08:00
$out_def ="out32"; $out_def.="dll" if ($shlib);
$out_def.='_$(TARGETCPU)' if ($FLAVOR =~ /CE/);
$tmp_def ="tmp32"; $tmp_def.="dll" if ($shlib);
$tmp_def.='_$(TARGETCPU)' if ($FLAVOR =~ /CE/);
if ($debug)
# generate symbols.pdb unconditionally
$app_cflag.=" /Zi /Fd\$(TMP_D)/app";
$lib_cflag.=" /Zi /Fd\$(TMP_D)/lib";
$lflags.=" /debug";
# EXE linking stuff
if ($no_sock) { $ex_libs=''; }
elsif ($FLAVOR =~ /CE/) { $ex_libs='winsock.lib'; }
else { $ex_libs='ws2_32.lib'; }
if ($FLAVOR =~ /CE/)
$ex_libs.=' $(WCECOMPAT)/lib/wcecompatex.lib' if (defined($ENV{'WCECOMPAT'}));
$ex_libs.=' $(PORTSDK_LIBPATH)/portlib.lib' if (defined($ENV{'PORTSDK_LIBPATH'}));
$ex_libs.=' /nodefaultlib:oldnames.lib coredll.lib corelibc.lib' if ($ENV{'TARGETCPU'} eq "X86");
$ex_libs.=' gdi32.lib advapi32.lib crypt32.lib user32.lib';
$ex_libs.=' bufferoverflowu.lib' if ($FLAVOR =~ /WIN64/ and `cl 2>&1` =~ /14\.00\.4[0-9]{4}\./);
# WIN32 UNICODE build gets linked with unicows.lib for
# backward compatibility with Win9x.
$ex_libs="unicows.lib $ex_libs" if ($FLAVOR =~ /WIN32/ and $cflags =~ /\-DUNICODE/);
# static library stuff
2009-03-09 20:30:10 +08:00
$mklib='lib /nologo';
$app_ex_obj="setargv.obj" if ($FLAVOR !~ /CE/);
if ($FLAVOR =~ /WIN64A/) {
if (`nasm -v 2>NUL` =~ /NASM version ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/ && $1 >= 2.0) {
$asm='nasm -f win64 -DNEAR -Ox -g';
$afile='-o ';
} else {
$asm='ml64 /c /Cp /Cx /Zi';
} elsif ($FLAVOR =~ /WIN64I/) {
$asm='ias -d debug';
$afile="-o ";
} elsif ($nasm) {
my $ver=`nasm -v 2>NUL`;
my $vew=`nasmw -v 2>NUL`;
# pick newest version
$asm=($ver gt $vew?"nasm":"nasmw")." -f win32";
$afile='-o ';
} else {
$asm='ml /nologo /Cp /coff /c /Cx /Zi';
if (!$no_asm)
win32_import_asm($mf_bn_asm, "bn", \$bn_asm_obj, \$bn_asm_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_aes_asm, "aes", \$aes_asm_obj, \$aes_asm_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_des_asm, "des", \$des_enc_obj, \$des_enc_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_bf_asm, "bf", \$bf_enc_obj, \$bf_enc_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_cast_asm, "cast", \$cast_enc_obj, \$cast_enc_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_rc4_asm, "rc4", \$rc4_enc_obj, \$rc4_enc_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_rc5_asm, "rc5", \$rc5_enc_obj, \$rc5_enc_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_md5_asm, "md5", \$md5_asm_obj, \$md5_asm_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_sha_asm, "sha", \$sha1_asm_obj, \$sha1_asm_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_rmd_asm, "ripemd", \$rmd160_asm_obj, \$rmd160_asm_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_wp_asm, "whrlpool", \$whirlpool_asm_obj, \$whirlpool_asm_src);
win32_import_asm($mf_cpuid_asm, "", \$cpuid_asm_obj, \$cpuid_asm_src);
$perl_asm = 1;
if ($shlib && $FLAVOR !~ /CE/)
$mlflags.=" $lflags /dll";
$lib_cflag.=" -D_WINDLL";
2005-05-18 00:50:46 +08:00
# Engage Applink...
$app_ex_obj.=" \$(OBJ_D)\\applink.obj /implib:\$(TMP_D)\\junk.lib";
$cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_USE_APPLINK -I.";
2005-05-18 00:50:46 +08:00
# I'm open for better suggestions than overriding $banner...
@echo Building OpenSSL
$(OBJ_D)\applink.obj: ms\applink.c
$(CC) /Fo$(OBJ_D)\applink.obj $(APP_CFLAGS) -c ms\applink.c
$(OBJ_D)\uplink.obj: ms\uplink.c ms\applink.c
2005-05-18 00:50:46 +08:00
$(CC) /Fo$(OBJ_D)\uplink.obj $(SHLIB_CFLAGS) -c ms\uplink.c
$(INCO_D)\applink.c: ms\applink.c
$(CP) ms\applink.c $(INCO_D)\applink.c
LIBS_DEP=$(LIBS_DEP) $(OBJ_D)\applink.obj
2005-07-05 19:44:45 +08:00
$banner.=<<'___' if ($FLAVOR =~ /WIN64/);
CRYPTOOBJ=ms\uptable.obj $(CRYPTOOBJ)
2005-05-18 00:50:46 +08:00
elsif ($shlib && $FLAVOR =~ /CE/)
$mlflags.=" $lflags /dll";
$lflags.=' /entry:mainCRTstartup' if(defined($ENV{'PORTSDK_LIBPATH'}));
$lib_cflag.=" -D_WINDLL -D_DLL";
sub do_lib_rule
2005-11-07 01:58:26 +08:00
$taget =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
2005-11-07 01:58:26 +08:00
if ($name ne "")
$name =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$name = "/def:ms/${name}.def";
# $target="\$(LIB_D)$o$target";
$ret.="$target: $objs\n";
if (!$shlib)
# $ret.="\t\$(RM) \$(O_$Name)\n";
$ret.="\t\$(MKLIB) $lfile$target @<<\n $objs\n<<\n";
2005-11-07 01:58:26 +08:00
local($ex)=($target =~ /O_CRYPTO/)?'':' $(L_CRYPTO)';
2005-12-05 21:46:46 +08:00
$ex.=" $zlib_lib" if $zlib_opt == 1 && $target =~ /O_CRYPTO/;
$ret.="\t\$(LINK) \$(MLFLAGS) $efile$target $name @<<\n \$(SHLIB_EX_OBJ) $objs $ex \$(EX_LIBS)\n<<\n";
$ret.="\tIF EXIST \$@.manifest mt -nologo -manifest \$@.manifest -outputresource:\$@;2\n\n";
sub do_link_rule
$file =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
$ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
2006-01-15 21:50:10 +08:00
$ret.="\t\$(LINK) \$(LFLAGS) $efile$target @<<\n";
$ret.=" \$(APP_EX_OBJ) $files $libs\n<<\n";
$ret.="\tIF EXIST \$@.manifest mt -nologo -manifest \$@.manifest -outputresource:\$@;1\n\n";
sub win32_import_asm
my ($mf_var, $asm_name, $oref, $sref) = @_;
my $asm_dir;
if ($asm_name eq "")
$asm_dir = "crypto\\";
$asm_dir = "crypto\\$asm_name\\asm\\";
$$oref = "";
$mf_var =~ s/\.o$/.obj/g;
foreach (split(/ /, $mf_var))
$$oref .= $asm_dir . $_ . " ";
$$oref =~ s/ $//;
$$sref = $$oref;
$$sref =~ s/\.obj/.asm/g;